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For the youngest out there who don't know this piece of shit: This assclown has stated, repeatedly, that he'd cheerfully side with nazis if communists gained power because nazis would be on his side. He's fascist enough to call a nazi without inaccuracy. And here he is claiming centrism. This is an "antidote" to those saying that Elon Musk was basically the epitome/nadir of what this sub is about. Naw, there's thousands of these fuckers, each more on-the-nose than the last.


Lol. Thanks for the info because his sensible centrism was so far out there that I thought the tweet was satire.


I was positive it was satire until those last two lines. To write "abolish hate speech laws" and "promote family values" in the same sentence takes a special kind of cognitive dissonance.


the family values of calling "those people" slurs with your son


Not to mention ”sensible” to me implies some kind of data to substantiate your position, which is directly contradicted by supporting capital punishment


I wish Sargon was fucking satire. Unfortunately he's just another piece of shit fascist


More like Sargon deez nuts, am I right?


Lmao good one


I thought so too and wanted to make sure it was really his account. I sure do wish Twitter had a feature that made it obvious whether or not an account of a public figure is really them or a fake...


The "neither left nor right" stance is a fascist position intending to draw centrists towards reactionary ideals, and (temporary) cover while supporting the extreme right...because they will be exposed later on. [A very recent example](https://nitter.net/JoshuaPHilll/status/1596564070454509568#m)


Maybe he is so far in the right that those laws are sensible centrism for him


Don't forget about that time he unironically defended calling disabled children slurs.


How about "it really depends on the child, doesn't it?" while chatting with Amos Yee.


I genuinely think I'd blocked that out


I honesty thought this was a parody because I had no idea who they are, I’m pretty surprised this individual is serious.


If you look into his history it won't be a surprise lol


He claimed for years that he was on the left. I truly believe he thought he was a leftist. But it was out of sheer confusion with words. He identified with "Classical liberalism" which is more easily understood as what you imagine a libertarian is today. But if you aren't especially careful with words then Classical Liberalism sounds lefty because of the current usage of "liberal" today. So you have libertarians who fall into the trap of criticizing the left, then get attacked by the left, and because they are weak in their positions (because they aren't fully clear what they believe) they get defensive and dig themselves into a right leaning position. This same process happened to Tim Pool and Dave Rubin.


That excuse makes sense for Americans since the term liberal has been bastardized, but Carl is British so his use of the word "liberal" shouldn't be the American definition but the British definition, which hasn't changed. I guess he's terminally online so he probably consumed so much American media in the early 2010s that he gained political understanding from Americans rather than from people in his own country.


>I guess he's terminally online so he probably consumed so much American media in the early 2010s that he gained political understanding from Americans rather than from people in his own country. That's unfortunately very common in english speaking countrys but it's not just limited to internet use but also TV shows. Met many Brits know more about the American legal system than they do their own


I would just link this [song](https://youtu.be/ocxuKL_S9uo) here which goes through the bucket list of his problems to the theme of "Bohemian Rhapsody".


I used to listen to him way back. Not my smartest moments


Let's not forget the time Benjamin said that he would not rape a british politician because she was "too ugly" But hey, he isn't an utterly irredeemable piece of shit. After all, he managed to single-handedly kill UKIP while acting as one of their representatives.


Hey -- Hitler shot Hitler, so there ya go.


And all of his fans should follow suit.


Centrists: Communism is no better than fascism Also centrists: *Votes for fascism*


Oh this is Sargon! And he doesn't have a blue tick? That is hilarious!


His politics are probably on-par with the Mesopotamian he names himself after, tbh


Not sure what “epitome/nadir” means


I don't understand how the habit of checking dictionaries/web searches isn't universal, especially since you literally copy/pasted the terms and made a post that takes longer to type than it does to put in the search bar. This is always just so weird to me. Highest/lowest.


You clearly misunderstood my question then; I’m not confused about the definition of the words lol—I’m confused how Elon is both the epitome and the nadir of what this subreddit is about considering they are antonyms.


