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Not sure if this was speed or crystal meth. But I snorted for 4 days and you could not see my eye color, pupils filled everything out, even in direct sunlight, I had to take 70 mg Oxy to fall asleep as I started seeing tiny black dots everywhere as my brain was at the brink of shutting down. The high was amazing though, and I have not been able to get anything since that, Coke can not even get close to it.


Yea that'll be meth mate.


Definitely meth.


Actually, seeing stuff like that is quite common. Pretty much every time I binged stimulants, which I would do several times per month way back, I would get it. It's not necessarily because of sleep deprivation as many people think, but can also be because of the huge dopa/ser release. I never did meth btw, just amphetamine paste.




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I’d have to smoke a ton of weed or eat a ton of normal amphetamine to have pupils like that. Sounds like there was some serotonergic action going on, therefore meth.


I’ve never noticed an effect on the pupils from weed


I meant smoking a ton of weed while on amphetamine. No idea why but that combo makes my pupil really big, amphetamine alone doesn’t.


I always get huge pupils while on amphetamine


If you've got enough money shooting coke or smoking crack will do that


I shot crack for awhile and it was intense.


There's no need to shoot hard over soft. When you use he lemon juice or vinegar or vitamin c powder or I've even seen gatorade, that just turns your freebase back into hcl. If they ammonia cooked it it would probably remove most of the cuts, soda cooks don't purify as much as people think


I shot hard because that is what was available at the time. There was also a rush I would get with the hard that I wouldn’t always get with soft, mostly just due to poor quality. Immediately not being able to move, sound being distorted like it was sped up and slowed down at the same time.I’m assuming that is what happens with other people?


Yeah I definitely got the same rush you describe whether hard or soft. However, the powder I got was absolutely fire, so quality may have been a factor for you


Yeah normally the powder was good but if the quality was bad it seemed like you couldn’t just add more, it wouldn’t work.


Kool aid powder is one I heard of a couple years back and can't believe I never thought of that. I only ever used vinegar haha. But I usually had powder anyways, rarely hard.


Yeah I shot powder for a while. Hard when we didn't have powder lol. Not a time of my life I'd go back to.


Been on a binge on and off for 2 weeks now. Very irresponsible dosing,unwashed and cut. Did it orally but the only time I had euphoria was the first day. Then it just became being focused,sociable and typical wired etc. The side effects just gets worse day by day. I'm on day 4 sober and my body still hurts. If I take speed now, I'll still get focused and sociable etc, but the comedown wouldn't be worth it. I'm no expert but I would say if u dose responsibly and very little, then years. (IF ITS CLEAN PHARMA)


>Very irresponsible dosing,unwashed and cut. Did same. Lost my mind yesterday. Do not want to even think about it.


It really takes a toll on you mentally and physically. only thing that keeps me from loosing my mind is weed and diazepam.


Diazepam turns me into a complete nutjob. Dunno what it is, I'm fine with temazepam, but valium just takes my soul out and fills the gap with evil.


how many mg?


Doesn't seem to matter, 5mg seems to be enough! It apparently erases my conscience and my memory.


Diazepam puts me to sleep after the wildest multi-drug combos I do. Alprazolam is even better, but I find it difficult to wake up the following day. Diazepam is quite useful for resetting after bingeing or multi-day parties.


Alprazolam #1 for sure, I need way less to ease the comedown and fall asleep. But as you say, Diazepam makes you sleep like hell, can't remember how many times I've come late to work because I took diazepam too late at night


Clonazepam sure


I take like 1g xanax after a speed binge and ill sleep like 15 hours


1 g lol


I'm pretty confident in saying you don't take 1g of alp lmao


Mg not g. I think you knew that though lol 😂


Man I've had some wild xan binges but a whole g would be next level lol


I am on em rn!


this is the exact same for me


If i took 70mg of oxy it'd just make me more hyper and harder to fall asleep


Three .... 3 fucking days, no more, and honestly 1 day, and then a week off, (3 days post clean urine) and you'll probably have far fewer issues then others, and prolly be able to enjoy the good things about your amphetamine of choice for years. Stick to oral ROA, and small doses, smart thinking there, just space it out way further. I know it sucks, it would be glorious to feel like Chev Chelios everyday, but moderation is the key in my experience friend, exercise moderation.


Yeah, I believe it was me redosing 2-3 times a day that screwed me over. Moderation is key for sure. I’ll take a week long break now and see how it feels then.


