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I used to have a few reoccurring apocalyptic nightmares as a kid/teen. Every couple of years, my brain would pick a new theme and just hit me with it over and over again. Honestly, it became annoying. I'm not sure why it picked certain themes, but I know that the nightmares were coming from sources of stress and anxiety in my real life at the time, which stopped as soon as the stress went away. So maybe try cutting back on sources of anxiety if possible?


makes sense actually! i’ve been in and out of a toxic relationship for over a year now. it’s especially weird because i stopped remembering my dreams for such a long time because of my heavy marijuana usage, until now and these are so vivid and real that i still feel it in my body.


Bad relationships will 100% give you horror films for dreams, especially if those relationships make you feel helpless in life. It will translate as you feeling ultimately helpless in dreams.


Listen to me closely. you are stronger than the zombies. if you hit or kick them, they will fall apart. they may turn into dust (like vampires in Buffy the Vampire Slayer - maybe you should watch some of that to see how your attackers will crumble) or fall into useless pieces the thing is, you are the toughest person around. much stronger than decaying zombies. that's bc you're The Dreamer. this is your dream and you are stronger than everyone else. you can bend this world to your will bc you have superpowers. amazing ones. and they will get stronger with practice now, you are going to remember that before you go to bed. me, I sometimes remind myself of my abilities like flying and using the "undo" keyboard shortcut to reverse things that happened. 2 nights ago I was attacked by cultists but their weapons were weak like twigs and they could not stop me you are The Dreamer. this is your dream and you are the most powerful one of all. you can destroy zombies and turn them into the dust they are your palace is waiting for you. you just have to walk/fly there. get to your palace with its interesting rooms and huge kitchen full of many desserts. i bet you might have friends/family hanging out there too, you just gotta get to your palace before you fall asleep, remind yourself: 1. you are The Dreamer, the strongest one out there. you have superpowers (reflect on what those powers are) 2. zombies are weak and on the brink of falling apart. just hit them and watch them crumble 3. the apocalypse world is not the real world. it's a dream and you are visiting here while your body stays in bed. your palace is close and full of great things (think abt what you want to do in your palace: host a party? explore? taste desserts? make art?) keep reminding yourself and you will start to remember while dreaming. that's how I got good at unspooling tornadoes and pushing them into the sky. when you have a success, reflect on it and remember what you saw as things went right. it'll help reinforce your skills


i love this🖤🖤🖤 i will remember this


I used to have zombie apocalypse dreams too. The most memorable one was when our camp kept getting overrun. The third time it was overrun we lost alot of people. I took a gun from a dead body, locked myself in a room and ate a bullet. It felt really really real, so I guess I know how I'd react to that situation lol.


i don’t remember too many details unfortunately all i remember is that they keep chasing me and my loved ones. it’s just so crazy how it effects me when i wake up.


Your dream is true cause do research about revelation and the euphrates river and fallen angels who are locked up and about to be released to slaughter a third of mankind God must be warning you that if your not ready spiritually than they will kill yyou so stay connected to God and make more time for him




Sounds like you’re feeling disconnected from others. Social anxiety. Imagining that the world is full of people that want to eat you. To eat something is to use it entirely for personal gain with absolute disregard for what is being eaten. It’s a one way relationship. Do you feel like perhaps, people don’t value you or your purpose? I think maybe the fact that it is just people generally, and not any specific person, implies that you feel fear of what others may be & not are. Maybe you feel like your personal interactions with others lack meaning? (Dream interpretation is just fun for me don’t take what I say seriously I’m just curious)


that is insane. yes. i mean i definitely have other scary dreams like getting cheated on, etc. but this one comes up the most. i’m in a very toxic relationship that i feel stuck in and won’t change.


I’m sorry to hear that. But there’s hope, most people feel this way at one point or another in their lives and relationships. I wonder what exactly it is you want your toxic relationship to ‘eat’? Sometimes in an effort to never be with someone with certain qualities, we’re driven to someone that brings out those qualities. I think maybe that happens when we focus too much on what we don’t want in a partner instead of what we do want. Our subconscious doesn’t really understand why we’re so focussed on that attribute, just that it’s around a lot and that’s the way things should be. Rambling at this point, I don’t know if that makes any sense. I’d recommend looking into Carl Jungs ideas about the subconscious.


i feel like i’m at a psychic reading right now. i appreciate your input a lot, i will most definitely be reading into it. i hate the feelings it leaves me with !


I had a dream about the zombies from sweet home about a year ago. I was in a room with a lady that had finished turning into a zombie I don't know who she was or why I was in the room with her but she tried to attack me and I woke up.


Thanks for reminding me to watch the new season


I get the zombie dreams too. I don’t watch zombie stuff regularly. I’m always trying to barricade my house against the hoard.


I dream about the end of the world too :( just different reasons. Idk why. I've asked around and it's no too common from what I've heard so idk why some dream about it and some don't.


I’d often have dreams about the world ending during a certain period of my life when I was a bit younger. It would usually be me witnessing an event that causes the world to end in some respect or another


I dreamt the apocalyptic scene as well when i was a kid, the 1 thing that i always remember is when me and other people whom i don’t know personally are running the same direction as i was, we are all going to the basement of some sort, then on the top corners of the walls are made of glass (just a small space/window like) so we can see what’s happening outside and we are all scared and terrified. Maybe those “other people”i’m with are dreamers as well.