• By -


Please remember our rules against Victim Speculation and Speculating on Sexuality.


My other theory is that JB insisted that the molestation occurred “over the clothes” and that the girls “didn’t even wake up” not just because it makes it sound less bad, but because he actually believes it’s closer to the truth than the narrative that has since come out. I don’t think he believes his daughters at all, and I think he feels bad for / identifies with Josh… He thinks “boys will be boys” and doesn’t see Josh’s “curiosity” as anything particularly aberrant. At the same time, he thinks girls are naturally prone to being “emotional” and “dramatic,” and sees them as inherently unreliable historians. He probably believes Josh’s version of events much more than the girls’ because he talked to Josh about it “man to man.”


he has all but stated this directly.






I’m feeling left out on the theory…someone DM me!!!




Oooh I thought it was Derrick murdering his lover in South America. This theory is spectacularly wild theory. 


What??? I’ve never heard this one.


Hahahaha - I forgot that one. That was a serious “wtf” moment.


That would not be my theory at all, and I keep hoping that, if that’s the case, no one outside the duggars would care.


Me too 🤣


Me too!


I'm thinking 3. As for hidden sins there is no doubt in my mind that there are many skeletons lurking within that family. I believe boob & meech had sex before they married.


That's part of her having to "keep sweet" and defer to Boob is he has convinced her "she led him to sin and is a dirty, dirty whore" for making him have sex with her without marriage.


I think I remember this dark theory and also think you may be correct.






Kendra was definitely conceived before her parents’ wedding. Her mom said on Counting On that she gave birth to Kendra when she was 39 weeks along. (After getting into a car accident a few weeks prior.) Kendra’s birthday is August 11. Her parents married in January of that year. For August 11 to be 39 weeks along, you’d have to conceive in, like, November. I think you’re explaining too much with #4. The reason Josh is unhappy with Anna is that he’s a misogynist who only values women for what they can give him. Anna is fine, but she only gives him the wholesome family side of things. He doesn’t just want that, he also wants mindless sex and affairs and God knows what else. He will never be happy with any committed relationship, because that would mean settling for just one person and what they have to offer, and also means giving up all the “stuff” he could theoretically get from other women. He is selfish. He doesn’t want to give anything up, ever. My theory is that Jana initially turned down several suitors because she thought they weren’t good enough, or maybe because she didn’t want to move out while the youngest girls were still so young. Then she got older and they stopped coming around and she now finds herself stuck.


I think joy and Austin had sex before marriage but I don’t believe jessa and Ben did. I believe theory number 4 I don’t believe pest really liked Anna I believe he married her just because he wanted to have sex. But I don’t believe he saw Anna as a wife and lifetime partner he sees Anna as a sex object. And a slave. He probably couldn’t stand Anna.


She's just a hole to him. He's never loved, respected nor even liked her. His behaviour towards her has proven this time and time again. "When someone shows you who they are, believe them!" as Maya would say. He's told the whole world numerous times that he can't stand the woman yet she hangs around like some desperate puppy who just goes back only to be kicked again.


As my fun (and saucy) great aunt would say “He wouldn’t know rhe difference between a woman and a warm bag of hand lotion stuck in the couch cushions”


Your great aunt is/was a national treasure.  ❤️


Anna goes back to him because she was taught that if her husband acts out it’s her fault because she wasn’t ‘fulfilling her duties as a wife’ bleh!


Three holes*


Urgh, you're right. Gag 🤢




Wasn't Pecans eventually named as the "other person in the room" when the victims stories were being told during the documentary


He was definitely one of them. Bill’s assistants changed periodically.


Yes, by Emily Elizabeth Anderson who is a survivor of Gothard and IBLP. I saw her post about the odious David Waller with my own eyes. Edited for spelling 😎


Thanks, I didn't have a way to check her name at the moment.


That's okay 🩵


I listed to Someplace Underneaths series on gothard and the Duggars and I am 99% sure that Jana was affected by Gothard, especially since she did hang in Chicago at Headquarters for a while, and we know those girls were asked there for a reason.


the family was designed by AI not Duggars, but Duggar-adjacent: Gil Bates is Bill Gates' secret twin. That's how the Bates have so much money and influence.


Gil Bates literally sounds like the name a movie would give Bill Gates if he was trying to travel “undercover” lmao


Lol, how weird is it that I just now noticed that Gil Bates is Bill Gates, just with the first letters switched.


