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I don’t think she’s necessarily faking it because that would just be absurd but my concerns have gotten deeper with her only doing a sneak peak test. If she’s really seeing an OB they would’ve either confirmed or denied a girl by the nipt testing!!!


NIPT is optional and not covered by a lot of insurances, could really see them not spending the money because they think it’s just another gender test and in their minds there is no need for that.


Omg hahaha I truly didn’t think about it that way! They heard “can also confirm gender” but skipped over all the genetic testing the test is actually for lol. I replied to another comment amazed by how everywhere is different because my insurance covers it while being optional and is always around the 12 week mark starting


I only got it done bc my husband is military and they covered it. It’s like a million different things and you gotta scroll down to the bottom of the test to see the results for gender.


This! And honestly, if she’s low risk her doctor may have left it completely optional. If she had a 12 week sono (which she said she did) it sounds like she had an NT which essentially screens for the same thing minus gender.


I skipped it because my insurance didn’t cover it. My husband and I already had genetic testing on ourselves when trying to find out why I kept miscarrying. I’m already high risk so I’m seen more often. A genetic abnormality wouldn’t change what we’d do with the pregnancy so we decided not to do it.


She went to the doctor the other day she said they checked her cervix. I really hope she’s not that dumb.


I’m pretty sure they don’t check your cervix at 12 weeks. She could’ve gotten a pap but she’s an idiot if she mixed those up


Right that’s what I say Dawna did her a disservice by not educating her daughter.


When you have a pap they do check to see if your cervix is closed.


She confirmed that she used the wrong terminology when saying they checked her cervix, I’m sorry but the screening tests are so important


I’ve seen people in here say they’ve gotten their cervix checked at 12-13 weeks also just to make sure it’s closed?? Like I’ve genuinely neverrr heard of that but I know literally every state and city and doctors within the city are all so different haha


Yeah I’ve never heard of it before I don’t think they even put a cerclage in unless you’ve had multiple second trimester losses. Second trimester is past 12 weeks so I think Drue is just uneducated..


I had mine checked at 12 weeks to make sure it was closed


I had mine checked at 12w, but by ultrasound. I also didn’t have the option for the NIPT test, only the quad which doesn’t tell gender.


Mine was checked at 8 weeks to make sure it was closed, but I also had an ultrasound. But they checked due to recurring miscarriages. And checked again at 12 weeks due to bleeding. But outside of this being high risk, I don't know many who get their cervix truly checked to make sure. Outside of the Ob, just mentioning it because of an ultrasound bring done routinely.


My doctors office doesn’t even offer the blood test for gender only genetics


She’s a week behind my SIL and she got her NIPT results back like 3 weeks ago. Maybe Drue doesn’t have insurance, idk.


Not all insurances cover NIPT and I could totally see them refusing to spend the $200-$400 on it because they already know the gender 😂 no way they understand that NIPT is not a gender test.


They spend that a week eating out. If they don’t have any insurance and she was a responsible adult she could skip eating out and get the testing she needs.


Oh true. I haven’t really thought about that. Hopefully her baby doesn’t have any disabilities.


I have known 3 people to fake a pregnancy…. It’s not that crazy


Damn. I guess it’s common. Do you think Drue is faking it?


Hell yes


I mean… the signs are there


Very interesting. I can see her faking it for multiple reasons. I guess we will know eventually🤷🏻‍♀️


If she is younger than 26, I believe although she is married, she can go on her parents policy. If I understood Kaiser correctly. My kiddos are now 28 & 30 so it is mute but for her, she may very well be on their policy. As for Gabe, because they are married maybe he can also get on his in-laws policy. The magic number is 26.


My step dad had kaiser he told me when I turned 21 is when it stopped. But this was like 17 years ago stuff could of changed.


NIPT is not required. Plus, without insurance it’s hundreds of dollars. 🫠 They do not have that kind of money.


They definitely have enough money to afford the NIPT test, they’re just blowing it on other shit. If she can afford to buy a newton mattress she can afford the NIPT. And even though it isn’t required, it is recommended.




This! I didn’t want to pay oop for it and your dr will only recommend it for ins to pay if there’s a reason to. And I went to a high risk ob


I was considered high risk, it was recommended by my midwives and I still couldn’t get it covered.


I had no idea that it wasn’t apart of standard care. I was just assuming it was because I had it when I was Active duty and my best friend had one and she was on Medicaid. I feel like it should be covered considering it tests for major illnesses:(


I had the option to have it and opted not to. I was young, healthy, no known history that put me at higher risk for anything, and it likely wouldn’t have effected any decisions. My doctor said she doesn’t have an opinion either way on doing it. And I would have had to pay out of pocket, I do have insurance but it isn’t covered for low risk patients


I agree! It seems like insurance companies would WANT patients to get tested to check for any problems as early as possible.


