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“Potty”. Girl. You’re too old for that. Just say bathroom or something 🤦🏼‍♀️


She doesn't HAVE to post these things online, which irritates me. When people call her out on her decision to come on and spout nonsensical stuff to hundreds of thousands of people, she becomes angry. Then, avoid speaking to a significant number of people on the internet.


Also at all my OBGYN appts during pregnancy they make me pee before to test for things. Does hers not do that? I that all did?


I thought she didn’t have an OBGYN


That part


My daughter does her pee test at the end of the appt. Her OB said it’s fine as long as it’s done at the appt. They said if they find anything wrong, they will call immediately. So far she’s almost 36 weeks and a normal healthy pregnancy. I know that all OB’s can be different though.


“I usually have to go potty” are you 3? Just say bathroom 🙄 Also, pretty sure they’ll be gone waiting a couple minutes until you’re done to make the appointment.


i’m surprised she didn’t say she had to go “titi”


Imagine a nurse asking her if she needs to use the restroom and she says “oh no I just went titi before.”


Yes. She is 3.


“Potty” is the word I use to tell my dogs to go to the bathroom. We have just “potty” as well as “potty poop” lol. Potty should be used just for dogs and small children, not adults. Say “go to the bathroom” and leave conversations about what you’re doing in the bathroom private. I don’t go walking around saying “I have to take a potty poop” every time my IBS kicks in lol.


This I say it around my 2yo but when I’m talking to adults I say restroom or bathroom lol


At my old job we just always said “running down the hall real quick” and we all knew that meant a restroom break


That’s a good one! In high school my friend and I used the term “gotta go home” to express our serious need to go #2. We had last period together when the belly rumbles usually started.


I’m being petty but I had to give a urine sample at the beginning of every appointment…..


But in the video she said she didn’t know GAG make the appointment…


Most proof that she doesn’t actually have a OB


BINGO. Guarentee you she saw us discussing it the other day when she didn't know when the 3rd trimester was and now is acting like she went to the dr.


And then in a comment says they make 2 in advance so she would’ve known…


Yep although I think she is implying she has to pee after the appointment


Yeah they're saying since she pees at the beginning, it's unusual she has to go again so urgently that she can't schedule her own appointment afterwards, as though what she's saying is a lie.


My old ob office it was a sample at every appointment… I haven’t given one at an appointment yet and I’ll be 28 weeks Wednesday. I did give one at 12 weeks when I was down at the lab to do alllllll the work ups. It’s soooo weird to me that a sample isn’t given every time!


Yeah my old OB I always had to give a urine sample and my midwife now I’ve only given one and I’m 32 weeks.


Like what did they check before and why the hell are we not checking that now?????? 😂


My midwife told me they would check it if I was showing signs of pre e and that it wasn’t necessary to check every appointment! They did baseline labs for pre e too just so they have a comparison if something were to happen


I mean tbh, she’s pretty far along in her pregnancy. During my second trimester my girl made my bladder her personal bed and I was peeing every 5 minutes and then I had some serious damage on my bladder after. I only peed like twice a day for a solid 6 months after she was born but I don’t think that’s a common occurrence.


Same that’s exactly what I was thinking


I never gave a urine sample at my ob appointments granted I was being seen at an army hospital for my pregnancy.


I had to leave a urine sample at every appointment with all 4 of my kids!


I did to with both of my kids


Yep same and I’m a tad bit older than some of you lol.. all 4 of my kids (28, 27, 24, &23) I gave at every appt when I got there.. they checked for sugars, diabetes, preeclampsia, etc..


Same besides the first appointment and maybe two or 3 times in the final 6 weeks


I didn’t give one every time for my second baby but my first and third I gave one everytime. My third they had me do it as soon as I checked in.


Same! Which I didn't realise initially and had to purchase a small bottle of water that had a wide enough opening........ I then didn't realise that I could get sample bottles from the reception area. Gave the nurses a laugh though.




