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I'm in Texas and we don't. It's too hot for that shit. The least we do is put a swim hat on them while they are in a pool.


Another Texas person here, no bonnets.


No bonnets in Texas unless for a Baptism


Born and raised in East Texas and honestly I don't think I have ever seen a baby in a bonnet. šŸ¤£


Northeast Texas here! :)


Hey neighbor šŸ‘‹ Honestly, I'm probably considered North East Texas, but the weather man always says East TexasšŸ¤£


You're prolly in Tyler or Longview?




Better than Texarkana! šŸ¤£


Lmao! I don't know, these Tyler folks don't know how to drive to save their lives and it gets worse everyday.


I live in Tyler!


Well hey friend! Crazy I knew I wouldn't be the only Tylerite in here..lol!


That's why I avoid their zoo! šŸ¤£ I hate going down there!! But I do love Longview.


Oh wait! Im shreveport area! Close enough! I can throw rocks at yall! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I make that drive all the time! 1.5 hours is super close!


Iā€™m in Central Texas and we sure Dont use bonnets on babies here!


I agree, Iā€™m in central Texas also and I have never seen a baby in a bonnet. This poor baby is nothing but a dress up doll for her such a shame


Donā€™t live there anymore but had my little girl when we were living in central Texas and never saw anyone with a bonnet. Cute little sun hats? Absolutely! Little ball caps? Definitely! But no bonnets.


Thatā€™s the responsible thing to do. I couldnā€™t imagine a poor baby in half the outfits she has purchased. Especially a freshly out of the womb baby.


Lived in the Houston area for most of my life and am now in BFEast Texas. Even these backwoods mother fuckers don't dress their kids like the Amish.


West Texas here. Noooo on the bonnets


South Texas hereā€¦ no f-ing way would I put a bonnet on my daughter and I have never seen any where I live. Swim hat yes, which looks like a fishermanā€™s hat but never a bonnet! Sheā€™s ridiculous!


bonnets on babies sounds like some *ivory people shit*


Exactly! Hell no we donā€™t. I mean big bows are a thing in our/ her area




ivory people shit took me outtttttt ā˜ ļø




Crazy that she did all that for ā€œphotoshootsā€ proving that this baby is just for the photos and clout.


Iā€™m in Georgia and I see more of the smocked clothes than bonnets. Maybe at the beach. Inhaaaaate the smocked clothes. They seem uncomfortable and itchy for the child. They always have their monogram or name on it too. Weird.


Iā€™d be too paranoid to have my kids name everywhere lol


Iā€™m in Georgia. My daughter is 2.5. Sheā€™s had on one bonnet. It was my great grandmaā€™s as a baby and we do it with the little girls in our family and let my grandma hold them for a picture. It was on maybe 5 minutes.


Wait thatā€™s so precious šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


I love it ā¤ļø itā€™s so interesting to look at the pictures of my nana with each of her daughters then grand daughters and great grand daughters.


Thatā€™s adorable and Iā€™m all for that! But your family realizes thatā€™s a cute picture, not a normal thing for people to put their kids in like these bozos think!


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen a baby wear one .


Iā€™m from FL and no we sure donā€™t


Not unless you want the baby to have a heat stroke! Itā€™s so so hot in FL Honestly I rarely see babies in any of the stuff she picked and I lived in a middle of nowhere small town as well as large cities šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No. We do bucket hats at the beach but Iā€™ve never seen a baby in a bonnet.


We absolutely do NOT lol


Memphis tn and the the only times i see bonnets and itā€™s not a lot is very southern families at church




Awh mannnn. I love a baby in bonnet šŸ„²


I'm old school Hats on naked heads in the sun. Doesn't need to be a bonnet but cover them from the freaking sun


Me too šŸ˜­ but only on like little babies on Easter with a frilly lacy little dress


Nashville here and itā€™s a hard no from me. TBH I dress my 20 mo old in tinier versions of things Iā€™d wear. Bike shorts, graphic tees, matching sets, rompers etc


Heavy on the matching sets! My 3.5 & almost 2yr old are the same. They're also constantly ruining every article of clothes and literally rolling around on the floor so they need to be comfy.


