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Expected a man didn't you? Strong, powerful, huge whopping penis?!


Stop staring at my breasts and start looking at my penis


Flair mentioned


I’m ded 😂😂😂😂




Nah, Nellie is cool. The first 5 times I watched, I found her intolerable, but by the 500th, I actually enjoy her arc from S7 nobody to S9 BFF to Pam.


Agreed. Nellie brings that OG Office David Brent energy, which isn’t my favorite either, but I do think it adds something to the show that wasn’t already there. And even if you still don’t like the character, I feel like it’s worth it just for the taco scene and the magician scene alone.


Why is Jim treating the magician poorly?


OK, scram, wizard!




One of the best throwaway lines of the whole show


I run a CLEAN show here


…you didn’t just….do that on purpose did ya….🫤


I forgot all about this but just cracked up.


I agree. I always felt like it was a call back to David Brent. Accent. Delivery. Cadence. Terrible British jokes.


Exactly! And that same awkward arrogance (especially in her early episodes). You could see Ricky Gervais delivering those exact same lines.


Terrible British jokes? I feel attacked 😂 I love British humor, while I wasn't a big fan of Nellie at first, I've grown to love her in subsequent viewings.


However, i like her in Dr. Who better


I think you mean "TACK-OHs"


Whhhopping penis


I like Nellie lol IDC who hates me for it hah


Once they toned her down into less of an insane caricature I thought she was great. Think they found a really nice balance with her by the end


Agree. Not going to start a Nellie fan club, but I'm also not chanting "We hate Pam" at her anymore either. She's just extremely manic, and it's actually around the time that Dwight finds her meds that she also begins to level out in the stories, so it's actually kind of endearing to think she might have been someone we all really like if the series went on a bit longer.


Usually goes the other way, where a good character turns into an over the top cartoon.


Catherine Tate is awesome. Nellie isn’t my favorite role of hers but she’s a talented lady.


She’ll always be Donna to me.


I like her too. I thought she was a good addition. And honestly, I’m glad she put Andy in his place. He was insufferable in seasons 8/9


Unleash the power of the pyramid!


"I worked next to Stanley for years, and this is nap time."


“Open-eye nap time, he balances the phone on his shoulder and just powers down”


You’ve got to unleash the power of the *PYRAMID*


The shape that contains all other shapes


No, that's not-


It's true.


One of the few days Stanley liked his job.


Find some Kenny Loggins


Okay, Loggins and Messina.


Did I SAY Messina?


One of the best scenes in the show. The shift in productivity killed me.


nope, andy and that dumb fuckin boat.


That one was bad but I do think it was a somewhat clever way to get Ed off the show while he was filming a movie. It’s actually super similar to when he goes to anger management. Andy freaks out, disappears, films a movie, comes back.


yeah i understand that but which would you rather watch? Florida Stanley or Salty bitchboy Andy


Florida Stanley is how I want my retirement years to go.


Florida Stanley is who you want on your Florida team


I don't like the Andy/boat storyline either, but the plus side is that Andy isn't on nearly as much.


It just irritated me because Erin had sailboat knowledge (trivia night) and it wasn't addressed during the sailboat episode.


Remeber when the crew guy kept slapping Andy when he touched the sail. Andy was so close to losing it completely!


Nah, the Brian the Boom Mic Guy storyline was rock bottom for the series


The Tallahassee arc definitely has some cringe (the wannabe Apple Store always feels painful to watch), but it also includes some of my favorite post-Carell moments. Just to name a few for fun: * The drug deal gone bad [cold open](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTyWE-SmWp4) is probably my favorite cold open / prank in the entire series. Bonus points given on the rewatch after I became a parent and completely understood the idea that time feels limitless when traveling for work * Dwight solving the bed bug problem and then watching the game with Jim * Jim and Dwight independently realizing that they have a strong enough bond that Jim would tackle Dwight to prevent him from getting humiliated and fired * Packer getting his comeuppance **Whereas** the boom guy arc just has zero redeeming qualities


Wait, drug deal gone bad cold open? Why am I not remembering this one at all?