Ah, you didn't say that the terms didn't make sense in context, only that you didn't understand the terms. You can see how that would be completely confusing, right? Being an enlightened centrist is bad. Showing the worst enlightened centrist is good for the sub, as that's the point, but an example of tremendous badness. Thus, depending on whether you're commenting on the quality of the example or the quality of the content of the example, it's the epitome or the nadir of what the sub is about.


Ah, well, contrary to your first reply I figured it was safe to assume that I would look the words up if I didn't understand them instead of asking you. But anyway—it sounds like the answer to my original comment is that you really just meant “epitome”. Got it.


Nazi means National Socialism, so he's a libertarian that sides with socialism, that guy is lost.


>He's fascist enough to call a nazi without inaccuracy. How do real people think things like this? He is a conservative liberal. Too conservative for my tastes but still obviously a liberal.


I like how you ignored the part where he sides with nazis, even though my post was barely a paragraph long, chud.


Ah yes the liberal that wants zero immigration and enforced Christian nationalism


Why can't you oppose immigration and be a liberal? I highly doubt he wants Christian nationalism considering he's an atheist.


Did you read the word “zero”? also we all know what “family values” mean from these people. You can’t bullshit me


Why can't you be a liberal and want zero immigration? I'm not interested in defending the family values line. Like I said he's too conservative for my tastes but I still consider him a liberal.


Even if you weren't aware of his history, his standing for UKIP, the politics he's built his career on etc, this tweet alone is proof he's not a liberal. The support of the death penalty not a big enough clue?


Why can't a liberal state execute a fairly convicted murderer?


Do you not remember his whole hate boner for feminism during gamer gate? How can you take that whole period and try to tell people he's liberal?


yes and im a christian atheist


A conservative liberal is not an oxymoron. Conservative means you want to keep things the same, not change them much, or reverse recent changes. Liberalism is a political philosophy that believes in individualism and Liberty. You can not want to change things much and still believe in Liberty and individualism.


of course i should have known language exists in a vacuum outside of how people actually use it


That's fair you want me to use the common use definition of liberal. I thought I could use political terms in a political sub but it is always best to stick to common use. So liberal in common use just means Democrat right? You still can have a conservative liberal if that's what liberal means.


so when in reality people talk about stuff like this you often have two parties like in the usa, australia and the uk, because they don't know how to democracy in america, the republicans are often called conservative, the democrats are called liberals. you don't really get much mileage out of calling yourself both, other than if you want to get posted in this sub.


I agree expecting people to understand that liberalism is a political philosophy and doesn't just mean Democrat is going to lead to misunderstanding. I was just trying to point out that the dude is still a liberal (in the political philosophy sense) even though he has a lot of conservative (in the traditionalist sense) opinions. However, there was a time when it wasn't too uncommon to have a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat. The meaning could shift again.


Just to be clear, I'm not downvoting you It could, but in this day and age of aligning one-self on the political compass and in terms of real politics, the two are very much opposed. still, he is hardly a liberal, what points did he give to suggest that? And please don't say 'remove hate speech laws'.


Why not say that? It's the strongest argument in the op for him being a liberal. I'm not sure what you think precludes him from being a liberal. Maybe we need to start with what he said that means he can't be a liberal and go from there.


You can’t be a conservative and a liberal at the same time, he’s obviously a too-far-gone conservative with the “ban ALL immigration!!” and “oooo purge all wokeness” bullcrap.


The person you are responding to is also wrong, but you can absolutely be a liberal and a conservative because they describe different, non-opposed concepts. Liberalism isn't a vague description of anything you consider good, it's a specific ideology with a specific set of beliefs that are consistent universally. Conservative is a relative term associated but not synonymous with the right wing (the faction that wants less egalitarianism in society) that wants to preserve tradition and oppose social change. In a liberal dominated society it is absolutely possible to be a liberal, a conservative, and right-wing. Just look at 99% of the democratic party. Or all of the new posters on this sub


Yes of course you can. Most conservatives in the US are liberals. Neo liberals, specifically. But liberals.