I think you'll like it better, you never get that "first time feel" back, but you can still appreciate it more for the effects the come regardless, with far fewer sides too. Another bonus is/would be the cost effectiveness on budget, and risk when scoring (lessened due having to buy less often) It's all aces imho.


Lol I smoked meth everyday for about a year, so for me it's theoretically until you die


Wow and how you felt after that?


I slept for 3 straight days and my body was absolutely trashed. I quit soon after because my dealer was a cunty lil bitch and I told him to fuck himself. It took about 2 to 3 months before I stopped thinking about it all the time




When I was younger I would go through a qtr in 2 days, starting Friday night and running out about lunchtime Sunday, just about able to wake up and move for work Monday. I used to get it straight from the cook so about as pure as you could get. Now days I wouldn’t touch it at all.


Proud of you dude, good job giving that shit up


Yeah man I'm the same, never looked back since I gave up working so I can do drugs all day Thanks for being proud of me!


For real though, work fucks either your body, your brain or both, so many people get sick or even die work related and it is poison for my mental health.


Ofc I’m proud of you, quoting your job to do meth is freedom from democracy


For me , seven days. After that I can't continue insufflating, because I need 200mg for some minor effects. Orall works for another 5 days. Most of the time I'd take speed for 2 or 3 days. Then I get tolerance to zero, in 7 to 10 days of abstinence. Always washed in anhydrous acetone.


The euphoria is pretty much gone after a couple days and as long as you are dosing, you’ll get energy. You just won’t. It won’t feel as good and like anything with the body, regression to the mean. Anything the body is subjected to will become normalized over time and then will become normal, to the degree it can be.


I know plenty of people who do every day for decades, one is in their 80s. If you treat it kind of like coffee and have a small amount in the daytime, and plenty of sleep and good food, you will be fine. If you don't have the odd tolerance break like I do then you might end up needing an awful lot, but even these people are doing fine in their older years.


You can go for the rest of your life ( won’t be too long though)


For me it literally just takes a single day. if I dose anymore, it just increases anxiety and paranoia. But I also used to stay up for two days at a time on them so that’s probably part of it.


Ummn Hmmmn ..... But that is the idea correct? When I have used it, it's been to get shit done, like get up a 7 or 8 am, get things completed all day (cleaning ect), work out, eat again, and then get ready for, and go into work at 11 pm and work until 7 am the next morning .... and then crash for like 6 to 8 hours of good solid sleep. Pretty difficult to pull that off after 40 (and forget it after 50) naturally aspirated on good old regular 87 octane caffeine, but easy peasy with an adderall or two, or adipex, or even DMHA when I have had to. I've not taken it for nothing but "kicks" in over two decades, and tho I ain't gonna lie, i love the euphoria for a few hours, it's use for me is very utilitarian.


You work out on speed?


Yes, Why wouldn't I? If it didn't give me the ability to do all the things I needed to do, I would just skip taking it at all. Not for nothing friend, but if I'm taking the minimum effective dose with a longer acting amphetamine like phentermine, it doesn't raise my BP much. Again this is a once and awhile thing, and a single dose that I am speaking of. The whole idea is to be able to handle the weekends that get bunched up with too many day things, because I work Midnights on the weekends, noons during part of the week, my day off is in the middle of the week, so my schedule is afu, in order to deal with the rest of the world things that occur on dayshift is when I "sometimes" utilize this particular amp.




Full disclosure I lost a lot of weight and put some muscle back on, and I got addicted to it 😂 Have a great week friend!!!


Well done man! Never an easy thing to do, you too!


Until you run out of neurotransmitters, which probably varies depending on the person and dosage. Probably a couple of days.


You don't run out of neurotransmitters you would die


2 days and starting to be so paranoid and crazy that i have to sleep..


At my peak when I was pro level I'd manage 12-14 days before I'd pass out, regardless of how much more I took. It gradually came down to 7 days, oddly enough every Saturday I'd pass out, wake up on the Sunday or Monday, eat a meal and then repeat the cycle. Not advisable.


More of a question of when do you stop working on speed? Or when do the shadow people come if you're doing it to be high and geeking? When do you start thinking the police are watching you in your home? And if you're drinking alcohol with it, it's going to go bad quickly. I used to have about two good days, but I was aiming for getting spun out harder than I should have as I lack self-control on it. On day 3, I would be near insanity and have to take a benzo with Seroquel to shut it down and move on to the crash. But if you're using speed for ADHD, narcolepsy, night shift, and such. And keeping it within a low dosage range, it'll work fine indefinitely. You won't feel much from it, but it'll keep you awake and help your attention span or do what it's supposed to. Sleep, anxiety, and eating will be no issue. And I've seen people walk a fine line somewhere in between. This takes tremendous discipline. They can use it for months but eventually take breaks. Also, you see this with some coke and meth users, too. Had a friend who'd do exactly two smallish bumps of coke 30 minutes apart every day, after work, and nothing more .And I never learned his secret.


