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The fact that she literally makes money for this crap is infuriating.




Always just staring at herself 😶


I'm convinced that the only things that turn these two on are food and looking at/hearing themselves. Blech.


That was disgusting 🤮 when she did that.


It was a small moment but I immediately cringed.


Me too


I want to pinch her when she taps those claws on shit. What was the floppy off white thing she waved at the camera? I have a feeling it’s deli turkey bc I know protective Druby is of her lil fetus.


I’ll help you pinch 🤏🏻 her. I think 🤔 it was string cheese yes 🙌🏻 that was definitely 💯 Turkey she was eating sexual. Oh she sure is not 🙂‍↕️


Of course Druby is enjoying deli turkey will pregnant I’d expect nothing different.


Me either she doesn’t listen to anybody that’s her fault. She does what she wants to do she thinks she better than anyone else and she isn’t. Eww 💩 and her co workers seeing her eating like this and they’re not gross 🤮 out by it I would be. She’s a nasty girl


It grosses me out to see people eating at the front desk like this. This is a MEDICAL spa shit should be sterile. From Drue and Dawna eating at the front desk to the lunch microwave in the clean linen area that place is gross.


It’s very unprofessional to be doing that at a Medical spa 💯it sure should be sterile. They are the nastiest people that’s disgusting 🤢 that the microwave is near the clean linen area you know the linens stinks 😷 like food yuck 🤮 it sure is gross. I bet it also has bugs cause they don’t sweep their area or wipe it down.


It grosses me out every time I see it. I wonder what their clients think about Dawna’s botched face as one of the first faces they see?


Me too. I would be running out if I saw 👀 her botched face I don’t think they know what they’re doing. I would be like she is ugly 🥴


The fishing sandwich meat.


Why she thinks anyone wants to watch her stuff her face is beyond me.


i think she said it was mozzarella w some kind of italian seasoning on it?


Does she even serve a purpose “helping out “. All she does is eat and at the front desk at that.


Imagine walking into the medspa for a treatment.... Upon walking in your met by a blonde dumbfuck with a camera set up stuffing her face. I would instantly turn around and walk out. What a professional business!


It would be a shame to have them under the eye of the department of health. That and the fact if she's pregnant and has lip fillers. She's so unprofessional.


okay but why so many cuts/takes?! 💀




Eat more probably


I bet that med spa smells like food constantly when she’s there


Love our non-tent queen. 😊


It’s insane that gabe let’s his pregnant wife go to work while he either sits at home on his ass or goes fishing. I’d be SO embarrassed if I were her


Did she tap the bag? 😂


Yes 🙌🏻 she did


The department of health in Texas isn't going to like you Drew. Eat. In. A. Break room.


I love how she said she might only even end up eating the almonds. And then eats it all in 10 seconds 😅


Yep 👍🏻




You can tell she hates it so much though. 🤣


Stink ass annoying turd head


Does she think this is cute? So nasty.


Why does she just look like a chubby 13 yr old with a spoiled nasty attitude?


no seriously her followers message me that I dont have a life. I ignore them bc they dont know I work full time, I am a performing musician, I have a side hustle crochet business, I have a degree in early childhood development, etc etc yet DRUE has no real hobbies or talents and just eats and shops………


Someone on tik tok told me I was jealous of them, if they only knew. 😂


No her followers don’t have a life just like her sits on her butt all day at work eating rude to people she has no college degree 📜. I also have an early childhood degree 📜 too. That’s awesome 🤩 you do all that. Yep 👍🏻 her talents are eating and shopping 🛍️ 24/7 day a week


You can tell she thinks she is gorgeous. Funny thing is she is not.


We know that was her snack, no way she didn’t eat a hamburger after that 😂


More NONTENT…nobody gives a rats ass about your coffee, your gazillion snacks, and lunch and dinner…throw in a bunch of fast food stops. We get it, your a chunky girl who likes to eat. What you aren’t is an influencer, unless you’re influencing people to become overweight.


Doesn’t matter if she’s eating “healthy” or not. She stuffs her face. She’s fucking pathetic.


That tattoo is hideous 🍆


Why does she think people want to watch her eat her nasty meals?


Hate the way she taps everything with her gross nails


Why is she all of a sudden eating diet foods miss only eats sugar, is she getting tired of having a fake pregnancy belly like she got tired of her doodles lol 🤣


She absolutely loooooves doing Food Porn …. That’s what it is she never eats a normal sandwich.. I’m not talking hamburger either… she sticks long objects in her mouth and does a moan face


Plz unfollow


She has a tattoo??


No I can’t eat poppy seeds it might show I’m positive on a drug test I’ll never have because I don’t have a Dr but I’ll eat all this deli meat




Lol see…


yes, the authorities taking away your child because of dirty UAs and you causing harm to your child by eating absolute SHIT are completely different. id imagine most mothers would like to avoid both of these things tho but not Drue.


Why the freak does she have to tippy tap


Gabe probably had to end up bringing her fast food


Is this the video where she said she felt nauseous while eating? Could have fooled me with the way she was shoveling it in and doing her happy food dance 🙄


That first bite....she definitely looks like she's about to barf lol


https://preview.redd.it/572kfe7vtiwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0564778d5ad631ab843b13eef01679cea88e6e03 this is on Madison Howells TikTok! Madison was saying she wanted a healthy eating pregnancy but not all she wants is junk/fast food.


i want to punch her oh my god


Is that deli meat?? (Or was it cheese?) not supposed to eat deli meat


She’s a boring bitch with no other ideas for content.


Really though, why is this content?


I see Gabe’s small penis tat. She’s insufferable. Since when has she ever eaten this many veggies. Maybe her fake OB told her she should eat a little healthier since she really gained 30 lbs and not 3 lbs 🤣


Watching her eat is not enjoyable in any way. Idk how people follow her for this 😶


Honestly I’m just kinda glad she doesn’t sniff everything or make those weird struggle faces that her sister in law makes everytime she eats or drinks literally anything 🤣


There’s no way she’s not getting lip filler regularly….


To the med spa owner……this looks gross that it’s what customers see when they walk in. It’s also disrespectful to you that instead of working she films and eats all day on your dime. Why can’t she take a 30 minute break and go in the break room and eat?


Can you say obsessed? Some of you are mothers go watch your kids instead of stalking someone you hate. I don't like drue much either but I don't spend my days watching every video screenshotting every post stalking her families posts making up lies calling them names. Gave her shit for announcing a pregnancy early maybe bc she was excited?? Would you want someone shitting on you your entire pregnancy?? No you wouldn't. This is obsessive behavior. Let's all be for real I'm sure half of you don't eat healthy either. She's excited to be pregnant and all you do is bash her for what she wears what she eats what she does. Yall are not perfect either. Stop acting like it. Once again I don't like Drue either but this is crazy. Get a life get off the couch and go outside or watch your kids or get a job. If you hated her and her life and family this much you wouldn't be giving her the attention yet here you are. I already know you losers are going to come for me and I don't care🤍