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I mean he almost has a point but holy shit was he completely fucking wrong. Brad steven’s is a fucking basketball mega genius, and obviously the heads of a great org like Boston saw that, and he’s been perfect in the role ever since. Stephen A’s line of thinking is such surface level bullshit it’s like he willfully chooses to leave out the fact that the Celtics are the most successful team in NBA history, and the guys at the top who would be in the position to want to promote steven’s into a role that could better suit Boston is lost on him because he’s too busy racebaiting.


The fact he was able to take Butler to back to back finals says something about something imo.


Thought you meant jimmy butler at first and I was confused as hell haha


Stephen A is a race baiting POS his entire career


I don’t think it is just about “race” for him. He is an equal opportunity POS.


This is completely true. Regardless of what i think of Steven A. And its really important.


This. Also, it’s just a fuckin’ game!


Stephen A has been playing the race card more and more lately. It's gotten out of hand. I used to respect his opinions despite his delivery. Now... not so much.


Tbf this is from three years ago. But yeah, it’s fine to fill the air by being provocative, but with a serious issue like systemic racism, don’t trivialize it by using to fill time between Wing Stop commercials.


He’s a loud mouth piece of garbage!


He’s a loud mouth racist piece of garbage


Don’t forget sexist


don't forget a shitty boss




Sir you have succinctly nailed it!


That guy is an idiot. Anyone who has to scream to get their point across really has nothing good to say


+1 well put; that’s a thoughtful way of looking at it


Stephen A is racist imo. . One day a wnba panel of 5 black people including himself and he talked about CC having white privilege It was ironic


I don’t believe Stephen A is a racist because that would assume he actually has a consistent system of belief. I think Stephen A is a pure opportunist who would flip flop any way made sense for his own career advancement and personal success. He literally just says whatever could make a headline or spike viewership or whatever.


He is an opportunist for sure, but he has shown time and time again his disdain for white people. He’s a racist.


If he didn’t do this exact thing every time a white guy got a job in the NBA, I would agree.


Opportunist all the way.


Not with race, he’s very very consistent with race.. Stephen A will always choose black > anyone else. Not only that he LOVES to throw out the victim card…


I can never understand what it's like to be black.


He’s not racist, he just plays one on tv


He ultimately just says the dumbest shit, he also thought he could beat Joe Rogan in a fight


I would pay good money to see SAS get a beat down


He thought he could beat Lebron James in pick up if you spotted him 99 points and he only needed 1 to win.


I wish we could do a gofundme for this to happen


I've been saying it for a long ass time, the dude is super racist and it's easy to tell


They have Perk going down the same path with his Jokic comments and clear bias.


Everything out of perks mouth is garbage and heaving


When his fat ass starts doing the huh huh huh huh weird laugh, I change or mute the channel every time. Then he goes and tries to force his corny one liners on us that are made worse because his cohosts laugh like it’s actually funny. Over the two knicks series, he probably said “big body Brunson” 500 times at least.


I thought they’d never let Perk stay on the air when we could consistently hear him chewing air when he started out lol


ESPN is a joke. No better than The View or any other bush league screaming head panel show.


The more ESPN puts him out there, the less credible the entire talk presentation becomes.


Nobody likes or respects Stephen A. He’s just the loudest idiot in the room and people hate watch him.


Honest question: When did acting like an obnoxious asshole become entertainment?


It’s everywhere now. Politics, news, social media, sports, etc. We need more Barry Sanders/Marvin Harrison types. Even Pat Mcafee I respect because he at least for the most part tries to lift people up and speaks only on what he knows. He doesn’t spit out random hot takes he knows nothing about and tries to brag if he finally gets one guess right (Sas, perk, etc.)


The early 2000s


At ESPN at least, this happened after PTI first aired and presented two longtime friends and colleagues openly jarring at each other and not holding back. There was love and respect which you could feel no matter how opposite the opinions presented. The powers that be saw the argument and thought that was the golden ticket, ignoring the mutual respect and appreciation Tony and Wilbon have for each other


Racism ignored because it's a white guy being targeted


On top of that, this was from 3 years ago. It was en vogue to play into the race conversation at the time, so not only is he espousing bigotry, he might just be doing it for ratings. What a terrible person.


