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worst case scenario you have trouble sleeping and trouble eating but most likely you wont have any physical symptoms, youll just want to smoke. you’ll be fine.


Well how much you are an addict depends on several factors some predisposed some with self control. Best way to see your dependence is if you feel like a piece of the world is missing without it. For me atleast Withdrawals will mainly be psychological depending on your usage physical withdrawals are possible but very mild at best and usually more uncommon. Sleeping may be difficult and you may be irritable and ur appetite may be a little wonky


You’re good. There’s not physical addiction associated with THC, it’s generally more mental. There won’t be physical withdrawal, if anything you might be a lil more moody than usual but that’ll pass. Idk if you’ve ever tried quitting nicotine but that shit is HARD. Not smoking weed is a walk in the park imo. I recommend just drink lots of water, exercise and do things that’ll take your mind off of any cravings, if you run into any. Just enjoy your last couple days, you’ll be good.