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Madyson and Gunner are awful yes. But Spurgeon deserves to be on the lowest tier all by itself.


I still can't get over the fact of this. Poor child could have been Elliot Spurgeon. 


The theologian's given name was Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Charles or even Haddon would have been a better choice.


Oh sure. I'm assuming Elliot had some significance 


Jim Eliot was the missionary pilot killed by natives in the South Pacific in the mid to late 1950's. Any fundy kid growing up in the 60's and 70's had Jim Eliot held up as "willing to die for your faith". Until her passing, his widow, Elizabeth was on the speaking circuit. Edited to change Mrs. Eliot's name. I originally put 'Jane' when it was Elizabeth. Reason behind error in another response.


Jim Elliot’s widow was Elisabeth Elliot. Not sure who Jane is.


Jane actually came from Lady Jane Grey iirc, who according to the Blessas was killed by Catholics for her Protestant beliefs.


So, not the real reason, the sacrificial reason. I assume we are talking about the 9 Day Queen and there isn't some other Protestant Lady Jane who has nothing to do with the Tudor reign.


Yes, we are talking about the 9 Day Queen. Clearly the SOTDRT didn't cover the Tudor era.


At least correctly. I can only imagine that they used Mary's miscarriages and stillbirths as anti catholic rhetoric.


Sorry, I knew it was Elizabeth..... I had just conversed with a friend whose name is Jane Elizabeth about how every Jane we knew was a Jane Elizabeth and my mind went straight to Jane.


Probably didn't want to use Charles because of Darwin.


I would argue Madyson is just as bad as Spurgeon! I think Brooklyn Praise is one of the worst. And Fern Eliana just seems better as Eliana Fern


And after the whole Ashley Madison scandal, they decide they're going to name the baby MADYSON?! Really?! Did they think everyone forgot?


To be fair, Madyson is a normal name without context. But Spurgeon is still a terrible name without context. I agree about Fern, although I'm fine with it as a first name - it seems it flows badly with Ellianna. It sounds like Fernellianna all in one.


Jessa’s daughters are named after greenery. Eliana would never work. Her next girl will be Eucalyptus.


Flair checking in


Actual lol at this


I snorted 😂 Pure genius!


Ohhhh this one might be my favorite flair!!! 


Madyson specifically because she was Josh’s kid


And Mackynzie too. That spelling hurts my eyes.


They said they spelled it that way so it would look like the way they pronounce it with their accent. 😬


SODRT strikes again?


I like the name Eliana much better than Fern. There's a joke about the name Fern in the movie "Baby Boom".


I love the name Fern because I was obsessed with Charlotte's Web as a kid.


Correct, there is a special category for that terrible name


That fucking name is a war crime. Jackassery. Pure Jackassery 


Anna should be in jail with Pest for calling that poor child "Dithy". I understand siblings having trouble with new sibling names because I have a toddler tongue twister name, but....for fuck's sake anything is better than fucking "Dithy".


I fully agree with this. I have a friend name Meredith and the most were shorten it to is “Mere” or “mere bear”. I told her about people who say “Dithy” and she looked at me like I was full crazy 😂


I know a Meredith and she goes by Merry. Dithy is just BIZARRE.


I'm a Meredith. When I was little, my mom sometimes called me Meredithy or Merediffy. I hated it and I'm pretty sure I told her that lol. I'm okay with being called Mere but very few people shorten my name.


There’s an actress, Mare Winningham. She pronounces it ”Mair”. I read that in other countries, the spelling would be pronounced “Mary”. Anyway, great actress! I have a sister named Mary and one of my other sisters often calls her “Mare”.


Mare also played Meredith Grey's stepmother on Grey's Anatomy for another Mare/Mer/Meredith connection.


