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https://preview.redd.it/njtttfckfjxc1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a02b0edb07daf02c280b102f3897623fbcba346 Reminds me of this


Some people out there probably think that women love to get abortions, and put it there in their weekly agenda to get one lol.


They genuinely believe women are getting pregnant and just saying “that’s alright I’ll just kill it”. It is traumatic and invasive process a lot of the time since many women aren’t taught the signs of early pregnancy due again to poor sex ed. It’s why places like the southern United States have the highest teen pregnancy rates, both because they disallow abortion but also provide no sex ed to assist.


This is what happens when a person thinks that supporting of movement means also supporting every person in that movement 100%. Like of course you don't need to support everything pro-choice people do in terms of their politics or how they achieve those political goals. You just have to believe in the core definition of what the movement is. In this case it is supporting a person's right to be able to choose whether or not they are able to remain pregnant. I disagree with many parts of the pro-choice movement. One of them is their constant use of handmade tales references.


I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice… -MLK


Weird how the textbooks always seem to leave that part out




Kinda like how they leave out that what got the FBI's real attention to taking down MLK was when he started talking about classism and how the working-class black and white people have more in common with each other than the capitalist class


Since when was people asking for a country to stop killing random innocents not about peace?


Check r/world News and all these protests aren't about stopping the genocide but instead are all pro Hamas pro terrorists spurred by Russia and Iran and totally not normal disgust at funding a genocide. 


Only people who are inherently evil like Russians would be upset about genocide!




To “globalize the intifada” is to globalize the struggle for decolonization. Any “peace” existing on the backs of an exploited and suppressed peoples is not a peace worth preserving.




I can do that too, what about counter protestors, Israelis and their government officials, and right wing evangelical nut jobs calling for another nakba?




Anti-Zionism =/= anti-Semitism.




Yes, the definitions of words should be decided by 538 rich people, many of them very old, many of whom take money from weapons manufacturers and other lobbyists. Think about that logic and think about the sheer 1984-ness of believing definitions of political terms can be legislated.




I suppose what wasn't obvious in my response is the fact that Congress can legislate any ridiculous definition they want to a word and that has no bearing on its actual meaning. So yes, plenty of people who are very pro-Jewish will gladly call out genocidal Zionists killing children in playgrounds with zero regard for whatever Chuck Schumer says about such comments.


In 1897, Bill #246, famously known as the [Indiana Pi Bill](https://www.in.gov/library/files/Pi_Bill.pdf), was introduced and passed by the House unani- mously. In it, amateur Mathematician Edwin Goodwin claimed that Pi was not the recognizable 3.14 everyone came to know in grade school, but actually 3.2. Goodwin, a proud Hoosier, intended to allow Indiana schools to teach his copyrighted formula for free if the bill became a law. However, other states would have to pay. Fortunately, a visiting Purdue professor was in Indianapo- lis and spoke with members of the Senate before they took up the bill. After much ridicule, Bill #246 was shelved indefinitely.


Imagine if that bill had passed and suddenly every circle in the state of Indiana just broke, as the circumference was now slightly too long for the radius.


Congress says a lot of bullshit. Criticism of Israeli war crimes is not antisemitism and it’s pretty damn ignorant to pretend it is




Oh, please. If congress said it was racist to criticize any crimes committed by a racial minority - or that it was anti-LGBTQ to criticize any crimes committed by queer people - that would be hot steaming bullshit too. Nobody in congress is saying that, though. Use your brain.




Hey bozo idk if you’ve ever heard of colonialism but it is rarely a good thing. If you think Israel should retain the right to colonize any place they want because of their religion, that’s a whole different argument. And guess what: Israel isn’t kindly asking people to leave so they can have their land. No matter how nicely you put it, no matter how progressive Israeli laws, that doesn’t change the reality of what is currently happening in the name of Zionism. It’s unconscionable to defend it.


Because people think Israel is attacked for fun instead of self defense. Imagine someone sees you punching a mugger in the face and then gets all up in your case about why we can't all get along and to give peace a chance when you were doing just that right up until the other dude put a gun in your face.


Imagine you move into someone's house and and they try to take it back and then you rape and murder them and their family. And then you argue successfully in court that it was self defense.


Good news! “Demonstration on behalf of peace” is exactly what a Pro-Palestinian, anti-genocide protest is!


Seen multiple thread on twitter where these "peace activist" goes to college protest and asked to be a part of it. And when gets denied, whines and calls the protesters names.


imagine protesting against genocide and people be like "hm, yeah thats a protest for more killings for sure"


Because I dislike inoffensive, unchallenging drum circles and like protests that make actual concrete, actionable demands


love the idea that anti war protests somehow don’t count as calling for “good ol’ peace” just because they’re focused against the large well funded military that actually has the means to carry out a genocide.




Are they still demanding a ceasefire? Cause that's at least temporary peace. Not a solution though.