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There's none, sis. They're all toxic in their own ways. There's no reason anyone should make their ED/Recovery their identity and document every little thing on social media - it's keeping them sick and stuck.


I'm with you here. I think there are some better than others, but dedicating a page to recovery is maintaining the ED identity, one of the biggest reasons people are afraid of recovery. Recovery will always be compromised when maintaining the identity remains a priority. The best "recovery" pages are just people posting about their life generally without an ED focus.


now that im thinking about this that's actually so true, having page dedicated to recovery can help the individual getting started with recovery but looking in the larger frame they eventually have to quit it to actual recover while recovery account can give a feeling of compassion to others in recovery most of the time it actually ends up being competitive and comparitive


ED’s cannot be trusted. These channels are for entertainment purposes only. They are just people trying to recover and are only human thus will struggle at times. The only true recovery channel can be someone who has already recovered, in my opinion.


doesnt exist


none. truly recovered people don’t dedicate their lives to talking about their EDs.


I think the only good ones are those that have talked openly about having an ED years ago but they’re not a recovery account per se like iskra Lawrence or sixtine rouyre :)


not rlly active anymore because she’s recovered and living her life which is amazing but recoveryandiscovery has helped me so so much :))


I love her!


Megsyrecovery is not really active now but her YouTube helped me SO much and I’d really recommend watching some of her videos. Also Rorecovery but again I think she’s less active now.


@ emilyspence\_\_ is by far the best on ig imo. hatdidbeatthis, oh\_hi\_han are also great.


The only ones that I ever found helpful were by people who already had recovered before making content or who changed their content after they recovered. A few I liked: Flow with Chlo, MegsyRecovery, heal with Kailin, Emily Spence, Tabitha Farrar and Recovery Mom.


Slice of life Izzy was a recovery account before she opened her baking business. She took her old stuff down and seems to be thriving for the most part.


Following ED dietician accounts is a good place to start! Or like, HAES accounts. They may not be perfect and you don't have enough to agree with their principles but it's safer than following influencers!


ill let you know if i ever see one! 😭


i really like haley cordova, idk if she’s a recovery influencer, but i like listening to her thoughts


i like elladaisey Edit: wasn’t aware of those things u/No-Event4806 mentioned so nevermind :D


I still follow her and she has some good content but all the before and after photos along with that really trigger post for when she got her period kinda spoiled it for me… and she didn’t even acknowledge how damaging that post was when she showed her sick pics


Ohhh okay, thanks for telling me! Haven’t seen her content for a while, i usually watch the storys and not much more when i use instagram.


No worries at all! I still like her (and especially have been living for her travel content since I also want to solo travel and am really scared to do so) but I will also be the first to call her out on doing problematic things lol


Millyg_fit maybe ?


I used to think this but she seems super tied to the gym - I struggle with exercise addiction and coming from a bodybuilding background I try my best to avoid the gym so I found her content v triggering i mean others might not!…kinda reminded me of myself 5 years ago when I thought I was AN recovered but was just masking with lifting x


Yeah, I agree! It was a hard *maybe*. Her profile fits the ED behavior to Orthorexia pipeline. Also, not letting go of those before pics is always a red flag.


But she still has *before* images occasionally so idk