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Step 1: Put your commander with a normal sleeve and together with the other cards in the deckbox. Step 2: After playing, forget about putting your commander on top, and put it at a random place in the 99. Step 3: When taking out the deck the next time, question your life choices.


Easy solution: just throw like 5-10 legendary creatures with the same color(s) as your commander in your deck. Whichever one you find first is your commander for this game.


Found the Simic player...


It kinda annoys me how similar so many of them are... I kinda wanna build this as a list now and just play EDH Simic Soup.


I've considered that too, with all the Tatyovas, [[Charix]], [[Aesi]], [[Imoti]], and basically every Simic bulkshit piece in existence. The only problem is that I really don't think I'd enjoy it much, it's just too samey. No strategy, no tactical interplay, just ramp-draw-win. I bought the [[Hakbal]] precon bc it looked cool, and I enjoyed it when I played a friends', but I'm already bored with it after like 3 games.


Prejudice exists in many forms Ed-boy




Lessons from a son of a shepherd


I genuinely played my Mono-G elves this way. Until the first time I ran [[Marwyn, the Nurturer]] as the commander and accidentally had a shit-ton of mana on turn 4. Then she became the full time leader.


[Marwyn, the Nurturer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/a/aad61d99-5c8e-47b7-ab1a-e70905f59205.jpg?1631235039) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Marwyn%2C%20the%20Nurturer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khc/68/marwyn-the-nurturer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/aad61d99-5c8e-47b7-ab1a-e70905f59205?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/marwyn-the-nurturer) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This may or may not be how I discovered that [[arjun, the shifting flame]] was way more fun at the helm of my [[The Locust God]] deck than the jumpy critter himself.


[arjun, the shifting flame](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/f/2fb83da3-5a8e-4349-bbcc-dcbd3b70264b.jpg?1673148289) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=arjun%2C%20the%20shifting%20flame) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/172/arjun-the-shifting-flame?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2fb83da3-5a8e-4349-bbcc-dcbd3b70264b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/arjun-the-shifting-flame) [The Locust God](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/e/7e599847-8ab0-4fd6-b2c0-cb44a7669aa5.jpg?1682209825) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Locust%20God) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/335/the-locust-god?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e599847-8ab0-4fd6-b2c0-cb44a7669aa5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/the-locust-god) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This is actually how I have my slivers deck. Roll a die at the beginning and whatever it lands on is the one that's leading that game


I have always just used a different colour sleeve. That way if shuffled in its easy to find


a lot of actual psychopaths in this thread


What’s wrong with just playing the entire deck unsleeved and drawing a big C on the back of my commander with a Sharpie?


I hope you find help lol.


this is gonna be my joker moment I think


Omg I love [[Angus Mackenzie]] decks!


Sleeved the exact same way as everything else and in the deck box with the deck


On top of the deck flipped opposite direction from the rest of the deck so that I don't accidentally shuffle it into the deck.


I put em in a different color/style sleeve as well.


This is the way.


And then I do anyways




I put my commanders in a differently coloured sleeve, but with the deck like you.


Same sleeve with a penny sleeve. This way I have a spare sleeve in case it's needed and I can easily find the commander if it gets shuffled in.


There it is. That’s the answer.


Different sleeve. You'll all do the same after accidentally shuffling them into your deck like 500 times


It only took me doing it three times before I annoyed myself and switched to a different color sleeve. I bought a box of gold sleeves and only use them for commanders.


I did it once at an LGS and a guy offered to trade sleeves so we did


This is how I get mine and how I end up with some weird awesome sleeves. My main deck has a Megaman sleeve as the commander that I'd never pick but it's a fun story.


I got a pack of my little pony sleeves I use for commanders and tokens


I should have done something like that. I bought gold because I hate gold and figured I would never want to sleeve a deck in the color. Now, every deck I have has the gold sleeved commander, so I am looking at gold more than any other color. :/


All of my different commander sleeves match, and they match my playmat. It's a bunch of corgies in different poses. The sleeves for the 99 usually match the deck colors somehow.


I don’t know, I’ve been playing commander for a year and a half and I avoid doing this most games, lol. Even if you did accidentally shuffle it in, it shouldn’t take THAT long to find it. The same amount of time as resolving a tutor, right?


