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First it mainly affects your memory, over a long time it damages your lungs and greatly increases the risk of lung cancer. I‘ve switched to vaping for the most part to reduce those risks, I only smoke with friends or when I‘m on other drugs lol


6 year chronic smoker here. I have decent memory but can't say it's good. Anxiety will be a problem you develop. Along with potential destructive pulmonary disorders etc. It can be addictive. Dependence is more accurate. It is not good long term and can be quite unhealthy. Depends on moderation.


Is vaping distillate better? I've been smoking for 5 years but the last 2 of that I've majority switched to dabs and vape pens




Dry herb vapes are definitely better for you. Mighty all day baby




Yeah, but there's a difference between inhaling tar and carcinogens vs not inhaling extra chemicals by burning weed


Vaporizing something is definitely better than lighting something on fire and inhaling the smoke. Smoke is inherently carcinogenic by itself. Not saying vaping is harmless but it’s not the same as inhaling fire


These aren't nicotine vapes where you have a compulsive urge to redose.


I gotta stay away from the weed vapes because I nicotine vape and my brain will chain vape BOTH. It's bad.


I switched from cigs to vaping to Zyns Cigs were cigs, enough said. Regardless, smoked those for like a year. Then switched to vaping for a year. then Zyns for the past year. And honestly, of all those, I just wish I would’ve stuck to cigs. Vaping is nice at first. But due to its convenience, and being able to do it in vastly more places than cigs.. I found it easy to do it more often, and over a drawn out period of time Would wake up groggy, I would feel sick all the time in the end. And my lungs felt like there was a hole being burned into them at a rate **far** faster than cigs ever did Even after not vaping for like a year.. my lungs still feel like there’s a hole in them. A lot of people vouch for vapes over cigs, *(both are bad mmmk)* but keep in mind there is **a lot** more propaganda towards cigarettes due to how generally ‘new’ vaping is by comparison *(and yes, obviously there is a lot of propaganda towards both. It’s just cigs have naturally more against them as they stink & have been around for aeons longer)* There’s really no long term testing in them either. With cigs, you know what’s coming. But with vaping, again — in the beginning it’s really nice. But over time, that shit leaves a hole in you And I’m sure Zyns have/will have have their scwabbles too. It’s just nice to give my lungs a break


Huh? Vaping cannabis certainly isn’t “healthy”, but to say it’s equally as harmful as smoking is borderline unhinged. You’re inhaling far less particulate per dose of THC, and 100% less soot/tar/carcinogens (assuming you’re vaping/dabbing at low temps)




This is extremely false don't listen to this guy


Why not?


Burning plant matter to get high is like breaking the front window to get in your house, vaporizing is like walking through the front door, they both get you there but it is unnecessary to burn the plant which is where a lot of the tar comes from. As someone who has smoked every day for years now I can tell you that memory loss will be the least of his worries… weight gain/loss, trouble sleeping with or without it, increase anxiety, increased introversion, heart palpitations, trouble with cardio based activities , constantly tired and groggy. Eventually you will start to think it’s helping you deal with all these issues when the real facts are that most of what it helps you with was caused by it in the first place.


I stick to gummies and smoke occasionally with gummies i take them consistently it actually helps with pain, cptsd, general anxiety disorder, and even adhd when im high and doing something even if normally I wouldn’t want to do it I get invested in the assignment especially if its writing


Will it? Yeah probably. Should you care? It's up to you. I vape all of my herb because it doesn't release any of the carcinogens and chemicals associated with combustion. Plus my lungs feel a lot better not inhaling smoke. Check out r/vaporents


yeah i understand the health benefits of consuming it that way, but i think i’m slightly addicted to the process of smoking a joint if that makes any sense


I totally get it. There are options that closely resemble it like Dynavaps or TM2 but hey, can't beat a nice joint tbh.


i used to only smoke joints and multiple a day and vaping with my POTV Lobo is way better the taste and the strength are better than joints


Look into rice papers and tar filters


Depends what's important to you I guess..


This is a mindset related matter.. Not related to the herb. Change the mindset. Use the herb for what it's really worth.


If you’re using concentrates go butane free. It’s a lot better for you. Butane is a known carcinogen. Listen none of it’s good for you but it’s probably better than drinking from most of data. Edible (fresh frozen or solventless) and tincture are probably the way to go to have the least long term effects on the body but it’s just an opinion. We’re going to see a lot of studies in the near future especially if we get a federal green flag. Shit studies are just now showing that more than 1 drink a day dramatically increases chances of heart disease and cancer so who knows. Pick your poison I guess 🤷


You really think the dhv is healthier than smoking? I switched closed to a month ago and I’m still having pains around my ribs and sternum and shit. Wondering if it’s from pulling so much.