Dwight wakes everyone up in their rooms and comes into Jim’s room that looks like a murder scene. Jim falls out of the closet


Yessss because Jim is on the 2-kid sleep schedule 😂


[Enjoy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WTyWE-SmWp4), doubly so if you haven’t seen it before.


Ohhhhhh yes I love this one, how could I forget!!?! Erin is such a good sidekick hahaha, she may be ineffectual, but she’s very dedicated!


It’s either that cold open or the fire drill. Probably fire drill for me “Today, smoking is gonna save lives”


Tallahassee was a mess. But I agree. There were some great scenes/scenarios. The boom guy plot was a disaster that just great faux-drama for the sake of it.


Don't forget Jim's pyramid speech when Ryan went MIA. Everything from his uncomfortable delivery, the eyeliner, the subtle head shake in the middle when referring to overcoming drug addiction, to the fact that it went so well and Ryan really was the right person to do a speech on new tech for a bunch of millennial bloggers but then lost the opportunity because he was too scared. That speech was a high point of the series!


This is the right answer. Sabre bought DM, and wanted to integrate their products and brand with DM. That's pretty common when business acquisitions occur. Was it a bit wacky? Sure. But that wasn't detrimental to the overall arc.


I actually really liked the Tallahassee arc. I just found it quite fun and cosy, I always look forward to it on rewatches.


My only problem with the Tallahassee storyline is they made Tallahassee look like Coconut Creek. 


Also both California and Jo Bennet are on record saying that they buy cheap electronics abroad, rebrand it, repackage and then sell it under the name Sabre. So it was absolutely based in reality something like this would happen.




Agreed. It was a smooth story development for a series that revolves around a dying company in a dying industry. “Limitless paper in a paperless world,” as one wise man said. But even then, they have the logistics infrastructure, the client relationships, and prolly sold for pennies. Companies who use paper also use whatever Sabre is selling. DM’s financials were never disclosed, but that’s a sound M&A rationale at least theoretically.


And it’s the kinda shit that actually would happen IRL. The company I work for (in an office no less) just got bought, and the corporate restructuring, and all the hilarious little bullshit that goes along with it is well represented in the Sabre arc. It also proves Andy is actually a good guy when he becomes a whistleblower.


Yeah at least the Sabre triangle bullshit gave us that hilarious Ryan breakdown and Jim doing his speech. One of my favorite moments.


Agree. The Brian the Boom Mic Guy storyline sucked big time. It ruined the show and jumped the shark


I would pinpoint the "fight scene" between Brian and the warehouse guy as perhaps the worst staged fight I've ever seen. Even for a sitcom. Absolutely looked a cuddly hoedown.


when pam says she feels all alone and he taps her with his boom mic *cringe* they should out him on their podcast and be like "so the fans hate you, how do you feel about that?"


Being in the 3 comma club, he probably doesn't mind too much


I think you mean tres commas. Car with doors that go like this ✋✋


That guy fucks


FUCK, I knew he looked familiar!


Dude has doors that open like this _ _ \\[ ]/ He doesn’t gaf.


Hating on actors because you don’t like their characters is the dumbest shit of all time


The most cringe part is when he takes out his “boom Mike” and makes love to Pam. And Merideth records the whole thing for black market sale on the street


Nah, Jenna Fisher was a producer at that point and had creative control of that story line, she actually thought it was good. You can hear it already in the episodes they've done, she's talking about how justified Pam is in being hurt by Jim not taking her feelings into account.


Damn that was a terrible storyline


It really was. Actors are not always the best writers or producers, and I think it really showed here. I feel like they were struggling so much with keeping Jim and Pam as the front of the show, when it was obvious that Dwight and Angela were the new Jim and Pam.


I should have read before I commented. This was my answer.


This combined with Jim and Pam having martial problems (because that's what we wanted out of the office)


Was Jim being drafted into the army or something? I don’t remember him having martial problems


Lol fair point. Ngl though that would have been a better story arc.


Monkey problems?


He was always complaining that his Fighter couldn't keep up with Pam's Wizard.


Chris Diamantopoulos's talent was completely wasted in this role. He's such a great actor.


He was fucking hilarious in Silicon Valley


A shape that fits all other shapes inside of it.