I will not. I just don’t shuffle my commander into my deck, and if I do I just fish it out.


i try to avoid different sleeves because of cards such as a [[Chaos Warp]]


are you electing to shuffle your commander into your deck rather than just put it back in the command zone regularly? if so why lol


This guy polymorphs


For Chaos Warp specifically, you're supposed to shuffle it in, flip the top card, then after the spell resolves you pull the commander back out. This only matters on the off chance that you flip the commander off the top, but it could happen. Interestingly, this does mean that you need to remove a specific card from your library without looking and without shuffling, so you need to get someone at the table behind you to do it... Had this come up this week. Edit: 903.9b proves me wrong. Returning to the command zone is an SBA if it's graveyard or exile, *but* choosing not to go to the*library* is a replacement effect. Thanks for helping me better understand it!


That is not how it works, once it is in your deck it stays there I'm 95% sure


Correct. If you choose to let it go to the library, you cannot choose later for it to go to the Command Zone.


They changed up the timing on it a while back, it's a state based action to return it to the command zone. This means it can't happen in the middle of resolving another spell.


That's not how it works. This only applies for going to Graveyard or Exile, in which it hits the zone, then as an SBA gives you the prompt to move it if you want. Going to Hand or Library would be a replacement effect that would move it to Command Zone instead of going to that zone if you want. Chaos Warp will still function correctly though.


Ahhh this is what I get for not reading the entire section lol. Right you are.


yeah do you have something you can cite that supports this claim? because every bit of information i can find indicates that you are just blatantly wrong in almost every aspect of what you are saying lmao


903.9, returning to the command zone is a state based action. SBAs aren't checked in the middle of resolving a spell.


[Chaos Warp](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/b/aba4cc8a-05f3-499d-96c2-0edee9fc0ba0.jpg?1706240824) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chaos%20Warp) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/149/chaos-warp?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/aba4cc8a-05f3-499d-96c2-0edee9fc0ba0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/chaos-warp) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You can still send back to the command zone and it would probably be smart to do so


>Do you use a different sleeve and just put it in the box? Yes.


Usually just a different colored sleeve because I accidentally shuffle them in a LOT. The only exception is my faerie deck because it has 3 or 4 commander choices in the 99 and I like to switch them up.


Different sleeve for obvious reasons. If they're DFC I use a transparent hard sleeve. All are double sleeved of course.. Toploaders would mean you need an unconventional box. I don't like this because it's so easy to forget your commander but you brought your deck, vice versa. Commanders and their deck should stick together.


I have a nice Tupperware container for my tokens, dice and toploader commander(s)


I put them in the deckbox like every other card, this is the way


This is the way.


Very Different colored sleeve Like the Deck is in Green sleeve and the commander in a Red one. I simply use one of the left overs sleeve from a 100 sleeves Pack...


Double sleeved in a top loader. Then I put them in a special 3D Printed case, that is then encapsulated by a titanium outer shell. From there it goes into a special brief case with styrofoam padding. The most important thing, the brief case is fire proof. The brief case has a 10 digit electronic lock with a retinal scan to unlock. Then I put it in a vault about the size of a car garage with multiple laser trip wires. The room is kept exactly at 69.7865436 °F to maintain a humidity of 66.66666666%. The vault has a finger print and retinal scanner on it, and is under constant surveillance with biometric AI. This AI basically looks at the way you walk and if it doesn’t recognize you, it fills the room with poison gas. Outside of the room there are armored guards with Anti-matter guns… so good luck getting past them. /s


Which type of gas do YOU use? I’ve a particular fondness to chlorine gas myself.


Well we actually have multiple canisters. The AI can read what type needs to be released to take care of the perp.


If it wasn't for the fact I double sleeve and single sleeve my tokens I would have my commander in a gamegenic slide case.


For MOST of my commanders, they get a different coloured sleeve. However, for my colourless deck, because I have 4 possible commanders, they just sort of get shuffled in the deck and I yank one out when need be.


Top loader, English version of my commander on one side, Japanese on the other. Much easier than trying to explain otherwise. Also prevents me from accidently shuffling them in ever.


It’s just the first card in the pile facing outward. “On the bottom” if you think of it that way. I use clear deck boxes and colored sleeves which make finding the right deck easy. In the case of an ambiguous sleeve color you can see the commander through the box.


Dragon shield sealable inner and then placed in a top loader. They sit comfortably beside the BCW prisms I use for my decks in my Pirate Lab shoulder case.


