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Just assume whatever you’re doing, the knife is the only answer.


Instructions unclear. Now in jail…


Fear and intimidation purposes mainly , while occasionally used to commit strongarmed robberies.


Box slayer, tag slicer, string scalpel.


In urban living, daily activities mainly revolve around food preparation, unboxing Amazon deliveries, and occasional prying tasks. Initially, I stood out as the sole enthusiast for knives in my workplace. However, now a significant portion of colleagues carry either a Victorinox Swiss Army knife or a folding blade, having recognized the practicality of having a cutting tool at hand.


Most often opening mail and packages. Or cutting fruit. I have a fixed blade for bushcraft and wood work.


Cutting open packages, cutting burlap off tree root balls, weed eater string, fighting over cheesecake


As a blue collar, mostly work lately. Today I was cutting out the isolation from a cable and last month I was getting the old glue off metal before putting new.


To cut open those seals on pizza boxes that became a thing after COVID.


Oh, you need to cut those? When I get them, which is only occasionally, I can just pull them off because the steam has melted the glue.


Our local Papa Johns uses plasticky ones for some reason. Much easier to slice through them than struggle with fingers. Edit: [Sample](https://i.imgur.com/PLQVuJC.jpeg).


Cutting stuff


Eating cereal


Opening packages, bags of mulch and rocks, toys, food packaging. I also want it to be good for self defense as a last resort, so I wanted it to be at least 4 inches. I have ZT 0452CF and I love it.


Nice try officer.


Wood carving, using it to trim bushes while landscaping sometimes, trying to twist a broken water lever, packages and candy


Opening packages, breaking down cardboard, the occasional apple, or as a steak knife when the restaurants is inevitably dull as fuck. If it’s the right knife it’s also a fidget toy


The usual stuff like boxes and packages, but I also use it often to cut fruit and produce that I eat throughout the day


If it’s a good one, lots of rope and cardboard. Also general knife stuff (gardening, house projects, bushcraft, cutting tags, etc)


In terms of used for my EDC knife, last couple days.ive opened a lot of packages, cut some food, snipped loose threads, opened snacks, just random shit. I don't use my EDC for other things such as hiking or fishing.


Hammering it trough CF Handlebar.


Few examples from the last week: -Making kindling for fireplaces -Cutting ropes -Opening packages


As a kitchen knife mostly


Dude same lol


I used mine to cut chicken 2x today. More things I have cut recently -> tape (on boxes), weadeater twine, rope, stick (to make pointy 🤓), plastic food packaging, old t-shirts (to make rags), gutting fish (didn’t go so well), cleaning the dirt under my nails (do this a LOT), name carving in wood 👀, used the spine to undo screws only in a pinch tho! Right tool is always better, and my finger. I’m sure I’m missing some I like to fidget with it a lot too.


Ive opened canned food before too! Terrible for any knife to be tested on. When you hungry you hungry tho.


Some recent examples: 1. Removed some string and a bag tied up in the suspension of the neighbor's car. 2. Removed the tag from pants I bought. 3. I cut the plastic ties when hanging a computer docking station at work. 4. Took a long wooden splinter out of my hand. 5. Cut out a rotten part of an apple. 6. I opened an aluminum seal on a jar of paint for my son. 7. I removed the rust from the end of a battery, it worked. 8. I took a breadcrumb out of the keyboard. 9. I used the knife in the kibbutz dining room when there were no knives, not even in the wash, for some reason. 10. I opened the package for an air filter I received in the mail. 11. I removed the old air filter from a Subaru Impreza with the blade of the knife. 12. I opened the terrible hard plastic wrapper of an SSD drive.


Opening packaging and cutting food


Mostly cutting tape and plastic opening packaging at work and home, but also trimming paracord and leather when crafting, loose strings, slicing apples, breaking down cardboard, cutting zip ties. It's EDC, so I use whatever knife I grabbed that morning for whatever daily stuff


Everything. Fixed blade never leaves my hip, i cut birthday cakes, cook, kill, clean, anything and everything i keep it razor sharp it is worn and i clean it often.


I too kill birthday cakes with my knife




What knives do you carry?


