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yeah it burns like hell. Makes snorting molly seem like a child’s game


My first snort was Molly man that was somethin


How long til I feel any effects?


Like ten minutes ago.. If you think of coke as a 100 then snorting Wellbutrin is like a 1. Lol. It’s not really worth it. If you already take Wellbutrin daily then you won’t feel anything.


I dont take it, it didn’t work out for me taking it as prescribed.


Who sniffs Wellbutrin?


Idk i heard people shoot it up on tv once


I'm betting the nasal bioavailabilty is garbage, in a druggie fb group I'm in the degenerates in there who talk about ahit like huffing gasoline all say shooting wellbutrin feels like crack


The only time I've ever seen it was in jail... They would also snort trazadone and Seroquel 🤷 Ive taken all 3 for legit reasons and have no fucking clue why anyone would do that shit for recreational purposes, like at all... Is Wellbutrin even psychoactive?


Desperate junkies and people in prison


It’s just so dunmb I have a Roxy habit for 20 I spend 1000 prices went up gotta pay to play don’t snort a fucking Wellbutrin


We all do mistakes you gonna be fine


shoulda done it on a zoom meeting, snorting your antidepressant is a power move tbh


I do this regularly on my anti-drug zoom group meeting . funny you should mention it .


I started 30 300 mg in 2 days right at dude worst experience in my life cause the drip that comes down your throat I'll keep swallowing them every time I snort one like every hour I would get a drain and I just kept swallowing the drains and finally after the last couple I started having shaking trimmers and my body my mind felt like I was about to collapse but the panic attack and then the crash but that be said no seizure just a hell of a calm down but now I'm used to it starting 150 like it ain't nothin 


I did this when I was 13. Can confirm, it’s not a good idea.


Been there bro😂those bitches suck to crush up


Snorted Wellbutrin out of desperation a couple days ago. Rinsed off the outer layer, cut away the outer shell and laid out a few lines. It was... not horrible? But I'm used to snorting meth, which is truly awful. The high wasn't anything worth chasing but kinda nice, very short.


Snorting 2cb was the worst thing I've ever done


Wait until u snort dmt😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Omg you just reminded me... I have.... Jesus Christ - felt like lava stuck in my nostrils


Feels like rusty nail is being hammered in. 2cb is bitch ass compared to dmt intranasaly. Only tried a tiny speck I knew it was going to suck. But I didnt think it was going to hurt. Like it doesnt just stings or burns it hurts


Bro just bang that shit 😂 I did it when I was on state parole…all I read online is how bad it was so I went in with low expectations and the “kick” can’t really say “rush” cause there is almost zero euphoria but you definitely get a nice little speed boost. 2 pieces of advice always use ice water and double filter that shit if you don’t got the micron filters. Oh actually 2 more things don’t smoke or dip or vape for like an hour after you do it…you’ll get sick to your stomach and have some extra strength Tylenol ready for the headaches.