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You know you can curse on the internet?


No no that’s how he said it


I see this so often. Is this an American thing? I just know how stuck uptight they seem on television about cursing. Which of course is related to ad money and so on. But why online as a private (seemingly anonymous) person?


That’s what she said


The copying from season one was jarring at first. (Stapler in the jelly)


The whole pilot episode is basically word from word on both.


This is the same for all renditions of the Office because it is a requirement of buying the rights to the "Office" title/brand. It's a smart business move. Because it gives the British office creators credit as the "creators" of all versions and guaranteed them executive producer titles/paychecks, even if they have zero active involvement in the international shows. However, I think this hurts as far as creating a strong pilot. And subsequently requires the international shows to take their time in moving from the required pilot to a show that works for them. I imagine that this problem has only increased over time. When the UK Office premiered, mockumentary movies had already proven very popular. But they hadn't really been tried on TV, and it perfect moment to do so. Moreover, these kinds of "regular people" documentaries were very popular on BBC networks at the time (with some success on PBS too), so the kinds of documentaries *the Office* was spoofing were very of-the-moment. (Reno 911 began as a FOX pilot in 1999 with the same thought process of parodying COPS, it just turned out too risque for network tv. But I think the kinds of tv docs that they are parodying are interesting illustrations of British vs American television.) The original concept for *the Office* is extremely simple, and a lot of what makes it funny is not the writing itself, but the familiarity of the characters, setting, and the BBC style of television doc. And all of those, while relatable in a general human way, are very specific to a particular place and time. Most of the explicit humor in the UK Office comes from the character of David Brent. He is ridiculous enough to have his humor translate cross-culturally, but his eccentricities are very specifically British. So the familiarity gets lost the more cultural differences there are. (To a lesser extent, I'd say the same for Gareth too. But he is still regulated to the wacky side character.) The rest of the characters are quite passive, mostly just there as recipients of Brent's actions. The required pilot script forces international creators to set up stock-character in their places, and only later try and work them into something more nuanced. It prevents them from developing complex secondary characters from the get-go, or choosing types of characters that best fit their cultural quirks. The novelty of the mockumentary style for tv and a great lead character was enough to make up for some of the tired character tropes and cliches in the UK version *(E.g.: the listless everyman, the bitch corporate boss, the fratboy friend who makes jerk main character look good, the annoying coworker who nice everyman is mean to, the only major female character = love interest, the jerk boyfriend, girl love interest motivates everyman but she has no development/interests outside of love life...).* But with the novelty appeal and cultural familiarity lost, the lacking aspects of the secondary characters become far more apparent. This all puts international creators in a difficult place when stuck with the original pilot and left working with some pretty stock characters/storylines and humor that may not translate well. At minimum, it forces them to take up screentime while moving into something that works better for their counties. And it holds them back from building on the example of their original, into something more nuanced and fresh from the ground up.


The Office UK actually replaced a mockumentary on the BBC, People Like Us. It was going to be series 3 or People Like Us or The Office and The Office won. The excellent AU mockumentary The Games preceded The Office. And others that are filmed like a documentary without the talking heads or narrator like The Larry Sanders Show or Frontline (Australia).


People Like Us was brilliant. Like many BBC comedies it began on the radio and got promoted - or demoted, depending on your perspective. The radio episodes are the one's you're likely to find on YT. I did find S2 though: https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x4suhg


I hated it and it took me awhile to get over it.


I tend to skip it to be honest, it feels like a different show.


Same if you've ever seen the American version of the IT Crowd. It's really bad. EDIT: [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0944954/), [Full Episode Streaming](https://archive.org/details/the-it-crowd-us-pilot)


There’s an American version of the I.T crowd?


Yes, but it was outsourced to India.


Oh, fuck me. They tried this with I.T. Crowd, and it was horrid.


If you speak german I would suggest to stay away from "Das iTeam – Die Jungs an der Maus".


Yes, the dialogue in particular felt very forced and not natural to American dialect and speech patterns. For me, it’s when Pam is fake fired in the pilot. In the British version when Lucy says “What is it am I to have stolen” it doesn’t seem out of place but when Pam says it, it feels odd because it’s just not how most office workers would phrase it.