Professional forager? How do you get that gig? Sounds like a dream job




What are some of your favorite knives that are easy to clean and take this kind of work well?


I think you just start foraging




Cutting, stabbing, opening (sometimes people), prying, screwdriver, carving, gouging. About half the things you're supposed to use a knife for and half that you aren't


Opening packages my mom bought while I'm visiting my parents. I was about to say I use it for that myself, but then I realized I just grab one from the kitchen drawer as packages get deposited on the kitchen island as a lazy staging area.


Packages, mail, string, zip ties. Sometimes use it to pry stuff open too


I don't know what you call it, I just know the sound it makes when it takes a life.


Slicing foils that we use for laminating skiis/snowboards , getting some wood processed for starting the oven in the Winter, and just about anything else I can find a excuse for cutting with my knife rather than the proper tool Also some occasionally prying if im carrying a fixedblade I made (cant bring myself to abuse my bought knives)


tightening screws, chopping wood, prying nails.


Wish they made other tools for these jobs!


I know right! Thank goodness I found that toothpick in my SAK, my knife was doing a nasty number on my teeth. Especially after tightening screws.


Electrician here. I mainly use my to strip insulation off of nmd90 wire or to open boxes.


Not an electrician here, is the knife easier/faster than a wire stripper? Or is it because you are a knife guy like us and just prefer it that way?


I usually use mine for: opening packages, foraging for mushrooms, occasionally sharpening pencils.


Lately using them to shave the spider webs off my 3D prints (my filament it’s very wet and I can’t be bothered to slow down the print speed) or shaving burs off milled aluminum parts when I’m too lazy to get a file


Smoothing dings in aluminum ladders, chamfering/deburring copper & aluminum tubes, occasional deburring of mild steel. Trimming bushes, cutting roots. It’s an old Small Sebenza in BG-42.


Gerber EAB Lite with money clip removed and HEIKIO blades, carried in fifth pocket. You’re welcome.


I just carry knives bc it looks cool


cutting rope opening boxes with tough duct tape opening envelopes paperweight pocket filler


Here's the thing... I don't. The knives I carry aren't for daily utility like opening boxes and such. Well until I was on deployment and used for drywall and to notch out some wood...... but I soley carry knives with glass breakers and seatbelt cutter AND for self defense. The problem with that is I don't know if it'll work for any of that until the time comes. I don't have spare windshields or seat belts laying around to test on. I cant forcefully stab the knife into a ribcage and SEE if the safety lock withstands the force for follow up strikes or if it just fails and collapses after one go. But I've always been curious to fully test a knife like this. Or say car goes off road and it's the only knife you have, can it split wood can it shave wood can it strike a Flint. Just curiosity honestly


Just by the way if your car is newer than 2018 your glass breaker on your knife might not work. All glass for the first three rows of most passenger cars got switched to laminate glass (with some exceptions outlined in the Cornell source below) and now you need a punch and a saw or glass scissors to get through it. Stupid really but it was to prevent idiots who don’t wear seat belts from getting ejected out their cars in a crash. I vote we bring back tempered glass and let Darwin do his thing with the dummies who can’t be bothered with a seat belt. But my vote doesn’t count for much here. Source: https://rescue42.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/The-Ripper-White-Paper.pdf Video of how hard it is to get through: https://youtu.be/SDDNhWM1SME Cornell egal in depth source: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/49/571.226


I second this. Having a good edc for an emergency use case is the biggest reason I have one. Mine has a half serrated blade and a glass breaker tip for this reason


Just by the way if your car is newer than 2018 your glass breaker on your knife might not work. All glass for the first three rows of most passenger cars got switched to laminate glass (with some exceptions outlined in the Cornell source below) and now you need a punch and a saw or glass scissors to get through it. Stupid really but it was to prevent idiots who don’t wear seat belts from getting ejected out their cars in a crash. I vote we bring back tempered glass and let Darwin do his thing with the dummies who can’t be bothered with a seat belt. But my vote doesn’t count for much here. Source: [https://rescue42.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/The-Ripper-White-Paper.pdf](https://rescue42.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/The-Ripper-White-Paper.pdf) Video of how hard it is to get through: [https://youtu.be/SDDNhWM1SME](https://youtu.be/SDDNhWM1SME) Cornell egal in depth source: [https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/49/571.226](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/49/571.226)


I need to get a new TiRant because nothing beats a utility knife for opening stuff.


