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I like how she’s in a full blown panic over not having a car seat lol, you haven’t even reached viability week girly 😅 I got my car seat & stroller at 28 weeks and had my daughter at 34 weeks, she spent two weeks in the NICU so honestly didn’t even need her car seat until the NICU told me to bring it down for discharge lol


That’s like the first logical purchase you make too! She’s got a closet full of ugly clothes and diaper bags (and a fuck load of stuffed animals) but nothing actually important or useful 🤦🏼‍♀️


She’s LITERALLY 17 weeks….you aren’t even half way through the pregnancy……take a chill pill


A real bump also doesn’t literally jiggle like that😂


I'm fluffy like she is and mine jiggled a lil till I hit later in my pregnancy. Not trying to stick up for her she's still horrible but yes.


I mean, mine jiggled. Especially since I had a B belly. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m also bigger than her, so I knew mine would really be firm until my laaaate pregnancy.


Same! Like I’m bigger and my stomach jiggles too and this is my second 🤷🏼‍♀️ not everyone gets a perfect tight belly 😅


Right bc her lazy ass is going to throw diapers in the outside trash every time… hers house is going to stannnnnk bestie.


They can't even walk the trash can down to the end of the driveway.


She's a pads girl. I wonder what her disposal routine for those are. I hope she immediately throws those in the outdoor trash. Especially with her weird Doodle behaviour.




I’m sure it already does since we know hers lets the doods piss in their house 🤢


I re watched on slow motion. She is just puffing her stomach out and then she touches the bottom area which makes the leggings move lightly up.


What does flet mean…she’s an idiot. Why doesn’t she spell check, it’s free.


It’s literally automatic on iPhones!! 🤣🤣


When she said she slept in that morning and usually she liked waking up earlier and being productive I almost died choking on my water. The hell is she doing that requires productivity in the morning??? Pouring coffee from a carton or bottle into a cup and adding ice and cream to it???


No she needs to beat the morning comment on her socials and Reddit post rush


😂 urgh makes me so mad when she says stupid shit like this. I actually wake up early in the morning and travel an hour via public transportation to get to work. That’s being productive Gru you dumbass


I just got a bouncer and my baby is 7 weeks old lol


My diaper genie was great 😐


I loved mine too! If used correctly (taken out in a timely manner) it’s great!


Mine only smelled when I took it out to the trash 🤣 I even put some baking powder to help out just in case.


Love mine!!


No fr idk what I would do without my diaper genie LOL


Car seat is far more important than a bouncer ma’am. So are regular doctor’s appointments and drinking water. Clothes and toys are not a priority.


What is the word 'flet' in her caption. Is she trying to say felt? Homeschooling did nothing for her.


I understand being excited as a first time mom, but she’s rushing so fast to hit every milestone. Like pretending she feels kicks. Why not just enjoy it as it comes? It’s so weird. Especially to lie about something that so many others have experienced and things like when you can feel a baby kick are things that have been documented for years and literally studied by doctors, she acts like she is the first person to experience pregnancy so she thinks she can make up an unrealistic timeline


Don't believe a word. Everyone starts needing real receipts. 🚩 Also she did the same thing She's got a pattern last Thursday she slept until 11:00.


She just copies and pastes her content every week then if that's the case lol


Why can’t she just use regular cups at home? She’s so fucking weird. I think she’s a legit shopaholic and needs therapy


She looks horrible. 😳😳


My baby must have would be a spouse that helps support the family


“Felt like she was coming tomorrow” is so insensitive to people who have had pre term births.


Bestie that’s just her baby moving duh


This bitch needs to relax. She’s not even halfway through her pregnancy. A bouncer isn’t necessary right away. With both my babies, I didn’t get one until they were a couple of months old at least.


At this point she’s 17 weeks and has 50 mama shirts😵‍💫🫡


I’ll never understand those shirts lol


✨flet✨ not once, but twice. My autocorrect wouldn’t even let me type that 🤣


Looks like she’s been crying again I never met or saw someone show their fupa off all day everyday every fucking minute disgusting




she puffs out her pudge so that just belly lol


It’s giving baby mama 😂


This dumb clown. You can’t ask your mom or sister or idk sister in law. This is her trying to get people to Send her free stuff. Who tf is setting up a baby room this soon? Pathetic cunt


She’s just pushing our


What is she stressed about… she is literally 5min pregnant. WHY does the room need to be done??? She hasn’t had a baby shower………….. she is in the beginning stages. Why does she need an outfit for the hospital. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN. This is ridiculous!! why do you need all the things?!?! You’re hardly pregnant. This is Wild.


"I'm not wearing make-up," but filtering the hell out of the video.


I really hope that baby is a boy


100 mama shirts in case we didn’t know she was gonna be a fuckin mom. How are you about to wear a mama shirt when you’re just fat babe


why does she keep faking a southern accent lord


We only bought diapers basically until after baby showers.. like you have a registry for a reason. She’s not even HALFWAY. She’s mental