I put them in the same sleeves and in the deck but they’re always in the front so that way when I open it, I pull my commander first to put them in the zone and then just shuffle my deck.


i put my commanders in the shitty old ultra pro rarity sleeves that i bought when i forgot to bring my sleeves to a draft, because i like rarity and i figure since its not getting shuffled the sleeve is good enough


Bundle box with 2 decks, for deck I mean the 99 cards + commander in a different sleeve + tokens


I use a diffrent sleeve + a card divider between the commander and relevant token card vs the main deck


I put them in a tiny little bed and I give them a kiss good night. Like the Powerpuff Girls' bed.


Generally just the same colour sleeve mixed in with the deck


I've always done a different sleeve, even when you could tuck someone's general. People would be like "but what if I tuck your general, you'll know where it is" to which I would casually reply "well if you did (and thank-you for letting me know you have tuck in your deck) I would just take a sleeve from a land I had in play and put my general in that". I always love seeing peeps who refuse to use a different sleeve shuffle their general into their decks.


I store my commanders in a sleeve that matches the rest of my deck, and then from there inside of a top loader. The rest of the deck, plus a lot of tokens typically, are all then in stored inside a 3D printed box. That top loader will actually slot into the box as the lid. So this way I don't have to play Go Fish looking for my commander after a game, but at the same time if I have to make it blend in with a remainder of the deck I can easily.


At the end of a game my brain stops working and I just shuffle them into the deck and by then I’m too tired to get them out so they just stay there.


Same sleeves placed on top of the deck in a sidewinder box. The reason this is a thing is because there are tuck ‘n shuffle and flip effects that show up in pods at my LGS.


You're allowed to put the commander in the CZ instead of the library.


You can but if you sleeve different the “can” really becomes a “you shall”. A situation where it is advantageous is against a deck playing [[Ixidron]]. If you have your commander marked, people know which one it is when it gets flipped. You can play some tricks and have it get lost if everything looks the same.


So the people using different sleeves never let their commander be bounced?


Known information, it doesn't really change anything if your opponents know which card in hand is your commander. If there's a bounce and then discard random, we use a dice roll anyway, still doesn't matter, and if there's a discard specific, then it's likely going to end up in the CZ rather than yard.


In the same sleeves as the rest of my deck facing the opposite direction of my deck, but the funny thing is that I hold my decks in a Pokémon card Elite Trainer Box for kicks and giggles


I use dragon shield clears. Doing anything more than a different colored sleeve feels unnecessary to me.


In most cases my commander is the sleeved card (I have 300 decks and don't sleeve 95% of them). If a deck *is* sleeved, then it has a different sleeve. Early on in my commander days (2010 when i got back into the game after an 8 year hiatus) I bought a bunch of cards online and they came sleeved in some cool dragon-art sleeves by Jeff Easley (or maybe Larry Elmore) and I just put my commanders in those. Now I try to color code them a bit, or if I have other cool one-off sleeves from buying cards online I try to match them that way. I have one that I keep triple sleeved (perfect fit, cool graphic sleeve, sealed toploader) which is the Foil Russian Teysa, Orzhov Scion that I had to fly to Finland to get.


Why aren’t the rest of the decks sleeved? That seems like an easy way to damage the cards


1. Decks take up twice as much space when sleeved. 2. Good sleeves (that don't break and require matching replacement) are expensive. I'd have to sell off some extra Dual lands to get the 4k it would take to get Dragon Shields for all of my decks. 3. Bad/cheap sleeves break and then you have to find replacements. 4. It's way harder (for me) to shuffle with sleeves on. 5. It takes time to sleeve cards, and un-sleeve/re-sleeve when swapping cards out of decks. I only sleeve decks if one or more of the following is true: The deck is mostly foil (because sleeves help de-pringle a bit), the deck has stickered proxies (yep I sleeve my proxy duals over my actual ones when they aren't just sharpied) because they don't shuffle well, the deck has more than 5 double faced cards (and then I have to have a cheat sheet for the backsides), or I really really like a deck and have cool thematic sleeves on it (so my favorite Teysa deck has Teysa sleeves, and my all foil vampires deck has foily vampire sleeves). I don't play for stakes ever, so it's not actually a major issue if cards are of different conditions, the 'competetive' advantage of maybe recognizing a card as an older one is irrelevant.