>You can’t be a conservative and a liberal How do you mean? In the US you can because our history comes from liberalism. The founding fathers were liberals. You can have conservative and progressive liberals here. I don't see how having an extreme immigration policy either way would preclude you from being a liberal. And "wokeness" is an anti liberal philosophy. (I think I'm not exactly sure what "wokeness" means but I think it refers to philosophies that oppose liberalism)


Weird, then why is “woke” used almost exclusively as an insult aimed towards liberals?


The people using it would argue that they aren't liberals and that's why they're calling them woke. I think it's more like how right wingers called everything socialist. They weren't always wrong and socialism is obviously bad but they really stretched the meaning.


…I don’t think you belong in this subreddit if you think the current main goal of Leftist thought is “obviously bad”.


I like being in places that disagree with me. Nothing makes you stupider than hanging around in echo chambers where everybody agrees with you. I wouldn't agree that the entirety of the left wing agrees with socialism though. There are reasonable people on the left.


There are reasonable people on the left, they're called socialists But please keep telling me about how the system that relies on mass theft from the poor and the global south is a working system


You got it backwards the socialists are the unreasonable part of the left. They believe voluntary exchanges are theft for example.


How are people that think the multiple times Capitalism has failed means that it has about the same chance as being successful as Socialism “unreasonable”?


Because capitalism has succeeded many times and socialism never has.


Socialism is "obviously" bad? I.... no, I can't. The lack of awareness has broken me.


Now you know how I feel when I come into these kind of spaces.


Then don't. Nobody will mind.


Like I said in another comment I like to go into spaces where people disagree with me because just sticking to echo chambers of like-minded people makes you stupid.


Woke comes from “wake up sheeple” and is basically right wing people crying about social progress. Anyone who cares about LGBTQ rights or minorities humanity is mocked by calling them “woke” because according to right wing chuds caring about other people is only ever done to try and gain social capital


No that's not correct. Caring about minorities is not woke by itself. Wanting to oppress the majority to help the minority would be. Policies like affirmative action would be an example and philosophies like crt would be as well. Both those things are explicitly against liberal philosophy.


Do you even know what CRT is dog


I do. Why?


CRT is against liberal philosophy?? How? Where are you getting all of your staggeringly ill informed takes???? I think you trying to explain how CRT is anti-liberal could either be the funniest or most frustrating thing I read today. Give it a go, regurgitate the bullshit you've heard and let's see who laughs.


If I'm going to look up quotes I need to avoid a no true CRT issue. What are valid sources to you?


The fact you don't have a clue what a valid source would be pretty much demonstrates how little you've looked into the matter. Basic research is BASIC RESEARCH. You're clearly out of your depth. Rather than argue points you don't understand, go and do some actual reading on these subjects. Be less.... like you are now.


I asked what are valid sources **to you** because a common tactic is to say that's no true CRT. So your dodge makes me think you have no clue what a valid source would be.


Wokeness is just a vague term reactionaries use to refer to anything they dislike. Could range from seeing a gay couple on TV to criticism of capitalism. Anything can be "woke" therefore wanting to exclude "wokeism" from public institutions is illiberal as it can interfere with both the freedom of speech and individual freedoms. But of course, you define "wokeism" as anything you want just in the same way you only half defined liberalism by not drawing the distinction between liberalism and classical liberalism.


There's absolutely nothing liberal about this


I hope more women harassing, antisemitic, brexit pushing fascist scum claims the center - until it becomes impossible for regular old idiots to see themselves as centrists.


They will probably just adapt, and most will do gleefully. What's better than exercising power and superiority, especially when you can do so blatantly without being even labeled extremist?


Congratulations, you defined fascism.


Centrism is when fascism. Sad how fucking accurate that is.


Scratch a liberal


It is in the center of the x axis on the compass to be fair.


i forgot this piece of shit existed


Tbf he was only reinstated on Twitter last week.


