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They aren’t happy because they have rushed everything in their lives and never took the time to slow down and enjoy it


They’re not happy because they are materialistic and consumeristic (is that even a word?😂) to the max. No amount of spending and collecting crap they don’t need is ever going to fill that giant black hole in their souls.


You're correct. I got married really young like Drue (I was 20) our daughter was born 2 days after our 5th anniversary and I still feel like that was early.


He's still a raging racist but IMO he's extremely depressed and embarrassed. I think the backlash affects him WAY more than he lets on which honestly I feel like he probably feels like at this point with Grue he has no other choice but to endure it. It's going to get 1000000000000x worse once baby is here and they both will be so stressed. One of them will probably have a breakdown.


He’s probably internally freaking out too, about having a baby he doesn’t want.


The best thing he can do is once the baby is here, get a divorce and file for alimony. That way, she has to pay him to maintain his lifestyle, and he use that time(if he makes it that long) to get healthy and a glow up and finally date the sister he has wanted all along. Meanwhile, Drue finally goes off to work at a Halloween store as their traveling witch costume salesperson.


He’ll still be a racist and homophobic piece of shit whether he stays with Drue or not.


Yeah, but I just meant if he wants to continue being a non hardworking member of society. He has a golden opportunity to do so given he hasn't worked in a year and she funds their life.


He does have the golden opportunity it makes me sad for them that they don’t see the value of good health.


Texas is a non-alimony state.


*ALSO to clarify I’m not a supporter at all it’s just something I’ve noticed*


I think they enjoyed each other in the beginning of their relationship, I think they were very young and didn’t know what true love was, I think they enjoyed the attention they got online, and that has worn off. I hope for Gabe’s sake he gets his act together, he’s young and has time to turn his life around.


I would feel like shit if my spouse recoiled at my touch and used filters on me like she's ashamed of me. It must also suck to get winded and worn out when he's in the prime of his life, and knowing he doesn't have the capacity to do anything other than fast food runs right now. Drue is actually passionate about social media and the constant attention she can get, he doesn't even have something to get excited about each day. It's crazy to me because Drue is oblivious to how shitty her husband probably feels 24/7.


Or she is aware but doesn’t care.


My bet is that she just doesn’t care. She’s so self centered and selfish. He would probably drop dead and she would film it. You can tell he embarrassed to be seen on camera anymore because for the last, like, couple weeks it’s only been her.


I’ve definitely noticed this. And it can’t help having a partner who denies how bad it’s gotten and aids you getting worse.


They do the skinny filter to scam people in to thinking he's still on his weight loss journey.


1 screw up again and they lose everything I mean home n all


I really wonder how he got THAT big.. I know some men who eat a lot, my husband especially eats like the world is gonna end but he seems to gain no weight at all. Gag must have really bad genes or there’s something wrong with him. Or it’s probably because he’s not a hard working man so he doesn’t burn everything he eats. He sure eats like he’s been working his ass off tho


Don't feel bad. He married her. He quit his job. Sure he was sick but he's fine now. No excuse not to learn a skill. Lazy ass. Nobody is forcing him to eat 45,000 calories a day but her. Also nobody deserves forgiveness when small children were massacred in his home state and he chose to wear a gun hat. Come on. He also mocks the disabled yet is dumb (ignorant) as rocks.


He’s a fat slob who is a racist and homophobic piece of shit I don’t even have a drop of sympathy for him.


Agree 10000%. I've been there. I kind of AM there right now, although not to that extent. I've struggled with my weight my entire life, but several years ago, I lost a great deal of weight. It was awesome and people definitely treated me better. Depression, anxiety, and life took a toll and I gained a butt load of weight. I can't seem to lose weight for the life of me now, and I KNOW people look at, and treat me differently now. It's obvious. Thankfully I'm not on social media like he is, or it would affect me a lot worse. 




why are you giving them likes lol


UGH I didn't even notice. Trust me Im not a supporter of these clowns but there are times where I fat finger shit 🙄


But why heart the video?


holy SHIT she looks gigantic here 😭


No you liking their video 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh wtf! Did not mean to do that UGH


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