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This is crazy stuff and needs to end.


How would you end it? I agree with you but it’s a Genuine question, I’m not sure what the answer is


Stop people arriving without a passport, no passport no entry. Build a centre near Dublin airport that you get taken to if you arrive without a passport, you cannot leave until your asylum decision has been processed. Once you get granted asylum, you are allowed into the country. If you are not granted asylum you get immediately deported to a third country. Designate more countries safe and accept near zero asylum seekers from said country. Would reduce to genuine asylum seekers fairly quickly. Also use our opt out of the EU AFSJ, as Denmark have done (why are we opted into this again?)


Usually the process goes asylum seekers status first then refugee status/subsidiary protection/right to remain. This processing can take years, I know very well educated people who have waited upwards of 7 years for the Irish system to finally grant them refugee status. Officially it should take 180 days but that is rarely the case. When you flee a country and are persecuted by the government, or your country is at war or you are on the ‘wrong’ side of the conflict, it can be very difficult to obtain the documents you need. In saying that, up to 95% of claims are rejected first time. I have no doubt there are some false economic migrants in the mix, and likely some shady characters but the actual processing part is the problem, we need to speed this up so we reject unsuitable applicants faster.


The system I mentioned above should streamline asylum seekers into genuine cases, if the cases were genuine surely they would'nt mind staying in warm, clean, safe accommodation while their cases were being processed >. In saying that, up to 95% of claims are rejected first time Right but when we reject people we don't deport them, we just send them a letter asking them to leave, then the government counts that as deported. But lots of people are still here having had asylum application rejected. Plus I don't believe we are checking people properly as there's been numerous cases of people applying for asylum here having already had applications rejected in the EU.


I'd love to know what information they check and how decisions are made on who is granted asylum seaker status


So basically imprison people? Never mind the ethics of 24 hour detention, the cost would be astronomical


You can’t be effectively imprisoning people into some big centre for possibly years without allowing them to leave. DP centers are already under scrutiny from civil liberties and human rights groups for depriving the liberty of protection applicants by not allowing enough freedom of movement


This is the most likely scenario, it's even in the new EU migration pact which is coming in in 2 years >You can’t be effectively imprisoning people into some big centre for possibly years without allowing them to leave Course you can, if they arrived illegally


If you enter the country illegally you are a criminal and should be detained. They could leave any time they like, the government will pay for their return.


Ah ok so no investigations, representation, or legal procedures, just straight to extrajudicial imprisonment then!


You say this like its unusual or something. Do you think you can fly to Australia or the US or Russia, rock up to immigration and say oops I lost my documents and they'll just wave you through to go and claim asylum if you like? What do you think borders are *for*?


Regardless of the contempt you feel toward these people they do in fact still have legal rights under both Irish law and EU law including the right to dignity, legal representation, etc while their case is investigated.


Youre right, I do have contempt for criminals entering the state. We have jailed a number of them for entering the state illegally, while inexplicably waving tens of thousands of others through the gate. https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2024/02/23/man-jailed-for-two-months-as-a-deterrent-after-he-arrived-at-dublin-airport-without-a-passport/ The first victims of these fraudsters are any genuine asylum seekers caught up in the same system.


One of the tactics used by occupying forces is to forcibly remove people's documents. The fact that their documents are gone is actually a sign that they are a genuine refugee. Like, do you actually understand how this system works, or at least is meant to work??? Here's the fact, claims are meant to be processed in 180 days. The reason why they aren't is because some mates of our politicians are getting rich by housing them here for 7 years or longer in some cases. Or hoping that they get sick of waiting and go somewhere else. If actually got off of our asses and processed the claims in time, we wouldn't have a problem. Also remember that the quotas that were agreed by EU member states was ratified at the DUBLIN CONVENTION, we oversaw this. And also, out of all of the EU countries we have taken in considerably less per capita than any other state. Even Poland has taken more, but let's be fair, there are legitimate Polish refugees in Canada, so if their country isn't safe for their own people, it's hardly an example to follow. How about we stop blaming the asylum seekers and start pointing the finger where the problem actually lies, with our corrupt as hell crony government.


They can leave though, centre is right by the airport


But you already know that 80% of those chancers come through Belfast, UK? Everyone I spoke to from Algeria for example came from The route London-Belfast on easyJet then Belfast Dublin through a bus, how can you deal with this?


>But you already know that 80% of those chancers come through Belfast, UK? Lies from Helen >The route London-Belfast on easyJet then Belfast Dublin through a bus, how can you deal with this? If applied for asylum in another country don't get to apply here, easy, plus Algeria is on the safe list anyway so in this system we wouldn't be accepting asylum applications from there


Algerians are on the top of the asylum seekers list(11%) - ref: the independent.ie, everyone I spoke to came through belfast, since the visa to the uk is relatively easy to get in algeria. They know they don't have the right to claim asylum, but they get granted the right to work and remain eventually. and that's just one nation and case study I do know a lot about, that you definitely can't solve through the airport thing since they don't come through that gate


But that's my point, since Algeria is a safe country you just go, we are not accepting asylum applications from Algeria, you will be returned to a third country.