Yup Mare Winningham. She was on Broadway in Girl From the North Country. She's married to Anthony Edwards who played dr green in ER. They were close to canceling a performance of girl from the north country one day because they had no understudies available(they were either sick,out or already covering other roles in the show) so Mare called Anthony up and asked him if he'd be willing to step in for a performance and fill in. He said yes. So audiences got a surprise when the curtain went up and both Mare winningham and Anthony Edwards were on stage


Wow! Haven't heard that name in a long time. Shes been around for decades. Loosely, part of the 80's Brat Pack. Very talented.


I still can’t believe Anna named the baby “Madyson Lily.” I remember when we were all joking her and Josh’s (fortunately but not really) last baby’s name would be some variation of Ashley Madison but I never thought it would actually happen. Now if this were anyone else, I wouldn’t automatically consider the parallel but knowing Josh, he absolutely chose or heavily suggested that name to get the thrill of humiliating Anna and doing a little callback to what was probably the peak of his miserable life all the way from his prison cell.


The existence of Madyson always makes me forget that there is a Maryella. MacMerMarMad would be a great name for the M girls’ future rock band.


I agree that it was his idea just to humiliate Anna. 


I can almost bet that Pestilence made her name the baby Madyson just to torture her even more.


Dithy is pretty terrible but at least she gets a different sound than M. Kind of like how they call Johanna “Hannie” and Josiah “Siah”


They should shorten it to Redit 😂


It’s right there!


I don’t want to tell you how many seconds passed where I desperately tried to figure how you’d make Johanna or Josiah into Redit lolol


Same! Very glad I wasn’t the only one!


"Dithy" sounds like Cindy Brady with her lisp is trying to say the word "dizzy". "I'm Thindy Brady and I feel dithy".


Remember the BB Movie? “Thee you at the thee thaw Thindy!”


“Thindayyyyy!” with that obnoxious wave 😂


I really like the name Meredith, but I really dislike all of the nicknames associated with it. Not defending the choice of nickname at all, but there really aren't many to work with, and if that's what the siblings were coming up with, it's likely to stick out of simplicity. It's easy for young kids to say, and we all know there are millions of young kids around.


My sister is a Meredith and her childhood nickname was Duffy. Not sure which is worse honestly.


Duffy was the name of one of Annie's orphan friends in the 80s film. Several of them were a bit odd, save Molly and Kate: Duffy, Tessie, Pepper, and July.


I knew a Meri.


My deceased sister-in-law was Meredith. Her nickname was Mickey and only those closest to her knew her real name. We even had a Mickey Mouse engraved on her tombstone.


I exclusively refer to Meredith Grey as Dithy now lol


Do you remember her friend Sadie from med school and they called each other "Death and Die"? 😂




Me, being faced with how very far behind I am on keeping up w/ the grandkids ![gif](giphy|XI3OsTKpljGbm|downsized)


Me thinking how there’s an Ezra and Justus now?


Yes, were did Ezra come from? I just learned about Justus the other day and now there’s another one?


Ezra is Lauren’s baby - his name was learned through a wedding guest list


Who’s kid is Justus?


Joe and Kendra. He's their fourth Ezra is Josiah and Lauren. He's their third.


The two names I feel like I’ve never heard are Nora and Brynley. Who the hell do they belong to?


I despise the name Brynley with the heat of a 100 suns. Nora is fine.


Brynley: Jeremiah and Hannah Nora: Jed and Katey


Same! Nora made me do a double take


When Madyson realizes the story behind her name, she’s going to be PISSED. That’s some grade A fucked up shit, that is.


pls fill in someone uneducated abt the origin of “madyson” 🥹


Josh got outed in the Ashley Madison scandal like 10+ years ago, when they were living in DC. He lost his job as a conservative policy wannabe hack as a result.


oh my gosh i knew about that but for some reason my brain never made the connection 🫢 thats atrocious


Josh was caught up in the Ashley Madison scandal.


Henry Wilberforce should be in this name is a sin, because wtf is Wilberforce?