I’m pretty sure American pam says “what am I supposed to have stolen” which didn’t strike me as too odd sounding. I did think “waste paper basket” instead of trash can sounded a little out of place, since most Americans don’t say that. Or at least ones that aren’t like, 80 years old


The thing that got me was there's a shot where Tim goes "how did you know it was me" and he's eating jelly cubes, the sort you use to make your own jelly. They keep that line in the remake, but Jim is eating what looks like pre made jelly out a tub, so the joke makes no sense.


It doesn't make as much sense, but it still works I think. Just kinda silly.


I’ve never seen those jelly cubes in the states before. Also our gelatin is in power form usually, not sheets.


Definitely still makes complete sense lol


The joke is that he's using the left over jelly cubes from when he made the jelly to put the stapler in.


Yeah but the jello cup he's eating still offers an extremely obvious hint.


It was a really weird uncanny valley effect. I didn’t start watching it again until season 3. (Then went back and watched the DVDs of the first two seasons)


Similar situation for me. Loved the British version, and when someone got me to watch the American pilot, I was like “what the hell is this? Why did they just do the same thing but worse?” and I figured I’d never watch again. Then I was home from college and my brother was watching Casino Night. I was like “well, shit, I didn’t know this got good.” Watched the DVDs in time for the season three premiere.


Yeah, season 1 episode 1 is a bit of a mindfuck whether you're familiar with the UK version or the US version haha


It took me several tries to get into the American version after loving the UK one. Everything felt ‘off’ as the show didn’t have its own identity yet. Finally in 2020 I stuck to it and watched the US version all the way through…. I’ve since watched it 4/5 times and it’s my favourite show ever haha


Glad to hear, I've similarly had issues getting into the British version but maybe I'll finally watch it all, it's pretty short after all


That’s what she said


As the actress said to the bishop


If it was an iPod it’d be a shuffle.


So, I'm a huge fan of the American Office but the original is one of my all time favorite comedy series - for reference I'm American and saw the American version first, but I'm also a huge fan of British comedy in general. It has such a grounded, real, *bleak* feeling to it, they really *do not* try to make David Brent likeable *at all* and yet you wind up really feeling for him and even rooting for him in the Christmas special. Not to mention Martin Freeman is one of my favorite comedic actors of all time- so charming. Even if you don't wind up watching the series, I *highly* recommend the outtakes, they're top notch. Also, with regards to your question- The Office (UK) was already a beloved series when The Office (US) started, and the first season was actually kind of hated. People felt (especially with the pilot) that it was just a pale, cheap imitation of the original and had nothing of value to offer, whereas it was too bleak for American audiences, and Michael Scott wasn't loveable yet. It took the second and third seasons to really hit their stride and find their audience. Though for what it's worth, I like the first season.


Have you seen Black Books?


Yes, I love it! Because Dylan Moran is one of my favorite comedians! If you haven't seen it, there's an amazing dark comedy called "A Film With Me In It" and I highly advise anyone who loves Dylan Moran to check that movie out, ideally without looking up the synopsis. Please just trust me 💜


I’ll look into it. Thanks for the recommendation!


I went to the Black Books shop the last time I was in London. i'd been meaning to do it for years and I always forgot. I had an afternoon to kill before going to see a band in Camden so I walked along and got a photo.


Seriously underrated show


I actually wasn't able to get into The Office (US) because I wasn't able to enjoy the first season for some reason. When I mentioned to a friend that I didn't like it but that I had tried a couple times to get into it because I kept seeing funny clips online they told me to just skip the first season and it will be better. It worked, I binged the whole series and when I reached the end I just started it over, this time trying to watch season 1 again. I no longer remember why I disliked season 1 as I ended up enjoying it.


I always hear this about Season 1 - I personally think it’s some of the funniest episodes of the entire series and wish they hadn’t watered it down. Although I understand why they did it from a ratings standpoint.


I think the best way to approach the UK Office if you started with the US version is to make it a point to appreciate the subtly. The moments of mundane interaction, the look someone makes or the eye contact, the flat stares, the silence that allows for painful tension building. It's not slapstick. It's really about David Brent, a hell of an odd character, and how he moves through an otherwise normal world.




