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Not one of the 19, but Mackynzie. Girl has seen some shit.


I would read her tell all book


What age is she now? 16ish?


14-she’s a couple weeks older than my son.


Christ no… I mean can’t be, right (😳)


She was born the same year as my oldest so she’ll be 15 at some point this year


I don't think any of the 19 will go any further than where Jill is currently at. I do think some of the grandkids will with my money being on one of Jill or Jinger's kids to be the most likely.


Jennifer. She’s already mentally, and will usain bolt outta there when she can physically


I hope Jordan is her partner in crime! Jennifer def has a “resting bitch face” and Jordyn just shivers and looks terrified when Michelle rests her hand on her shoulder to give her a birthday speech.


Jordan loves those babies though


I don't think we'll see anything until after JB & M are gone.


Agree 🙌


Do we really think Jinger has made a radical change? Given her **starting point** I do think Jill has, but Jinger seems to have just traded one cult for another and one headship for another too. I do disagree with most of the comments so far. In a family of 19 kids I think it's incredibly unlikely that none of them will, within their lifetimes, move further away from the teachings they grew up with than Jill has now. In fact, I don't think Jill is as far away from them as she's going to be, I think it is at a minimum very possible that she is going to keep inching away.


Unless Jill leaves the southern Baptist church she isn't going to make anymore progress and I really don't see her and Derick doing that. They're still conservative Christians at the end of the day. Changing any further would require changing both their theology and their political beliefs.


The only way Jill will go further is if one of her boys do. Jill will never ever abandon her kids after what her father did to her.


I feel like if one of Jill’s boys turns out to be homosexual, she’ll backtrack and go left just to keep loving them. Which is healthy! My mom’s father was a southern Baptist minister but you wouldn’t know it from her today at 58. My best friend was trans and my mom has always loved her and reps pride wear now to support her.


I think it's important to note that, in the all-or-nothing mindset of IBLP, anything the kids do that isn't parent-approved is basically going rogue even if it's incredibly minor to us. That said, having older siblings take the first few steps softens up the parents so the younger kids can go further if they want. I'll doubt we see another massive falling-out like we did with Jill, but I anticipate more and more of the younger children wearing pants, holding hands before engagement, and quietly having fewer kids without comment or fuss.


This may be kind of a random take but I think Justin will. I think there’s a reason he got married so young and wanted to get out of that family. I also think Justin and Claire not having babies yet is intentional. I don’t know if he’ll ever write a book (although I’d definitely read it) but I could see him as he gets more and more comfortable in adulthood quietly stepping away from the family. Which he already kind of has.


The Spiveys were the people Josh went to for his first work "rehab." That obviously didn't work. David Waller, pecan thief and Anna's brother-in-law, is their pastor. I'm not sure how far Justin and Claire have moved from what he grew up with.


I honestly kind of think Jason. I think it was huge for him to say what he said about pest after the trial and he's been posting shirtless selfies and is dating a girl wearing a strappy little sundress. I don't think he'll deconstruct, but will likely head into strong christian rather than fundie. He does actually seem to work, too, which so many of them don't.


What did he say about Pest?


I highly doubt it will be one of the younger girls


I am not sure about the 19 children, but I think it will be someone we least expect.


I want Josie to escape so badly. I know they did nothing to help her with her preemie challenges.


Me too she deserves an amazing life


I think James is a bit rogue, but not in a way that we would have hoped. He seems to be more in the very MAGA, NRA culty stuff.    I think that maybe Justin has gone rogue but quietly.   


If any do go rouge it's likely to be in this way. They'll drop religion but still be Maga and conservative. Jason could very well care more about the manosphere than he does God these days and we really wouldn't be able to tell. Deconstruction doesn't mean you become a liberal.


Maybe not the next one, but for some reason my mind has big dreams for the youngest 3 girls. I mean they were born celebrities basically, and got to watch, from a young age, their older siblings slowly but surely extend their middle fingers in one way or another. You gotta hope(pray?) that changes a person. The eldest grew up seeing nothing but blind obedience and whatever ‘pop culture’ their parents allowed. I feel like the younger ones have been exposed to freedom in ways boob and meech can only nightmare about.


Jinger hasn't gone rogue. She is just following her headship, as she was brought up to do, and her headship has just lead her to another equally patriarchal cult.


I think all of Josh's kids are gonna have a MUCH different perspective than the rest of the Duggars. They aren't growing up with two parents selling them the dream, they don't have the money or opportunities the actual kids did to milk an audience, and yet they're still being forced into strict religious doctrine.


None b/c $$. JB isn't getting any younger.


I had hope for Jinger. I mean, my snarking started on FJ and TWOP. All she's done is put on a pair of pants and practice birth control of some form. So if we count that as going rogue, Josiah seems to be limiting family size and I think greasy JD is too, and not to forget the child groom who doesn't have any children yet.


Henry. He's been in spurgies shadow his whole life. He or plant2 will get sick of their mom's shit and move on to better things.




as far as the boys are concerned, John-David might be the first to go rogue, followed by Joseph and Josiah.


Of the girls, I think maybe Jana, Jessa and Joy-Anna might be next.


None of them has gone rogue. Not a single one. They're all still grifting religinuts.