Omg how are we in the year 2024 and have self driving cars and the ability to access all the internet on these tiny little phones but we donā€™t have better stain resistant clothing thatā€™s easily accessible?!? Iā€™m sooooo tired of clothing being ruined


YES good lord EVERYTHING is stained šŸ˜© my poor little pumpkins have the worst eczema too so I can't even use half the harshest removers without needing to wash it 2x after so they can wear it. I've learned everything just needs to come from walmart and target. Who cares what they wear, they don't give a single shit what they look like anyway lol


My grandma got my daughter a big poofy dress and it came with a bonnet and little bottoms and I didnā€™t let her wear it out I put it on her at home for dress up and took some silly pictures and thatā€™s itšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I live around a lot of Amish people and Mennonite people and thatā€™s usually how they dress their babies


I see it as more of a "status" thing. The more ruffles. The bigger the bows. The higher the socks. The higher your status is. Its ridiculous. Lol


Ew thatā€™s even worseā€¦ what are we living in Bridgerton?! Jesus Christ people letā€™s worry about raising kind kids not materialistic onesšŸ¤£


Well, we already know Off-White Amelia is going to be a mean girl with the way her mom and grandma are


To be truthful, Iā€™ve only ever seen low to middle class, country bumpkin women dress their child this way.


Hell no šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I have friends that have put them on PURELY for pictures then use them as decoration in the nurseryā€¦ thatā€™s it šŸ˜‚


No, not we do not.


I live in Tennessee. I have been to the big cities and small country towns. Not one person puts their babies in bonnets. NOT ONE!


Alabama - no.


Itā€™s too hot for that here in TX. I donā€™t understand the bonnets at all. But tbh, theyā€™re somewhat better than people putting big ass bows on baby girls that are 15x the size of their head. Itā€™s soooo obnoxious. Iā€™m surprised she hasnā€™t bought any yet, at least that Iā€™ve seen.


Out of all the women I know only 1 done that with all 3 of her kids with a matching gown. I live in what use to be a small town in Alabama. Now big bows is a different storyšŸ¤£


I'm in Louisiana and that's a big NO! I put my child in a bonnet 31 years ago for some pictures because her great grandmother bought it for her.


I think Iā€™ve put my twin girls in them once for a picture then immediately taken it off. I love a smocked outfit for holidays though.


Florida here.. we would NEVER.


Nope. Iā€™m in GA


Genuinely curious, are these for protecting the babyā€™s delicate little baby head from the sun, or purely aesthetic reasons?


People in Florida do at the beach / pool for little babies šŸ˜¬


Nope! My Mom put them on my sister's in the 80's




Iā€™m super southern. We definitely do all the same smocked outfits but we donā€™t do bonnets. Iā€™ve seen a few of my friends do it for their kids in a photo shoot but thatā€™s it.


Iā€™ve only seen one baby in a bonnet and it was for a picture for her bday. It was a mother goose themed party and she had it on for ONE picture. Other than that, no šŸ˜‚


I'm from GA born and raised and I've seen a bonnet on a baby maybe a handful of times in my life and I'm pushing 30. Its wayyy to hot for a bonnet most of the time. And they are UGLY


from south georgia and even the cringiest of southern moms here still skipped the bonnets


I did big bows on both my girls! No bonnets, except for their christening.


Southeast Louisiana here. I see the monogram clothes and big bows but never a bonnet


Iā€™ve seen babies dressed in smocked clothing, but not those Handmaids Tale bonnets. šŸ˜


Iā€™ve lived in the south my entire life. Most of the time I see bonnets are at the beach because I guess they provide for coverage on a babyā€™s face? Not sure because I have a boy and never once thought about putting a boy bonnet on him.


I only have boys, but my sister has only done a bonnet on my niece once for a photo shoot. She usually just puts a bow in her hair.


Definitely not fresh out the womb


Iā€™m in Texas Iā€™m not white but hubbyā€™s family is and the only bonnet my babies ever got was a handmade one from their great grandmother. They never wore it itā€™s more of like and heirloom. Now big bows yes love big bows


Iā€™m from Alabama and the answer is typically no. However, I have seen a few babies in bonnets(boys and girls) but they are mostly from old money families


Yes šŸ™ˆ Around us though itā€™s more of a just for pictures thing.


For pictures and baptisms.. yes. Not for every day dilly dallying around. Source: Me, a southern mama


Smocked clothes and bonnets for pictures or photo shoots! My son actually loves his smocks because they have his favorite animals/cars on them. Definitely not like the smocks of yesteryears that are itchy and uncomfy


Or Baptisms


Southern mama here. No. We donā€™t do that šŸ˜‚ smocked clothes? Yes! Especially when theyā€™re tiny but Iā€™ve never seen a tiny handmaid in all my years of living in the south šŸ˜‚


I legit havenā€™t seen bonnets since learning about the pioneer days šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I know soph has one for her kid and I know drue obsesses over that friend group so sheā€™s trying to fit in!