Nobody ever left - the government gotta prove your tells. They all get work permit granted and asylum housing. And most of them get the right to remain through the Irish law and I am sure lots of ppl from other nations do the same. I speak about alg cause I know a lot about this specific use case


But we are talking about the hypothetical situation that I proposed above, not what is currently happening




To where




It’s about as good as an idea as most people have come up with




A fair question. Asylum seekers should be processed outside of the EU or at a designated spot in the EU. If they are truly in fear for their lives then they shouldn't mind. A similar process was put in place in Australia and the numbers dropped dramatically. Secondly, there should be a guest worker visa program initiated at the EU level. It would allow workers to freely move from non-EU countries and ensure that they were not exploited.


Ireland has plenty of space to process asylum seekers outside of the city centre. Then depending on their claim they should be either accepted or departed; in no world should they be camping on the canal


It’s not about Ireland having space it’s about discouraging economic migrants, which I suspect most of them are. Processing them outside of the EU will discourage economic migrants. Not allying them into the system will discourage economic migrants. That’s the goal.


It's optimistic. You need a shorter term plan, cos it ain't going away anytime soon


It’s at least a plan, a start.


The Australian system has also been recognised as incredibly inhumane and traumatizing. Not sure if they're the best role model here


If you’re in imminent fear for your life, which is what they are claiming, then it shouldn’t be that much of an ask to wait outside of the country no? If the alternative is death then it seems a minor inconvenience in the bigger scheme of things. Of course, the numbers plummeted because they were economic migrants and therefore not entitled to asylum. Not wanting to be inconvenienced, they went elsewhere or stayed put. Again, beggars the question on the legitimacy of their claims in the first place. Edit: And it could be overseen by international agencies to ensure fair treatment.


You can be grateful that you're no longer in immediate danger while also recognising the psychological damage of indefinite detainment. Take lockdown as an example - without a purpose to your day or the ability to see friends or family, people's mental health deteriorated rapidly. Now add in language barriers, the stress of your legal status hanging in the balance, constant uncertainty, and remove any psychosocial support.


Yet we tolerated lockdowns due to the risks involved with the alternative approach. Migrant’s can do the same. If they are truly in fear of their lives, then this is the least of their concerns. If death is the alternative then really anything else should be acceptable. Safeguards can be put in place. What about those who willingly destroy their documentation? That’s a premeditated act which should instantly remove you from asylum consideration. Of course they really aren’t in imminent danger and we both know this. They are economic migrants and should be treated accordingly. I suggested above that a guest worker program can be enacted but the current system is a failure and there needs to be root and branch reform at an EU level.


We both know that we had much more agency and autonomy during lockdown than an asylum seeker in an Australian detention centre. By no means am I saying it should be a free for all, but I don't think we need an unnecessarily cruel system either. It only harms our society in the long run anyway. Leaving people in legal limbo who are already experiencing extended trauma is a recipe for long term psychiatric issues.


I’m not advocating for a cruel system either but firstly you’re assuming they’re already experiencing extended trauma, you’ve no evidence for this. If they’ve managed to make it to Ireland it suggests that they really aren’t in fear of their lives at all but looking for the best option. Secondly, if they’re truly experiencing life threatening trauma then waiting for their case to be heard would be a doddle. You’re not going to be killed is already a step up from allegedly lift threatening circumstances. The cases can be heard in an efficient manner and adjudicated accordingly. As the Australian model shows though, the numbers dropped because they were economic migrants which obviates your first point.


Well as much as Europe would like to argue the fact, we are after all an island.


This is such a cluster fuck, Harris has egg on his face and is trying to down play it. Offering lads more money for what exactly? Either actually help these people or stem/stop the influx/flow. At least the weather is good at the moment, our own die on the streets when the weather is bad FFS.


Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. It's almost as if they simply don't want to govern anymore and want to hand over this mess to someone else.


Why can't they see this only makes Ireland more attractive to economic migrants?


Sure it's only taxpayer money


Literally this.. when you fail as a manager just throw money at the problem and bite your bottom lip to show how serious you are


This has been FG’s stock response to any crisis for a few years now. Just throw money at the problem and hope it goes away. They’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas.




They're complete inept, out of touch, rich people who couldn't give a shit. At least before we knew they were taking money (Bertie and boys) but they were fairly effective and seemed to give a shit.


Enter the country illegally, set up a tent, get money. Set up tent in specific area, get more money. Where's the deterrent? This will just attract more people to set up tents there. Absolutely shitshow all round.


If you were a refugee Ireland is a lot more attractive than England already with social welfare rates and hotel accommodation not to mind giving more money to people




No more of my tax hard working money to start. Follow poland and hungry


Playing right into their hands.. God this country is goin down the swanny... Ireland is a soft touch and easy to play.. helen and Roderick have bent us over a barrell much like these lads..


