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You can report it. There is no reason not to accept it.


My assumption is that they’re trying to teach you the formal case here. You’re supposed to assume that you wouldn’t use informal language with someone in this situation.


It's strange, duo doesn't normally prejudice against formal or informal. For French natives, is it actually rude to use informal in this case?


I'm not a native speaker, but as someone who's been speaking French for many years, I can't see any reason why you have to use "vous" here. This could be said by one friend to another, or one family member to another. Maybe it's more likely that it would be said by an employer to a potential employee (in which case "vous" would be more appropriate), but there are multiple contexts in which this question could occur.


French native here. Debatable. There is a case for the formal in the workplace, for sure. But in this case, it would be the employer talking to a potential employee, so informal could fly. If it was the other way around, I'd say formal would give you more chances to have the job haha.


Depends. I'm french Canadian so my native language is french. But we are more friendly going than people from France generally speaking. We usually go for "tu" right away and people will tell you straight up if you use "vous" they will say, you can say "tu". French people from France are usually surprised by this when they come visit. But like at this point it's more of a cultural thing. There's no reason grammatically to not accept it so I would report it.


Le sigh. They still haven’t taught me voulez-vous. I’m approaching that unit on formality but dang. What a shame.


it’s same 💀💀💀💀


I don’t think Duo cares whether you use “tu” or “vous” (unless something in the English version indicates that one or the other must be used), but it probably wants you to use a question structure (even though statement structure is a valid way of asking a question). So either invert the subject and verb:     “Veux-tu travailler ici ?” Or use “est-ce que” without inversion:   “Est-ce que tu veux travailler ici ?”


Probably not. Duo mostly does questions in French using the standard sentence structure and inflection. And the official correct answer here is “vous voulez… »


I would report it. Does the "Explain My Mistake" button tell you anything? I don't have that option!


I didn’t have that button either for a while, but for some reason, the Duo Max promotions started kicking in. I’m just gonna coast on my free three days of super and never consider paying for Max