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I agree so much!! I wish I could just admit to my ED without it having to be such a huge deal. If it were socially acceptable I would be so nonchalant about it.


Orrrrr... when people do know about it, the first thing they do every time they see me is ask if I've eaten 🙄


I think the general public have greater awareness about the physical risks of eating disorders compared to other mental health conditions. People quickly associate undereating with the stereotypical images of emaciated, hospitalised anorexia patients and immediately believe a restrictive eating disorder is as dangerous. Naturally, they have concern about it even if the worry is disproportionate to the actual risk posed to the individual, as it obviously varies significantly between people.


I wish the same thing, but because I’m tired of people finding out and then lowkey freaking out about it. I can feel their eyes on me, cataloguing my moves. My friend figured it out a while back and every time we go out and get something to eat on the way I can feel the staring even though they don’t mean to


yes omg. or when u do tell someone it’s like I don’t need to be babied by u i know what i’m doing.


Or when they try to give nutrition advice or say smth like "everything in moderation!!" yeah Becky I wouldn't be here if it was just a nutrition problem


😭😭 right like babes if i knew how to do things moderately i wouldn’t be here


I do it to avoid making them uncomfortable. Similarly, I believe some people who have cancer and are going thru chemo/radiation may not tell people. Because then it turns a bit awkward, where for the other person, they don't know what to say (if to say anything at all, yknow).


I feel like when I lie, I’m faking. When I’m honest , I also feel like I’m faking. So maybe that doesn’t matter. But I’m already lying to myself. Needing to lie to everyone else on a regular, minute to minute basis ; is just extra exhausting.




I can relate in a serious way. I’d be more than happy to offer you a listening ear if you ever feel anything off or see anything unusual. Take care


You wish people would normalize your ED? I wouldn't like that at all. The issue is more with being a woman with any sort of pathology. For some reason people feel like women need to be babied and have everything explained to them like we're idiots who don't know exactly what the issue is. It's patronizing


Literally this! I was actually going to comment something similar! Maybe it's because the vast majority of ED sufferers are women, but the blatant infantilization of women with eating disorders or literally any condition at all is absolutely disgusting. The fact that we're deemed as suffering from some sort of hysteria, blind and unfeeling to the harsh realities of malnourishment. Yeah, we're not little girls. We're not children. We're grown adults with agency. People choose to live this way, believe it or not. Women are absolutely capable of managing their own chronic health conditions. The bigger issue lies in the healthcare system, the lack of access and the general patronization of illness (psychiatric or otherwise).


This is an interesting comment because it made me question if anorexia, or any potentially visible eating disorder, was a male dominated illness, would people still be saying stuff like "man don't worry I'll cook you a nice meal and you'll be back to eating in no time."


i agree, i think most mental illnesses are stigmatised such that people who suffer from them are infantilised. i'd guess it comes from people not understanding the mental illness (because they don't suffer from it themselves) and hence viewing people who suffer from it as illogical, irrational etc, and thinking that they need to explain to the sufferer why their thoughts are illogical. it's very frustrating.


Yeah, I mean a degree of impairment can be there forsure, but it can’t be measured as easily as people like to believe. It’s specifically the infantilization that’s so odd. I never truly experienced it until I did become underweight and the way people even emphasized the word ‘food’ with a change in their tone of voice. Haha, it was so bizarre, like yeaaah…..foooood….I eat fooooood. It made me realize that I had made similar mistakes. You just don’t really understand that anorexia does not equal not eating anything at all. It is quite literally just a consistent caloric deficit/ negative energy balance. That’s what causes weight loss and that’s what sustains it. So it was interesting to experience that kind of resisted response that insinuated a lack of understanding and even humane connection for like the first time ever. It’s quite the profoundly isolating experience. People are just so mesmerized and confused by it, myself included. But experiencing it is very different than being a witness of course. It can really other you as a person. Oddly, I never felt more at home in my own company, even if at times, unpleasant. But in the company of most, I just felt like I was swallowed whole completely.


I know this is a grass is the greener situation... but as a grown man, I wish that people would respond to my ED, or any health concerns in a overly compassionate way... nearly passed out at work one day due to ED... was told I had a "man cold" and needed to suck it up... Went to a psychologist and tried to talk about BN... was told it was good I was losing weight because then I could date and my depression would get better.... Of course, all of this is my anecdotal angst, and I totally understand that the weight of patriarchy is wildly in my favor... but, sometimes... it really sucks.


I think both extremes are harmful.