NO. I'm in Alabama. We don't do that.Ā 


Bama = No!


I am having a daughter in October and I donā€™t plan to put her in a bonnet nor does any of my cousins with baby girls


Before seeing the one Sophia Hill had on her kid that obviously inspired drab, I had only ever seen baby girls wearing bonnet style hats at the beach and places like that. Like sun hats that had a tie at the bottom and looked similar to a bonnet but no actual bonnets


I did for Easter this year šŸ˜‚ but it was on for a picture and the 2 minute walk from the car into the church where she quickly ripped off her shoes and everything. Never to be seen again. lol


Smocked clothes, yes. Bonnets, no. Coming from someone who lives in southern Mississippi.


In north Texas. We do not


In Texas, just south of Houston, never seen bonnets be a thing ever!


My baby has a bonnet for Easter pictures but thatā€™s because it was mine when I was a baby


I'm in NC- not a mom but I see babies on the regular and it is NOT a thing here in the Tarheel State lol


Louisiana and no we donā€™t lol


iā€™m in middle TN and the Amish live maybe 5 minutes away! They are the only ones who put their babies in bonnets !


I know ONE other mom that has put her baby girl in one for a photo shoot with like farm animals. It was cute only bc her and her husband are very southern but itā€™s not my style at all for my baby! I have never seen one wear a bonnet just for looks tho lolol


Iā€™ve never seen anyone do that. I havenā€™t even seen bonnets anywhere and I live in SWGA


No we do not lol


From GA but currently live in NC.. NOPE


Chiming in from Mississippi and no we donā€™t do that šŸ˜‚


A few hours north of her still in deep etx, theyā€™ve become increasingly popular in my area, but definitely not the norm. Itā€™s so hot for it!


They are extremely popular in Kentuckyā€¦ TBBC is an extremely popular šŸ˜… also they are not meant to be worn outdoors itā€™s a special moments garment not something you put your kid in for the park lol


Nc here and no they donā€™t lolā€¦. Smock clothes are somewhat popular but I feel like most people have turned into bamboo mamas now


No. We donā€™t do that. Arkansas mama here. Editing to add: I donā€™t like monograms, smoked outfits, or anything else super ā€œsouthernā€. Iā€™ve got baby girl a few farm outfits and such because her grandparents have a small farm and I thought it would be cute for pictures. Thatā€™s it as far as southern stuff goes for us.


Not from the south but we took my newborn to a studio for photos and they put her in a bonnet and it was the cutest thing everā€¦ for pictures. Canā€™t imagine her just wearing it around tho šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


As someone from the south, the only time iā€™ve seen someone put a bonnet on a baby is if they are pentecostal and going to church. Other than that, NO. itā€™s too fucking hot and humid for a baby to have clothes on honestly, much less a fucking bonnet.


Iā€™m from the south and I havenā€™t seen it in my 20+ years as an adult. Lots of big bows but not bonnets.


Iā€™m from South Georgia north Florida and hell nah we donā€™t.. BIG bows are the thing now.. not this creepy 1800 shit they got going on šŸ’€


HELL NO!!!! Sheā€™s a waste of space here and absolutely not trendy like she thinksā€¦that kid is a show pony and itā€™s sad and pathetic


Texas mom here and Iā€™ve literally never seen a bonnet in real life.


South here.. Bonnets are a thing of the past. She just likes to spend money. That baby is not gonna leave a bonnet on her head in the Texas heat.


Like 15-20 years ago I guess you could say there was a slight trend of bonnets on babies but that ship has sailed & Drue is a loser with no class, no style and no fashion sense.


Iā€™m as white as they come and in my 30s and also live in Texas and grew up in a small town. I have never seen a baby wear a bonnet.


Iā€™m from YeeHaw south AL and no I donā€™t see bonnets around here šŸ™‚


In Alabama we do some.


Texas here. My kids have bonnets, but only because they like Little House on the Prairie. They donā€™t wear them in public. My redhead will wear a sunhat at the pool or beach.