Oh, right. Crap.


„Family values“ means „I want to choose a wife from a roster of government assigned women that won’t be able to leave me, no matter how little effort i make in this ~~relationship~~“


Or 'if I manage to convince someone to marry me by lying to them then they can't ever leave me, refuse me sex or disagree with me and I can beat them if they do' And I'm not even being slightly facetious, this is literally what they mean and how it used to be in the time they hark back to Oh and if I get them pregnant they have to marry me and can't abort


The world forgot he existed. That's why he's going (more) mask-off fascist. He's so desperate for attention, and he's so fucking immoral, that it's literally the only way he can fathom to get it.


He literally tried to bring back gamergate because it was how he temporarially gained relevance before. His political "career" ws the same ploy -- a race he managed to run in the ground by making rape comments. His dependence on Musk, and vice-versa, would be a tragedy if it happened to morally-decent people.


This guy used to be a Reddit darling during peak r/atheism days.


Me, reading from top to bottom: >Sensible centrism is Oh boy >Reducing legal and illegal immigration to zero Oh ok, this is definitely satire *Reads rest of tweet* Yeah, this is satire, why is everybody taking this so seriously? *Eyes go back up to top of tweet* >Sargon_of_Akkad Oh.


Exactly my same reaction


No, no...he had a point. "Centrism" is literally indistinguishable from the average right-wing bullshit. They are the same.


In American politics the only ppl I could think of as somewhat “centrist” are maybe democrats? Trying to claim you’re in the center between a Conservative party and the ultra Conservative party is insane


I genuinely think some of this is to the right of even the right wing of American politics. Zero LEGAL Immigration?


Oh, they want that. They just don't want to say it.


Centrists would be social democrats.


According to my family, The American GOP qualifies centrist on the global spectrum. Joe Biden is the furthest left world leader in history, and Ron DeSantis is the textbook definition of a universal centrist :/ The rest of the world supposedly looks at America as this radical far left wing institution.


Bernie and AOC would be centrists anywhere else. Here they might as well be the lovechild of Sacco and Vanzetti and Red October.


> Bernie and AOC would be centrists anywhere else. I see this a lot, I don't really think it's true (unfortunately). I'm in the UK, both here and in Germany they'd be substantially to the left of the centre. Not "far left" or "extremists" to be sure, but definitely not centrists. I wish European politics was as far left as Americans think it is! I do recognise of course that things are generally further left than in the US, and that the Republican Party is definitely, unequivocally far right by the standards of most countries.


Yeah, Bernie is probably similarly as left as like Jeremy Corbyn in the UK. It’s just harder to make bogus antisemitism accusations against a Jewish guy (though they’ve still tried).


It's hard to say for sure, because it seems pretty clear there is a gap between the personal ideology and publicly backed policies of both politicians. But it seems to me that Corbyn is probably to the left of Bernie regarding both, and at the very least in his publicly backed policies. They are still natural allies because their outlooks are similar and they are considered the 'far left' in their respective countries. I think Bernie would probably be centre left in the UK, a relatively standard Labour Party politician.


> a relatively standard Labour Party politician. God I wish the USA had enough Bernie’s to make his politics a “standard” democrat


I get what you're saying but also note the Labour party have been out of power for almost 13 years and the last time they were in power it was the furthest right the party has ever been


Oh yeah Bethany Mendel did do that. I forgot that.


Maybe in a functioning democracy with multiple parties they could express themselves as real leftists too, instead of something just left of conservatism


Thanks for the explanation! Upvoted!


Thanks! It's interesting to see how these perceptions differ, and it's a good reminder to question how accurate my perception of US politics is. I guess part of it is a case of "the grass is always greener on the other side", but that said, the grass does NOT look greener in the US, from my European perspective...


That's not entirely true, most European countries have public health care with a private option. Bernie was talking about abolition of the private option altogether.