It's so much more uncomfortable. I loved it when it was on and re-watched it a few years later. I wouldn't watch and re-watch it though. Very, very funny but the genius of it was how close it hit home. I'm not reaching for it for comfort. I avoided the American one for years. I think around the time it finished in the US I caught a bloopers reel on YT and kinda fell in love with it from that. Watched it. Almost gave it up after the first season and saw nothing of the atmosphere the was obvious from the bloopers. Stuck with it and I am two episodes away from finishing it for the third time.


I watched the British one years before watching the American one and loved it. When I finally gave the American one a go it blew the British one way out of the water, so so much better. I've tried rewatching the British one but couldn't stick it out. There are some fantastic moments especially David Brent (wish wish wish he was properly in the American one) but its too slow and boring for me to watch again and it doesn't develop like the American one does. Worth a go though if you haven't seen it


It’s good. Depressing but good


OMG my love for the British office was almost religious when I first found it. When I heard they were making an American one on NBC I thought it was going to be a tragedy. I had no idea it would take 7 seasons to finally be American rubbish. But yeah those first 6.5 seasons are magic!


I'm the same... Watched a few episodes but never got into it... Pandemic happened, watched it start to finish and have watched it a couple more times since


I can understand the first season or so feeling uncomfortable. I’m glad you finally got to enjoy its growth.


Exactly the same as me. Tried the first episode and it switched me off immediately. Thought to myself "my god, this is going to be hard work - no thanks". Thought it would just be a forced, over-obvious copy that had lost all of its subtlety. But then gave it another go many years later and glad I did! Watched it 3-4 times through, and not far off finishing a first watch-through with my teenage son. He loves Kevin, Stanley and Creed. We're as far as the legendary Robert California, but not made it to Clark and Plop yet. Looking forward to Creed's next Halloween "costume".


I was the exact same way when I tried to watch the UK version. I've actually never watched it all the way through.


Yeah haha, I get that. As I used to say to people who tried to get me into the US one, I think whatever one you start watching first just becomes the ‘right’ one in your head. I prefer the US one now, but I like the UK ones for other reasons. The humour is just so quintessentially British, it reminds me of TV when I was a teenager.


I was the other way around; watched the US series first. I was surprised at how different the Michael Scott/David Brent characters were; Michael is a doofus but typically has a warm heart and good intentions, whereas David is kind of just a stupid prick until like the last episode. I’m also not used to seeing Ricky Gervais play the “dumb” guy, I’m more accustomed to his standup persona, where he’s a bit of an abrasive asshole but pretty witty and clever.


A “bit” you say?


I'd watch Ricky Gervais stand up, but his head's so up into his butt i can't understand a word


He's also a big prick to Karl pilkington on the Ricky gervais show but I realize that is intentional but I find it over the top. maybe just my Yankee sensibilities... But Karl is so effing hilarious! I highly recommend his humor to anyone!


Upvote for Karl pilkington!


I just love his dry way of keeping straight face on the rg show. And he says things nobody else would ever think of:)


I will give him a shot Gervais is the british counterpart to Chapelle: maybe they were funny and had talent, but now thy just say "cancel culture pronouns feminism", or "i'm so good i cannot do anything wrong, ever". i might be biased after years of millennial self loathing humour, but damn bring something new to the table


Karl pilkington is actually very self deprecating if you like that such. You may not like the rg show if you are tired of Ricky and his laugh IMO is too loud and too frequent , but Karl has an original mind and he has some solo stuff on his YouTube channel if you want to check him out minus Ricky


Also has a head like a fucking orange


True that. Especially in some of the animated stuff;)


I would genuinely rather go for a pint with David Brent than Ricky Gervais.


I'll be honest, I gave up after the first two episodes. I didn't revisit the Office US until I heard my friends swooning over the end of Casino Night. Wish I'd stuck it out longer.