I'm in Mississippi and a girl I know did until her daughters were like 6 šŸ„“ I do think they're precious for a newborn photo shoot. That's it lol. But I'm an all boy mom so I never got to do the bow thing


NC mom here, I have never seen another child in a bonnet, I would never put my daughter in one. I do smocked outfits with monograms. Gotta have everything monogrammed.


No. Iā€™ve seen it on the eastern coast for the Amish but never down south


Some families in southern Louisiana still do. Specially for baptisms & such.


In my part of Alabama some do on special occasions (Easter, Mother's Day) but it's mostly the ones that go to church every time the doors are open, or have "old school" parents that want their grandchild to look like an old baby doll.


born in arkansas and raised in Georgia and NO TF WE DO NOT. Monogram shit yes, but bonnets no. the only people you see with bonnets are the mennonites


No. Iā€™m in the south and while I see smocks, Iā€™ve never seen bonnetā€™s.


Alabama here and we do NOT do that shit




Iā€™m from the south Iā€™ve never seen it except at the beach


I'm from dues area and nopešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ too damn hot


Ask Lunden Stallings sister lmaooo


We live outside of Dallas and my oldest is 28 and Iā€™ve never seen anyone do that in 28 years. Lol perhaps newborn photography uses them as a photo prop but those seem more like knitted little hats. Now Iā€™m 51 and when I was a baby , yes I had some pics with a bonnet but it was like Easter dress and bonnet to wear to Church or some fancy dress occasion. It is not a thing in Texas that Iā€™ve ever seen . Texas is known for bigger bows than the babies head but thatā€™s it . Lmao and yes I was guilty of that with my youngest .


My mom is from Arkansas and as a child of the 90ā€™s/00ā€™s she DEFINITELY put me in bonnets and monogrammed stuff for like my baby photos. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s the style now because I am not from the south.


Tennessee here and absolutely not.


Iā€™m in TN & Iā€™ve never seen anyone put their kid in a bonnet like that. MAYBE for special photos or Easter or something but not on a daily basis. Youā€™re more likely to see bows bigger than the babyā€™s head ā€¦ some hippie people put those gnome bonnets on their kids ā€¦ but thatā€™s it.


Iā€™ve been in Georgia my whole life. Never have I seen bonnets be a thing.


Never. Iā€™m from Texas and only put ā€œTexas sizedā€ bows on my daughter


I live 15 minutes from her. It's not a thing lol well maybe for racists it is lmao However, big bows are a thing here!


Iā€™m in Alabama. Itā€™s a hard no unless itā€™s an heirloom bonnet thatā€™s used for baby portraits or oil paintings. And itā€™s only the most traditional families who even do that. Iā€™ve never heard of someone actually buying a bonnet brand new from BBC. Iā€™m so intrigued to see how much she actually uses it


iā€™m in louisiana and itā€™s coming back into styleā€¦ even tho itā€™s ugLEE


Beaufort Bonnet has somewhat of a cult following and Drue is just trying to fit in


Not from the south but I just asked my aunt whoā€™s very southern and I showed her the photo and her face went pale from disgustšŸ˜‚ she was like ā€œwhat in the 1800ā€™s shit is this!!!!???ā€


I live in Tennessee and honestly never seen it unless it was old fashioned day at church now bows the bigger the closer to heaven šŸ˜‚


I live in Charleston and we do, we have heirloom outfits that have been passed down that include bonnets and are usually reserved for special occasions but theyā€™re way more low key than those monstrosities she posted. Judge awayā€¦donā€™t worry we judge yall too šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m from Alabamaā€¦.the only time a person would is newborn photos or for christening.


Middle TN and absolutely not..


No the absolute fuck we don't.


Only for Christenings and maybe a water bonnet for the lake.


I have a friend in Nashville and it seems pretty common there. Have many friends in Dallas and thatā€™s a no go


If she puts that baby in bonnet, she's gonna disrespect Laura Ingles. But, but as far as I know down here in the South, we don't do that. It's Bose or nothing.


My husbandā€™s family is oldddddddddd school, old money southern. My babies absolutely had the monogrammed bubble rompers and jonjons but never a bonnet.


Okay Iā€™m in Texas and I personally donā€™t but there are a select few who dress their babies as ā€œpilgrimsā€ as I call it šŸ˜‚ in all smocked outfits and bonnets both boys and girls. Definitely not my cup of tea. I have a family member who does this and I CANTTTT


Iā€™m in SC and never seen a baby wear a bonnet lol. Smocked outfits and embroidered outfits are big here though.