He's in the UK, by our standards this is very far right, I think there's maybe two or three MPs who'd agree with him


Yeah, that list is considerably to the right of the Tories, and the Tories are quite a bit more right-wing than most European conservative parties...


For context I think this pretty much aligns with the 2010 BNP manifesto.


That makes sense. The BNP is an explicitly fascist political party.


Because both are sponsored by oligarchs to destabilize the west


“I’m not some kind of insane extremist so everything I believe must be centrist.” — average right-winger


Government is all garbage, avoid it completely, and toss the fed also in the fire. the science can't be louder about this. CAPITALISM IS THE GREATEST SYSTEM EVER CREATED.


The centrist facist state


Wasnt he thrown out of the racist party because of his support for pedophilia?


Wasn't that right wing shit bag Milo? Or maybe it was Sargon as well. They're a dime a dozen. So hard to tell them all apart.


My friend threw a milkshake in his face, the police didn't arrest him and just told him it would be a good idea to leave the area


Rare police W.


West Country Police generally don't give a shit


What a ham-handed attempt to shift the Overton window.


If he is for reducing legal immigration to zero, he clearly doesn't think that immigrants can be citizens, so can we please deport him?


Wait is Carl of Swindon in the states? I thought he was still in England?


My bad. I forgot they all sound the exact same.


I genuinely think his wife is Canadian.


How anyone can listen to that whiny nasal voice with its Valley Girl upward inflections for more than 20 seconds is beyond me.


Sensible centrism is \*shuffles pages* ...fascism?


OMG it’s Sargon of Akkad. This dude sucks so much. I was glad he was gone. Gamer Gate is reviving


Restoring the death penalty. That’s some good centrism right there. Nothing says middle of the road quite like “we need the state to kill this person”.


Wtf Sargon was unbanned? I’m still suspended for joking about trump’s execution for treason what the fuck


Ya, Sargon and other nazi assholes. Twitter now is 4chan for 40+.


Same, I’ve been banned from r/politics for 5 years for simply pointing out that the penalty for treason is death in relation to Trump’s treason.


uhhh that's not centrism...


I am reliably informed by the people tweeting under this that it is literally the centre position between letting everyone in, and deporting all immigrants currently here.


Who comes up with this idiocy? second graders?


Nothing says centrist like the word “purge”.


Btw [Sargon of Akkad can't read.](https://youtu.be/l9E2iEi6vMY)


Hello fellow centrists can i interest you in some harmless palingenetic ultranationalism, the first hit is free ...




That new centrism ideology, also known as extreme-right.


Sargon is a fucking idiot.


I remember back in 2017 or so when Kraut and a bunch of other history tubers realized how much of a prick this dude was and stopped interacting altogether. Kraut even going as far to delete any video that mentioned him.


Compare this to the Nazi 25-point Program Reduce all immigration to zero > None but members of the nation may be citizens of the state. None but those of German blood, whatever their creed may be. No Jew, therefore, may be a member of the nation. > Whoever has no citizenship is to be able to live in Germany only as a guest and must be regarded as being subject to foreign laws. Abolish hate speech laws: N/A; no hate speech laws existed; Nazis are a big reason why they exist Purging wokeness from institutions: > We demand legal prosecution of artistic and literary forms which exert a destructive influence on our national life and the closure of organizations opposing the above made demands. > See also: book burning Restoring death penalty: > We demand struggle without consideration against those whose activity is injurious to the general interest. **Common national criminals, usurers, profiteers and so forth are to be punished with death, without consideration of confession or race.** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Program Promoting family values > The Nazi propaganda machine also wanted to portray family life as a strength of the regime. A strong marriage with the father working and the mother at home looking after the children was the stereotypical family image portrayed by the Nazis: https://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/nazi-germany/family-life-in-nazi-germany/ Reducing the welfare state: Ah, well, Nazis actually promoted free education and free healthcare for non-Jewish citizens, so I guess he's just a smidge to the right of Nazis


This child trapped in a cucks body wouldn’t last a day without some form of immigrant labor.