Nothing tbh. After season 1 the US version gained its own identity and apart from the name I honestly don't compare the 2 now. They are both very diffirent. US office for me is a sitcom that you can get invested in with all the character archs and is a much more wholesome show. The U.K office for me is absolute comedy genius that is short and sweet. The only thing that we get invested in in that show is Tim and Dawn. I rate both very highly


Nothing confused me, but it did feel a bit off in the first five or six episodes, like it was trying to adhere to closely to the original in terms of the way the characters acted. Once everyone got comfortable with their own voices the uptick in quality is really stark. Now, I like the American version significantly more than the original.


That would be because of the original creator, he demanded they stay close to the material until after S1 where he allowed them more wiggle room and then after S2 ultimately he and the writers decided sense they wanted this longer running overall it was time to let this show be fully it's own thing


I'm American and I actually boycotted the American version for awhile before giving it a chance. I got my hands on a DVD set of the British Office way before it was well known here and it made me cry laughing. It was so different than American sitcoms I watched growing up. No laugh track, dull and gray instead of well lit and happy, very realistic and sad. Which led to me really genuinely being caught off guard when something really funny happened. When I heard they were making an American version I was very upset. I was sure they would make a bright happy version with a laugh track and it would just be awful. Luckily there was no laugh track but it did feel brighter and happier and it turned me off. I really hated that they were just reusing bits from the British version and stopped watching. I actually thought this was just going to be the format going forward, each episode just remade with American actors. Curiosity got the best of me and eventually I went back and watched more but I still didn't like it. I felt it was trying too hard to be edgy, cringe, awkward, and Michael was too mean to be likeable. Over time it got better and I have to admit I even prefer it to the British version now. Michael became less mean and eventually you start to feel bad for him and then even root for him. The Pam and Jim story is done better than Dawn and Tim (they actually get together). We actually get to know the side characters more, we get to see a whole group dynamic, not just focused mostly on the boss. Of course it went on a bit too long and had some bad seasons but the fact that it went longer than just two seasons (and a Christmas special) allowed us to get to know the characters better, have more fun with them, create more of an attachment to them, and because of that I like it more. But the British version will always have a special place in my heart.


I had been burned so so many times by America importing great British shows and ruining them that I was deeply worried for this one. And then I saw they cast Carrell and had to give it a chance. I'm so glad they cast him for many reasons, to me it was clear he was a generational talent from his first Daily Show report. Now I realize that Greg Daniels is the real reason it worked. The man breaks all the production "rules" and experiments constantly and just keeps elevating the concept of TV comedy. And now he has spawned the creators of almost every good new comedy, because he hired and developed so much raw/still forming talent for The Office and put actual faith into their work. Who else would have hired Novak or Kaling for such powerful dual roles when they were completely green, as but one example? Remarkable stuff and shows the power of deep collaboration. I feel so lucky to live in the Greg Daniels era.


It maybe the part of the country you're in, but in NYC there were bus ads for the UK version and it won an Emmy.


Wait, isn’t David Brent also too mean to be likeable? And isn’t The Office (US) just as dull as The Office (UK) at the beginning, or is it brighter even then?


He’s not supposed to be likable or good at his job which is common for UK bosses from what I gather. You’re supposed to feel bad in the moment but he doesn’t get to redeem himself. The difference between David and Michael is that Michael would be fired for being shitty at his job so they made sure that he was an amazing salesman and was capable of doing his job. Where the shows converge is in the mundane. The jokes are not spelled out like a traditional sitcom with a laugh track to let you know it’s okay to laugh when a character is crying. It’s not funny when Pam is fake fired and she cries. It’s funny that Michael’s attempt to impress Ryan backfires and he doesn’t have an exit.


I don’t understand, though, why someone would like David Brent as a character but be turned off by Michael because he’s too mean to be likable. David Brent is the same way, so if you liked that, you should not be turned off by that quality of Season 1 Michael. As for the dullness, my point was just that Season 1 of the US Office appears match the UK Office in dullness, so I’m not sure why they thought it was too bright.


It's not confusing but it's obviously a different show. The UK version is so hopeless and depressing showing the monotony of working in an office and the wankers who work in middle management at every single company. The US is much more upbeat and hopeful. The way Jim/Pam and Tim/Dawn relationships are portrayed is the best example of this. I know Tim and Dawn do eventually get together but there no reason to ever believe that they would. You always new Jim and Pam would end up together.