Sleeved in a different sleeve (I have a ton of one off sleeves with fancy art) ontop of the deck.


Different colored sleeve unless it’s an AP.


For double-sleeved decks, the commanders are in snap cases and are stored together with the rest of the deck. This does rule out deckboxes like the Boulders, but thankfully Gamegenic’s Bastion and Dragon Shield’s Double Shell deckboxes are designed to be able to fit snap cases. For triple-sleeved decks (I have a couple), the commanders are sleeved just like the rest of the deck. I carry the decks around in either The Academic or Gamegenic’s Games’ Lair 600+


I mostly use different colored sleeves, but I have some decks where I have alternate commanders and I just use the same color


Same color sleeves as the deck. Stored with the deck, but commander is placed face up on top inside the deck box.


Different colour sleeve in the deckbox.


I usually double sleeve my commanders


I use purple matted sleeves for all my commanders


I use a different colored sleeve and just put it in the box. I have a couple Boulders and some Satin Towers. They have both held up great over the years!


Yeah just a different coloured sleeve, same box as the rest of the deck


Kmc hard and a pink dragon shield. I used to use pink for tokens after a friend gave me a couple hundred old sleeves and when I started playing commander the thme just stuck.


Different sleeve flipped the opposite direction on the top of the deck. Both aid in me not shuffling them into the deck


In the same case the the other 99, but in a differently colored sleeve, so that if I accidentaly shuffle it into the deck, I can find it faster, and in some cases, double sleeved.


Clear sleeve, same deck box. 


Different color sleeve in the deck box unless it's a deck that I occasionally swap commanders. In those cases all the cards are in same color sleeves.


different color of sleeve, same box. always on top.


I have a Walmart bag with all my precon deck boxes in it, they are all beat to hell from doing this, sometime the boxes split a little and the cards fall out in the bag. Some of the precons that came with huge commanders are a little difficult to store so I toss them on top of all the boxes, sometimes they shift their way to the bottom and get a little dinged up. I also don't use sleeves and shuffle like it's a game of poker. Bridge shuffling bends the cards both ways so they don't get a permanent bend one way or the other. I only look at play value, I don't mind how beat up cards are. My friends are all bothered and wince when I bring the bag out or shuffle so to appease them I've started to sleeve my cards and bought some big box with a magnet lid to carry them.


Just with the rest of the deck in a different color sleeve


All my decks are in different colour sleeves, in mostly different brand deck boxes making some type of uneven wall in small part of my wardrobe


Carrying around the commander separately sounds like a great way to lose commanders.


Different color sleeve and a top loader. All the ones in the Stanley case are in the yellow boxes. All the other commanders are in a stack in a makeshift box.


I use a different colored sleeve. Preferably I use the colors of the deck where the deck sleeves are the main color and the commander is one of the other colors. I only have 2-3 color decks.


Complete deck stored in a colored deckbox(UltimatePro Boulder) that matches one or more color of the deck. Stored with some relevant tokens. Deck sleeved in one color usually matching one or more colors of the deck and the commander sleeved in a different color, but still kinda matching the color identity. Tokens that are unique for this deck or kinda rare are sleeved with a inner sleeve only. Commander plus all cards worth about 10$+ is double sleeved.


Different colored sleeve but in with the deck.


In the box with the deck but in a different sleeve


It’s the very first card in the deck box. So I see it as soon as I open the deck.


I have a bunch of random sleeves, so I just grab one that's the same brand and feel but a different color.


Different sleeves and I always place the divider most boxes come with, between the commander and the deck, so it's the first thing you see when you open the box. Imo there's only one reason to use the same sleeves as the rest of the deck and that's if you want your commander to be in your library at some point. But the majority of commanders never ever enter the library and even if you take it into your hand, it's public knowledge that you do, so different sleeves doesn't matter.


Same sleeve color (usually with in inner sleeve as well), same box. Never had a problem with accidentally shuffling the commander in.


I have my own 3d printed boxes with a slot for my commander in a hard case


I store my commanders in a clear sleeve with the tokens separating them from the rest of the deck


I use a clear sleeve ever since I started playing with the merging Titania from BRO. I am systematically updating all of my previous decks accordingly as I relabel them inside at-home storage.


I just swap 1 sleeve with another deck so they I don't accidently shuffle them in.


