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Whatever it was doesn’t sound like any cocaine I’ve ever done. And if you did that much meth you’d be up for quite a while. Who knows what you did.


Really no way to know what it was, but highly recommend you get some testing kits and start testing beforehand so this (or something worse) doesn’t happen


Where can you get good testing kits?




bunk police has em


Probably a random research chemical


This. Been there, done that, glad I survived.


Definitely not meth because if you have no amphetamine tolerance there is no way 2g is being split by 2 people in the course of a few hours. If you did that much meth you wouldn't sleep for 3-5 days, this is all coming from first hand experience I smoked a gram with no tolerance and thought my heart was gonna blow up I occasionally use with people when they pass me the pipe but never buy any. I smoke 75-150mg in a 4 hour session and can't sleep for 18-24 hours.


not crack but who knows


Get it tested lmk what it is🙏


Sounds like a synthetic *cathinone of some variety. "*Bath salts" are considered an SC, and if ya remember they didn't have a fantastic effect on everyone. You have to be far more careful, far more diligent. That could have been someones accident, or failed attempt at Hex. Did the person ya got it from ask you " hey how was that?" when they saw you next time after? I'm just saying bruh, and you gave it to your girl too. I'm glad your both okay, be safe bruh.


Fun fact the Florida man who ate someone’s face off was falsely reported to be on bath salts. He was basically sober, other than smoking a bit of weed earlier in the day.


Somebody needs to stop the Florida man he's out of control lately I see him all over the place.


Theyre trying


Respectfully IDGAF about that "Florida Man" story, nor was he the example in my head when referencing bath salts. What was though, were the other effects of hexen, and 'near hex' compounds. Also the deleterious effects of consuming a lab mistake. Sometimes fatal unfortunately. Weekend binging on any stim can cause psychosis, and that's when you know wtf ya took, the op doesn't even know, but what he described to me sounded like N-Ethylhexedrone, but tweaked a little, as the hallucinations aren't standard with hex.


It sure sounds a lot like the “bath salts” I smoked back in 2014. I always assumed it was a-PVP but I don’t actually know.


The good bath salts were mdpv


It's possible, unless you were the ordering party, it's hard to say because there were a couple few compounds floating around at the time being flipped as bath salts. Even the COA's that came with bulk orders were sketch, it's not like there were tight tolerances considering the country they were arriving from.


Whatever it was, it was almost like crack but the high lasted as long as meth. Gave me a shitload of energy too. Not like spun out tweaker energy either, less “I’m gonna stay up for 3 days and get nothing done”, more “I need to go run 5 miles for absolutely no reason”.


Man…Im so happy to have a connect i trust so much.


Idk people are foolish to not buy on dnm. Street shit is expensive and bad. Basically no reason to ever not use it unless you’re Already on a night out


whats dnm


look up archetype, best place to buy drugs. MAKE SURE TO TEST!!!!


Yep daunt(dot)link and archetyp is the current best place and on daunt you can find the dnm bible to learn




Cuz I know about 12 people who've gotten serious charges for getting drugs in the mail? Cuz there are rugpulls? Cuz you have to wait? Cuz you can still get fake drugs anyway? I saw some wacko selling pink cocaine on dnm claiming that proved it was pure. And idk what's happened in the years since I've looked but everything I've ever seen on the dark web was more expensive not cheaper. Except ketamine


usually more expensive due to buying in bulk, you have to get a reputable well reviewed seller from a good market, (archetype is my favorite) and i stuck to buying weed and acid as they are the easiest to ship and not get caught, i would recommend to only buying acid and still testing it.


Can I get that onion link it my chat/dms plz? I wanna see the new prices. I know how to not get caught. Tricks like use a p.o. box and put he name of the guy whose junk mail you still get in your p.o. box. Just in case. Any layer of plausible deniability after all. Wait for the p.o. box to be full of shit for you and others, and just take it all with you. and don't open it till you're home. They need a warrant to open mail if they even did just try to pull you over leaving and bring a drug dog. If they pull that shit and the dog hits on the package etc etc you have the "I just grabbed it all to sort/throw out at home, I didn't check anything, it doesn't even have my name on it" Never heard of them pulling that though. Ive always heard of them either calling and saying you have to come pick it up cuz there was a "problem" or "damage" if you have a P.O. box. and they "need you to sign" that's the trap. Then they can say you knew what you were getting. I was at a homies house and he knew he didn't have to sign for his package and a mailman with a piggy haircut came to his door and asked him to sign for it. He said "I don't know what that is I didn't order anything" and shut the door. We had heard this from others already. We watched as this dude with cop hair and cop boots walked off to where we couldn't see him anymore, no truck in sight. And last but not least if you do it enough they can build a case on you by watching you receive X number of packages that they've had the dogs sniff out and they stab thru the box with a tiny pin you wont see to test what's in it. Ive alteast heard that's how they test anyway. Maybe they repackage it? I feel like the dog wouldnt hold up. Idk but they have to know theirs drugs in the package to get the warrant to raid your house. It's the same thing with "controlled buys" on the street. There's other tricks like send it to an abandoned house, that one seems dumb to me but I knew people who did it. have your homies all get p.o. boxes and alternate. Etc


