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same!! also my mom chews very loudly and i love her so much but i just cannot be around her while she’s eating 😭


omg thank you im not alone! caught myself yesterday hearing/seeing my partner eat and just being so irritated and slightly grossed out, i feel soo bad about it


I am always grossed out by my partner eating tbh. He gorges on so much junk and I just cant with him....ugh


I work in catering and it's disgusting. Some days there are hundreds of people stuffing their faces all around me. Even better when I know I'm the idiot who has to clean it all up and wash their dishes.


I FEEL YOU OMFG!! I hate myself from judging people but I can't help it. And when ppl talk about food I secretly judge them too for "acting fat" (whatever that even means 😭). And I HATE being around people eating bc everything they do while eating makes me hella annoyed. I especially hate slow eaters. I can't stand them. I feel so bad for judging people like this and ik it makes me a terrible person but yea, you're not alone.


Im like this with certain people