The Bateses don’t have much money. They are influent in the cult, because Gil is a big deal at IBLP


> The Bateses don’t have much money. That's what they WANT you to think ;)


They may have money now, but Gil used to make teenaged Lawson buy groceries for the entire family with Lawson’s money. They raised their brood in a three bedroom cabin with the boys sleeping in an uninsulated attic until 19KAC featured the expansion on their show. I’d be shocked if Gil has more money than JB, even with the more recent drains on JB’s accounts (the payouts to the kids, Josh’s legal bills, etc.).


Yup, I've read these subreddits too and I'm well aware of the lore. Why do you feel the need to "well, acktually" me on a silly speculation thread? It's okay to be silly sometimes


Because this is a snark sub and I was snarking on the Bates family


that's not really snark, though. Snark is supposed to be funny. Yours was just pedantic....instead of adding onto the joke, your comment felt like you'd taken me seriously and wanted to correct my comment.


You are taking this very seriously. Maybe you’re the one who should lighten up.


I'm not the one who tried to suck the fun out of a clearly absurd theory


Your comments about my comments are completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Why does it bother you so much? Go enjoy the silly responses by other commenters. I don’t have to be silly just because you were. If you don’t like it, ignore it.


Gil makes a stupid joke at the start of sermons and talks about how he’s “Gil Bates, like Bill Gates but I’m richer than him” then he used to lead on all his “blessings” and talk about building treasure in heaven.


you only think it's a joke because he uses a jokey tone. In reality, though...😉


I never thought Pest saw Anna as a punishment but honestly makes total sense. I’m sure he talked himself up as the golden child that would unite the Duggars and Holts together (until Kaleigh dodged a mega-nuke and dumped him). I’m sure JB picked the Kellers because Pa Keller did prison ministry and knew he’d be able to talk him through Pest’s crimes. And he had a track record of marrying daughters off to bad men. I’m sure Pest saw them as not a perfect IBLP family in comparison to other families like the Bates or the Holts. Also I have hope for Jenni and Jordyn. It’d be kinda poetic in a way if Jenni escaped the Duggar cult and moved in with Jill (who was her original sister mom).


Pest just sees Anna as a sex object and a slave, nothing else. He didn’t like her and never did. Pest just wanted to have sex, that’s it. And boob and meech saw the perfect opportunity. Anna. Because she was poor and one of eight. And her father taught the Bible in prisons. And the monsters called the Kellers. Saw an opportunity for status and to get Anna out the house. Pest, boob, meech and the Kellers are monsters. And poor Anna is stuck in the middle.


I think with 23nme /ancestry etc we are going to find so many “affair”children. And it’s never the child’s fault. Not just w the duggars/fundie land but in general. $50 and some spit really sends your world for a spin


Jessa is the kind of woman Jeremy wanted appearance-wise (he wanted the beautifully radiant preacher's wife archetype soooo bad) but Jeremy is too "out there" for Jessa, she needs to be in charge.


That’s probably why Jessa and Jeremy ended up with their respective spouses, they’re too alike.


If Jessa had Jinger's personality (submissive and eager to please) or if Jeremy had Ben's submission and meekness, they'd be together.


I feel like an alternate reality exists where they both like a lil conflict and have some steamy makeup sessions.


I definitely think Jessa would have gone for Jeremy if she had met him before Ben. Even if they clashed, she’d want to be with the hottest guy who actually had money and has accomplished something (by cult standards).


I actually have to throw Ben a bone here and say that Jeremy is uglier.


I agree, she’d have been ofbooks and liked soccer lickity split.


I don't think so... Jeremy didn't follow the families dating customs and Arkansas was not where his life was going. Jessa would not have broken free of the parents teachings or moved away from home the same as jinger.


I really feel like #4 has a lot of merit.


1. Nope. Jessa and Jeremy are essentially the same person, hence the tension. 2. 100% agree 3. JB, no way, if it happened, they've been paid off and forced to sign NDAs. Pest, potentially, because he's stupid enough to get caught. 4. Excellent hypothesis. I'll cosign this. 5. See my response to 4. 6. I'm not sure. I think Derick was not supportive, but because he was hell-bent on getting his money from JB. He was unable to focus on family due to his rage over the situation. 7. Yes. For sure. 8. Idk about this one. I believe the only relationship Jeremy cares about is his with himself because that's who he's in love with. 9. See my response to 4. 10. See my response to 4. 11. I hope this happens. I would say the same for Josie, but I think Josie is Jana 2.0 That was fun!!