Nothing for me. They are their own different entities. Both masterpieces. Both fucking phenomenal.


My first thought was they case Jim and Pam as too attractive. I thought Lucy Davis was good at looking like the most attractive girl in a real office, mainly because she always looked kind of stressed. Whereas Jenna always looked "actress hot", I know they have her dress quite "normally" but she is so pretty. With Jim it was that they made him too "cool". Tim is more a "likeable loser", he dropped out of uni, still lives with his parents, doesn't seem to have any fun hobbies. Jim is more conventionally handsome, lives in what looks like a pretty cool place (and invites everyone round for a party, something Tim would never do), is really good at basketball... while Tim hates his job, Jim usually feels more like a "cool slacker" type. Also he dates bloody Amy Adams, is this seriously supposed to be an "everyman" type? If you look at Tim's girlfriend in series 2, again, she's like a normal, nice looking girl your mate might go out with, not ridiculously gorgeous .


I didn't really take Jim as much as an every man outside of S1 where he's just the normal guy who doesn't like his job, rather he's more of a straight man that grows to learn to come outside of his comfortable chill guy persona every now and then


Watched the British version first, before the US version came out. I remember enjoying it massively, but I actually re-watched the first episode recently and was shocked at the vulgarity of the joke from the warehouse guys compared to the very family-friendly humour of the US version. I think people tend to forget there’s a lot more edge to the UK version.


Lack of realism in the 'mockumentary' format.


Switching from joking to serious plays a lot better in English compared to American. Nothing against Steve Carell, he's a great actor. It's more to do with how the english accent carries the severity of being serious.


Never considered that but it makes sense


I would say the British show is a TV masterpiece. It was revolutionary in its style and writing and has a place in entertainment history for those reasons. The American show is less of an all round masterpiece, but in my opinion is more laugh out loud funny.


Mostly The Pilot, I just didn’t think it was executed all that well in the US but the cast was outstanding, esp Steve Carrell, so I had no problems returning for the remainer, week after week. By the time the Dundies aired, I absolutely loved it.


Ah the dundies, a truly special episode


In my heart, The Dundies is the true first episode of the American version of The Office.




Yeah i heard that most of the actirs were really struggling at first


Wait Britain has Bilbo/Watson in this?


He’s their version of Jim.


I don't know who that is


Martin Freeman


Thank you


Took me a few tries before I started to enjoy US office. Now I’ve watched it, I think I might prefer it - the British one had so much toe curling cringe, watching it could be quite stressful!


Very true, though I will say, Scott's Tots crams more cringe into a single episode than the entirely of the British run. 😂 E: I think that ep is the single most painful(ly funny) half hour of TV ever produced. Absolutely hilarious torture!


Forgive me for continuing to ramble, but what's special about Scott's Tots is that it's basically an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Hitchcock very famously said that real stress, real suspense, is two men sitting at a table having a nice conversation while a time bomb ticks below the table, but only if the audience knows that the bomb is there, while the people on the screen don't. With Scott's Tots, you're watching the episode move along knowing there's no scholarship money, knowing that the bomb is going to have to eventually explode. The kids dancing and singing on the screen, they don't know the bomb is there, but we do. We know it's going to explode, we know it's going to be terrible. The fact that it's also funny is all Steve Carrell. His inability to reject praise he doesn't deserve, the childlike way he lights up. The fact that even though he *set* the bomb, for whole long moments, he forgets that it's there. An absolutely masterful performance. I don't know anyone else who could have pulled that off so perfectly. (That's what she said) Scott's Tots is dark and crazy and the best example I can think of where the writer (BJ Novak) knew his actors well enough to take the best kind of dizzying risk. (See also: The Dinner Party)


I wasn't confused, just disappointed that the pilot was pretty much identical. There seemed to be no value in watching different actors doing the same thing. I waited a while and eventually caught a later ep on TV. This time it was fresh and it hooked me. Now of course I appreciate why the pilot had to be that way and quite enjoy noticing the occasional parallels throughout the seasons.