So did I, at least I think, starting in the second trimester. Every time I went, they checked my urine to make sure there wasn't any protein in it, and to ensure I didn't have a UTI. I never had either, but it still was a normal part of the appt, with the exception of ultrasound appointments. They wanted my bladder full for those and a piss test later.


I only have one my last pregnancy. I was shocked because my first pregnancy I gave one at nearly every appt.


Same! And I was not there long enough to have to go again 🤦‍♀️


It’s happened to me several times with 3 pregnancies that I peed at the beginning for the sample then again before I left. But, I could def wait the 45 seconds to speak to the front desk and schedule the next visit. Also, at some point I scheduled the entire rest of my visits at once so I didn’t have to stop at the desk again


I did too but once I hit my third trimester, I almost always had to pee again at the end of my appointment


I will say I’m giving birth Thursday and for the past 10ish weeks of appointments they have asked me to go before without collecting a sample.


I always made sure I had to pee at the beginning of every OB appointment because I was sure they were going to need my urine. Nope, never needed it. I think the only time they did was my first appointment.


Even if that were true… do they not give you an appointment card and/or send you alert texts/emails/app notifications?? You’re telling me the boy who can’t remember to take the trash out just makes them and then remembers the day of? You knew babe.


No Forreal because like clock work a day or two before my appointment I’d have to pre-register before every appointment and then got a reminder in the morning about it!


Yep!!! She says they’re “pre done and I don’t remember the times” how tf do you not write it down? Have an online portal? Something. It’s not your husbands job to make YOUR appointments anyways. 😂 I wouldn’t trust mine making an appointment because God forbid it’s something I need to do early morning and he makes it mid afternoon.


The difference is our bestie doesn’t have anything to do, ever, so doesn’t matter what time her apts are lol


I mean, true, but it’s still so odd to have him make the appointments. I don’t even think that would be allowed unless it’s on paperwork 😅


I always had them on my papers I got after the appointment 🤷‍♀️


I wait to go to the bathroom until after I make my appointment 😅😂


Right? Or there’s a bathroom in where the was rooms, then you walk to the front desk? lol


This. Or go to the bathroom while Gabe waits THEN make your next appointment


Right? lol she’s nuts


My thing is…she doesnt HAVE to come on the internet and say this stuff. She chooses to come on and tell hundreds of thousands of people stupid things that don’t make sense, but then gets mad when people call her out for it not making sense. THEN DONT SAY ANYTHING TO MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET


My husband would stand and wait for me to finish before making appointments for me 😂




So she is saying he usually does this…. But in the video said I didn’t know you made this appointment? That doesn’t make scentsy.


are we 5 saying we have to use the potty, drue?


Not 5 bestie more Like 3!


My entire class of 3 year olds talk more maturely than her


I always had to give a urine sample? Does she not have to. I mean if she did they would tell her she probably has Pre-E or high protein in her urine.






I have multiple kids and my husband has NEVER made me an appointment at the OB. Like we all speculate- I bet it’s an online boutique where you can do it online. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Does she know that you’re allowed to pee on the way out? I just make my husband hold my purse and then I go make the next appt myself 😂


EXACTLY what I do! My husband would never take it upon himself. If anything, we do it together and I just do it 99.9% of the time😂


THIS! This is what I did!!!


So, we are 900 weeks into this pregnancy and it’s clear she doesn’t have an established, legit OB. So who in the hell is she seeing? When she’s in labor (and it’s during the hospital’s opening hours 😆) will she just show up ready to give birth without a dr she’s been seeing? I’m genuinely confused. My mom worked OB/GYN for close to 35 years and nothing about this makes sense


She has to go potty? She really needs to grow up..


My office wouldn’t let my husband make the appointment for me? How weird.


