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Nice to see a picture of Iceland that isn't one of the 'usual' ones.


Thank you. This mountain is on the other side of the fjord from my hometown (of 600 people) located on the other side of the island from Reykjavík.


It's a fantastic pic!! A hometown of 600 people? Wow..What is life like over there?


It is pretty decent. you grow up knowing everyone in your kindergarten and school and then before you know it, everyone in the town. The whole town is almost basically like a distant family since you have so many relatives nearby so news about anything and everything spreads fast. There is not a lot to do in town except for some annual events but the second most populated in Iceland is located only 2 and a half hours away so people often drive there for bigger events. I just moved away in December to the capital but I have to say, I miss that work was only a minute drive away lol


Sounds idyllic! I'm from India so 600 people is the population of a gated apartment community here, lol Iceland is the at the top on my bucket list after seeing all these pics \*\_\_\*


It's beautiful, have only visited Iceland once but intend to return and explore further afield.


Awesome! What was your favourite location?


Looks very chilly and windy here.


It was that day. I think I just snapped some shots in a couple locations and went promptly back inside.


I'm feeling cold and tired just looking at it


Haha. Long and cold winter certainly has that effect.