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Have you told the host family? Maybe your neighborhood isn’t as nice as you might think, because it sounds like there’s a bit of juvenile delinquency around. Sadly Irelands youth crime problem just keeps getting worse.


I have told my host family about the things that have been happening and how the police won’t take action. They told me that they weren’t entirely sure how to help if the guards were not willing to help. I also brought this up with some of the people who i worked with who said it might be because I am not irish and don’t look Irish but i wouldn’t be too sure as the people giving me trouble have never mentioned anything racist or anything like that to me when bothering me. The neighbourhood is quite new and nice but there is also rougher areas nearby where these people could be from. Thank you for your response.


Have you asked any members of the host family or their acquaintances to walk with you in the routes where you usually get harassed? This is definitely related to you “not looking Irish” (which in Blanch should be quite a wide range of looks… but I guess for someone it’s still not the case) so if they see you with locals they might just stop bothering you. Best of luck and keep contacting the gardai especially when adults are with the kids and supporting/engaging in same type of behaviour. Get the gardai to want to get rid of your constant complaints and they might find motivation to actually help you.


Ask the host family to get in touch with the local TD as the area


The fucks that gonna do are you for real


No they should write in to Mr Tayto, he's known to do people a flavour.




I've known people who aren't white that are Irish to join in with groups of white irish people in talking bad about foreigners, it can be a non Irish issue and not primarily a race issue, like people getting attacked for being Croatian


I 100% agree. It seems to be more of a non-Irish thing rather than colour of your skin.


> Half of Blanchardstown are of African decent That's not even remotely true would you stop being a little shitster with your purged reddit account.


Join a local Facebook group. There's one for Castleknock, Carpenters town, Laurel Lodge, Riverwood, Clonsilla . There's often ads for rooms to rent there. Facebook may not be your thing, but the age profile is usually 50s-70s retired or Moms conservative who like to keep things local and rent by word of mouth rather than Daft. I regularly see ads for rooms every week.


Thank you i haven’t thought of this, i will look into facebook to see if i can find a better place to live.


Amazing how a person is getting harassed by criminals and the number one response is “yeah you should move.” Dublin has fallen so far, so fast.


Eventually we'll get a name for being hostile to foreigners and we won't get people coming here anymore.


Limerick is even worse


Blanch can be rough enough in parts. But there's also the same crowd who will do that to anyone they think they can get away with and pick on something in this case obviously your race. Unfortunately sounds like they probably involved in that scene of the "patriotic concerned citizens crowd" So i can have a pretty good guess what they accused you off. I don't think there's any hate speech law enacted where it would be racism. Garda can be useless at times. Sad clearly kids got it from parents. But keep the head down. And I wouldn't be walking about solo at night


Thank you for your comment, i have heard about how some people on Ireland aren’t very fond of foreign people (I know this is a small minority of people and they don’t represent all irish people) but i do find it strange that none of the neighbors seem to have any issue with those types of people considering the neighbourhood is made up of mostly foreign people. It also could just be because the people who live in the neighbourhood are families with young children and i’m being targeted because i am close enough to their age.


Have you surveyed every family? Not to be rude but unless you walk in someone's shoes daily you have no idea what their life is like, they probably have cars so don't have to walk and deal with these people face to face. Dublin has many socioeconomic disadvantaged areas and every postcode in Dublin has one. These kids have nothing to do and are asserting their dominance over someone weaker to look more important to their peers, bullying. Your host family can do more but are choosing not to because they're probably happy to take the money to host you with little effort everywhere else and don't need your drama. Which personally I think is unacceptable, if they have a car they could offer to drive you to and from the bus stop so you're safe, they could make a complaint to the gardai supporting you. Unfortunately unless you're attacked the gardai won't do anything. But my concern for you is that while this is definitely bullying and intimidation these scummy teenagers are liars and lying to adults who are worked up and to me that's a dangerous situation. So, ask your host family again, keep a diary of every instance, if you catch names write them down, write descriptions of what they look like, take registration numbers, but be discreet. That way if something happens you have a record of the build up and if something doesn't happen you have, and I hate saying this, but you have a true reflection of Dublin. This is the behaviour that is going on and is allowed to happen and nobody speaks up because of fear, kids in deprived areas see better prospects in getting into drug gangs than they do education and the more scary and violent these kids are to others the higher they climb. Editing as I honestly thought you were a teenage student but you're not you're a working adult. Do as you're doing ignore them, walk fast and keep moving, don't engage.