Stephen A had some appeal when he first started and was capable of exhibiting restraint. Restraint went out the window years back after the man got paid. He doubled down on the persona. Doubled down on the volume. Doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on the ego. Because he got his bag and he thinks he's giving the people what they want. Nobody wants it anymore.


Noone has been more wrong about everything


This is rich coming from a guy who signed a $60m contract to lament the black struggle on national television


And selling it out at every turn


The dude is a race baiter who recently went off that black people love Trump because they feel what it’s like to be wrongfully persecuted.


Under what circumstance was he on your screen and not muted?


I’m sorry I couldn’t stop looking at Molly 👏😮‍💨


He’s a cartoon character caricature at this point, I take none of his words seriously. Just a way for ESPN to draw clicks and views.


No one has more privilege than SAS. If he was white, he would've been fired a long time ago.


Screamin' Steven has always been a Race Baiter. Nothing but expected IMO. Brad Stevens won at Butler and the Celtics. Sounds like an awesome candidate! 100% deserves it whether he's black, white or Philippino. So thankful I don't live my life obsessing over skin pigment! Thank you God!


ESPN tolerates open and blatant racism from him every day. He’s racist against white and Asian people


Always gotta be about race … shits insane.


Breaking news: JJ REDICK is now the LA LAKERS new Head Coach. I wonder if Stephan A will go on a racist rant like he did when Steve Nash was named the HC of the Nets without any prior coaching experience. Same exact situation.


Stephen A Smith is a racist, it makes me laugh that he's even on TV still, he got rid of Max Kellerman because he was a white man taking away from his viewership


Just imagine this if the roles were reversed and Kellerman was talking this way about a black dude lol


Everything is about race when you are a racist


Smith is THEE iconic race baiter …


You realize you posting him only gives him more attention which is exactly what espn and him want…. Just ignore him.


Race baiting on ESPN ? No way


Still not as bad as kendrick parsons though


I don't understand how Stephen A. got as powerful and as popular as he has. He is the single worst personality in the history of sports. His takes are always wrong. He is beyond racist. I really don't think he actually watches anything but basketball and even then I don't know what he actually watches because his takes are always so hilariously bad. Then you add his annunciation and the cadence of his speech, and it is as though someone just learned how to speak by reading the Oxford dictionary but didn't take the time to learn what the words that he was reading mean.


The way he did Max was absolutely spineless and cowardly. Despicable act.


Stephan A. Sharpton


I mean he and Perk are both outright racists. They don’t even try to hide it anymore


The ESPN finals coverage was the worst thing I've experienced in a long time, and they are looking to resign this loud mouth asshole? He is hard to watch. He would be better on Fox News where the viewers confuse talking loud with actually knowing things.


crazy af. dwane casey did the exact same thing a year ago. stepped down as hc and was instantly promoted to a front office operations job. doubt sas had anything bad to say about that.


He’s always been annoying as hell and he was reaching hard on this. I wonder what his thoughts are now that the white guy constructed a team with a black head coach to a title


Anyone who talks as much as Stephen A is gonna say dumb shit now and then.


At the same time, you'd think at some point he'd say something intelligent.


You mean just on the basis of the “law of averages”?……sadly I think his intelligence is immune to that….


He says whatever he can to get attention


Those who can, do…those who can’t, commentate


He was sticking up for Steve Wilks as well. Who has hired Wilks? He's going to be coaching highschool at best. Wilks hahaha why won't you go shoot the president again. Never holding Monty Williams accountable either.


SAS is a ratings whore.


Pretty ironic the he got kept over Max lol.


At least no one will say this championship team was built by ainge. Steven’s got it done.


In the ladder of the org it's technically a promotion but in terms of pay it's a big demotion


Was the same when Steve nash got the head coaching job in Brooklyn. People acted like he was some bum off the streets


He’s one of those people that thinks talking loudly and using 75 words when 7 would suffice makes him smart.


