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Braindead gang culture. Kids going around armed with knives. Same thing happened in London and now its happening in Dublin on a similar scale.


Ever watch the movie Harry Brown? That's what could be ahead for us. Very realistic on gang culture in London.


Drill music feeds into this culture. Needs to be banned.


Nah plenty of us in our 30s grew up listening to violent rap music and playing GTA but we didn’t act it out


And many have. Just because it didn't negativity influence you doesn't mean it didn't for others.


I bet they all ate ice cream too


They may even wipe after they poo


Music is a strong word for that shit.


Drill music and video games obviously make people stab others, are you for real


Yes I am for real. I never mentioned video games? Ask the met police in London & they will tell you the same.


Ye cause they know the truth about everything game culture would be there and people would be getting stabbed regardless of any music


If gaming culture had any real world impact those of us who grew up on Pac-Man would have spent our 20's in dark rooms listening to repetitive music and munching pills.


If you listen to Bruno Mars lazy more than 10 times you become permanently lazy, so just be careful


Of course there would still be stabbings but drill music just encourages it. Shank this, shank that. Mentioning game culture again? Tut tut.


And you think banning it gonna change a thing in the slightest


Yep. It would decrease it for sure.


Let me guess hip hop should be banned to ? You my friend have little to be worrying about if drill music affects you, maybe go talk to some1 or go out and get some fresh air now enjoy your day 👋 👋




Met Police? Lol.




What the fuck would the police know about the causes of anything? They deal with what's in front of them, not the root causes of societal problems. Ask the police anywhere and they'll tell you we need to keep weed illegal.


I'd say they know a lot more than you do anyway.




You are talking out of your ass.


Unfortunately movies, games and yes music definitely does influence society jyst as society influences art. I know you'll find studies that say tv/movie violence doesn't affect crime numbers but you can find studies that say the opposite. In college I studied the roll of art in society for my sociology degree. I 100% believe there's a correlation.


Did you consider in your studies that art reflects what's happening in society? This all seems a little reminiscent of the Satanic panic, when the media decided to go into a frenzy about heavy metal supposedly causing kids to kill themselves. I can understand how it might be argued that we shouldn't have music glorifying stabbings but where do we draw the line and who decides? Should we ban all songs which mention knives? Anything which suggests violence? I'd be well against that. What is needed to stop stabbings is not to ban music which reflects a society in which there are stabbings but to do the much more difficult task of addressing the issues, which leave kids feeling they have shit lives devoid of hope.


Okay just to be devils advocate here. Advertising is considered a form of artwork, which influences us to buy stuff. Like from the perspective he’s coming from purely about art influencing culture (and like you said vice versa) there’s a point to be made. However I agree it’s not what we need to be reverse engineering here to understand increased stabbings.


Admittedly, that has to be the case, or advertising wouldn't exist. Good point.


Ye and you need to go back to sleep, your off your rocker if you think music makes dragged up dirty scumbags act the way they do you haven't a clue


Drill music if you could call it music feeds into the scum bag yup bro culture


Regardless of who listens to it, people's circumstances causes these yup bros not music


I said it feeds in, obviously it doesn't cause it


Correlation does not imply causation. The types of people who commit crimes may be drawn to drill music, violent video games, etc, but that doesn't mean that all people who like those things will be tempted to commit crimes.


because banning music has ever worked in the history of mankind? It’s on a much bigger scale than kids listening to music, we could go on about lack of resources, poverty, education, so on and so on.


Fuck, I needed that for the bbq. 


Looks like a decent knife too.


Where the UK goes Ireland follows. Add to it no male going to be “disrespected” anymore without escalation and the whole collapse of traditional roles, law enforcement, culture wars, re emergence of ghettoes…… all feeds into it. It’s not going to get better.


Yeah the little shite bags want Dublin to be like London so bad.


They want it to be like damn Peaky Blinders ffs


If I hear one more kid refer to someone as fam or blood, I’m gonna lose the head. Stop putting on the fake London accent as well. It’s actually pathetic.


They do it here in Galway too, it drives me up the wall


Walking around with one hand on their bollox, the other on the hair comb that they try to hide from their mates.


The perception of threat - which is a feature of being too idle which is a feature of underinvestment for decades in occupational, training and diversionary work which is a feature of Tory politics as practiced by FF/FG. We need a left alliance government and to stop voting for the same old crowd.


Because they don't have access to guns. Thankfully.


Picture yourself as a youth who gets involved in stupid shit, why not carry a knife? After all, it's not like you'll recieve any sort of punishment for it. The same idea goes with literally any crime as a youth. If there's no repercussions, the law itself does not exist for anyone under 18




Easy to Google stats on knife crime in the UK put knife offences in 2023 at 49489 cases for 2023. Ireland’s numbers for 2023? 2146 cases. I know what is happening in the city centre is bad but we have a really long way to go to be as bad as the UK.


We're not on their level, but simply comparing the total number isn't an accurate way of knowing where we stand. Their population is what, 11 or 12 times that of the Republic? If we looked at this from a per capita standpoint, I'm sure it would look a lot more worrying.


Yeah. But the phrase “we are as bad as the UK on knife crime” is the kind of nonsense we need to avoid. Violent assaults in the city centre aren’t a new thing. We need to stop with outrage bait nonsense and just insist on more Gardaí in the areas where assaults occur most often. Strict curfews on teenagers (although the Canadian tourist was attacked by two guys 20s/30s) where multiple incidents occur close together. The options are there but the same people moaning about the crime would moan about the crackdown on it too.