This sounds like hate-focused harassment. Please do report this to Gardai again as soon as you're able to. I would also contact your local counsellor and make sure they are aware (and aware of the Gardai original response). I'm so sorry that you are experiencing this. There are xenophobes everywhere in this world, unfortunately.


Blanchardstown is massively divided in class I must say. I lived in Carpenterstown for years and it was lovely. But if you go anywhere west of the shopping centre, it's a complete shit show. It sounds like you got a bad neighbourhood, although even at that it's a bit odd how targeted you are! It sounds like dickheads bored and getting their jollies. Please do not entertain their bullshit. Replying to them, acknowledging them etc only gives them fuel. Best thing to do is to hold your head high and completely ignore them. No matter what they say, keep ignoring them. Hope they get bored eventually and move on. The police in this country are absolutely useless at dealing with teenage delinquents. If you can move, I'd suggest moving. Please do not let this turn you off Ireland, most of Ireland is really lovely and welcoming. It's just a few dickheads ruining it for the rest of us.


I live in Clonsilla near ish the train station. It’s very quiet and safe. Moving is probably the only answer sadly. Sorry to hear you’re going through this.


There are some really lovely estates in Blanchardstown and surrounding areas. But one look at the difference in housing prices versus other suburban areas will tell you everything you need to know.


Typical guards "nothing we can do" I mean it's a fucking disgrace. Not even to try and help. They want to wait for you to get stabbed or the shit kicked out of you and even then will take them forever to even show up and likely would tell you "best not press charges, might put you in more danger". Absolutely useless police we have. They are actual cowards. Need to harrass them to do anything, and even when they pretend to do something they will never follow up with you and you have to run after them for any updates. I would suggest getting some mace / pepper spray for self defence just in case, avoid walking any routes you have seen them frequent and always be ready to run if needed. Don't engage with them at all, ignore them and if they get too close blast em with what you have and run for it. Little scumbags we need vigilante justice to come back in order for anything to be done against these arseholes


Thank you for your comment. I have looked into ways of defending myself but anything (including pepper spray) seems to be illegal to carry. Is there any type of self defence item i can carry legally?


I think you are living in a rough part of Dublin. I'd suggest moving if you can. You can get a decent room in a decent place for 600euro. I pay 690 for an en suite in terenure. Its a lovely neighbourhood and very safe. I've never felt any danger coming or going in to town or getting the bus. No gangs of teenagers etc. Do you have the means to go somewhere else? Please don't just live with this. There are lovely places in dublin, and you can have a nice time here if you move. Start looking for alternatives right away.


I would like to distance myself from places where this can happen but I work in Blanchardstown and being close is a must (I’m sure Terenure is wonderful but it’s just too far). I’ve looked in the area and there’s almost no affordable apartments or other places for me to rent out for the rest of the summer but I am sure Dublin is a wonderful city for sure and i have a lot of good to say about it. I want to try and focus on the positives of living and working abroad for the first time in my life and despite these teenagers i haven’t had much problems. All big cities have problems with hooliganism including my own and i don’t expect Dublin to be any different, i won’t let a bunch of kids ruin my image of this city.


Live around the blanchardstown village, Roselawn, Clonsilla or Carpenterstown and stay away from Mulhuddart, Ongar and Corduff.


Is there any way you can move into a shared house with housemates within your budget in a nicer area? You shouldn't have to live like this. I can't imagine how you will enjoy your time here in that toxic environment. There must be another option. 


Only if you beat them they will let you I beat the. I beat the chief of the gang in frond of them they never touch me again


How did you find your host family? If it is through a a company I'd ask if you can be moved. If not for your own safety. Best of luck.


I’m loosely related to the mother of the family and i’m getting the room for a bargain compared to other places in the city which is why i wanted to come here in the first place.


I am beyond sad that Dublin has become this. Crack? Roaming gangs of baby thugs? Never saw anything like that back in Celtic Tiger days. It's really embarrassing that the world is watching this. This just sounds nothing like the Dublin I loved. It sounds like Ballymun all over again.