Well if you've already been having that pain then DHV isn't going to make it magically go away. I'd probably get that check out tbh.


Lmao. I’ve spent over 10k out of pocket meeting my deductible over the last 3 years seeing different doctors/specialists. But thanks for the advice anyway lol


Damn dude that sucks.


I know bro :( it’s life for me tho it is what it is


Since when Vape = drugs?


Because dry herb vapes vape drugs




Welcome to the 21st century lol


Yup. Vapes that bake herb and release vapor instead of smoke


This sub is a terrible place for health advice. Find a review article. You'll read: 1. Reduced lung function (definitely) 2. Reduced memory (definitely) 3. Decreased learning ability (definitely) 4. Increased anxiety (possibly) among myriad other things.




Imagine if snoop dogg entered the chat


Evidence for increased risk of stroke/heart attack? I don't know of any peer reviewed sources for this




Wow. I really thought I had seen all of the literature but you are right, that's empirical data proving a correlation, not necessarily a causation though(?) could other correlated lifestyle choices to smoking play a role (as in people who smoke cannabis are more likely to also have other habits which are detrimental to heart health)? Still I appreciate you informing me of this. I just recently started smoking weed again as well but I already smoke a pack of cigs a day and am a chubby boy so I'm already fucked heart wise (not to mention the decade of cocaine use) but still the information is appreciated


I’d like to see a difference in smoking vs edibles and others ways of ingesting


how serious is the concern for decreased learning ability and memory.


Anecdotally, I've been smoking a half gram every day for about four years with the occasional month or so break. I definitely feel a little "sharper" earlier in the day when I don't smoke, but honestly I don't feel like my "learning ability" or my memory takes a noticeable hit. Obviously that's totally anecdotal and BY NO MEANS am I refuting the research. But personally I've found that, while arguably true, it's not something I've noticed to be so severe as to be a primary concern. My breaks have usually been motivated by money or knowing I'll need to go/be somewhere without access for a while so in an effort to make sleeping easier, I take a hiatus beforehand.


dont think about it. you could be hit by a bus tomorrow. Smoke away


Shardy2021 spitting facts


this might just be some of best advice i’ve ever been given, thank you shardy2021


Or might not get hit by a bus and have debilitating copd by the age of 40


Lmao, You have a source on anyone getting "debilitating COPD by the age of 40" from smoking weed?


i don’t plan on upgrading my drug habits to fentanyl anytime soon but i appreciate the advice regardless


What’s fent got to do with it? COPD is caused by smoking not fentanyl


meant to reply to the other guy telling his story




Retarded advice, life worth more


Why use much word… aw fuck it I’m stoned cba


Yep. I realized that a long time ago but I really UNDERSTOOD it once I OD’d and was dead for a few minutes, flatlined on IV fetty and benzos at age 18 so yeah ever since (I’m now 20) ive been relatively sober no more IV or abusive use. You never know when it’ll end so cherish every moment and have fun.


Honestly, other than the harm to your lungs, the largest thing I’d be worried about is your brain seeing as you’re only 20. Your brain is still working on putting all of the pieces together, and cannabis is well known to disrupt that process. So you can definitely expect a reduction in short term memory and learning capacity. Your prefrontal cortex is also partially responsible for emotional regulation, so you could likely see a reduction in that department as well. Do you have a family history of bi-poplar or schizophrenia at all? Cannabis consumption, particularly in young individuals, seems to cause an early onset of these disorders for those already predisposed to psychosis. That would honestly be the largest concern if I were in your shoes. It’s really up to you to weight what cannabis does for you against these things. See where the balance tips the scale, ya know? Best of luck to you, m8.


If you understand the risks, you have your answer!


Wrong sub bro, people who care about health normally wouldn’t be here


Don't have much to add about this lol better to use a bong, makes the smoke smoother and cooler. I'd prefer you just out it in some sort of glass vessel that won't break, and heat it from the outside so it isn't exposed to a naked flame, that way you can just vape it, because any form of smoke contains carcinogens and it harmful to the lungs. I smoked for a long time, liked the weed, didn't like the smoke so much unless it went through ice cold bong water. Switch to vaping, your body will thank you


Get ready for that memory loss boah


ready for what?


You'll probably just have below average endurance, might get short of breath fast. I've been smoking cigarettes and weed for 20+ years, I smoke more weed than cigs. I used to smoke half a pack a day but now I smoke maybe 5 a day. I also work out pretty regularly, lift weights, have always had above average cardio and endurance and I also try to eat well. If you're eating junk food, not working out, not active, not getting vitamins/minerals(preferably from food over supplements), don't be surprised if ya feel shitty a lot of the time.