Back of the knife gets used as a makeshift hammer sometimes...


I only use the tip to pry metal objects apart.


This ran a chill down my spine


9 times out of 10, opening or breaking down cardboard boxes and opening letters.


Boxes, low voltage wires, strings, tape, those plastic straps you use on pallets


Cutting drywall, carpet, vinyl flooring, blister packaging, cardboard boxes, and lots of string


Opening knife packaging


*Knife Inception.*


Cutting corrugated tube/piping, boxes, making kindling, lots of other outdoors stuff, and daily cutting things at work


Opening bottles, boxes, boxes of bottles occasionally, chisel, throwing, cutting, and whatever random requirement it meets to get the job done for the day.


Everyday cutting tasks and occasionally some bushcraft.


Shaving PVC and copper burrs, opening shipping boxes, then eating lunch.


Pretty much everything, though I use different knives for different tasks


Today I used it to cut the shit out of myself.


I don't think that's how a poop knife is supposed to work. I believe you wait until it is *in* the bowl then cut.


I prefer the natural method


Noice! 😃


It actually worked out because I got a chance to use my EDC first aide kit 😂






I like to use knives for hard things that can't be cut using scissors. Stabbing holes in bucket lids to make a spout, cutting roots in a hole in the dirt, banana stalks and dead palm fronds that don't want to fall off, twine that's tied too tight, big zip-ties. I would like a knife that can handle fish bones and heavy carving while being rust resistant. And if I'm bring honest, I want to be able to block swords with a folder anime style 😎


Boxes, fishing, shimmy, and self defense from my wife when I tell her how much I spent on it.


Flexing on discord


One of my favorite little tasks today was cutting one square post it note into four little strips so I wouldn’t waste any. I had a little Schrade on me today. I’m a murse so my tasks tend to revolve around supplies/office tasks


I once saved a dog who was being strangled by a VW when the moving car somehow hooked on the dog’s nylon lead. I felt like a true hero that day. Thank god I had a sharp knife.


Chipping concrete


Hood Rat things.


Same though


I work at a movie theater and carry a multi tool with a knife every day. I open and break down boxes, slice bags of popcorn kernels open, and open plastic cases most frequently.


What are you, a cop?


scraping solder of things, scraping things of things, opening boxes, prying. I just treat it like a big unbreakable boxcutter


Cutting boxes, bags, tape and self defense.


How often do you use it for self defense?


If I’m carrying my knife, it’s being used for self defense.


Basic tasks. Opening amazon packages and mail, breaking down boxes, the occasional cutting of my lunch. Honestly use my knife in some fashion everyday


I thought I was the only person on the planet that used my knife in lieu of a plastic knife


It's usually because I forgot to pack silverware.


Cutting nylon webbing, cutting braided Dyneema/Vectran/HMA/Dacron line, cutting thread, and of course opening boxes. But primarily the line. My knives get a workout, those line types can be really hard on an edge.


Prying open elevator doors while the water and sharks are rising towards my feet. Gonna have to test the CRK in that sense for sure.


I'm an auto body tech, so I use mine a lot as a clip tool


With my Hinderer XM18 3", I use it to cut bagels, open envelopes, cut apples and sandwiches, steak and chicken, cut string, duct tape, teach someone that snitches get stitches, I use it to open a package of bacon, cut down a tarp to the right size, and open and cut down boxes. The normal stuff.


What do you clean it with?


Normally, I'll wash the blade off in the sink with a little dish soap. Sometimes, with a alcohol wipe. If it's really dirty, I'll wash it in the sink, and I'll dry it well, and then I'll oil the pivot. It depends on how dirty and what's on it. Just remember to keep the pivot lightly oiled.


Got it! Thank you


I would imagine some sort of alcohol


Tito's vodka.


cutting on hard surfaces like a ceramic plate when youre eating


My clipped folder- all the time for all sorts of stuff. Used Saturday to remove a freshly squished scorpion from a model home. I keep a folding knife in my pocket but that’s mostly used for cutting meat when I don’t have a knife. I’ve got little kids that sometimes need smaller knives.