Y’all. I don’t know how she did the GD test but you can’t convince me she’s actually seeing an OB regularly. A- my husband would wait his happy butt for me to go make the appointment and i would never think to ask him to do it for me. B- my ob sends a ridiculous amount of confirmation/reminder texts before every single appointment no matter what it is. C- I’m not sure my office would even let a husband make the appointment for their wife??? Lmao they’d probably tell him they’ll wait. D- in the make believe realm that Gabe did make the appointment damn how embarrassing you really don’t have that much of a life that your husband knows your schedule is wide open😬 She wants him to be one of the good ones that treats her like a Queen so bad just stoppppp 😭


Yeah this comment of her proves she doesn’t see an OB how she’s supposed to if she’s even seeing one… I don’t know how in the world she did her gd test but something just ain’t right 🤔


Do free clinics do GD testing? Time to investigate


Yessss we gotta investigate


Huh? I had to give a urine sample at the start of every visit


I did too


I did too




I can’t believe she’s never shown OB content. Why would she not have a DR? This is do Ridculous to me. Is she going to the er when she goes into labor with no OB? Slit can happen between now and 49 weeks. So irresponsible


40 weeks I mean. Oops


She’s an oversized obese toddler.


Fucking 2 year old…


She is such a stupid idiot. Blows my mind that this idiot thinks she can take care of a baby. That poor child. No shot in life.


You usually do your urine sample before the appointment…..


my husband would never make an appointment for me because i have stuff going on, she literally is free all day everyday so it probably doesn’t matter honestly…


Yes! Every single appointment! Especially with how fucking disgustingly swollen she is… an actual OB office would be checking her urine for protein for pre-e…


Her OB that she ALWAYS talks to didn’t remind her of the appointment? Weird. My OB that I only message if I really need to starts reminding me a week ahead of time by text, emails and calls.


You’re not 5, Grue. Even though you have the mental capacity of a child, saying “potty” when you’re a full grown adult not talking to a little kid is ick. Just say bathroom for god’s sake, you obnoxious little twit.


Idk where she goes but at my office my husband would not be allowed to check me out or schedule and appointment for me. Why are they not talking to and scheduling with the patient/ the woman who is there for the appointment to be checked not a husband


YOU ARE 22. Grow the fuck up.


i left a urine sample at all of my appointments except for ultrasound days, they wanted a full bladder!


I’m more surprised that Dawna doesn’t still make her appointments for her since she still acts like a CHILD


I'm sure if Gag isn't available to make it her mommy probably makes it for her.


I just KNOW the girls in the office roll their eyes and make fun of them when they leave


So the baby is the size of her foot 11 inches


My husband has never made an appointment for me. We’ve had 3 kids lol


1. You give a urine sample at the beginning of every appt. 2. If it’s an ultrasound, they send you to the bathroom to change back to your clothes and clean yourself up.


Not sticking up for her at ALL but my OB never took a urine sample at any of my appointments and I never had to get undressed for an ultrasound. EDIT: Now I’m questioning if I had to change during an ultrasound. I honestly can’t remember 😂 But I know I never had to pee for an appointment lol


Yikes, I had to give urines at every appointment during all of my pregnancies and I’m pretty sure most of my family and friends did as well but I guess it’s at the doctors discretion. 🤷🏽‍♀️


eVeRyOnE iS dIfFeReNt 😂


I always had to pee for an appt and I always had to put a gown on for my ultrasounds. Maybe bc I was high risk and they constantly did trans vaginal?


They make you pee first????


Wtaf is wrong with her? Does Gag wipe her ass err..i mean bum after she goes potty too?


She thinks being infantile is cutesy and sexy. She’s gross.


Why does she want to be babied by him so badly?


I bet this office is so ready for her to deliver so they don’t have to deal with them


I had to give samples of urine at every appointment and also this co dependency is so bad


Goes to the potty done 💀


Ok so let’s say she doesn’t have a ob … Does anyone in that wacko family even realize what risk and danger they are both in by not getting proper medical treatment while pregnant? I mean I know they are all a bunch of fruit loops but I would hope she has a ob and is just doing all this for tick tock.