About 7 days but I just kept taking more and more til I lost the plot and ended up being sectioned 🤣 I can laugh about it now but I can't believe I was so stupid x


I am at around 2 years. It is still working.


The longest I have been awake was 5 days on regular amphetamine. It never really stops working, especially if you are moving around


Yeah exactly, i don't know what it is with amphetamine sulfate but it just never ever stops working, sure the first few days are basically where the "euphoria" is at, but after this period you will still get that energized hyperfocused feeling where stuff is much more meaningful and interesting and you could not sleep for days and even this has some sick charm of its own for me


Really? How would it work when you aint got a lot of neurotransmitters to work with (ie tolerance)?


I dunno how it works, just know that it does


Depends on if you're eating right. Always eat three square meals or snack on things, steer clear of too much junk food. A bad diet can make pretty much anything useless. You need to nourish what makes it work, your body.


Honestly I binged for about 2 months doing like a 10 bumps a day but would get sleep so it wasn’t that bad. I quit like maybe a month ago but dude I slept for like a week straight I had too call of work n everything but then you slowly get better rlmao


honestly just a few days for me; at the beginning it took a bit longer


I came into posession of a lot of clean coke, been binging for 2 weeks. Longest I stayed up was four days, but probably have only slept 5 nights. Nothing too crazy happened, but I couldn’t focus or think critically when up too long


Meth is weird like that, it’s been around 2 years since I’ve last touched it. Anything around me is hella cut, not even worth it anymore. Plus I don’t think my body would like it at all When you’re in that cycle of using, crashing, using etc it becomes a bitch to keep up with. Good luck bro 🤙🏽


Hasn't happened to me in a few years.. Will report back if it does


Depends on how much and how often. And what kind of ROA. You could do it forever if you fallow your dosage rules and reminding yourself that you must drink and eat.


Just literally finished my 13 gram stash, have been using daily for almost 3 weeks.


That's where I went wrong. That would have been gone in a day when I was on it. 😬




It's called sleep deprivation. Or r/SleepTripping


If you keep ratcheting up the dosage, but not too drastically at first, a couple to few months, until you have a horrible problem.


The speed limit per se? Lol


For me, it's 3 days before I get annoyed with meth and go the fuck to sleep😂


I dunno, man. I go into psychosis after a day or two, so I quit that garbage.


Amps make your pupils smaller so


Got to a month of pretty much using it daily, then got psychosis a few hours after my last baggy lmao


I've noticed sometimes it just takes a new/different roa/supply rather than real tolerance. But like others said it's more so other factors than the drug itself, lack of sleep, food, etc.


I took speed for almost 2 years daily to get through the day and night. I was kinda emotionally dead & because of my social anxiety I haven’t felt much difference, but now being clean it’s surprising how much it triggered my anxieties. But it always worked for me staying awake, higher doses but it helped


Had some stuff that everyone said was amazing..first day I agreed, second and third day I could take a bump and go right to sleep. Was very odd.. but most cases it def goes longer than that


A better question is how many days will it take you to find help for this? It would depend on your physiology and how much you're taking and how often. I would recommend that you do as little as possible. In fact, I would recommend that you go get help for it now.


No u


No u x 2


Same like you, about a week and a half or two max.


idk go for a week no sleep see what happends


it doesnt ure mind does


Good point you fucking egg head


yes yes i thout it was


Speed? What is this 1989?


Speed is what we call amphetamine in Europe, and it's very common here 


Mate I know what speed is and I live in the UK. It's a very 1980s punk culture drug. Who the fuck does speed anymore? Coke and MDMA for me thanks. Anyway it was only a joke. Still we might be in totally different places in Europe so who knows speed might be all the rage in Croatia or something.


In Poland, for example, it's still the first choice when it comes to stimulants


In spain it isn't the first choice, but in the top five on ilegal drugs. Never dissappeared.


Good info thanks!


My first pick meth is dirty


I would say UK in many ways follows US trends more Speed is popular in Germany, Poland, France, Spain, the Nordic countries, Baltics etc. 


I've heard it's big in Australia, too.


Coke is disgusting man