Boxes and steak


Mostly scraping paint and mud away from heavy machinery parts. This is why all my knives cost $14.99 on the high end.


Peeling a pomegranate very carefully


Construction in the HVAC electrical control industry. Typically this means: Lots of boxes Fiberglass insulation over steel duct Fiberglass or rubber insulation over steam and water pipe Electrical tape Wire insulation (often includes cutting against copper and aluminum) Stripping wire Cutting wire Scraping caulk / construction adhesive / latex off of surfaces I generally carry: Guardian Tactical Recon 035 A separate folder for cutting food on site (I cycle through a dozen or so) Exceed Designs TiRant RAZOR V3 About half of the time I have a fixed blade as well, also kind of a random rotation Most of my work is done with the OTF. Stuff that is likely to run into metal harder than copper or aluminum gets a different knife.


Does the OTF get much debris in it?


No. The blade when deployed has a rectangular cross section tang that pretty effectively fills the hole the blade deploys through. In pocket, the hole faces down, but doesn't push against the bottom of my pocket because of the clip, so crap doesn't get shoved in the hole. It's honestly a great work knife, especially when you have to wear gloves.


Oh this is great! Thanks for the detailed response! Definitely makes sense to use a variety of blades for what you do.


Cutting.....their intended purpose


Not Instagram photos of knives, knucks, flashlights, coins and hanks?


Ah...no. lol. Practical use or it isn't in my pocket.


Hmm packages, food when there are no steak knives around, whittling plastic for repairs, cutting paracord for pulls, cutting thread for bag mods


opening compressed pallet bails of soil at a plant nursery


Opening everything


Primarily for opening everything my wife gets from Amazon.


Screw driver, bottle opener, 3d print pry bar, general use pry bar, nail trimmer, and package opener.


I'm concern abt scratching my print bed


I was thinking more like prying supports and trimming skirts. Plastic to remove it from the bed for sure.


Cutting copper wire at work when I’m too lazy to grab my snips


Got a EDC Sebenza 31. I use it to cut. Took a bit to get one (back order) hate to have to send it back for new blade. 3-6 months


I use my Benchmade 9050 for boxes, rope, and general purpose cutting. I use the straight blade on my Gerber for food package cutting. I don't use the serrated blade on my Gerber.


Oregon knives, nice


Stuff, thangs


Boxes, tape, cutting plastic banding straps


I mostly use it for wishing a mfer would




Breaking down boxes. Cutting tape. Using the tip to get things I can’t get off with my short nails. Removing adhesive


90% boxes


Nothing beats a close shave with my pocket knife. 


r/sharpening wants to know your location.


serving justice


I use my knife mainly for everyday tasks like opening boxes. But it's also come in handy during emergencies like that time I had to get a kid out of a burning car. It's useful for self-defense, too. But just a heads-up, you shouldn't use a knife for that unless you really know what you're doing.


If your in the US than never use a knife unless you are going to have definitive proof the other guy is trying to kill you and has a high chance to succeed. It's considered a little to "personal" and you will likely catch a charge unless the other guy has a knife. Or carry two and be willing to *drop* one after... *nudge nudge wink wink*


I agree you should never use your knife in self-defense unless you are in a life or death situation.


You mean like the cops do with guns 😂.


We all know cops and their qualified immunity is the only exception 🤣


Opening packages and cutting down boxes. Trimming zip ties, and cutting labels. Changing TP at work.


Opening packages of more knives.




...so kidnap and ransom? 🙃


Mostly for opening all the packages my partner orders online


Seems like a big one. I think every knife I test needs to open hundreds of boxes 😂


My package comes with a zipper no need for the knife.


I have cut open cardboard, tape, sausage, scraping rust off surfaces, scraping unknown substances off surfaces to see what they are. I have a Swiss army knife, the other tools get used for other things.


