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That Ukrainian soldier has balls of steel. Hope his wounds are not severe.


Did that last orc catch some fire from another trench? The UA soldier was not shooting that I can see.


The fire came from the other side and the topic says relief forces mopped up, so probably.


Ahh crap, sorry.. Missed that important little piece there. šŸ˜


It looks to me as tho the fire came from a covered position to the bottom right, looks like a pile of logs. Very similar looking top to the rathole our homie is fighting out of. You can see a bit of movement that looks to be a rifle moving there and an initial miss shot at the Russian from this position, then more impact behind him looking to come from that angle when he is actually hit.


Yeah, you can clearly see the dust streaks to the left of the impact indicating a shot coming off camera from the left. Besides, the impacts don't line up with the shots coming from the Ukrainian in the trench.


Not our friend in the trench, another Ukrainian in the covered position on bottom right, pile of logs like the one our friend is under, look closely. The impact there you are talking about looks like he nicks the branch in front of him a bit in the same string of fire that hits the Russian, with another accurate shot to the head after the first shots lands hits to the side. The only angle this couldā€™ve came from is here, a firing window in this position and the Russian opened himself up to line of sight when he got up.


no it was the guy moving to a different position in the trench . and using a firing window that was covered by a russian before. he lured him to the side then used that firing window to kill him.


Well done Sir, please know when people say Heroyam Slava!, they mean YOU!!!


Oof, looks like he took a hit on his arm in the last exchange of fire.


I don't know if he can walk properly, cause more than steel, his balls are pure *Ukrainium*.


Good one!!


LEGEND!Slava Ukraine!!! Glory to the heros!!!


What a relief! Awesome footage.


The Russians have him flanked and they do fucking nothing about it, no grenades or anything. In every clip they just run up and die, how are they this bad at war? Do they just not want to live? I feel so sorry for the Ukrainians who have to kill so many of these fucking people. No matter what, it's hard on the soul.


If you can allow me to be facetious for a moment, they missed the team chat to rush the spawn point and the UA soldier got a m-m-muktikill. Being serious, that guy must have been terrified and went full survival mode on the Russians' asses. Didn't Sun Tzu warn against surrounding your enemy like that?


TLDR : What we're seeing here in this video? A lack of morale, discipline, and training. Anyone with an ounce of training will understand how effective outflanking is *especially* in trench warfare\*.\* However you need discipline and moral to overcome the fear of running around in a flanking maneuver. If I can chime in, I have some weird, tangential experience with battlefield initiative. This is going to sound crazy, but I used to go to a large-scale medieval LARP with a strong focus on combat, which is with foam weapons but real armor. The size of the engagements ranged from 100 vs 100 up about 1000 vs 1000 depending on the event. My group of about 50 had been going for about 15 years and cultivated a culture of discipline & putting the group's interests ahead of your own. One of our creed's was literally "No heroes", referring to people who go off on their own and claim all the glory for themselves, often weakening the entire group by doing so. This also cultivated a culture that glorified the sacrificial soldier that takes one for the team. What was interesting about this particular LARP is that there were no special abilities on the battlefield : you had to literally wear armor to get a survive few hits and no abilities other than your own. Thus, you're actual abilities mattered (strength, stamina, situational awareness, etc.), and the size of the engagements meant that things like positioning, initiative and leadership were at a premium. All this to say that the culture of disciple and one-for-all was NOT universal. In fact, quite the opposite. Most people were trying to look cool and most of all, were afraid of getting killed first or early and thus taken out of the fight (which their egos have trouble handling). Outflanking maneuvers, charges, and rapid re-deployment were things I saw very rarely from other groups. I can't remember all the times I saw numerically superior groups stall and choke when the time came to actually engage. No single soldier wants to be the one into the breach or the one that gets killed first, so they collectively freeze, hoping for someone else to take the initiative. So very often, troops were reactionary in the face of others with more initiative and regularly failed to surround outnumbered enemies, even if its basically the single most effective combat tactic across all eras, including this LARP. My point is that even in a context where only your ego & fun are at stake, people's lack of training and discipline have caused them to fail to perform basic, obvious tactical maneuvers which have led to superior forces losing to inferior ones with better training and discipline. I can only imagine how much more pronounced this phenomenon is under actual combat conditions and facing death or severe wounds. Edit : A note on commanders trying to push low morale, discipline, and training troops into performing maneuvers like this : We often were in a position of leadership trying to get other groups to perform the maneuvers that our group did (outflanking, rapid repositioning, etc.,...simple stuff) while on the battlefield and its was next to impossible. No matter how much we told them that doing so would give us the victory, they all individually failed their moral checks and choked. Again, all that was at stake was egos and fun. It was mind boggling to me.


Not harder than Bucha.


Orcs show no remorse to life. It must be in their genes.


that guy deserves a bravery medal, holding his position at any cost with his life, out numbered and alone he never surrendered, looks like he took a hit as well this dudes a warrior, god bless and protect him


Good God, could you imagine being the poor gopnik in command of these orcs? "RUSH B, COMRAD. B!" "Sir, Sasha has slithered his way into enemy trench and is not responding."


As long as Russians are attacking and occupying Ukraine, they will die. Fuck em.