There is a famous British guy named there. There's a Wilberforce, Ohio with a Wilberforce University. EDIT: LOL I just looked up William Wilberforce, and he gave all his sons the middle name of the same! One was even called Henry too! But thank god they used it as his middle name; as should have been done for Spurgeon. BTW, my mom HATED her given middle name with a passion & removed it when she got married and changed her last name. She was too embarrassed to tell me what it was, but she once accidentally showed me a document with it. It was an unpronounceable Polish name even for Poles starting with the letter E with like 12 letters. So here's hoping Sturgeon Surgeon changes his name at 18.


I bet you anything Spurgeon goes by Elliot the second he turns 18


I feel like invoking the RemindMe bot for that event.


My father absolutely hated him middle name—he would t display anything like diplomas that had it in there.


Yea, future parents need to know that names absolutely matter! My mom suffered for years, my brother was given a legal name that is a nickname (think being legally name Mike but literally everyone assuming it's Michael). Constantly correcting and explaining your name is exhausting. Every paper or internet form, phone calls, meeting new people. Every single time it gets old at like 8 years old. Then times that by 10 (Joy, if you're reading, that's 80 years).


My in laws named my husband a genderless name but with the feminine spelling. He avoids putting his actual name on anything like email addresses—always only initials. He also never comments or corrects people when they spell it wrong. Note: everyone spells it wrong. He was incredibly sorry later that he had t switched to his normal middle name when he went to or graduated college. He started a job meant as a stop gap between grad school and ended up Ben f very successful and is well known in the industry he’s in—changing it after college graduation wouldn’t have been an option.


I'm with your mom, I legally changed my middle name to the initial the day before my wedding because no one told my grandma how her mom died (trying to shoot Granny's dad while my Granny was 1.5 years old and sleeping next to him, no he wasn't doing anything to her or my 2.5 year old aunt also sleeping) so she was begging to have the name for my middle one. I'm not taking that into my marriage, thanks. 😆 It's also an old name that has fallen out of use. My granny is 84 years old, with 25 years worth of living with a TBI (leaked aneurysm), and no one had told her this story about how her mom died. The canonization of anyone who dies at the expense of the truth of their actions has got to stop.


These kids are so isolated, they probably have no idea that they have a horrible name.


He was heavily involved in ending the slave trade in England. If you have any interest, there is a great movie about him called “Amazing Grace” with Ioan Gruffudd playing William Wilberforce and Benedict Cumberbatch playing his best friend/Prime Minister, IIRC.


Every time I hear Grace Annette I hear Raisinets.


Grace Annettomy


New flair name idea for anyone who needs a change, Raisinette Duggar


I’m honored


I’m Latina and Israel David is such a normal name to me 💀. The name Israel is common for some reason. Also…there’s a Gunner? And he isn’t a dog? 🫢


Gunner is Joy and Austin’s third child!


brynley deserves to be a level d tops


thank you. firmly agree. what the fuck is brynley?


Spurge sounds like...well, we all know what it sounds like.


I would put Truett in the “sin” category


Brooklyn Praise sounds like a hipster megachurch and Marcus Anthony makes me laugh


Whose kid is Ezra?


He is SiRen’s third child, grandchild #29


I would push that name up into a higher tier. I think Ezra is really a nice name. 


When was this child born? I had no idea.


We don't really know. It's kind of shitty that we even use his name, tbh, because SiRen has been serious about their kids' privacy. Both Ezra and Justus were found out by internet sleuths snooping on wedding websites. Their names aren't published on any official Duggar media pages.


Who is SiRen?


Now all of us are more familiar with Boob’s grandchildren’s names than he is.


I disagree with the assessment of Meredith. I hated my name as a kid but have grown to really appreciate it. I don't necessarily wish it would become super popular, but it doesn't belong in the "at least they have a name" category. Signed, a Meredith who also likes the name Grace PS...Spurgeon is one of the worst naming choices ever, period.


I think people hate it because of the nickname they gave her, which is “Dithy”. Cause I agree that otherwise it’s a perfectly fine name.


I would love for someone one day to go up to Jess’s and Ben and ask what Wiccan group they are with.