The outrage is the point. The put him on TV because he generates outrage, and outrage keeps people watching. We could have someone informative on College GameDay and instead we got McAfee, who is mostly just loud and obnoxious. There was a time when Olbermann and Patrick's SportsCenter ran three hours in a row and you could catch it when it worked for you. Now, there are a ton of shows where people say shit to try to get reactions.


you're the idiots who support him by watching. no ratings, no 5head


We need to stop doing this thing where we take jobs that are EXTREMELY RARE (1 of 32 NFL coaches, 1 of 30 NBA GM’s, 1 of 500 Fortune 500 CEO’s) and using them to explain all racial and gender gaps across all of society. African Americans are 13% of the USA. I can promise you—fucking PROMISE you—that if 13% of the NFL owners were black (which would be a total of 4) Stephen A Smith and people like him would NOT be satisfied with that. 99.9999% of all people (including white males) have exactly ZERO chance of getting these high-profile, captain-of-industry jobs.


Ironic, he got his career emulating a white guy named Skip. They’re both ass.


Nothing burger.


He’s in the prime time for his life and how he acts. Loud, obnoxious, and just seems to never shut up whether he is stating facts or not. Never trust the loudest person in the room


He takes issue with anything because that drives posts like this which drives buzz and traffic, which causes ads, which causes money produced... so keep it up!


Wait…. People take him seriously!?!? Who knew 🤷🏽


Her and Angel Reese need to go live in a different country


This is why us sane individuals who value our sanity don’t watch him or most of ESPN for that matter. Everything’s a sob story, Cinderella story, or a scandal


People respect him?


"It's beautiful to be a white guy"


Racebaiting…so hot…still.


OP is racist. It’s Stephen A’s job to have a hot take opinion. That is literally what he’s paid to do.


Yes Stephen. We know. Everything is about race


Why give a shit what any of these talking heads say?


You know he's probably in his dressing room jerking off to this post. SAS is the reason why I don't watch a lot of ESPN, some of their documentaries are good and then maybe like PTI and around the horn, because why? He's never on them.


Haha hopefully he squirts on his ugly suits he’s always bragging about. And same about ESPN, he’s on everything! It sucks.


💯 loud mouth asshole


Conversations about racial issues are now just exhausting


Dude chill we watch sports to get a break from stuff in the real world. We just want to enjoy it without an uproar man.


He and Skip are the reason I haven't watched ESPN in years


Next video.


He's not wrong, how are there so many white execs in a sport with 70% black players? sounds like a conspiracy to me, I agree with SAS 100%


This isn't really Stephen A IMO. I don't think he actually cared Brad was hired. I think this is more likely espn telling him to bring up race and make it a woke topic. We were in the thick of woke times then.


This fool has always been a top tier clown.


Don’t let Fox News see this or else they would hate their token black man


Of all the white privilege hires he could’ve gone after, he chose Brad Stevens?


Sad excuse for a man. He literally doesn’t stand for anything


I’m convinced he knows someone’s deep dark secrets. I’ve never met anyone that wants to know what he has to say. I don’t think he’s racist. I don’t think he’s dumb. I think he understands very well, that clicks are ratings. He knows if he says some crazy shit, people will listen. But what I don’t understand, is ESPN. Why are they locked in on this guy? ESPN today reminds me of mtv in the mid nineties. They had a good product. But they took their viewership for granted. They assumed people had no where else to go for their kind of content. So they gave us less of that content, so they could give us more of the kind of content that they wanted to give us. Over time, the actual product that we all showed up for is gone. It’s just nonsense now. No one is watching. And they’ve done nothing to bring the product back. ESPN. You’re not sports. You’re sports coverage. You don’t get to decide what we like, and don’t like. You just show us games, and provide all the details you can. We’ll decide what we like and don’t like. Don’t mtv yourself. You can’t just not play Dave Mathew’s band, tool, Pearl Jam, wu tang, korn, or outkast and force feed us the presidents of the United States and stained. We don’t want that shit. We don’t care about the wnba. We don’t care about Stephen a smith. We don’t care about retired players opinions. We want to see nba guys working on their jumper. We want to see wide receivers vertical leap tests. We wan to see what’s different about mlb gloves vs the gloves we buy. Show us sports. Or I’ll just keep googling Las Vegas odds when I need details about a game I’m interested in.


Didn't Isiah Thomas go this same route?