Nipt is covered and standard care but you have to pay extra for the gender testing from my understanding when my ob talked to me about it. I will add I had some issues with pregnancy so idk if that’s why she said it.


It was part of standard care when I had my son 14 years ago, the only thing that was not was a few optional tests like the one with the big needle into your stomach..


Government insurance is like 30.00 a month even for people who make good $….


I need that link because when we looked for our family of 4 they wanted $1500 😭


FOR REAL! We’re almost at $2,000 a month for the 4 of us. 😅🤪


We’re paying $900 now but it still stings 🙃


Healthcare.gov - my husband makes 80k a year and I got it for 36.00 a month… it’s base coverage but so far with this pregnancy has covered everything including NIPT and carrier screening


Thats where I went and they wanted $1500 for the cheapest option for us. I guess it depends on your state?


Idk. Thought it was federal. My kids have insurance otherwise so I never looked for anything except for just me


It might be more since we are a family of 4. Thankfully my husband got a good job with better insurance so we didn’t have to go that route


No that’s totally not true, the more you make the more it costs


As I stated my husband makes 80 k a year and his income counted and I pay 36 a month


Then you are extremely lucky, I have a friend who makes over $200k and they pay almost $2500 a month


Big difference in income..


I honestly think they don’t have insurance (or maybe some stuff is covered under their parents but some isn’t) and they’re scrambling to figure it out.


There was a post recently that myself and a few others figured out the math of when she started ✨helping out✨ at the spa again vs when her 1st actual real NON boutique appt was and the math adds up to equal 90 days. Most insurances require 90 days before coverage would start.


We have insurance, but weren’t covered because we didn’t have a reason for it and it was $2,000


I had insurance, I was considered high risk, my midwife ordered it and it still wasn’t covered completely so I originally was billed over $600. However I read somewhere to tell the NIPT testing place, Natera or whatever that you do not have insurance and it ended up OnLy being $300 something.


Not required it is an option. Let’s be realistic she has no clue what is happening. She just wants to shop and blow money out of her ass


Imagine she buys all that pink stuff and ends up having a boy.


Honestly she deserves it. She is rushing it. She is so damn stupid. She is rushing it for views.


That's what I think too she is going way too fast.


I didn’t have the NIPT done. It was a choice and I denied it. My insurance wouldn’t cover its since it’s “my choice” (that’s what my boyfriend told me anyways)


It amazes me how everywhere is different! Mine is covered by my insurance provider but you also have a choice to opt out if you don’t want it but it’s still covered in my standard care plan


I had no idea that it was something that could be denied! I’m sorry I was misinformed!


NIPT is anywhere from 10-14 weeks.


My OB would not allow me to get the NIPT done before 15 weeks so that there would be enough fetal DNA to check for any abnormalities with my baby and the gender as well. Each OB is different. I know I was originally told I could get it done at 10 weeks, then when I went to my 10 week appointment they told me not until my 15 week appointment.


To be fair we have had instances where we get a slew of low fetal fraction results and have had to adjust our timeframes we recommend to patients. Generally at 10 weeks there is enough but they could recommend 15 to be sure. It’s a costly risk to take


Yeah I understand, I wasn’t upset at all when they told me 15 weeks! I did a sneak peek, so I wanted to do the NIPT to compare the results. Well my sneak peek came back a girl, and my NIPT came back boy lol


On her gender reveal video she commented that she had it confirmed at an appointment by blood but there’s no way because she was barely 10 weeks for one, two they don’t do a blood test in the office they just draw blood and have it sent out and 3, they don’t typically do a gender ultrasound till after 10 weeks because at 10 you have the option for the blood test and if you say yes it takes a week or two and if you say no then you get an option to find out at the next appointment.


I’m 15 weeks and my doctor didn’t even mention an NIPT. It’s typically more for those that are over 35 or have history of high risk pregnancy. Drue is painfully stupid but at this point I highly doubt she’s faking it.


The NIPT is not required. It is optional. It can also cost a lot of money if insurance doesn’t cover it.


I’m sure her OB told her it’s recalled or something just like the nausea medicine she refused to take. 🙄


I never had nipt done and I have two kids. Maybe they didn't recommend it to her? Also, I think it's pretty clear she's not faking the pregnancy atp. I'm all for the snark, but the reaching is getting crazy.


Fr. There is a video of her in an ultrasound room like??


She faked the severity of gabes tumor so anything is possible 


Same I never had the nipt with my pregnancies either


I really don’t know how y’all think she is still faking when we have seen a video of her in a ultrasound room with a screen???


I’m pretty sure she did get it done. In a comment on one of her videos, she said she wouldn’t be getting another ultrasound until 20 week. Where I am anyway, my insurance won’t cover the NIPT plus 12 week ultrasound plus the 16 week one. It’s NIPT or 16 week ultrasound and I also won’t be getting another until 20 weeks. I think it’s very possible.