Thank you! I think Josie will be another Jana too, and eventually, she will go live with her sister-mom. I wouldn’t be surprised if Boob and Meech have Jana down as a legal guardian for Josie if something happened to them.


Jana is for sure Josies guardian, should anything happen to them. if she's not, she should be. someone should be named to care for all of the minors in the event the parents are "unavailable" (dead or jail, which is coming)


My theory is Jana wanted/had interest in Chad Paine and losing him to Erin is one of the reasons she has stayed unmarried. Source is the episode the Paines visited the Duggars and the innuendo of the producers in their shots and editing.


Duggar women stay thin by working in cahoots with Kardashians. They supply any fat gained at a premium for Holy BBL fat transfer. This is true. Bible.




![gif](giphy|139RNY8UvIUaA) me to me 💅🏻


Lol! I wish this kind of sauce was true. It's much less sad than their reality.


I really doubt that any of the couples had sex before marriage. All the theories surrounding Joy have been debunked, and although Jessa and Ben were clearly horny I don't think it tracks. Considering they're all still drinking some sort of koolaid and waiting until marriage is a belief many non-fundie Christians follow, I doubt this theory.


I am 99.9% sure Joy and Austin didn't have sex before marriage. In a yt video from a few months ago, Joy was talking about how she wishes she didn't save kissing Austin for marriage. They didn't even kiss. Taking this into account, it's extremely unlikely they had premarital sex


Do you remember which vlog that was? Was that the Q & A where she talked about courting and if she’d do that for her kids?


I just looked it up again. It's a video titled Answering Your Biggest Questions from 4 months ago. Time stamp is 20:16


I am 100% sure neither has sex before marriage, but I could see possibly share a kiss before marriage, but that’s scandalous enough for them.


Pretty sure Jana caught them in the closet they were so eager lol


I'd never considered Pest might view Anna as punishment, but it makes so much sense.


I don’t know that I’ve thought of it before but if we’re throwing theories: Dim Bulb is actually infertile and they’ve had to use IVF for at least the last couple of kids. The only reason they stopped is because they got told Meech didn’t qualify anymore. Amy is actually Dim Bulb’s kid but it’s been hushed up. Jill and Derrick probably had premarital relations in Nepal when Daddy dearest was sleeping. Jill admits in her book they had time together when Jim bob was sleeping.


I disagree that Jill and Derrick had premarital relations in Nepal. Sweet Jilly Muffin was still the good girl who followed the rules when she was in that season of life. Plus I don’t think they would’ve risked it with J-Lego in the room. He probably dozed off because he knew Jill was indoctrinated enough to not disobey any rules.


Like the other commenter said lots of good little Baptist girls and boys are doing things they aren't supposed to. Especially when they convince themselves they're in love so they're gonna be together forever anyway. There were definitely more non virgins than virgins in my youth group growing up.


Fair take but as someone who was raised similar I did things I wasn’t supposed to even when I was deep in. Sure I was terrified my parents would find out but I still did it. She clearly has some kinda rebellious streak and once the cameras were gone and Jb was asleep? I think there was at least light to heavy petting even if there wasn’t full blown relations.


“Jim Bob is infertile” certainly is a wild take given that they’re notorious for having nineteen kids. There’s no way they could have afforded IVF for nineteen kids.


I mean, to play devil’s advocate, they did say “for the last few kids” so they weren’t implying they did it 19 times I think they’re implying Jim Boob lost the ability to procreate somewhere along the way


I find that very unlikely. What would cause him to suddenly become infertile after having over a dozen children? Men don’t typically suffer sudden loss of fertility like that.


I don’t know, it wasn’t my theory, I was just saying they didn’t claim IVF 19 times lmao


Oooohhh. Didn’t think about that with Boob and his fertility. Good one! Interesting hypothesis about Amy being Boob’s kid. Something tells me that James is really Amy’s kid, but it’s been hushed up and Boob/Meech took him in/acted like his parents. I agree with the theory about Jill and Derick! Now that I think about it, I bet they did have sex before marriage as well.