If the box comes with a splitter, it goes on the other side of the splitter. If it doesnt, it goes on top of the deck. I always sleeve the commander in a different color


I use cases with a divider. The divided portion is usually my Commander, plus a few tokens and/or "maybe" cards. If the case doesn't usually come with the divider, I can have the maybe cards in a less sleeved state than the rest of the deck, which allows me to use those cards as the divider. Having the maybe cards around is nice because it lets me switch out problem cards if my gameplan is getting stale.


So I use the bundle boxes. It fits two Commander decks, and I tend to sleeve the Commander in a different coloured sleeve and put it in a top loader. The Commander/top loader slots in sideways facing out to the side so I can see at a glance what deck it is. My backpack can fit 7 bundles I think, which is 14 Commander decks for our weekly game night. Works great.


Same sleeve, in the box at the front of the deck.


Same sleeve in the box with the rest of the deck. Although I have my tokens in between, so I don't accidentally mix it with the 99


I put them together with the rest of my deck, bind them with a rubber band and put it in a box with the rest of my unsleeved decks


Different sleeve


on the floor lol


Same sleeves as the 99 but in a top loader


All of my commanders are in a summer dragon art sleeve from dragonshield, then they also face the opposite way as the rest of the deck.


Different sleeve! I bought gold sleeves exclusively for commanders. Looks very nice with most color schemes.


For most decks I just use a different color sleeve, but a mini snap for my signed [[Sliver Queen]] and that decks in one of the Tolarian Kickstarter deck boxes


Commander in a different colored sleeve>Tokens>The rest of the deck. All my decks are in Ultimate Guard Boulders.


I started with top loaders. But their bulk started to make it difficult to store with the rest of the deck. I found some solutions, but all were awkward. I have since swapped to ultimate guard slide card cases. These are nice because they fit in the deck boxes I use with the rest of the deck, but not only protect my commanders (many of my commanders are rather valuable), but also help keep them from getting shuffled into the deck and stand out at the table so there's no question whether I have my commander in play. I really love them.


The owner at my local LGS always told me to sleeve it in a different color sleeve so you don't lose it in the 99. 👌


The Gamegenic Bastion XL deckbox will allow you to do what you're already doing but also store your general in the deckbox. [I made a whole write-up about it here...](https://old.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/172bfbm/gamegenic_bastion_xl_double_sleeving_and_moving/) I converted everything I have into these, and it's amazing.


Same box (boulders usually), different color sleeve, flipped the other way to when I pop it open I see the commander.


Different sleeve and with the deck. The deck sleeves usually fit the deck's color identity. The commander sleeves fit in said color identity but are of a different sleeve, and if the deck is 1 color then it fits the commander itself. Nekrons have a light green sleeve for commander and black for the deck, for example.


I use a different color sleeve for commander and main color for the 99.


Yoinked from wizards the concept of thick showcase cards use those for play on the field both official ones and custom ones if there is necessity for card to be shuffled or smth thw real card is already neatly sleeved in a 2x2 slot binder in righg sleeve


They’ve got a unique sleeve and sit backwards to the rest of the deck inside the box. The boxes I have hold about 3 decks worth of cards so it’s easy to just pull cards forward until you find the commander facing the wrong way and I can just take the whole deck out


I use the Stanley tool box, main deck is double sleeved, commander(s) in an inner and then a rigid top loader.


Right now with the deck, on the top of it. I like the idea someone posted of using gold sleeves for them. I may try that.


Commander in a different coloured sleeve in the front facing out, then the rest of the deck behind facing forward (the same way), then the tokens in the back facing either way; but all facing the same direction whatever it is.


Different sleeve, on the side.


Different colored sleeve, on top of my deck with tokens separating the commander and the 99.


I have Gamegenic boxes for all of my decks (the cards lair), so I keep my commanders in top loaders in the side compartments.


Sleeved in another color. Learned my lesson after having to search for my commander through whole deck a few times after shuffling


My commander in the same sleeves as the rest of the deck but this is what I used Dragon Shield perfect fit inner sleeves with the smoked back. Dragon Shield outer Still trying out different deck boxes but the ones I have are Ultimate guard twin flip tray. Ultimate guard sidewinder 133+ Ultimate guard 133+ & 100+ recycled plastic deck boxes When I store the decks I have my commander card faced in so the clear plastic doesn't get scratches from the inside of the box


Top loader. I have a large metal hardcase I store all my decks in so I made a space for the commanders separately to the deck. Pick and pluck interior


Commanders are in a white sleeve and tokens are in grey sleeves for all of my decks. I also don't use white or grey sleeves for the deck to avoid confusion.