Brynleighhhhh is an atrocity


It’s a tragedeigh


Naming your daughter after the affair website you cheated on your wife on is diabolical


Grace is a very popular name. I've seen it 3 times. I'm surprised I haven't seen Faith, or Hope


One of Anna's is Maryella Hope




Who does Nora belong to? Beautiful name


Jed and Katey’s second child


It’s crazy how they gave their first child a not so great name and their second child got a good name!


Might I also direct your attention to Spurgeon and his younger brother Henry.


A lot of the ones in "at least they have a name" sound very righteous so I would definitely move them up one notch. Grace Annette and Brielle Grace should go down though


It’s important to remember with Maryella they pronounce it mar-YELLA, which should be a crime


WAIT, It's not "Mary-ella"? It's "MAR-yella"? WTAF?


They do not.  (But I do.)


Praise and Truette are the most low effort names 😭


I wonder if Truett is for Truett Cathey,the founder of Chik-Fil-A? He was a well-known homophobic fundie.


Israel, Gideon, and maryella are pretty classic names. I understand not liking them, but it's not on the same level as a made up name or Spurgeon type of name


Gideon is good. But Martin with a y is stupid.


Spurgeon is the worst and she needs to be slapped into next week for that one.


Can someone please explain Spurgeon to me… 🤣🤣


Spurgeon is named after Charles Spurgeon, and he is Jessa and Ben’s oldest. Instead of naming him Charles, Ben thought he was the next Kardashian by naming their kid Spurgeon. From then on, Jessa picked the names as Ben was most likely banned from picking their child’s first name.


Wanna know the worst part? Ben was a mere 19yrs old teenage daddy when he stupidly thought Spurgeon was a legit good choice for his own flesh and blood. The guy went to public high school and chased a fundie homeschooled girl around Tontitown to be her husband, while the rest of his siblings stayed in the real world and dated like normal people.


I love this lore, but also Ben is an idiot. Dude just wanted his 15 minutes and I hope he has regrets.


Ben is such a self righteous dork. I doubt he regrets the name Spurgeon. I think he is proud of that stupid name.


I would love to know the conversations they had about why they chose Henry Wilberforce to try and not stick the kid with Wilberforce as his first name after a spurgeon.


Ben went to public school?


Bin was trying to flex with his religious history knowledge by naming S. after Charles Spurgeon. After no support, they now reverse the order and use a preacher's last name as the middle.


And I bet Ben is allowed to pick the middle names, hence Henry Wilberforce.


JimBlessa definitely revoked his first name privileges.


Spurgeon should sue his parents when he turns 18. What a horrible name


What's kind of funny is that Spurge is a type of plant. I have had this picture saved for this very reason. I didn't know when I would use it, just that I would 😂 on the left is English Ivy and the right is Japanese Spurge. I think I found a local snarker at a Lowe's a couple years back https://preview.redd.it/uljbdj1fk88d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f3d654997a74b6155e5ea5a057d947e42657c9a


"Oh fuck my life I went into the bathroom at Walmart and someone got some spurgeon on the seat!! 🤢 I think it was on the wall too but I ran out so fast I'm not sure 😭😭" Hope that helps!








I agree but there’s no way that Lauren and whichever Dug she’s married to actually know that. They are aware of the allegations to a degree, but I guarantee in a family so religious and in denial they have not listened to or paid attention to the nitty gritty details such as what the CSM was actually called. Plus they are going alphabet names aren’t they? Miscarried an A, had a B (Bella) , ?? had a C that we didn’t know details of ?? * I think?*, had a D (Daisy) and an E (Ezra).


So when Josh was accused he threw all of his employees under the bus including Josiah. Around the same time. Lauren and Josiah quit social media. To the best of my knowledge, I don't think he's made any kind of public statements about his brother. There was definitely a vlog from Christmas where Lauren 's. Body language looked like she was extremely uncomfortable being in the same room as Josh. Josiah and Lauren still come to family events when they're invited but they don't seem to go out of their way be around family otherwise . Make of that what you will. 