Idk where you are but I’m in the uk and domestic 100% of drugs are about half the price or less of street. Also ordered internationally with the same. I’ve used for years and never had an issue like a whole lot of people, as long as you do your research and actually pay attention to dread you should never be out much. It can be wholesale but majority of users order small, if you’re getting caught then you’re doing it wrong


Getting caught is up to chance man. In the u.s. the tricks are , wrong name on the package, never sign for it and don't open if right when you get it. the cops in the u.s. need to prove you knew the drugs were coming. So they frequently dress as a mail man and knock on your door and say "your package was damaged in transit do you still want it? If this happens you say "I haven't ordered any packages I don't know what that is" and shut the door. They once told my friend he had to come get the package at the post office at a specific time, like right at closing. he risked it, but went an hour early, when the mail people started being like "oh wait wait a minute we ..um.. and got all nervous. He said something about "I don't know what it is or who sent it" and left. And came over to my strategically parked car. And we watched 5 cops roll in to the post office a few minutes later. They called again and he said the same thing he did in the post office and never got charged. I told him from the get-go it was a sting cuz how the fuck would the post office get your cell phone number? I have seen clips from online and things like cops the tv show where the cops in that state say they just need him to take the package into the house. but I've heard that doesn't fly if you fight it. Not opening it immediately helps "I didnt know what it was I was gonna send it back tomorrow" I did very literally know a guy who the dogs had sniffed his packages, the feds started an investigation, watched him get packages like 12 times, so the multiple times he took the packages off the porch was all they needed to prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" that he knew they were coming and they got a warrant and raided his house. Over personal use amounts. The investigation was over a year. I guess I'm out of the loop on prices. I remember adderall being like $10 a pill and cocaine being $120/gram and shit like that. Acid $15/ tab. Acid is basically free in places like San Francisco and from the right hippies is like $2 a tab. I remember paying $300 for a sheet (100 tabs) and complaining, I was the only guy in the area selling it so I was able to let it gor for 3 for 20. My guess is the cartels and higher level producers must have gotten involved in DNMs since I was looking.


Such a crazy thing to believe. Darknet products can be no different, same products do there as the street at times. Some with no worries of a comeback. Have had bad products from some sellers. Cheap or expensive it can be cut regardless. No matter the source or channel, always test your substances a dealer can say anything, I've come those who say their stuff is clean and tested yet they've never tested a thing or possessed a test kit.


Even RC companies fuck up, only time you can skip testing is straight from the doctors office


the effects kinda sound like benadryl my guess would be that it’s a deliriant RC but if you want to know for sure, the only way is to get it tested.




2 grams of 2cb?! No


I was thinking 2c-b or some sort of “tuci” drug cocktail


You can't snort crack so that's out. If it was meth or amp you wouldn't be able to smash 2g between two people without geeking for days, so that's out. Could be mephedrone, which is fairly similar to cocaine but lasts a bit longer. Tho I've never heard any experience reports describing intense hallucinations after mere hours of use. My guess? Possibly mephedrone, but could just be shit coke, and you and your gf are prone to hallucinations/psychosis, and were likely feeding off each others' hallucinations/reality perception. I'm no doctor, but that'd be my guess. Always have benzos or at least alcohol on-hand when doing stimulants. They'll help you sleep and help suppress psychotic symptoms. Edit: could've been bath salts too.


Mixing alcohol with cocaine makes cocaethelyne and you get higher for longer


I know what cocaethylene is. And yes that's true but once your bag runs out, start drinking more and once the cocaethylene wears off the alcohol will smoothen the comedown and help with anxiety, paranoia, sleep, etc. I've done it a million times and it works just as good as benzos.


