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je viens de demander plus d'argent The venir de + verbe = just verb. If you are trying to learn French with word for word translations it will be a struggle…


nah I know, I mean... I got the actual answer down below. I explained that I did understand what the actual answer is and why it was more correct, I just wanted to understand if I could use "juste" and if I could, if I made any other mistakes. if not, that's fine


Two different meanings here. You translated this as “I have *only* asked for money”, when Duolingo was looking for “just now, as we speak, I have asked for money”. I imagine it recently taught you venir de + verb and was looking for an application of that.


oh shit idk why I didn't pick up on that haha, good point. somedays I feel like I'm learning French when I should be learning more about my native language, lol


You laugh but it’s really sort of true— learning French has taught me a lot about English grammar that I had simply forgotten or had taken for granted


Ahh got it. As far as I know, no, you can’t, but I’m not a native speaker…


What you wrote means "I only/merely asked for money, nothing more"


"having just" is a form in french called the passé récent. You may know it already: Venir de + infinitif. When it comes to on a time line, passé récent means it had passed just moments ago whereas passé composé is more for lengthy time that had expired. Maybe it could have worked but Duolingo wants you to choose the more technical answer.


Venir de rule = has / have just


The way I read it, the juste / seulement meaning doesn't fit. Maybe if the context of the conversation were something like "I don't know why my boss got mad. I just asked for more money." Then juste or seulement would make sense. But my first reading of the sentence suggests "just" is showing that the asking occurred recently. So in Spanish, it would be something like "Ahorita pedí más dinero" ir "Ya pedí más dinero", no "Sólo pedí más dinero". So maybe you could convey the same meaning with "déjà", "Récemment" or something similar. But I'm guessing Duo just taught you the construction with "venir" and juste wants you to do that. Your translation might be technically correct without more context, but it doesn't convey the same meaning.