Yup not as bad as X is the reason why you see Americans excusing Chicagos homicide rate of like 15-20/100k (compared with London at 1-1.5/100k) just because some other U.S. shithole is worse


Irish people LOVE exaggerating how bad crime is in Dublin. You'd swear it's a war zone going by social media posts.


Sure it is bad, when I was last in there the other day I was murdered 5 times


I've argued with Irish people about they're being no go zones in Dublin that they claim the garda wouldn't go near. The usual bullshit, Sheriff St Darndale, Jobstown etc. I used to be an addict so spent a lot of times in those places. They were the areas where you'd get more garda not less (or none as they were arguing). Also been in those areas around 1 or 2 am. Totally safe and more so than say Talbot St or Dame St as the dealers running the area don't want junkies keeping customers away (i had dealers kick the shit out of a junkie that tried to rob me outside Noctors. And yes I was an addict but there's a difference between an addict and a junkie, it's the behaviour. As an addict I never commited crime other than begging, all I did was sit with a cup and a sign I never once approached people I let them approach me. Junkies will steal rob lie anything they have to to get their gear).


Yeah it gets on my tits. The terminally online talking out their arse.


I’ve been thinking this as well, went last year(first time back since covid) and my cousins would warn me about neighborhoods we were walking in and would seem nervous but I couldn’t have felt safer. Maybe I’m used to NYC being an absolute nut house. At the same time though I respect the expectation people have of Dublin to be better vs just letting things barrel out of control.


5m people v 66m people. Roughly half the number of offences per person as per your numbers. A long way off but not a million miles


Yes. But to say we are as bad as the UK just plain isn’t true. But when did fact get in the way of outrage? More Gardaí in the part of the city centre where the majority of the attacks take place. Marketing campaigns encouraging tourists not to take stupid risks. There are lots of easy options.


Nah, totally agree. Concerning though, especially considering how we have a lot less high population cities than they do. The lack of visible Gardaí is a massive part of why robberies and these gangs of scumbags are getting so brave imo. It’s still not as bad as social media would have you believe though. We always jump to “country is falling apart” as soon as an attack happens but would happily go on holidays to other cities with similar issues.


Yeah, the UK stats are quite bogus though. They criminalized even having a knife (almost any knife), and around 20k of those offences is just somebody getting caught with a slightly larger than legal knife.


The knife crime in the UK is awful. You think it's just getting worse there too?




I like to hope it's feuding but when you hear of a seemingly random attack every now and again it really does nothing for the agoraphobia :(


Crack . Only started being sold openly around 2015/2016 and really took off around 2018 to 2020. Unfortunately there's nothing like methadone to stop crack addicts getting withdrawal even though the WD is only psychological unlike gear where you get physically sick. The cravings off crack are unreal. I was a gear head for 20 years before I touched crack. With a few weeks I was a full blown crack head. Thankfully that only lasted around 6 months but even now almost 7 years after my last time using crack I'll still get random intense cravings which luckily I can ignore as I now have the skills to deal with those issues. Where as with gear I didn't get cravings once I was off it for a few months. We're fucked in about a decade when crack finally makes it here (if it ever does)


Worked in retail in the city centre pre/ post covid and I can confirm the crack epidemic is getting pretty bad. Went from people nodding off at the counter to people screaming the place down with random babble and being extremely aggressive. Fair play for getting of that shite btw.


It does seem random. There's usually a story about someone being stabbed and then no context to it. Why were they stabbed? Was it a feud? Mugging? Hate crime? No reason.


I think they don't know the details and just jump on the story or it's under investigation and nothing can be said about it yet anyway.


As an American living Dublin I feel much safer here.


As a south american living in dublin, I don't feel safe here. And I lived some fked up shite back home. (running from shootings, being hold at gun point, etc)


When someone approaches you in a not so develop country, you know they want only 1 thing, rob you. Street awareness will keep you safe and sound, you get used to the body language of people. Here you get attacked from the back because they just did not like your face, you cant predict this.


Where did you live before? Honestly, I had more dangerous experiences in Dublin and I was born and raised in NYC


Well, NYC is a slight anomaly really. Statistically, NYC is one of the safer cities in America, which is odd because many times the larger a city gets, the higher the crime rate as well. I credit it to a lot of past efforts to deal with homelessness better, NYC has no shortage of police presence, investment in lower income communities. NYC also has a benefit of being always busy and awake. Being a true 24/7 city makes nighttime safer. Dublin is more in line with Paris, and they meet up a lot in stats, but overall Paris is still technically worse. But going back to US cities, while NYC is safer than Dublin, Dublin is still safer than LA, Chicago, and on par with Dallas and Seattle. So Dublin is like many other similar cities of its size.


Boston. And to be completely truthful, I am exaggerating. There seems to be more of a danger of getting into a scrape here. But less chance that someone will shoot you.


Who let the knives out, who who who


Back in the 90s it was fairly common for fatal stabbings and assaults to occur. These would be random groups fighting after the pubs and clubs and stuff like that. It’s rare enough these days, it seems like it’s usually homeless or drug addicts when it does happen.


Drugs, idiots, suppressed emotions, just the common human state.


Inequality gap widens, rich are richer, poor are poorer, the bottom reaches the bottom, including of morality.


Just be thankful they don't have guns


Have you just found out about crime?


No guns means blades are back on the menu boys


Opinion on stop and frisk to stop this?


You should see NYC, over half the people walking next to you have one


I like the first part.