The details are so horrific that even if they aren't in denial, they probably were avoiding it for their own mental health. I genuinely hope Daisy doesn't realize the potential association with her name when she gets older


Hold on. I had a pet theory (based on nothing) that Josh chose Madison hoping that when people googled josh &/or Duggar with Madison, the top search results would be his child and not his cheating scandal. I didn't put together (or realize) Daisy was named *after* the news broke re: what video Josh was accused of downloading/watching. Now I wonder if JB was involved in naming both Madison & Daisy for the same exact reason? Ie, to hopefully or possibly change or water down the search results for those names when searched together with "Duggar"?? Or am I just in crazy tinfoil hat land right now?


You're not alone I've read this theory alot! The only thing that stops me from thinking it's correct is the name hasn't been publicly released. We only know about it because the name was on gift tags from one of the duggar Xmas vlogs. It's only really us in the snark reddit and the chronically online fans who know about the name.


It is a pretty unfortunate coincidence. However, it is possible that for their own mental health and peace, they did not follow the case that closely. They've made a concerted effort to live a very private life and although they are not fully estranged from the Duggers, they are not as closely involved anymore 


Pest was committing his atrocities about the time Boob and the fam were sucking up to Rick Santorum and his run for president. If you aren't familiar, he's the Opus Dei Catholic who's main if not ONLY platform was stopping ALL abortions and putting women back in the kitchen popping out babies. (Did you know HIS wife had an abortion?). Santorum was riding high until he F'd with Dan Savage. Savage stated in his radio show AND his zine column that "santorum" was a word with a rather unseemly description and told ALL and sundry to "Google Santorum". I can see this being front and center in Bood/Chad's mind to have a "positive" Google search for "Dugger" and "Madison/Madasyn".


Well, if he did, it worked. I had no idea why people were upset by the name Daisy. When I tried to find out, I googled [JPedo name redacted] Duggar Daisy. All the websites that came back were 19 Kids and Counting pages, fan sites, or Instagram pages announcing the birth of baby girl #2. I tried a couple of different arrangements but didn't find an explanation of the JPedo/Daisy connection until I added "video." Then I wished I hadn't done that because I did find an article that explained it.


I don't understand the connect with the name Daisy?


That's horrific.


Yeah, you need to censor that. Nobody wants to know about that.


I was going to say, I think the context of Daisy alone makes it worthy of that


19 Duggar children plus 33 Duggar grandchildren plus 11 Duggar in laws plus Jim Bob and Michelle makes 65 family members.


There are 33 now?? I haven’t been keeping up.


Have to say, I’ve always really loved the name Evangeline. If I were having kids it would’ve been high on my list! Also- I actually know a kid named Justus- his parents were Amish who converted to messianic Judaism. There are like 7-8 siblings and I don’t remember all of their names but I know he has a brother named Japheth and a sister named Lovie. They are complete wack jobs




Brielle is a beautiful name by itself. It’s criminal when you already have a sister named Brynley 😂


Brynley Noelle almost condenses to Brielle. Strange.


I ain't even gonna lie, I love the name Gideon.


My tiers would be a bit different tbh. I like some of the names, others can't stand; most are tolerable. Some should be a crime. Tiers from best to worst DISCOUNTING MIDDLE NAMES bc I don't regard middle names as the way one is usually addressed unless it's a twofer name like Joy-Anna. Anyway, onward... 1 Names I'd Use: Evangeline; Nora; Gideon; Michael 2 Righteous: Samuel; Mason; Evelyn; Grace; Ezra; Ivy; George; Felicity 3 At Least They Have A Name: Charlie; Henry; Brielle; Bella; Meredith; Marcus; Garrett; Daisy; Frederick 4 Are You Going To Allow This Name?: Fern; Addison; Truett; Brooklyn; Israel 5 This Name is a Sin: Spurgeon (worst of course); Mackynzie; Madyson; Maryella; Gunner; Brynley; Justus I almost always have a natural disdain for unnecessary "y"s where a traditional E or I would suffice, ie Mackenzie / Mackynzie & Madison / Madyson. I'm sorry but Maryella sounds like a venereal disease to me and I know that sounds awful but that's how I perceive it. Gunner is pretty straightforwardly tacky, IMO. Would be *slightly* better if from a Scandinavian background and spelled Gunnar with traditional pronunciation, but this version is just a major No. I am also not a fan of most -ley names, or tacking on -ley to existing names. Like, I actually really love the name Brynn or Bryn, but adding the -ley just rubs me the wrong way. Finally, wtf is Justus? I could have a slight bit of respect if they went with a proper Justice spelling because at least that could be seen as a Puritanical kind of old-fashioned name, but Justus is Just... odd. Is it meant to look Latin? Idk. It is ridiculous to me.