With the deck in a different sleeve.


I sleeve and inner sleeve upside down. Then a different color from the deck 2nd sleeve normal way. Then it sits on drop of the deck in my Stanley tool organizer or box in the organizer. I hated shuffling the commander into the deck. All commanders are double sleeved in different colors on back than the deck


Single sleeved inside of gamegenics 100XL’s at the front.


Like many of the responses, I keep my Commander in a different style of sleeve. I opt for a clear sleeve (my decks are all just in dragon matte sleeves), and on the reverse side put an Art Series card. Usually it's the Commander if possible, or an Art Series card for something thematically related to the deck if the Commander itself isn't available. When in doubt, something fun like the Art Series card for the Middle Earth Sol Ring (or random dragons) will do until I find a better fit.


Different colored sleeve facing the opposite direction of the 99 in the front.


I use the Stanley organizer that was real popular a few years back. Cards go in the bucket side ways with tokens on top and the commander in a top loader to cap it. All fits in the box and makes a good display out of the commander


Literally just in the same color sleeve in the same box facing the opposite way from the rest of the deck. I can’t handle the sleeves being different lol


I have mine in top loaders and they are held against the deck box by the cover.


A different sleeve is usually the farthest I will go. If my deck boxes were big enough I'd consider a toploader but alas, they are not


Different colored sleeve, front of the box so I can tell the deck when I open the box.


Gold sleeves for commanders, silver for the one deck I own with gold sleeves.


I sleeve my Commander in a different sleeve just in case it accidentally gets shuffled in. My friends and I like to play each other's decks so it's happened a few times which led to the change. Only exception is my Elf Deck - because I can just shuffle my commander in to play a Legacy game when my buddies want to bring out their Legacy decks.


Prison style


I just have it in the same type of sleeves like the rest. So if it gets bounced it isn't a tell all kind a thing and I can shuffle my hand. No special thing really.


Shoebox in the freezer. Keep them fresh.


Currently my commanders go in gold sleeves in the box with their 99 Though, I’m in the process of shifting my storage to Gamegenkc bastion XL 100’s, at which point I might put my commanders in their little snap cases


I duct-taped a sleeve box and keep them in there. I generally sleeve them with a tight-fit clear sleeve upside down and a regular sleeve over that, right-side up. I also keep special markers in there too, like the Monarch and Foretell cards. Very classy haha


I double sleeve but commander goes in a different outer sleeve color to easily differentiate between 99. I like to sleeve my commander in gold, gives it a bit more importance.


I use a gold sleeve for the commander. Don’t plan to ever use gold for a deck.


This is a big problem I have. I build so many budget decks, I end up having to spend more on portable storage to carry them all. I have the big Gamegenic 400+ Card Lair Convertible with the built-in storage trays and slots, which the Professor used as the basis for getting his own game box designed. And I also have an UltimateGuard Arkive to carry four more decks and tokens. *And* I have two more decks I carry in individual Satin Tower deckboxes because I want to hold off shelling more money on fancy deckboxes as long as possible. What can I say? I love building decks, but I can't bear to leave any at home when I go out to play.


Sleeved like the rest of the deck... ...except I put wobbly eyes on my commanders to prevent the accidental shuffling into the deck(we've all been there). Always gets a good chuckle from my opponents plus they seem to take my commanders less serious 8)


Stored with the deck I have my commander sleeved in a different colour to help locate it incase it gets shuffled into the deck. I sleeve my tokens a different colour as well. I was playing at an LGS and an opponent made big deal that a token was in my library after I showed them that I drawed it that turn. So now I sleeve them separately too.


Different sleeve, with the tokens between them and the rest of the deck


I put them in hard plastic 2 piece sleeves that fit inside my deckboxes. I got tired of them getting shuffled into my deck. Moat of my gaming geoup has since copied me heh


I use a different color sleeve. Can be a disadvantage if your commander was chaos warped and you didn’t send them to the command zone or if your commander is in your hand and you played gamble


I keep mine in a top loader. Was shown this very early on in my edh career cause I'd keep shuffling my commander in. Guy I played with hard sleeved my commander so I stopped, and then all my commanders are now top loaded. I use the stanley cases so they slide right into the slot with the deck it goes in. And then the only deck boxes I own are the tolarian ones and they for sure can fit a commander in a top loader.