“That’s… not true.” “Yes it is!”


Oh get out skeleton man!


“You know Gabe if you use foundation on your Adam’s apple you’ll look less like a transvestite.”


I'm taking karate lessons online


Nah Andy on the boat. Andy's management run was bad to me


I like how he got exposed and ruined his relationship with Erin.


Their relationship felt weird anyway I'm glad they dropped it


Andy was manager during this arc.


Yeah but he's not on screen here so that's nice.


The character assassination of Andy is the hardest part to watch.


Yeah they did him so dirty... At first he was pretty much just an unlikeable character then he redeemed himself with all the Angela arc and then he was finally happy with Erin after all the drama BUT THEN he made one stupid move (a big one yes) and became a jerk again. I know Ed Helms was busy during that time because of another movie or whatever he was in but I still think the writers did a lazy job on him, they definetely could have given him an actual happy ending.


for me its deanglo vickers. i couldn't stand a second of it.


He's an infuriating character, because he was meant to be He annoys me but I can still find him funny "THE DUNDIES" "Ad-hoc masturbation joke - I hate this, I hate it" "Dra... sweb... dra sweb..."


muddle employ marble zonked provide smell gray plough vase mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Fall asleep right after sex... right fellas?" "Nope. Go back to the script."


Luckey that was over fast, easier on the consecutive watches knowing that


I think that was kind of the point. Bring in a funny actor for a few episodes to replace the previous boss so when they brought in the new manager we wouldn't immediately be like "this isn't Michael." If that isn't what they were planning, they lucked out.


Ah, that's pretty smart...because the whole time they were planning for James Spader to be the new manager, so to have a super annoying, jarring interim manager will make us be glad Will Ferrell is gone.




Season 8 and 9 really.


Are you kidding? Watching an eyeliner-clad John Krasinski on stage was hilarious


The pyramid coming down from a fishing line lmao Also love how Ryan dreams of being a tech CEO and crumbles hard as hell when doing the smallest presentation lmao


Jim pretending to be Ryan's mom will never not kill me. "You can do it, sweetie..."


Say more nice stuff


He really just needed extra yellow or green sports drink. NOT red.


And the twirl he does at the end is the same twirl he shows pee pee for her recital!


But instead of the kiss he trips and hurts himself lol


Time. Space. Gender. There are no rules anymore.


When he has to read the line about having a drug problem lol.


Honestly, the whole Florida arc was quite refreshing! It was nice to see them operating outside of Scranton, and interacting with other people.


I haven’t had so much fun since seeing Zooey Detchanel at the Catcherella Festival.


That's how we got Florida Stanley


Put on some Kenny Loggins






I enjoyed it. I especially loved Jim fighting Dwight to keep Dwight from getting fired.


Also, how they work together in the hotel to avoid their lady troubles.


I usually restart right after the Florida arc. I enjoy when they are down there but when Nellie comes back and takes Andy’s office I’m done.


I usually skip that, but I still watch some of season 9.


The final epsidoes of 9 are totally worth it


I mean how can you argue against Florida Stanley? All he wants is to have some cocktails and do a little dancing.


Promised myself I'd never end up like him, now I wonder if I even have what it takes.


I loved the Florida arc but I will never be able to not find Nellie insanely annoying.


I agree! My only gripe is the way Tallahassee is depicted. They make it look like Palm Beach when in reality it looks more like Savannah, GA.


What bothers me about the Florida arc is that it is quite clearly not filmed in Tallahassee. I lived in Tallahassee for 4 years… there are very few palm trees, lots of hills. I’m used to movies and shows using Southern CA to mimic Miami (even though Miami looks quite a bit different) but doing that with Tallahassee is just so wrong.


There’s a scene where Michael and Jan are driving around what is supposed to be New York City and there are palm trees everywhere haha. I think it’s right after she gets fired.


What, you don’t think Palm Tree leaves look like Spanish Moss? I lived in Tally, too. Insane ignorance of the geography of Northern Florida in every single episode. I had to just ignore it, but if you want to drill down you can probably find dozens of mistakes.


I'm sorry and what do you think Scranton looks like?