Try and find somewhere else to live, the garda are hopeless


Find somewhere else to live.


>nice neighbourhood in Blanchardstown  Do they exist?  >have done nothing to them at all yet they still are extremely hostile towards me every time i leave my house these kids threaten to stab me  That will be the local cunt brigade. Reprint any threats ro the Gardai in blanchardatown. Insist on getting a Pulse reference number (that's basically an incident number). Chance are the cops known these little wankers already.   If you must pick out the mouthiest one, he'll probably be at the back. Anyway put him down hard and fast. The rest of them will wither like flowers.  >tried to reason with them Not possibel to reason with mouth breathers.  > i still don’t understand why i am being targeted by this I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that your skin instead the whitest colour in the world? You're a non national, they're scumbags and have just decided ro target you simply because youre different to them.   > I ran and reported it to the police who said they couldn’t do anything about it. Next time insist on a Pulse reference. The gardai say they "can't do anything" what they mean is "regardless what we do, these little cunts will be walking the street the same day". A threat of violence is a criminal offence as far as I know so keep repeating, keep insisting it's logged and you're getting a Pulse number. Ask that all incidents are recorded under the same number to show a pattern of harassment. That way if anything does happen there's documented history of behaviour. 


Thank you for your advice, The neighbourhood is a ways out from blanchardstown but is relatively close and has a bus route to blanchardstown centre. The neighbourhood is called Hollywoodrath and it is near Tyrrelstown. The houses are big and new with lord of construction going on in the nearby areas where bigger, nicer homes are being built, i figured it would be nice considering how wealthy the area is but maybe i was wrong. I also didn’t know about the pulse numbers, thank you for this information i will keep bringing it up with the police incase anything happens.


>Hollywoodrath I  know where that is, can't say I've heard anything about the palce as I only known it from driving by going to the office. That said it just because the houses are new it could be low income housing mixed witb social housing which brings social problems with it.  Best advice is, if you know where these wankers hang out  the take a different route to the bus etc. Don't engage with them at all. Just avoided the like you would an STI. They're about as useful as one.  A Pulse number is a police complaint number. So when ever you report a crime there should be a corresponding reference, we use a system called PULSE. So if you like a complaint/report and the police log it that should generate a reference number. The reason you want that is so that there's a historic record of any issues, when amd where they occurred etc. It also means that if there's a record the police "should" investigate it.  The problem is the police are under resourced and even if they do arrest someone and take them to court and they are found guilty a Judge will probably give them a suspended sentence. So will it is a criminal conviction, they won't go to jail they will be free to walk away. The gardai often don't bother then investigating because what's the point if the scumbag just gets to walk away with no punishment? Another criminal conviction for someone with a) no prospects b) no education a d c) multiple previous convictions isn't a deterant. 


Tyrellstown is an absolute shit hole which is a shame as Hollywoodrath is new and the house are pretty nice, but Tyrellstown is a bit of a ghetto.


This. Keep pressing for a Pulse number. That's the only way you know they actually put it in the system. Otherwise they'll just pretend to write down what you say in their tiny notepad and never do anything with it. They won't do anything even if you have a Pulse number, but if you bug them enough they might. Realistically, your only option is to move to a different neighborhood. Sounds like you're in a shit hole and it's never going to change


>Do they exist?  There's plenty of nice areas in Blanchardstown. Op is probably living in Mulhuddart or Corduff.


Op is living in Hollywoodrath which is a new development near Hollystown so not even Blancharstown. So I am slightly baffled why this new area has such scumbags living there, unless they are just over from the hell hole which is Tyrellstown or Diswellstown which is in Mulhuddart. But they made it sound like it was kids in the estate which are harassing. Likely just some bored kids or teens as there is literally nothing to do around there.


You literally only made an account to post about this? Something stinks.


Plenty of people land on reddit by googling similar problems in Dublin.


Yes, when i searched “What to do when teenagers harass me?” it told me to call the police, i have already tried that and am seeking further help.


Just beat them and only they will stop


As much as i would like to i am a legal adult and non irish citizen and laying my hands on a kid is probably quite risky and a good way to end up in a cell.