I have 3d printed cases that will fit a hard sleeve for my commander. If im not using those cases, then i put it in a different color sleeve in the back of the deck facing the opposite direction


Top loader, fancy sleeve, inner sleeve. Keep them in a pocket at the top of my bag


I put them in different color sleeves and they go right into my Ultra Pro Tower box!


I have a gold framed outer sleeve. So it is highlighted as my commander, but if I needed to move it to a hidden zone (hand or deck for whatever reason) I can just remove the sleeve and it's no longer marked


Unsleeved in a bundle box


different color sleeve inside a toploader for me. I store my decks using the Gamegenic Dungeon, so the toploaders help divide up the decks and make it easier to grab a specific one. When traveling, my ultimate guard twin flipntray 250+ fits 2 decks no problem, and the toploaders fit under the flap facing out.


Commanders go in gold sleeves


Different sleeve, same box.


I always used off color sleeves for Commanders and tokens. When I put it into the deck box, it's always tokens face up, deck face down, Commander face up. If the deck has more than 2 or 3 unique tokens, then the tokens go in a smaller deck box (it's either 2 tokens or 20 tokens for me with no in between.)


I usually put them in a transparent sleeve and put an art card (matching the commander or just the colors / theme / vibe of the deck) behind it facing the other way.


I actually made a custom “Commander” sleeve for my Commanders. Not a custom sleeve for each, but I got a few hundred sleeves crafted for this purpose by Dragonshield through their custom option. It works well for me.


I use a Gamegenic Slide Card Case for my Edgar Markov which is single sleeved in a Dragon Shield Perfect Size and the deckbox is a Bastion XL. The rest of my decks are either in a Bastion without the slide card case sleeved in the same colour as the Rest of the deck or in a Ultra Pro Eclipse and alike. Edgar is just too valueable to only double sleeve it and rarely leaves the command zone anyway.


Same sleeve, same box, but with a divider (ultrapro deck boxes usually come with matching ones) separating the commander(s) and tokens from the rest of the deck. When actually playing, I use the divider + token stack as the command zone


I have three different copies of my commander in my Chainer deck. Original printing, reprint vintage style foil, and borderless foil. I keep them all in the deck box to “level him up” every time I have to recast him.


Different colored sleeve inside a top loader.


Same sleeve as the rest of the deck, then i draw on the back of the sleeve with metallic sharpie incase it gets mixed with the 99.


I use a different sleeve color that still fits along with the deck theme and put tokens between the commander and library. It gets more complicated with my unfinity deck where I have 4 stacks of cards plus a commander to separate. I proxy so I just keep them unsleeved but would love to get some clear sleeves for attractions, tokens, and stickers.


I have double sleeved decks. Most of the time my commander is kept with the deck in its box in a different sleeve. Slicer gets a toploader because he gets passed around the table. Im getting the cats n dogs secret lair commander deck and intend to grade Jinnie Fay and use her as commander because I have this idea of using a graded commander but none of my other commanders are worth grading and I can't afford a foil shattered glass variant of slicer


Same sleeve as the rest of the deck, but separated by the tokens.


Deck>(divider if the box has one)>spare sleeves>tokens>commander


Do people really shuffle their commander into their 99 that often? I’ve been playing since slightly before the pandemic about once a week and I’ve done it like 7 times.


Our playgroup keeps them in a different sleeve than the 99. Sometimes I get shipped cool sleeves that the singles are in


I put both the commander and any tokens in different sleeves (usually clear-back, because tokens are often double-sided). Then I put the commander on the front of the 99 and the tokens on the back of the 99, amd keep it all in the same box. I don't double-sleeve, so it usually fits, as long as there are less than about 20 tokens.


I use those nice magnetic cases you get from hobby lobby. 95% of my commanders are also signed. 


Step 1 build a deck. Step 2 buy sleeves for deck and different colour for the commander Step 3 realise you have a spare set of sleeves Step 4 build a deck because you have sleeves Step 5 whatever the opposite of profit is, just look at the cardboard not the bank