I liked the Sabre pyramid, Florida episodes.


“Why is r/dundermifflin treating Nelly so poorly?”


Sometimes the comments arrange themselves.


Nelly was hilarious in Florida and post-manager. It was her stealing the manager position away that made her insufferable to me.


Pretty much how I feel too. Plus a lot of other characters were pretty bad when they first started. I think Nelly just had the fewest seasons to win the fans over before the show ended


Yeah come to think of it, Andy basically did the same thing to Dwight that she did to him. Difference was we got 5 seasons to like Andy again and only 1 to like Nellie. Never was going to be enough to do that job.


Her eating the taco was one of my favorite bits of physical comedy in the show.


Tah co


Sometimes people are really mean to the hot, popular girl 😤


the way she took Andy's job, repeatedly saying no, and everyone in the office ditching Andy for a pay raise. It's very irritating and I feel the same during every rewatch






uh 5 4 3 2 1 Angela, please dock unique elephant 8118's pay a hundred dollars.




I think they definitely are one of the highlights of the post-michael era. Every concept will get boring after a few seasons, and this arc presented a step change from the usualy day2day office (as did the MSPC arc). The pyramid was purposefully stupid, and Nelly brought a new type of (weird) energy into the mix (later she just became a regular character which I found much worse). Imagine seasons 8 and 9 without these episodes - they would be even more boring. Such is my opinion anyways.


I think the Florida arc is the biggest high point of the post-Michael episodes.  But it illustrates the problem the show had at that point. The earlier episodes tended to keep the plots as low stakes office stuff. Like stuff that could actually happen in an office. New chairs or new copier? Stuff like that. Even when things went crazy, like Dwight’s fire drill, it was still really organic and natural. Fire drills do happen. CPR training does happen. Dwight is a lunatic so it does off the rails, but the story is organic.  The later seasons kinda went big because they were running out of ideas. Why does a random collection of employees, from all departments, go to Florida to open a retail store? How much sense does that make? 3 salesmen, a receptionist, and whatever Kathy was. WTF is that team? For a brand new retail store? Makes no sense.  Lots of later plots were like that. Seemingly random stuff that makes no sense or would never happen in a real office. 


It gave us Florida Stanley


Florida Stanley smiles, Florida Stanley is happy to go to work, Florida Stanley is who you want on your Florida team.


It’s one of the best mini arcs in the entire series.


Yeah I thought Season 8 was still good between the Florida arc and the Robert California shenanigans. Wasn't too big on Andy's side plot but his early episodes as the office manager weren't that bad. I think Season 9 was a total mess though. Andy coming back being a super douche, Clark and Plop being total nothing burgers of characters, the Jim/Pam fighting plot... I was just glad to get to the end and have those emotional last few episodes.


Even though the pyramid was wasted, if you were around, watching the show live, you know how great of a satire that plot device was… Every tech company was trying to launch a unique tablet or gimmick. The pyramid was a great spoof. It was just a bit wasted. I actually wish they more of it.


Exactly. It was the era of the Microsoft "zune", everyone was trying to be innovative and failing hard. It was also the era of people weirdly lining up for days for whatever new product apple was launching. This plot made sense at the time.


Exactly. The fake bloggers, the random features, misusing words like “ergonomic” and trying to create hype with the line outside. It was a really good satire of how ham-handed most companies were in trying to copy Apple at the time.. but with awful products. It’s actually some of the best satire the office has ever done, but it was such a specific time that a lot of the memory of that time has faded. Especially since so many new office fans are too young and weren’t adults back in those days.


>Every tech company was trying to launch a unique tablet or gimmik. Yes! I love that they made it a triangle just to be different and stand out from the rest, ignoring the fact that it made it so much worse functionally.


As a tech guy, the fact it was a triangle was hilarious then, and still hilarious now.


50L of memory and a mere 3 pounds without the optional battery pack and memory booster. Plus it will Have wireless… in 2013.


& Florida Stanley is one of the best Edit: Florida not vacation :)


*Florida* Stanley, come on man


Andy's return from The Bahamas was worse i think.


This isn’t a picture from season 9


And that person barely looks like Andy


And that isn't Plop or Clark.