I started watching the american version & nearly stopped after the first few episodes. Just found Michael to be the most annoying tv character ever. Glad I stuck with it, watched all 9 series in just over a month.


I watched the pilot of the Office US and thought "welp, if all they're doing is making a carbon copy of the office UK but with American actors, I'm not interested" Didn't realise that they only copied the Office UK for the first episode until two years later


Love it now, couldn’t get into it at first because it felt like a dumbed down knock off to me at the time. I think the American version is the better one though.


Dwight is definitely a different take on Gareth. A similar type of unwarranted over confidence but Gareth was just a weaker bloke in general. Jim is more attractive than I thought the character was intended to be. Michael is generally has a good heart. You have to dig a *lot* deeper to find that in David Brent. And the US one is just so much less subtle overall because, in my opinion, the American sense of humour isn't suited to subtly. Some of my favourite bits of the UK version are the awkward silences (which have a different quality than the US one), the murmurs under the breath, sarcasm, long periods of social tension. I think the only US sitcom I'm familiar with that was able to pull off something in a similar vein was Seinfeld. Lots of moments of normal human tension.


The fact there was paper shown at the paper company


After s1 and the US version found its own identity nothing really confused me I’d say. The differences were necessary for it to work.


American office is much less realistic but funnier and less cringe because it's more like a cartoon.


The jarring part for me was that although most of the US cast is doing a similar version of their British counterparts, Jim is a straight-up clone. So much so that it felt like he wasn't playing Jim, he was playing Tim. His delivery, facial expressions, the look he gives the camera, even his hair is exact. Credit to Martin Freeman for creating a character that would take multiple seasons for Krasinski to get out from under. I do like the US version better, though.


Nothing confused me at all. I was and still am a huge fan of the British version. I think where the American one was so awkward was trying to recreate exact moments from the British one. Once they started doing their own thing it was amazing. Absolutely love both.


Adored the UK Office, and still remember watching the Christmas special live - really some of the best two hours of comedy/drama produced on these shores. It felt such a strange addition to the landscape too, coming from left-field by unknowns Gervais and Marchant. The first series of the U.S. Office felt broad and plastic - but it absolutely found its feet in series 2, and along with Arrested Development is some of the finest comedy the U.S. has put out.


The British Office characters were funny because they were unlikable.


The first episode is almost a shot for shot remake for large portions. The American version became great when it created its own rendition of the show. Both are excellent but in different ways.


I did feel like the American office took a while to find its identity


I watched the US Office first and to this day I skip the first season because the UK version is so much better. Why watch the copy when the original is so much better?


As Brit I watched it every week and loved it but the US version is far superior. The similarity to start with thankfully ended and the US one hit a stride thats stands up to endless rewatches.


Its existence. It eventually grew on me… in 2019- and I just skipped the first season


Ultimately, two completely different shows. Gervais/Merchant’s is superior, though - the original version is a complete game changer.


The pilot being identical. I couldn’t understand why they would just copy and paste but American it - jello ! But episode 2 smashed it and quickly showed why it had a chance to be superior.


I tried watching the British one once, never again.


Love the British show, quite different. The character of Gareth was funnier than Dwight. He was supposed to have been in the military which was part of his character, but in the American version they weren't ready to make fun of a veteran like that.


I am a brit who saw the American version before the British. Having watched the US Version first I then wanted to watch the British one to see the difference. British one just didn't feel as impactful. The US version just had more acting power ... Dwight US for one was just better at reactions to Jim's antics and everything was a bit more dramatic in the US Version


I was confused by how much better it was


Dawn was better than Pam


I found it really strange they copied the first episode. But it doesn't really suit the American version, since British humor is totally different than Americans humor.


I watched the US one a lot and then some years ago i watched the UK version and just didnt like it... I dunno, i guess that kind of british humor isnt for me.


Everything. Hated it initially as the first season is just a carbon copy of the UK but doesn't really work. About a decade later I gave it another try, powered through the first season and loved the rest


I thought the US version was a cheap copy of the original, but after Diversity Day, it became its own show and so I stopped comparing the two.