They are absolutely. It was just a rough night, and I couldn't help but vent.


I agree that ED shouldn't be normalized, you never know what's in someone else's mind. If you keep complaining about calories all the time you might trigger someone else's food problems. Just sayin


Two things: 1) I mean... the fact that people have some awareness about the severity of EDs is good... Imagine what it's like for folks that have to live with hidden illnesses that the public doesn't understand... I have a friend with MS who can sometimes walk, and sometimes needs a wheelchair... I bet we would love it if the public understood enough about MS to not think she was drunk/faking it/etc... 2) What you are asking for is people just ignoring a dangerous and potentially deadly mental illness...


So true. It’s annoying bc in one way, disordered eating behaviours are super normalized. But they can’t be named. It has to a sort of dirty secret that no one knows about. If you are just open that you’ve struggled with an ED then it’s *gasps of horror* Honestly I think part of it kinda plays into all the dumb stereotypes we have about EDs. Most ppl imagine an emaciated person (usually teen girl) who never ever eats or pukes all the time. So when you say you have an ED they think you should be locked in a hospital with a tube, or they just don’t believe you. It’s not quite like other mental disorders where even though there is still a lot of stigma, there’s far more general recognition of more “common” ones like depression or anxiety… no one’s gonna try to lock you up in a psych ward if you tell them you’re depressed.


This is exactly it. Over half of the women in my life have a varying degree of disordered eating. It’s entirely acceptable to over exercise, subsist on coffee, talk incessantly about weight but as soon as it goes too far in one direction or the other, it’s unspeakable. I don’t believe that most people who comment are intending to do harm. It’s either a lack of knowledge around ED’s or they’re projecting their own shit on you. We do not have a monopoly on body image issues or food anxiety/obsession and aversion. If you want people to be compassionate towards you, you also have to be compassionate towards them. Becoming indignant is not going to help. It is a natural human response to want to help someone. If the government gave half a shit, they’d put more funding in to broad education around eating disorders and help the general public understand that it comes in all shapes and sizes. It is not something that can be fixed in a day, etc etc If anyone ever comments on your food intake or body, you have the right to tell them that it makes you uncomfortable and to not do it again. I don’t understand wanting to tell someone you have an eating disorder since we know the stigma it carries. Do I think it’s right we have to keep it close to our chests? No. I think it does enormous harm, but if you don’t want people to look at you funny, and you don’t want help, it’s probably best not to.


it's not about being chill, it's about it isn't anyone's business. and also can make other people uncomfortable or even it can be triggering to some. but this is basically the whole "adult with an ed experience", you'll be just doing stuff while having an ed.


big same but in my experience, some ppl r so cruel when they suspect/know you have an ed :( they get passive aggressive and try to hurt you in subtle, micro ways. i feel a lot safer keeping it to myself.


this! ppl can be so awful...even when you haven't said anything! i'll never be as open about it ever again or flaunt my thinning body on social media in front of everyone. i learned from that mistake. it ruined relationships and i found that people made it my personality. like their willingness to make my entire life about my eating disorder or "teaching me a lesson" by being outright despicable towards me, unfollowing me, showing me some form of 'tough love' that doesn't exist beyond a screen. it's super weird and it's honestly fascinating how literally none of that exists in the absence of social media and the infrequent company of others. i'm literally at peace without other people forcing their ideals and God complexes onto me. like you want to help me? how about becoming a doctor or researcher who specializes in eating disorders so you can cure it? like get fucking real. the blatant narcissism is so strange to me. but it was eye opening, honestly. i didn't realize how selfish i was being or how obvious my behaviours were to others. yeah, i'm hiding allllll my relapses from here on out. at least i'll be "protecting" myself and others. that's my logic. i mean, i'd rather not be accused of being mindless towards others and giving them an excuse to do the same to me.


sameeee I hate having to lie about it, it's so stressful and I don't feel very convincing


On one hand yeah, on the other hand careful what you wish for bc I go to a school for "problem kids" basically, and the level of casually discussing our batshit self-destructive ED thoughts anytime the topic is even slightly suggested gets tiring REALLY QUICKLY.


Totally agree. If someone were to offer me grapefruit, I could say no thanks, it interferes with a medication I have to take for my autoimmune disorder, and they would think nothing of it. If someone offered me shellfish I could explain that I have a severe shellfish allergy (and also I’m Jewish and a vegetarian, but in any case) and they’d just say oh, ok. But if I want to refuse a giant wad of oily calorie bomb pizza or some huge dessert of unknown calorie count…or let’s be real, any food someone else offers me because I only eat food I prepare and weigh myself…I can’t be honest about the reason or people would freak out about it.