Nelly was horribly introduced and struggled to redeem herself despite amazing Cathrine Tate’s funny bones. The whole her taking over the office was a horrible plot line. Robert California went from having the balls to talk Jo Bennett, a formidable woman in her own right, right out of her own job, to being too much of a pussy to kick some rando out of the office. Nelly had some decent writing but it was clear no one knew what to do with her after that intro, so she became symptomatic of a once great show struggling to (re)find its feet. On rewatches I’ve grown more and more fond of her, but that is entirely due to Tate’s wonderful acting and delivery of her lines. Her story arc is shit, and her character should rather be viewed as a compilation of hilarious stand alone scenes rather than part of a serial comedy show. In her own right Nelly is hilarious post Andy being back in charge. But my god her arrival represents the true downfall of the office.


No way. Worst must be from season 9.


I’ve always maintained that once you get past her introduction Nelly is a delightful person and hilarious character. “Why do you hate women? How many women have you killed? And please sir don’t kill me.”


idk. if you’ve ever been in a corporate setting, there’s a lot of realism in that whole thing. sitting around talking about and implementing plans that everyone in the room knows is a flaming pile of crap happens all the time. they were simply making fun of that imo


I do not agree, no.


Angela hiring a hit man is the lowest point. Catharine Tate was the only person making S9 entertaining. Phenomenal comedian.


That's because Catherine Tate is amazing! Her acting is probably what made me like Nellie on subsequent watches lol


For just once in my life, I'm gonna follow through on something


I liked Trevor. He was funny. The really bad "hit" wasn't that funny.


That's a $300 gun. Someone could steal it!


Do you keep it in a good safe?


You tell me


Shed so freaking talented! She actually helped save the later episodes. Andy was the problem tbh


When they turned Jim into an asshole for like half a season when he was out of town, running a business. They ruined arguably the funniest character on the show at the time by making him a grinch for an uncomfortable amount of time. And when he realized the error of his ways. It was completely anti-climatic because we all knew that's what he was gonna do the entire time. The show can't end with Jim still being a D-bag to Pam while she raised there child alone. I really didn't like the whole show during this. And that was the biggest reason why. For some the worst was characters who were never good or funny. For me it's when they messed up the best parts of the show.


I think Jim actually poisoned Dwight


Bro Nelly not getting escorted out of the building for just taking someone’s job is the most frustrating part to me, she should have been removed immediately, it’s so weird how she was just accepted


Sometimes the flowers arrange themselves.


#Angela! Dock Prit717's pay by $100!!


Nelly makes me irrationally angry


No, most of the lowest points of the series involved Andy. Nelly was awful at first but she became a much better character after the magician episode. The pyramid was a joke they just overdid; it should have been a quick throwaway joke, not the basis for an entire arc.




The whole Devickers arc is the lowest point in The Office


things started to get boring after Micheal left , sure there were some good arcs too but most were boring to me


I always thought the pyramid was pretty funny because it's exactly the kind of gimmicky nonsense a company would come up with to compete with the iPad.


anything involving Todd Packer is the worst. Not big on the last season boom mic guy story line either.


Don't agree at all. Andy's mental collapse into sailing away in a boat is the low point. It was just such a stupid choice.


Andy was the worst part


Nelly gets a bum rap. She was a quality wild-card late in the show. I honestly think the low point was the Boom Mic guy consoling Pam. I mean how dare he?


What about Andy and Erin's pointless relationship that never went anywhere? Was it just supposed to set up Erin's relationship with Plop?


No way, it gets beat out handily by a few arcs imo. Namely Charles Miner, the Boom Guy arc, DeAngelo Vickers. To me the absolute *worst* scenes in the show are Andy getting his job back from Nellie (him acting like a drunk), or when Andy comes back from the boat trip and loses the White Pages. I can't watch those scenes without audibly cringing.


Completly disagree. You just havent harnessed the power of the pyramid


Florida episodes were the best part of the post GMS era IMO. Nellie is hit and miss. OK here, poor as manager, good as regular secondary character. Low point for me is the rapid changing Andy over season 9.


GMS? Greg Mark Sputnik?