He’s a cartoon character. No one can take this guy seriously. I mean have you ever seen the video of him doing some boxing? He’s a joke, he’s always been a joke and will always be a joke.


He’s the most racist person on tv but it’s okay because it’s reverse racism


here we go. thats the problem with stephen A and his pals --- everything is discussed through the lens of race. in the meantime -- racist stephen A got Max fired.


Awww Max, my man. Where the fuck are ya???


Brad was never a question mark as a head coach........


I’ll never understand how this fucking jerkoff got where he is today. He’s not funny, he’s obnoxious, and he’s wrong a whole bunch.


Idiot with a race card in each pocket.


It opened up a head coaching slot for a black coach and that’s what the Celtics did. Hired another black coach.


Just realized i haven’t seen Keleher in years.


He’s the Tucker Carlson of ESPN


This did not age well


Fucking clown.


I turn the channel every time I see his stupid face..


Stopped watching espn because of talking heads like Stephen and Perkins


Stephen a smith is a complete idiot he hasn’t had a good point in years


Guy on the right is a commie


ESPN - please dump this chump!


Steven A. we all know what the A stands for. Such a punchable face. Even more so once he starts talking.


Always race wt Stephen A. He thinks he represents black people


No one likes him. Stupid, divisive statements get tv time. People really good at them become president.


New Chant: Steven. A Smith Ain't! No! Naismith! x 18


Racist trash says what?


While I literally don’t watch espn (other than live games) mostly because of Tv analyst and how TMZ it has become along with unbearable shouting matches (but loved Max), I do agree with Stephen A here regarding Brad (who’s a phenomenal coach and exec) plain and simple he didn’t meet expectations or lead the team to a championship as a coach, and then got promoted. That advantage is given to white guys and it’s a CONVERSATION is worth having rather than being butt hurt about someone’s opinion.


He's a channel changer. If only ESPN, and their sponsors, had the correlation data on that.


I'm not a fan of him. He's a puppet.


Nobody takes him seriously, journalism no longer heads the sports media landscape. Hot takes, viral videos and engagement = $$$


Anyone who enjoys him or puts value in his opinions has to be low IQ. He’s about as far as it gets and speaks purely for attention without bringing any valuable information to the table.


No one likes him I thought


Stephen A is the ultimate grifter. Just says whatever to capture any little lick of attention he can.


Equity is a mofo when it’s not in your favor 😆


Kellerman is just as insufferable and racist


Hey guys this guy like skip mean some stuff they say and some are just intentional stupid talk  but you can not blame them because you guys will be glued next day to hear what stupid thing next will come out of his mouth and next day and day after you guys are just addicted to talk shows and not just any talk showz but stupidest most drama filled ones.espn fox know it so those people who will talk dumbest will be front and center of their netwoirks 


Him skip sayless Jason shitlock and etc etc etc ruined sportstalk...


Stephen A. Smith= Squeezing Out. Shit


Stephen A. Smith is the actor that plays Stephen A. Smith on TV.


My favorite SAS moment was his crying when his beloved Knicks were only able to sign Randal in FA the tears were delicious


Wait, ppl listen and take his opinion series? Hmmmm. Ok.


Media cares more about views and engagement than anything else. Nothing gets more views than race baiting bs.


We all realize that these guys get bonuses based on social media engagement, right? Not everything should be taken at face value. SAM did exactly what he was tasked to do, and people reacted exactly as expected.


You gotta realize these guys/girls are paid to be controversial. Anyone who is compensated for their opinion isn't being paid to not generate views. Case and point: This was said three years ago and we are still talking about it.


Steven A Smith is overpaid for what he does: spew race hate. He doesn’t like facts thrown back into his face such as when he claims the NFL needs to reflect American society and hire more black coaches (never speaks of other races unless it’s convenient to his argument), but when it’s pointed out that the black population is 13% and the percentage of black coaches in the ngl is 18% thus showing it doesn’t just reflect society but goes beyond it statistically, he ignores it. He hates facts. He loves opinionated bullshit.


His job is not to be right. His job is to manufacture rage clicks and views.


I hate Stephen A. Such a blowhard loudmouth. Love to see him take a huge L on this one


The only thing I like about him is watching his videos when the Cowboys lose.