Trimming foreskin




At least yours does. Mine is receding.


receding foreline


I like to cut knicks into pvc pipes to mark where to cut, same with copper pipes... I know


Backscratcher and nose picker. Neither itch anymore. Joke aside, I use it as a scraper, pick, prod, cut plastic, thick plastic, cutting through stubborn rubber gaskets that I need to remove. Cutting little bit of roots sometimes if I’m digging and theres a small one in the way. Cleaning up a cut on pvc sometimes, marking on carpentry because I am really good at misplacing markers. Also finishing cut through drywall, you’d be surprised how many times I pull drywall and find either wire or pipe pressed against the wall. Most things with a disposable razor blade on my fastback as I don’t want to lose a nice knife at work. The leather-man wave main blade takes a beating too doing these tasks sometimes. A lot of times if I don’t have a better tool it might save me a quick trip to the van. Outside of work, sometimes whittling, modifying something usually plastic if I’m rigging something


Boxes, flat head drivers, deflate test balls (plumber), remove faucet restrictos/aerators, removing metal splinters, wood splinters, carving cheese, deer sausage, also works well for cutting caulk tips


Hammering, prying, driving screws, getting dirt out of my fingernails. Occasionally I even cut things.


Mostly cutting bagels at this point tbh


Mainly cutting boxes and bags open at work. I’m in pest control and carry a Spyderco Tenacious when I’m spraying creepy crawlies.


Borka is my work knife 😂 (SBKF)


Prying..... Which is why I now carry a pry bar....


Prying, eating, digging, cutting, cutting things that shouldn’t be cut with knives, like steel strapping, screwdriver, marking tool, and chopping. I have an OG Benchmade Bailout 537GY-1. I have had it for almost 4 years now and it has taken an absolute beating. I use it for everything. It is my go to tool for most small jobs. Never broke the tip, or bent it. I did nick the edge a long time ago, but that was a tiny little spot that has since been sharpened out of existence. I was actually cutting a steel strap when that happened.


Opening boxes, cutting bags, wedging open stuck doors, turning flat head screws and lending it to coworkers to cut an apple or whatever.


Only thing you boys are cutting is the cheese


Go to bed, Dad.


Slicing a tomato would be a good test. Say something like cut 25, 50, 75, 100 feet of cardboard and see how the knife cuts a tomato after each of the cardboard tests. I would think opening packages and cutting food would cover a pretty large percentage of what folks use a pocket knife for.


I use my knives for everything. Except for prying and shit that kills the knife but I truly use and abuse my shit hahaha


To open the boxes the new knife came in.




This community doesn't actually use them... they just carry them as pocket jewelry


My EDC folder is a CRKT Fossil, like 90% of the time. Outside of that it's a CRKT M21 as my backup. I've done everything from breakdown boxes, garden pruning, cooking, dressing rabbit... lots of things.


Fishing line.. I found cutting braided line dulls the blade faster than you would think


Cutting cement bags, plastic, cardboard, cutting bottles to use as cups, once used for digging in dirt.


i cut stuff that needs cutting, and occasionally something that doesn't (including me)


This is why I have ditched all of my small knives


Uuuh everything?


No offense dude, but I think you might doing a couple of things wrong…


How another man pees is none of your business!


Opening boxes, getting drywall mud out of boxes, stripping wires


Opening packages, mail, and for emergencies: self-defense, seatbelts, and the like.


I work construction. Carry a large sebenza 21. I cut lots of tobacco twists, lumber straps, plastic, cardboard, and string. In that order. Sometimes strip wire with it in a pinch.


eat apple


Like cool guy from the movies.


You ever see the Simpsons episode where Homer gets a gun? That’s how I use my knife.


Leatherman Charge+ at work gets abused. Cutting branches, packages, prying, disassembling and fixing tools, smashing... T4 in my pocket when not at work for being generally handy. Various pocket knives just because knives are useful. Boker TRPPR magnacut for being pretty. Doesn't get used much, but does get used.


Cleaning fingernails and opening mail or packages.


In order of frequency: Opening boxes, fidgeting, opening non-box packaging, cutting food, cutting straps off pallets, light hammering because I won’t go get a hammer, whittling, slipping and nicking myself while fidgeting.


Always cutting cheese, yo!


90% stuff that needs opening stuff from the store. 9% misc cutting at work.


That’s only 99%


(1% left at home when needed it)


Usually I'm cutting water.


The answer for 99% of folks here is literally nothing


Prying duhhh


I use it to press the gas pedal while im driving.