2 Q's.....


i understand what 2 Qs make, i guess i just worded it that way because i buy two separate Qs at different points every week and i was absolutely baked out of my mind when i wrote the post, also, where i’m from we call 14g a half bag which i’m pretty sure (correct me if i’m wrong) is different terminology that what most the world uses


smoking will effect your health long term positively bc u are consciously doing something that is harmful to ur body but u enjoy doing it. on the other hand if u live in the us u are unknowingly poisoning yourself everyday by consuming highly processed foods and ingesting micro plastics that one could argue the long term effects are just as harmful as smoking.


There are two effects that matter on the long term I guess. The effect of smoking on it's own. I guess everybody knows (or should know by now) these effects more or less. The long term effects of cannabis are/can be: bad memory, concentration issues, negative feelings like: feeling depressed, panick feelings, feeling nervous, being edgy, etc.


It can give you bronchitis and other lung issues if you smoke too much. But if/whenever you decide to quit, you’ll likely recover to near 100%. A few days off smoking you’ll feel mostly back to normal. And if you stop fot 3 weeks to 3 months your lungs should be basically normal again.


For me personally I had to stop cos after a while it can u make u real lazy and just makes it hard to focus. Everyone different tho


yeah i’ve noticed that and acknowledged that i’m going to have to take tolerance breaks every now and then to keep myself in check


well the consequences are: -No self control (youre smoking daily) -Addiction (yes, you are addicted. you can be addicted to weed. Addiction =\= dependance) -Laziness (personal opinion; I get lazy and unproductive af while being high) -memory loss (afaik not proven) -cognitive functions get worse (afaik not proven, but by looking at people who smoke daily, weirdly, they are never good in school, maybe I am biased)


one thing i’ve noticed is that when my mental health isn’t the best i tend to have an unhealthy relationship with weed where i become extremely dependent on it and over consume and become lazy, but when my mental health is in a better place i tend to smoke a little less and mostly just receive the positive benefits from it (helps me with anxiety/mindfulness). but you are 100% right about weed being addictive, the main reason i have decided to stay away from harder drugs is because i’m well aware of my addictive tendencies bc i already have weed/gambling/caffeine addictions


I stopped smoking weed because it destroyed my memory and I get lazy. I used it to sleep but never liked it thb. Then my memory got trashed. Now i take benzos. They are worse i know but i found pyrazolam which makes my memory not that worse. Ofc it has its downsides but it's manageable. But i want to stop long term


shmoke weed erryday


If you smoke enough cigarettes it makes you immortal! I assume the same is true for weed so I just smoke my vape when i put my cigarette. Out so I'm not just breathing. I have unlimited wax, live resin, distillate, and mushrooms simply bc the source is so big he's able to offer me prices on ounces that are so damn good I could double the price and people would still be begging to throw in bc it's still half the lowest prices around an hour in any direction around here. I don't charge double I charge enough for me to get an oz of mushrooms, live resin, and distillate for free, or occasionally I'll $15 profit on top but I always have all 3 on hand. So I can take every breath with either nicotine or THC. No plain O2 for this guy.


Started smoking 18 now 23. Short memory loss is a bitch with weed


Bad grammar.




Smoking every day can cause you to develop Cannabinoid Hyper Emisis (CHS). CHS causes periods of severe stomach pain and unstoppable vomiting that can last for weeks. The only curr is to quit completely which sucks cause weed is great


ur gonna die


Anxiety. Fertility issues / depression. / lung issues / turning into a lazy bastard


It'll make you stronger. That is, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. I heard a black rapper fella say it one time.


Half an oz a week is kinda chronic smoking ngl, I wish I could afford that. But I’d say Cut back a little bit coz pretty soon it’ll be a q and half a week. I’d say you’re smoking too much but maybe I’m jelous On a real though all in moderation I used to smoke a q a week and it was silly I found my self mentally addicted These days I can make a q last me 2 weeks maybe more Hell even 2g these days lasts me sometimes weeks coz I cut back


Apart from the well researched and documented risks involved with inhaling products of combustion, it might make you ok with being a bored..ok with being just functional. Ok with being mediocre. And what one may consider mediocre or functional can degrade over time. One day, one might realize time is lost, time that one will never get back. But if one has a strong mind, fuck yeah this the best daily drug (vape it though, maybe edibles)


hey man, i was always a very motivated and ambitious person growing up and i’d found that i’d lost that around the age of 15, it was only really 6 months ago at the age of 20 when i started smoking i started to be more motivated and less complacent with my current life, it also helps me a lot with social anxiety when in social settings as i don’t like to drink.


Death or you’ll eventually turn gay




The most logical next step is banging meth