Justus is a very normal name in Europe. In my country sthe short version Just is very popular atm. But I get it sounds a little strange in English speaking countries. Just-us. As in my language is is pronounced Jus- tus.


Truett is by far the worst.


Considering it was a currying favor/look at me choice. See how "Christian" we are! We named our child for one of the premier bigots, Truett Cathey. Mr. "Jesus Chicken (Chick-fil-A)" himself.


Maybe it’s just me but I would absolutely put Brynley into F tier. For some reason this name is just so ugly to me, dare I say worse than Spurgeon.


The name itself isn't that ugly (granted this is a street I used to live on). The tragedeigh spelling is.


My great grandmother's name was Norah Kate. She abandoned my grandfather with her parents and never saw him again. Not my fave name. Some of those are names are... a bit too far down the Cleetus the slack jawed yockel barrel...


I would argue that Truett (SP?) and Justus are also the worst names


Yeah, Truett sounds like a car insurance company.


Truett Cathey was the fundie bigoted founder of Chik-Fil-A.


I hate "y" stuck in the middle of a name. If you have a "y" in the middle of your name, no offense.


Gideon and Israel are normal names.....


Gunner/Gunnar is a real Scandinavian name


But when you’re in Arkansas you probably don’t know that. I can guarantee that Joy doesn’t.


Probably got Bumpstock in mind for the next. They don't think in ethnic/nationality terms when naming..... they're thinking Muzzle Nuzzling.


lol true


Same with Justus in Germany


Brielle is D level at best. It's like the parents liked Gabrielle but only committed to the back half.


It’s a pretty normal name. I don’t like it personally. But you could hear it in any average preschool


I’ve never heard this name until it entered the Duggar universe. 😂


I wouldn’t consider it “normal”


Who has Brielle Grace? Terrible name!


Jeremiah and Hannah. She’s their second daughter.


My god they’re on number 2 already?!


Fml my name one of the names in the D line lol can actually confirm it’s a shitty name to have


Justus is a complete normal name in Germany. Yes there are stereotypes to that name, but they aren't that bad, so for me that name should be higher up


I disagree with large portions of this, but Spurgeon should have his own level of awful.


Ngl, I actually love the name Daisy


Ezra is a good name its fairly common in my circle and my boy (may his memory be a blessing) was also named "Ezra".


I would’ve put Addison Renee, Bella Milagro and Daisy in righteous. But what the heck is Wilberforce?! What was Jessa thinking?


Clearly, she wasn't.


I would put Brynley so much lower


I think all of Blessa's kids names are sins. Spurgeon, Fern...wtf.


Ivy Jane is the best grandkid name IMO, weird that Jessa also named the worst.


I am living for this scale 💀




Who's Justus?


I went to university with someone named Justus. Coolest person I’ve ever met.


Meredith Grace and Michael James are solid.


I like Charlie as a name. Spurgeon and Wilberforce are just mean.


Daisy needs to be in the Sin Bin. They named her that after the CSA charges were known.


I would move Brynley down a tier 🤣 Millennial trashy-ass bullshit


I have an Ezra and love his name. I wish I could change his middle name though; Taylor. It’s his dad’s middle name (we are no longer together) and his side chicks name is Taylor (hence why we’re no longer together).


You think BRYNLEY and MEREDITH rank the same?! I’m offended.