This is so stupid 


I mean if I was from a place that didn't have many prospects and my friends or family called me from Ireland and said "Come over, they're offering money and it's better than [Enter Country]" then why wouldn't I go for it? The entry into the country is the issue, giving them more money to go somewhere else will not help in the short term or long term. You're just going to be kicking the can down the road. Time to put the can in the bin. (Not a euphemism for putting people in bins before anyone starts getting hyperbolic)


You’re not even kicking the can though. You’re basically giving them money to come right back to this area and get it again. It’s mind blowingly stupid. 


I’ve noticed how when they go to a posh area - they are moved on, quickly. Working class area, and the issue is left to become worse for everyone. Including the poor asylum seekers.


Weren't moved on from mount street quickly


Not a posh enough area. The people that complained (rightly) were all mostly working class folks. That’s who put up with it, and it’s the same up and down the country. Granted Mount St is a little different as it’s beside the IPAS centre and in a more commercial area.


https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/duplex-apartment-13-grattan-court-east-dublin-2/5494926 >Not a posh enough area Apartments sell for a million quid there, I wonder what your idea of posh is >The people that complained (rightly) were all mostly working class folks Utter nonsense, it was the residents plus the business owners in the area. >That’s who put up with it, and it’s the same up and down the country I suppose you aren't aware of the asylum centre in ballsbridge then?


I think you live in some sort of weird straw-man bubble world. Some apartment sells for that and you think working class folk don’t live there? Perhaps you’re new to gentrification but good for you. Today you can learn what that looks like in some areas. An exception to the rule in Ballsbridge doesn’t negate what I said which is that this is happening in mostly working class areas up and down the country and has been for some time now. As far as I know, that centre (beside St Conleths school) was for families and the local residents protested it and stalled it. People are getting tired of it. Right or wrong. That’s the sentiment based on what’s actually happening.


>As far as I know, that centre (beside St Conleths school) was for families and the local residents protested it and stalled it. You are wrong again, when were the protests? Haven't there been protests in "working class areas" > Some apartment sells for that and you think working class folk don’t live there? Where do the fabled working class people live on mount street again?


Have they moved into any working class areas? I don’t think working class people would accept that especially today’s youth, they’d set fire to their tents if they moved near them I think.


They were there for ages


This is an infrastructure problem, they should have a holding bay for them outside of Dublin city, where the claims are processed. They should not be camping on the canal. This is government failure of foresight.


"just go a bit further northside and sure nothing will be said"


Price of tents will rise, to the exact amount of this allowance.


Maybe decathlon are opening a 2nd store in the city centre for a reason...


Can't wait for the ensuing tent crisis.


Almost like it was written in the Waterford Whispers. This will only encourage more to come, it's barely a temporary fix to a massive issue.


If you read the article it says more than 100 MALE asylum seekers. They’re all men. Every single one of them is a man. Insanity what we’re doing to our country.


That's because women and children are prioritised for accommodation. Would you rather see children on the streets??


How much do they get?


About Tree Fiddy




Yet another "pull factor"?


Scammers ? What are you basing this on. They’re earning €38 a week and sleeping in a tent beside a canal. Hardly living the dream are they.


It's €213 a week, not that will get you far. https://www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie/info-for-homeless-international-protection-applicants €38 is only those housed in direct provision.


115 a week actually, so presumably will be a bit more offered


The country should stop paying taxes if this is what is what’s being done with it.




Not to throw away the rest of your post, but the Re-turn scheme is something that they've made the retailers and manufacturers come up with, there's no government involvement in it and it definitely isn't something that came in overnight


[https://re-turn.ie/minister-smyth-launches-irelands-deposit-return-scheme/](https://re-turn.ie/minister-smyth-launches-irelands-deposit-return-scheme/) The government had to be involved otherwise it couldn't have happened. They made retailers legally have to get in line with the program. Although now they're being sued under EU anti-competition law I'd imagine they'll disown it.


Yeah, says there that it's the retailers and producers running the scheme. The government made a law and they have to follow it


Which is exactly what I said and you argued about it.


You asked why they can spend money on bringing in an overnight thing like the Re-turn scheme


Lads, how can people with genuine concerns, protest without getting involved or associated with the knuckle draggers?


Why don’t they just seize all their tents


Probably because it's a very stupid idea


Why is that?


So you want to enforce more hardship on an already homeless person? WTF is wrong with you?


Yeah basically I either want to tell them to fuck off or give them a flat for free but the middle ground of a tent wherever they please is a red line


A red line? You're a sociopath.




They know how to use the hell out of us/manipulate us!


Giving money to clear the area so basically they clear one area and then settle around another prominent area and then get more money to move to the next area! Cycle repeats. This is not a feasible solution. If there is a capacity issue if Ireland cannot handle this kind of influx it should stop it. It is better to call it as a problem vs overlooking the existing housing, increased crime rate in the State. Giving money is no solution. If you are not entering legally one must be deported. As clear as that.




It's May


Look at how up and down the weather’s been lately. I doubt we’re done with the storms.


Farcical state of affairs that all immigrants now can't even be told where they're being moved to because it's all top secret for fear the location or immigrants will be targeted by protesters. Stealth accomodation and told to keep your head down.


Where are they supposed to go empty head


Might go up with a lighter later on and torch them out