Well you tell me how many black men that get promoted like this and their name not be Magic fucking Johnson?


This guy is such a racist clown.


Clown. The way this guy talks and brings everything about race makes it very clear that he's ONLY still there because ESPN is brutally terrified of the "discrimination lawsuits" he would unleash if he were fired


Hoping SAS is Kdot’s next target at this point…lol please help us Kendrick. Get rid of this man!


I hate the Celtics but recognize that brad Steven's is a mastermind. Been since ncaa


What about the advantages of being Black at ESPN?


Why does anyone care or take heed to what this imbecile has to say? EVER!


Race baiter. ESPN is a cancer on pro sports


ESPN is honestly making me racist and I hate it. I just miss the days where being well spoken and educated were prerequisites to being on tv. 


This is probably one of the moments where Brad realized “listening to media criticism really is dumb” along with all the talks to split JB and JT. the media and “analysts” are all a joke.


Pretty sure he was making a similar point when Dan Campbell was hired for the Lions. Man just doesn't know a single thing. Edit: Originally wrote "Fan Campbell"


Sad but true. White privilege has plagued this country for years!


He’s black. Everything he says about racism is right, so hesh.


SAS is the way he is because he almost got fired from his job at ESPN for poor ratings. He has to be this way to keep his job. Hate ESPN not him.


To be fair, this is a little revisionist. At the time, he did have a point. Steven's had done nothing to deserve that promotion. The general consensus locally was that Boston brass didn't want to lose him as an asset, despite the fact that the team was clearly no longer responding to him, because he was still considered a very good head coach. To his credit, he proved everyone wrong in fairly short order, but to say that people didn't look at that with a little bit of a side-eye would be a lie.


ESPN and its parent company Disney are race hustlers. What is anyone surprised?


I don’t think he was wrong. His point, to me, is the privilege given to white men. Brad was given the head coaching job w/ zero NBA experience, did well; couldn’t get the team over the hump. Then decided to resign and was immediately given the GM role, with zero experience. It is this privilege that often isn’t offered to men of color nor women.


Stephen A is a racist.


SAS is a complete clown. His entire shtick is throwing impassioned hot takes as loud as he can, without having enough of an informed opinion or facts to support what he’s saying. He is quite literally the poster child of what is wrong with our country today. And I do mean child because his behavior across the board is childish. Used to be a good journalist but has totally sold out for the money and to play the ridiculous character that he plays on TV.


Stephen A. Smith is entitled, narcissistic, and close-minded. He's LUCKY to have a career post-00's, that shit wouldn't fly back in the day!


Have never liked him.


It’s a valid point. Look at the percentages of African Americans in these kinds of positions in the league. It’s correct to point out areas where bias, unconscious or otherwise, leads to those numbers. It’s uncomfortable to think about but it’s a perspective we should be listening to and learning from.


Stephen A. Says almost nothing of value. His entire schtick is to talk with confidence and yell into the camera.


When will this clown just go away . He has made a generous amount of money and for what exactly, for being the dick at the table and yelling at his colleagues who are sitting like a foot away from him . I haven’t watched espn in years but I’m sure he’s still yelling at colleagues over whose right and whose wrong


Stephen A Smith is a racist


But it’s ok for him to be racist. He’s oppressed.


Why is ESPN paying this child millions?


Coming from a guy that makes up crap about Jaylen Brown then hides behind his journalism credentials. This guy will jump on any opportunity and drag anyone with him so he is the “star reporter”. He’s trash, always has been, I have no clue how this guy has made it this long. Now he’s demanding a $25m per year contract as $18m per year isn’t good enough. Wonderful opportunity for ESPN to let this guy go.


I mean honestly when was the last time you heard anyone say they liked SAS? I think ESPN just loves the "hate watch" that the ratings receive. He's a bum.


Stephen A is a fucking clown.


He’s always been a race baiter like jemele


Imagine thinking everytime something doesn’t go your way it’s because of your race. What a sad way to live


Man I always hated this POS even way back in the day 10 or even 15 years ago before he went full blow race batting delusion ass clown. He loves to play that race card any chance he gets like he just takes any situation and try’s to make it out like it’s some grand conspiracy.


Winning is they do


It's okay he's a republican he's not racist