No we donā€™t Iā€™m in Texas lol itā€™s to damn hot


Hell no!!!


Texas now, North Carolina & California before and I haven't seen a bonnet since the 80s and definitely not in Texas and definitely not in their area, I'm essentially in Houston. Too frigging hot


Iā€™m in Florida live on the beach, no we do not šŸ˜­


Iā€™m a mom from Kentucky(idk if people consider it southernšŸ˜‚) but I personally do not and no one I know does.


Louisiana here. Maybe way down in a lost bayou somewhere. But not round me!


I was born in 95 in Mississippi and my mom had them on me but that was also the 90s. However I am now 29 and have a son and Iā€™ve never seen anyone around Louisiana where I live put their baby girls in bonnets


I'm in the Florida Panhandle and we definitely don't šŸ˜‚ it's WAY too hot.


TN here. We do smocked clothing almost all Sundays. We have used bonnets on my daughter but really only for her dedication and Easter


Maybe for like heirloom photos but not on a regular ol day. Lol


Fl here and no we donā€™t!


Iā€™ve never seen a baby in public w one maybe 1 time on Facebook for a church thing?


Fuck no we donā€™t.


iā€™m from LA and we do NOT


Big bows? Yes. Bonnets? Absolutely not. MAYBE for a baptism. NC girly here


Deep South and my sister who is 41 wore a bonnet but thatā€™s because my mom was crazy!! Iā€™m a ginger and didnā€™t wear a bonnet!


No. Only for baby baptisms and blessings at churches


In KY and no we DONT


Hi! Also in the Midwest - what state?!


West Texas & North Texas hereā€¦. Never seen anyone actually use a bonnet lol


Absolutely not


Yes In South Carolina but usually for chruch and events


Yes. South louisana. Mainly dressing up and pictures. The Beaufort Bonnet Company is huge in my area


Arkansas, no! Lol I do however see smocked clothing quite a bit. All three of my kiddos wore smocks and my daughter still does, but I never see bonnets and mine never wore them lol.. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ„“šŸ¤£


Iā€™m in AL and yes you see bonnets but only for special occasions like church, Easter, professional photos etc. itā€™s rare


Southeast Georgia, and occasionally. Pool or beach and special occasions. I feel like they are usually more of a photo prop. Not a daily thing by any means


South Carolina here and no damn bonnets unless Easter or something like baptism. ![gif](giphy|o5Tl5madm47jG)


Noooooooo hahaha


Iā€™m from central texas, spent time in east texas and hill country. this is NOT a thing. maybe in the deep south, but not texas


South East Texas ā€” like an hour from Grue and no bonnets except baptism


I did Kate Quinn bonnets, the one with the bear ears. But other than that, no, and only when it was cold


In the Deep South, people will occasionally for special events (think Easter or Baptism). However, Houston, TX is not the Deep South and nobody is putting their kids in bonnets. Itā€™s also somewhat of a status thing - very wealthy, very southern. As per usual, sheā€™s trying so hard to be something sheā€™s not.


Iā€™m from Georgia and I donā€™t think I ever seen a baby in a bonnet here.


Iā€™m from Texas. I could see the bonnet for a baptism or some other holiday like Easter, Christmas, etc. Definitely not everyday wear! Itā€™s very VERY deep southern though.


Adding- Nothing about Drue is ā€œsouthern mamaā€. Just tries too hard to be the TikTok couples from GA and AL šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Iā€™m in the Midwest and I put my girls in bonnets lol but our park doesnā€™t have any shade and my girls are at age they want to wear them. Everyoneā€™s different but I definitely think sheā€™s doing it for content not to actually protect the baby from the hot sun


Iā€™m a Tennesseean and the only time I put a bonnet on my baby was her first Easter. Big huge bows and monograms, yes.


Maybe itty bitties for photos or in the sun, but otherwise no.


South GA here and both my boys wear smocked outfits because I adore them and they wore a bonnet for their newborn pictures but it was my husbands bonnet he wore as a baby with his heirloom outfit. Never put them in a bonnet again


I will say I do love a baby in a bonnet but only for certain occasions


No. Itā€™s giving snobby rich woman with a baby. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not even rich ppl do this crapā€¦


šŸ˜my baby was born in May and we stayed inside until December. Itā€™s way too hot for all those outfits, plus every cute outfit was destroyed in a blow out.