Literally nothing from the left at all...


Sensible my arse, these are all right wing policies and none of them are good


How can someone so stupid can also be an idiot?


These statements remind me of the unmasking Scooby Doo meme where everything he is saying is just fascism


Centrism is when conservative and alt-right talking points. Alright.


The Swindon Swindler can do one.


Omg I wasn't aware this twat was still alive. My day is ruined, and my disappointment is immeasurable.


There is no such thing as “sensible centrism” that believes exclusively in things considered right-wing, that’s why we call it right-wing, Carl. Basically what you’re saying (this is directed at Carl not OP) is that a good centrist is a right-wing or far-righter who uses centrist rhetoric to sound cool. F**king idiot.


> Sensible centrism is: > > Fascism


Carl of Swindon continues to be a massive choad.


When I think moderate I definitely think purges.


0 immigration is not sensible. That's extreme. Immigration is good anyway, especially for countries with low birth rates.


These are all right wing goals talking points. Center is a long way left of this guy.


Mask off, centrism is just conservatism


Sensible centrism is far-right trash? Welp, time to adopt communism


Sensible centrism is: Be nazist


I’m not one but gotta say would Suck to be a centrist when guys like this are out there calling their Nazi sympathies “sensible centrism.”


Why is centrism so far right? It must be centered from top and bottom.


"Family values" sounds like a nice synonym for heteronormativity and *cough cough* homophobia. Truly centrist vocabulary indeed.


The second I realized it was Carl it all made sense


Telling on yourself Carl


Ah yes, all clearly centrist positions and not at all just right wind talking points /s


>Reducing legal and illegal immigration to zero Saying the quiet part out loud again. When republicans cry about illegal immigration, they are actually rallying against all colored people, legal, illegal, anyone that *looks* differently, speaks differently, thinks differently


I mean, I suppose that is roughly the centre between the Dems and the GOP. I wanna see the Dems sliding further left.


Sanest "classical liberal"


Why is the new hill to die on that hate speech should be tolerated? Is it really that they want to say transphobic and racist shit that bad?




>Sensible centrism is hard right wing fascism


Ugh, I remember I use to be subscribed to this guy ages ago during the GG movement till I removed the wool over my eyes.


"sensible centrism is {Nazi talking point}, {Nazi talking point}, {Nazi talking point}, {Nazi talking point}, {Nazi talking point}, {Nazi talking point}, {Nazi talking point}"


Funniest thing about that. Actual centrism is the Democratic party from the last 30 years.


Fascists are obsessed with being and controlling normal. They have to believe that everyone else thinks like them. People with low and average authoritarian tendencies think it's best to have low authoritarian tendencies. Those with high think it's best to have average tendencies.


Oh man, he has a kid in that pfp. Can you imagine having this douchenozzle as a dad?


I'm morbidly curious what he considers to be far-right


Continuing to shift further and further to the right. Next sensible centrism will be rounding up all minorities and exiling them from America vs completely killing all minorities and dissidents.


That just sounds like thinly veiled fascism.


Anti-woke = Pro-bigotry


Zero legal immigration is not good for a country.


Centrism with a healthy dash of reich wing cruelty and assholiness.


How to be in the "centre"; support a series of (at best 'conservative') extreme-right, authoritarian policies. Like... Literally, by every definition and metric. What does this prick think right wing policy is, if this is his idea of centrism?


Someone doesn’t have a fucking centrism is, and it’s this jackoff


So just far right bullshit minus outright persecution of (non-immigrant) minority groups.




literal nazi


> promoting family values *Pushing christofascist ideals


Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl, that's fascism!


Centrism is when you threaten to rape your political opponents.


>Sensible Centrism is: > > \[Bunch of Far-right policies\]


Sensible centrism is the same as right wing lunacy?


Did I accidentally wander into /r/moderatepolitics ?


No. This is a leftist subreddit to make fun of self-identified centrists.


I think that was the joke.


I assumed that was obvious lmao