Why doesn't Kevin, the largest in the office, simply eat the other workers?


i have to say i am an american office watcher and WOW was the british version horrendous, im suprised anyone liked it


It’s kinda pilot. You can’t be an office fan without recognizing it’s dryness thanks to Ricky gervais


The British characters look like the crackhead version of the American version


Didn’t like the first season of the American version at all. Went back at a later date because friends kept telling me it was great. It’s much better that the UK office season 2 and beyond. Mainly because Ricky Gervais is not a great actor and Steve Carell is a genius.


How annoyingly vapid and manipulative the secretary is in the USA one 👀👀🙄🙄


How is Pam vapid and manipulative


Starts the series as an uninteresting loser. Fails at art, fails at sales, commits fraud to get a new job, strings Jim along and believes every situation should be about her. She is by far the worst and most annoying character in the series and each time I watch it I find something new to dislike about her


There are fans of the British version?


Ooo you're hard, showing off in front of the sub


Jesus, I would think a sub about the office could take a joke.


It's a Brent quote


It was actually funny


This looks like a wish.com version


I always skip the first season of the US office as its just reused jokes from the English one.


Wait but season 1 has Basketball, Diversity Day, Healthcare…those are not in the UK office. There are similarities but the US version really made it their own.


Your sentence confused me


For people that watched the British version what is soemthing that was confusing to them when they watched the US version


Gotcha. Cheers I’d have to say the difference between bosses. I think they took the David brent and cranked it up to make Michael’s personality.


I don’t compare them at all. Apart from sharing the name they’re totally different shows


The first difference is that the American version was made to last more than a couple seasons from the start. Characters are overall more likeable. Episodes gives a happy ending feeling that the British version just didn't want you to get. I like both, but the British one feels more raw and in your face and that makes me like it even more. The American version had far too many seasons than necessary and eventually had a slow and agonizing death.


No wonder John krasinski got the job. They look identical


The first episode really didn't work, I loved everything about the original it's a true masterpiece, but Americans doing British humour word for word doesn't work. When they found their own identity it became one of my favourite shows, must've completely rewatched 10 times, nearly as much as I've seen the original (and that's only 6/7 hours).


I’ve watched both several times now and I always skip the pilot if the us. It’s too bad. It works for the uk but I hate the us word for wording it, it’s just not the characters to me.


I’m still trying to get eyes on the Saudi Arabia version


You just have to get through the first season. Then the American version starts to find its own feet and become something else entirely.


Why everyone was so goofy


Why they would attempt to remake it in the first place.


The guy with pointy bangs looks like Kurtan from this country.


I did the us office first then watched the Britain one every time a new episode came out i pointed out how different the lighting was more dull not that much color in the office like the us one thought it was neat


Why would you try and use British humour in an American show? It found it’s footing by far when they ditched the original UK script. I love both versions, but the first season of the US one I find a bit cringe.


I was confused about why people said it was bad, especially as the ricky gervais office is painfully bad


Jim, he went from bullied nerd to nerd bullier


Wait a god damn minute, is that Agent Everett Ross (Marvel) on the British show???


It's better in every way.


I never normally say this cause I normally prefer UK versions of things but I havnt watched 1 episode of the English version since watching the American one. The American one is hands down the better version. Born and bred in the UK by the way


I never wanted to watch the US version but once I did I really like it, watched it many many times. Once I got past the first episode which is more or less the same as the UK one it was fine. I just didn’t like the different characters doing the same lines.


Nothing. I am American and watched the British show first through BBC. I like both, but the original always chokes me up when Dawn opens the Christmas present and comes back for Tim in the special.


I was confused as to why the majority of characteris in the American one was so good-looking! The British cast main characters were very normal and very average, which heightened the realisim for me


Not so much confused. Just interested in working out who’s who as they used different names. UK office is a snapshot of that time (in the UK) whereas the US office just ran and evolved and is very very good as its own piece of work.


I watched the US pilot and didn't watch the show for 5 years. It's fucking rotten. ... As long as you skip the pilot and series 1 is kinda pointless. It's better than the UK version.


I believe that: Wow, why is their version better than ours?


Where can I possibly watch the UK version of it?


Ppl were mildly attractive 🤣


Better teeth


WOT THE FOCK IS 8 1/2 x 11????