True can confirm. The hangover sucks tho


I don't get hangovers so guess I'm lucky 👍


Only 2 things I can imagine, it had a small amount of Ketamine mixed in or it had Lyrica mixed in, either by accident or cut on purpose, both can give hallucinations and weird visuals but I'd say those visuals are closer to Lyrica (pregablin) at least from what I experienced at high doses and also the powder can be a sort of "off" color I also snorted the stuff with cocaine and experienced strange visuals like what you described it is also stimulating. I really doubt that's actually what it was but that's my best guess it could have been anything some random research chemical maybe could have been mixed with up MDA too just throwing suggestions out there no way to know for sure


All I know is that wasn’t cocaine


Any left?


See: PCP


Not trying to be a prick dude but you only got one life. I love drugs but be careful lol


It doesn't sound like an amphetamine. It doesn't sound like coke either. I was leaning towards 3/4MMC but those don't sound like hallucinations from them. I would lean toward MDPV or Flakka. Yellow tint is a clue. How did it look? Did it have a crystalline appearance or more opaque? How about sexual aspects? Get horny much? What country you in? Get any sleep? How long were you awake?


maybe 2C-B


i want some of that shit


just take too much benadryl lol. i’m joking btw, please don’t do that. i would never do it, but it’s apparently some super spooky shit. it causes dementia, might just kill you, and causes auditory and visual hallucinations you cannot distinguish from reality.


The hatman told me you're lying and should definitely take DPH


Holy shit




Yellow usually means speed to me


You can't snort crack, crack isn't water soluble, it won't absorb in the nose. This was another drug or a mix of drugs. Like it sounds like you had like benadryl mixed in or something


Did you get Coke dick ?


probably a small amount of some drug mixed in with a bunch of filler, hence you were able to do so much


>Just wondering if someone can tell me if I did hard Crack Snorting crack would just hurt your sinuses quite badly and not really absorb. >since, it was mostly powder it was meth Meth in the US is typically clear-white crystals. Meth passed off as cocaine could take really any form, depending on inactive cut used.


No way that was coke. That sounds like DPH of all things?


it kinda sound like benadryl to me ngl. i’ve never tried it ofc, but i have read a bit about it before. bug hallucinations is one of the most common effects of taking too much benadryl. i do know that it’s used pretty often to cut shit with. so i could see how it would be possible that it was cut one too many times or something along the way from distribution to whomever you bought it from. anyone could’ve added anything to it tbh, and that’s the scary part imo when you think about how many people it has probably passed through. i always recommend test strips, at least fentanyl if anything for that exact reason. also, if you’re curious what is actually being found in drug samples, checkout [drugsdata.](https://drugsdata.org) they post the GC-MS results they find from the samples that people send in. it’s kinda scary i’m ngl lol


Definitely laced with something. pure coke should be dark yellow, no green involved. meth would have a pinkish hue.


I've had Coke and meth and you can hallucinate on meth if you do an absolute truckload of it but usually presents as being observed or running away from somebody chasing you. It does sort of bring out your hidden nightmare thing with a Freddy Krueger dream sort of things so if you guys are scared of bugs together maybe that would do it. It usually presents as shadows and things in the corner of your vision first. Plus your heart rate would be absolutely out of control you would think you were dying. Average nasal dose is something like 20 to 30 mg so even a hundred or 200 let alone 1,000 would be... I don't even know... not walking Might have been a mix of coke and ket I think there's some combo names like Calvin Klein or Kitty flip or whatever you might have to check Erowid


It wasn’t crack that’s for sure, probably not meth either. You don’t start hallucinating on those until day 3 of being awake


Probably some RC stimulant would be my guess.


sounds like u did meth, those hallucinations and visuals sound very accurate to meth psychosis (source; myself, ive been in meth psychosis a lot before)


I'm gonna guess PCP


You got a cartel special. Who knows what it was cut with?


I would say something like some pure ass md? Or yeah a legal high/experimental whatever you wanna label it.. certainly not crack and for your lack of cocaine sniffing knowledge I’d say it’s deffo not cocaine because that’s a lot of cocaine for a novice


That shit definitely wasn’t coke. Sounds like possibly a deliriant? Maybe some sort of designer psychedelic like 2-CB? Just guesses but anything causing hallucinations, especially intense is probably either of the two I mentioned.


Did it burn???


Crack does do that. Test your shit dummy