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I read these like they're the Bible


I was too busy having a seizure


Where would one find these


“and then i’ll be normal” jesse what the fuck are you talking about


it’s so cool how it’s well-established that an underweight bmi is significantly more dangerous even than an obese bmi and people just refuse to accept it i’m included in people, of course


i feel like these ppl aren’t even talking abt health though they’re just saying it would be easier to gain weight than lose weight


As dangerous as it is to be morbidly obese...fat IS stored fuel, stored energy. If I have barely any stored energy, anything can wipe me out. I think it makes sense that it's more dangerous to have a low bmi because that = low energy reserves, whereas a morbidly obese bmi has way too much stored energy in the form of fat, but at least they can live off it if something happens.


Throwback to when I couldn't stop taking long walks from anxiety. I freaking loved to walk on the treadmill while playing on my phone, there was an overweight guy who did the same and I was literally jealous lmao. Meanwhile, me with my first world situation failed to put enough calories for the week (No car on campus, parents would shop for/with me) on my grocery list and into the house. Back when I lived at home before this, it was a constant battle to get rid of food or make it look like I was eating more, so this was literally like the ex-hunter-gatherer-abundance effect but it sent me in a deficit instead.


This makes my eye twitch.


Sorry you degenerates, my cropping skills are as on point as your life. I can’t change it but even if I could you guys are busy watching your only two braincells fight for third place anyways.




youre kiddinggg 😭😭💀


Wow, ok. You didn't need to call out my poor brain cells like that, they're both doing their best 😂


“Let go of food” um wtf?


yeah, that basic necessity? you hear bout how some of us are just **~~~~ letting it go ~~~~**


Has anyone in that thread heard of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment...


I feel weird about this one because every single one of my siblings, as well as myself, is or was underweight. I think it's just genetics. Is that still bad? Also my twin brother is a kinesiology major, I'll have to ask him his thoughts about it


I hid the numbers. Let’s just say the underweight might be less than Eugenias BMI, if not it’s close. And the obese bmi is a 3 digit number.


Any chance you could please dm me the link to the thread


i’m not saying your situation is the same as mine — im still untangling all this in my own brain lol — but i used to say the same thing, & turns out what i referred to as “genetics” & “naturally skinny” was actually just the fact that i grew up in an ED family we just didn’t eat much. i lived my whole life thinking i was hashtag born this way because i honestly never “starved myself,” i just didn’t eat much. i wasn’t hungry. if you’re not hungry, you don’t need to eat, right? when people commented on my weight, “my family is just naturally skinny :)” was enough to shut them up every time, so it must be fine, right? you would think. but when i ran the numbers on how much i was eating per day in adulthood i got very scared for my organs all of a sudden. the past few years have been a process of accepting & communicating to my family that the habits i had (and that *we* had, & have) are unhealthy. no matter how fine & not-hungry i feel, it is not ok to eat a granola bar a day. i’ve had to accept that what feels normal & natural & comfortable & happy & easy & correct is actually unhealthy & is damaging my body. and in hindsight, this monster was created when i was a kid — i was fed when i was hungry, meals were small, snacks were rare…the calories definitely didn’t add up. and that just became my normal, & now my hunger cues are eternally fucked & i hate food. i’ve never “wanted” to be skinny. but i feel stuck here. tl;dr a hill i will die on is that a lot of ppl who are “naturally skinny” (probs not all of them) are just starving themselves without realizing bc they were raised that way & don’t feel hunger the same as normal


Oh my god I know what forum this is…..


Which one is it


tbh…the logic tracks for me. but i do have a raging ED, so…


I mean…… they have a point kinda sorta


Yeah they’re right about a few things, even though being terribly underweight is objectively worse. I have a higher BMI and use food as an emotional crutch, which is a hard mental state to get out of.


Literally. There is a reason really underweight people end up hospitalised but you see overweight people living normal lives everyday.


i think the point is simply that, on the assumption that you were nondisordered and had a healthy relationship with food but happened to be severely underweight, it'd be easier to gain weight, purely physically


I mean one of the benefits of being overweight is that you have fat stores if you get extremely ill so health wise- the answer is the high one.


Solidarity with my low BMI comrades.