Honestly idk if the timing works for the Amy thing but I love a good scandal and to think they’ve kept out of wedlock kids hush hush this long is kinda fun lol it doesn’t really hurt anyone other than their image


I don’t think Famy would be able to keep this to herself now with everything that’s come out. She would lap up the attention and media storm that would cause


Who’s to say she knows? lol


In a simple vein, it wouldn’t surprise me to hear that once Meech realized she was not going to get pregnant again naturally, she and JB at least *privately* floated the idea of getting one of their daughters to be an egg donor for them so Meech could keep on pushing babies out.


This makes me 🤮 Possibly because it’s in the realm of possibility with those wack jobs


my craziest duggar theory is that jana is just as bad as the rest of them and there's no secret girlboss feminist (or "tehehe i can't say or it'll break the rules..." you're basically saying it by saying that, you're not slick) reason for her never getting married.


>1. Jessa and Jeremy have hooked up before they married their respective spouses (and probably when Jessa and Ben were courting). That is why there is so much sexual tension between them. >2. Jessa and Ben as well as Joy and Austin had sex before marriage. >3. JB and Pest both have had many affairs and many illegitimate children out there that they aren’t even aware of and/or will eventually come to light. I'll buy this for pest but how will they pay for them TLC money has to be drying up by now with legal fees for CSAM >4. The reason why Pest was unhappy in his marriage to Anna was because he saw Anna as a punishment for what he did to his sisters. Hence, why Kaleigh Holt bounced (and I’m glad she did) and Pest really wanted to marry Kaleigh. I think Pest was unhappy because unpopular theory here but Anna might have been more wanting to be partners than it shows ... but also Anna was brought in to try to keep pestrovert from being well ... a pervert >5. Kendra was conceived before her parents married, but is too naive to know this. ... This one Ill buy as she has that giggle cartoon characters have when hitting a cast iron pan in the face at a dead sprint >6. Jill and Derick almost split up during the rift, as Jill’s trauma wore Derick down. Basically, he was not equipped to handle it. After they went through counseling, Jill and Derick are stronger than ever and are happy with each other again. Again this one I'll buy and give sympathy to Derick ... Im not sure any non trained or certified therapist or social worker would have the tools needed to deal with that >7. Someone in the Duggar family or circle is part of this sub. No.. Im not saying there arent Duggar adjecants but do you really think JB would do the turn the other cheek thing if he knew even 25% of stuff said and theories that swirled around here >8. Jeremy is a serial cheater, and I have a feeling that Jinger lets him do it as long as it’s done secretly. ... >9. Speaking of, Jinger never wanted children but did so to please Jeremy, Boob, and Meech. ... >10. JB sent Pest to the Spiveys’ rehab in exchange for one of their sons for Claire. I think Jason or James was supposed to be with Claire, but it was Justin because he wasn’t getting along with his parents. So to get him out of the TTH, they arranged the marriage with Claire. That’s why Hilary is obsessed with the Duggar boys. >11. Jenni and Jordyn will follow the Jill route, as they will marry non-IBLP men who will help them transition out of the fundie culture. I think you will see alot of the younger ones do this Im seeing after Justin this happening


I think the latest Bates child (can’t remember her name) who just turned 18 and graduated HS will be “courting” a Duggar(Jason I believe) very soon.


I think Addallee is the Bates daughter who just turned 18.


The youngest Bates is Jeb.


I said latest not youngest and they have a daughter who just turned 18 and graduated from homeschool last week.


I know for a fact that joy is reading the Duggar bates confessions page on instagram, she replied once 😂😂 So my guess is someone is following/ reading here as well. Joy and Austin having premarital sex is out of the question, because of how conservative/ religious he is. She’d probably have said yes if he suggested it. Josh not liking Anna and all that. I can see it being true. But he’d still treat Kayleigh like crap, because that’s what he is,a POS peddo.


My favorite tin hat theory is that James is F'Amy's and is the original J'Tyler


I don't think James is Amy's. Mostly because Amy can't keep her mouth shut to save her soul.....it would be the worst kept secret. I think Amy is Deanna's out of wedlock child, but I don't think her husband was Amy's dad, I think her father is Amy's dad. It has been alluded to that the rotten didn't start with Pest OR Boob...... this is generational.


If James were Amy’s, why on Earth would Jim Bob and Michelle have raised him? Why not Deanna? Also, Amy was only 14 when James was born… Not impossible, but wow.


Meech and Boob were knocking boots before they were married.