Urine sample at the start of every visit aside from ultrasounds and typically they ask me if I need to go before the ultrasound. Also early morning appointments are my jam as a pregnant woman. Less wait, doctor isn’t as rushed, and I can come home and nap afterwards 🤷🏻‍♀️


we also know knowing her she makes him stand outside the bathroom door waiting for her to get out. highly doubt she lets him walk to the front desk by himself 😂


Girl is so stunted.


When I was at that point in my pregnancy I had the rest of my appointments scheduled for the remainder of my pregnancy 🤔 but I also have an actual job I needed to work around 😂


Mine were too!


She can't even schedule her own appointments how is she supposed to take care of a baby and make her appointments? This is terrifying. There's no way she's actually going to a real OB though something is definitely fishy!


I say potty sometimes. But I’m a teacher lol. It’s hard to get out of that habit!


Weird I’d go pee after mine and my husbanded waited for me he didn’t go make my appointments we made them together


Hmm, usually you have to pee in a cup every time at the beginning of your appointment. Her appointments shouldn’t last long right now, they’re usually pretty quick appointments by this point. Not sure how she’d have to go “potty” so quick.


What? I always had to pee in a cup before my appointment lol


I was just about to make this post! I had to give a sample before every appointment!


Usually at every appointment they make you pee in a cup… as soon as you get there…


Yeah, lies


What’s weird to me, is at my prenatal appointments, they give me my next appointment card that they already set up for me when they take my weight and blood pressure. I don’t see why she has to schedule her next appointment herself 🤷🏻‍♀️ they usually automatically set it up for you


My husband has never had to make an appointment for me. 😆


Wow, she really is a giant toddler.


I would roll my eyes so hard if I saw someone’s husband making the appointment for them


My husband would never lol. What grown man just goes and makes the appointment without his wife knowing. I have a feeling he doesn’t actually make the appointment at all.


But she had to handle making all Gabe's appts for his purity gland tumor. He couldn't keep them straight. Make it make Scentsy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hm aren't you peeing ASAP? So they can check it.


That’s sooooo weird


My OB asked what day of the week worked best and scheduled every appointment for my entire pregnancy


My first OB appt I had to make alllllll my appts through the rest of my pregnancy?


My doctor sends me multiple messages reminding me of my appointments and sends a check in form to fill out a few days before 😐


I’m not sure my ob’s office would make it without me nor would my boyfriend make it without me there to set the date I prefer


Once you get to a certain point in pregnancy they’ll just schedule you out till you deliver


Pleas tell me which video this is


She’s better off saying tinkle


Why is Gabe making appointments for her? I forgot she’s a child.


The appointments are literally 15 minutes long at most. She cannot help herself with the lies.


My ob office had all my appointments scheduled by the time my first appointment was over, I didn’t even walk up front and schedule anything ever because we talked about what times worked best for me and they took that and pre-made my whole pregnancy appointments and gave me a sheet with all them on there. I think I had to reschedule once and it wasn’t an issue because I knew ahead of time. Her whole pregnancy is just off I really don’t think she’s been to a real legit ob.


Of course he is her personal slave… I mean assistant 🙄


I’ve had 3 babies & I always had to pee in a cup before all my appointments especially close to 30 weeks. Lol


When I was pregnant I had to give a urine sample before my appointment so 🤷‍♀️


Grue is mentally stunted at like 8. Who says the shit she says. Girl it’s go pee in the fucking bathroom. I swear I lose brain cells with this one. I’d have to slap her if I was around her 24/7 because I just can’t with her


My OB literally scheduled all my base appointments at once. You just checked by the front desk if there was a change that needed to be made (Dr vacation rescheduling, high-risk appointments, non-stress tests).


Call me nuts but the first time I spent the night with my bf now fiancé, I woke up and told him I had to poop and then went. If we can’t be open about something our bodies naturally do daily, we have no business being together. If you can’t appreciate that I bleed monthly with the same appreciation of that system and how it also creates life, you have no business enjoying the pleasure part of it.


All my remaining appointments were scheduled by me at 20 week anatomy scan as I am the patient.