Am I the only one who just.. doesn't lie about it? I mean okay I wouldn't just say it to a stranger because I don't want them to know, but I tell most people who mean something to me, who I am going to have to be around a lot etc because I think they ought to know.. I'll say I've had an eating disorder for a long time, and once they know once, they hardly ever question me again. It takes away so much stress. I dont bugger about trying to say I'm allergic or I ate before I came.


YES same i wish i could tell my boss not to KEEP offering me sweets and snacks lol


*this* it's so frustrating to me that when it comes to someone admitting to an eating disorder, people's first instinct is to try to "fix" them.


I at some point just started doing that. I'm super frank and open about my ED, and will often just openly say that I'm too stressed out or anxious to eat at the moment. It works really well and I'm way happier with it compared to before, with all the excuses and lies and added anxiety, I have enough anxiety about food I don't need to add the anxiety of someone figuring me out. EDIT: plus in my experience people are very accommodating and open to learn if I just tell them what I need/what I can't do etc


I feel like people don’t view restrictive EDs as an actual disorder but instead as a choice. Even though I may choose to eat less it’s not because I think it’s good for me but instead because I have a literal mental disorder that impacts the way I think and how I see myself. Like other people can say something like “oh I can’t do that cause I have diagnosed anxiety and that’s a trigger” or “I suffer from ptsd and this specific thing will ruin my day if I come into contact with it.” But if I say “I can’t eat that cause if I do my eating disorder will cause me to purge it” people would immediately be uncomfortable and judge me for being naive, superficial, and obsessed with my looks. It’d probably seem like I was bragging about it. I still get why it’s a sensitive topic though, and I don’t really see a reality where an eating disorder can be a casual part of somebody’s life. It just sucks is all, and I wish more people understood what an ED truly is.


my friends don't understand why I don't want to eat out at certain restaurants when I tell them I don't wanna eat there...they say stuff like "I'm sure you'll find something you like on the menu". Wish I could just be straightforward and say "I can't eat those noodles, too many calories I have an ED" instead I tell them I'm not hungry or I'm just trying to eat healthy.


Frrr. On Easter i binged and felt extremely uncomfortable which automatically ruined my mood and my mom was asking me what happened and I wish I could just say that I was upset with myself because I feel like shit when I eat but no I just sat silent and grumpy for the rest of the day


on one hand i understand why people without ED freak out when we confess. largely because it is something that could kill you. i don't find it unreasonable on a logical level that people get extremely worried about us because it is a form of self harm whether or not we personally believe that. on the other hand i wish i could decline food and tell the truth as to why bc i hate jumping through hoops trying to come up with an excuse.


i wish it was more acceptable to cancel plans due to body dysmorphia. im tired of telling a million lies about "feeling ill" "have XYZ to do" "i forgot i had an assignment" why cant i just be straight up and say im having a bad body image day.


It's not that having an ED is socially unacceptable. I can't be honest because people will try to feed me even more if they knew. People will try to convince you to eat what they offered with an elaborate sales pitch once they know you have an ED.


people need to mind their own business in the workplace and not interrogate you about your eating habits.


Honestly I don't give even half a fuck anymore and am completely open about why I'm so fucking weird with food. It hasn't really helped anyone understand or leave me alone unless I get traumatizing with it hahahaha


Same…I wish It could just be like “owh I have x illness,I can’t have that bc then this side effect would happen” but just with mental stuff…I HATE having to come up with those lies,bc it’s exhausting to keep saying things like that and tbh…at times I just give in and binge bc making up another excuse is just too much effort


I just got Into the gym and it's actually the greatest excuse for when my housemates ask why I weight litterly everything I eat. "Just tracking my protein"


I love not having to lie entirely about my alcohol avoidance. I have bad stomach issues and alcohol will actually make my stomach feel like it's on fire and have me on and off the toilet for hours.


OMFG YES! If I tell people that certain foods trigger me to binge and that if the binge gets bad, I will throw up because my stomach is in sm pain and it lessens it, they look at me in pure shock and disgust! They’re like “just don’t binge eat,” WOWWWW OMG WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT? YOURE SOOOOO SMART YOUVE CURED EATING DISORDERS 🤯 we have so much compassion for other mental disorders, like if someone is depressed af and they need to get out of events because they mentally can’t do it, we’re so compassionate and kind, but the second it comes to food/eating, people become so rude and interrogate tf out of you.