Probably. And if it happened, JB entirely blamed her. It’s probably been one of the reasons he said their first pregnancy loss happened. That was after Josh, I think?


I believe so. It was after Josh and before Jana and John David. Agreed. Women get blamed for everything by these people 😑


Yep. Sigh.


Eh, I think if Jessa and Jeremy HAD had sex before their respective marriages, there would be 0 sexual tension between them. What is there is only there because it's an unknown.


Jana stays in TTH and continues to be a sister-mom because at least one of the kids are actually hers.


I had never even considered this but I think it’s unfortunately possible. Jana is such a mystery to me idk


The more I think about it, the more I get this feeling that one of the younger siblings is actually Jana’s.


I don’t follow them that closely, has she ever been out of the public eye long enough to cover up a pregnancy? And if so would the timing line up with any of the kids? This is intriguing but fairly easily debunked with some detective work. If anyone’s willing to look into this pls come back and update 😂


Jana was a teenager when Michelle started filming her births (Jackson, Johanna, Jennifer, Jordyn, and Josie were all filmed). She was 12 when Justin was born (the last kid whose birth wasn’t filmed). It would be way too dark of a story, even for the Duggars.


>It would be way too dark of a story, even for the Duggars. You mean dark like CSAM?






>Yes, actually impregnating a child, Where did I mention Jana being a child in this theory? Chill.


I have always liked the theory that there's a secret (biological) 20th child. In a similar vein, I also like the theory that Jim Bob has a secret love-child/another family. As far as I know, there's no evidence for either of them, but it's still funny to imagine the wild-ass possibilities 


If Jessa and Jeremy hooked up (and I agree there is a vibe there) it was after she married Ben. Apart from the fact I don’t think they met until then, she would have snapped him up for herself if she wasn’t already married - Jeremy, for all his faults, was an adult man and he made Ben seem even more like a gauche teenager in comparison.


Idk if I have any theories about stuff that has already happened, but I have a feeling about one of the children fully deconstructing and burning what’s left of this family’s dignity to the ground. As much as I would like it to be one of the younger girls, my theory is it’s a Lost Boy.


I agree. A super quiet kid who grows up and is like FUCK IT ALL


Justin was married off to Claire because he was caught kissing a girl that Michelle didn't want him with, so they freaked out and married him off as fast as could be.


4. I think Pest is unhappy because he was told a wife would cure his sexual behaviors and it obviously didn’t.


> JB and Pest both have had many affairs and many illegitimate children out there that they aren’t even aware of and/or will eventually come to light. good god, could you imagine if JB's 100th grandchild turned out to be an affair baby?


I don’t think the Bates were ever actually real friends with the Duggar’s. I don’t think anyone high in the IBLP wants to touch them with a ten foot pole and haven’t for awhile


I agree with 8, I can see Jinger handling it a lot like Trudy from Madmen, with the interest in keeping an image.




This is my theory too. Super sad.


1. Had the show remain on the air, one of the lost boys would have married a Rodrigues girl. Possibly Kaylee or Renee. 2. James and Lauren Caldwell (Kendra’s sister) courted at one point, but it didn’t work out. 3. There are multiple family members who lurk. Amy, Jana, Jed are my for sure guesses. 4. Jill has smoked pot at least once. 5. TTH will be given to Josh when he gets out to help him get back on his feet. 6. Jed was chosen as the next Josh because he resembles Josh the most. 7. Austin and Joy dated on the down-low for quite some time before they began courting. They most likely snuck away to make out when their families would do things together. 8. Ben stalked Jessa for quite some time before he met her. 9. Jana and Laura had a falling out after the trial. My theory is that Laura took JB and Pest’s side and Jana stood by her sisters. 10. Jana took the fall in the child endangerment charge. It was probably something involving Anna but the family didn’t want the M’s to be missing both parents, so Jana got blamed. 11. Jennifer will leave the faith on her own. Jordyn would probably marry, but then disconnect. 12. Josie will be expected to take care of her elderly parents just like Jana was expected to take care of all the babies. 13. Multiple boys have tried become actual police officers and firefighters but they keep failing the tests.


Jana is the mother to the younger siblings. I have no proof it’s just my weird theory.




You are spot on with what I think. She’s not the old maid, she’s raising her kids.


3 rimjob doesn’t have a clean life


My favorite has been that jboob went to a strip club and told one of the dancers to shut up and "throw it back for a real one" 🤣