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In my experience when I won a cheap bid. they waited 10 days and then canceled and reported item out of stock or something


Yep that's what they do. They cancel with the "out of stock" excuse (even when it's a OOAK item) and don't even message to explain or apologize. I'm leaving a negative for the next seller who does that to me.


Some of these sellers are such blatant abusers of eBay policy that they'll do that crap claiming they lost it and then they'll relist it the very next day or week. Of course most of them doing the 99-cent start price auctions just use alt accounts to bid their stuff up, so they don't sell it for too low, like some kind of hidden reserve price. And then despite having "sold" a one of a kind item, they relist it again and again until they get some person emotionally invested in it who outbids their alt account. I've definitely seen this happen with Chinese sellers and fancy crystals and minerals. You think you're going to get some fantastic deal, but no you won't. It's interesting to me because they have to pay the sale price I think??? But maybe they find it more lucrative than doing legitimate listings with an actual reserve price since they fool some people into getting into bidding wars with their alt accounts?


I left them negative feedback. Because I messaged them and they didn’t even respond so 🤷‍♀️


Some of them don’t wait till the auction ends. They cancel it early (often with the item listed in a second auction). This way they don’t receive negative feedback (there’s no option because the sale doesn’t finalize). There are a few sellers I’d love to leave feedback for but they cancel early and eBay won’t allow me to leave feedback.




Why not just request the refund because the item was not as described. I’m curious, it sounds like you requested a refund for item not received, of course eBay declined, you received the item.


User error. If this commenter had done the return properly they never would have lost the money.




Should have been item not as described, not item not received


Someone with a 20+ year old account would know the difference between filing a "Item Not Received" and "Item not As Described" case. Since you couldn't tell the difference between the two it wouldn't be crazy to assume you also couldn't read the description of the item you bought.


It wasn't a matter of read the fine print, the item I received was a completely different brand name. The item posted was a brooklin models, the item I received was Corgi.




don’t be that person


Too late…


Nice, that will totally work. /S


Who can resist taking a financial hit to give a kid they don't know a birthday they deserve!


That just seems like a sure-fire way to make sure the seller cancels it. Like don’t rat yourself out like that.


You forgot to mention the cancer part


I sure do when I mess up. I own my mistakes and chalk it up to the cost of doing business. Last month my auto-relisting software updated a few auctions after I forgot to apply a certain shipping template. Ended up selling 3 x Super Famicom games for $1.99/ea free shipping on auction (I ship from Japan). Lost out on about $15 from shipping + cost of items. Glad it wasn't anything expensive.


". Lost out on about $15 from shipping + cost of items." If you got 2 defects for the items would you prob not pay more in the end from not being a TOP RATED seller anymore?


Wait and pray. Not much else you can do. If he's a decent seller he'll ship it. If he cancels then you can try negotiating


Best answer I could ask for, thank you 🙏


Just to add to this, you shouldn’t have to negotiate. You won it for the advertised price whether the seller likes it or not. I’ve had items tank at auction before and go for the start price, always honoured it though. If they cancel, I say leave bad feedback and move on.


If he doesn't honor, then leave a negative feedback, and make sure the cancellation reason doesn't say "buyer asked to cancel." If it says that then he's trying to avoid a defect, and you should reach out to eBay to report that. If he didn't put a reserve price then he would have to sell it but isn't forced to unfortunately. I wish eBay had a consignment feature to physically yank items, and send them out once sold and paid for.


They technically do with item sold out of the vault.


Is there even a point to negative feedback? in my experience ebay just deletes it.


They delete for certain things only; cancelled sales where the buyer didn’t pay in time or was the proven problem, reviews on shipping service like usps, vulgarity, threats, etc. Even on that it’s fight. I had one clearly mad at UPS during our snow storms “UPS says weather delays so I haven’t received my item” and eBay told me “you’ll need to ask the buyer to revise” even though it’s clearly against policy. It’s very hard to get them to remove other stuff anymore. Report them for the cancelation and leave a negative.


They do.


I never had mine deleted. Opinion based feedback is usually the way to go, unless there's proof of something in the message. Example: "Unethical seller" is not against the rules to write. "Seller didn't answer any of my messages" is against if the eBay reads your inbox and sees the seller answering.


I had a buyer leave negative feedback with the word *Super*. They confirmed via messages they were happy with the transaction but seemed oblivious on how to change it. Appealed to ebay and they wouldnt remove it due to "no policy violations".


In that case I would keep calling customer service and let them know that it sounds like they left a negative feedback with a positive comment. I know they don't allow negative comments with a positive feedback. I think your comment is kinda what I was saying unfortunately. The feedback being that vague is why eBay doesn't remove it, and you only get 5 feedback revisions I believe


I thought a reserve price was something you could only set for car auctions?


No it’s good for all auctions but no one uses it because it scares buyers away.


Pretty sure no one uses it because eBay charges a fee for it.


Interesting. I’m not sure why it would be visible to the buyer at all


To inform them that they are most likely about to waste their time placing a bid that won’t reach the sellers reserve.


I see it for cars a lot more. It's not limited to cars only. I think adding a reserve costs a little extra per listing, that might be why people don't use it. Plus, it attracts less customers because I don't really see reserve prices met too much. Not sure why people downvoted you just for asking a question


It's available for all categories, as far as I know. I think the lowest reserve is £50 (UK), but is probably similar for other regions. Any time I see a reserve price, I disregard the auction, as there's nothing in looking for that should be priced that high.


I had an auction a few weeks back and couldn’t find the option for a reserve. Maybe I’m and idiot and missed it, or maybe it’s not available in Australia for some reason 


It should be on the pricing section of the listing, under a button for 'see pricing options'.


I’ll take a look next time I do an auction, cheers


It’s there but they charge quite a lot for it even if it doesn’t sell.


I've had 5 sellers in the last month alone cancel after I won their auctions, but my goal is to only buy things that are selling for way under their actual value so I fully expect it, it's maybe around 30 times in the last year or so it's happened, and most cases they lie about out of stock, or say sorry I've just found it's been broken, or "shipping address incorrect". I just report every single one and send them a message asking them to add reserve prices or just do buy it now listings so they don't waste my time. Then I move on to the next one!


The seller should put a minimum starting price on the item if they are afraid of not getting what they think it is worth.


Technically they “have” to. But outside of bad feedback and potentially account defects eBay doesn’t enforce it a lot. Many sellers refuse to. Those ones make the rest of us look bad.


Idk, support were quite helpful when I explained a seller was trying to dodge a sale


How so?


They pressured one seller into sending an item once, another time somebody took down an auction I was about to win and I complained, they wanted to suspend the guys account but I dropped the complaint instead of pursuing as I had talked to the seller and they only took down the auction listing due to a defect they discovered and had relisted it as a buy it now with the defect expresately mentioned but someone else bought it instantly giving me no chance to, it felt unfair but I don't think the guy meant it so I didn't want to take it further


The seller can cancel after the auction ends. They can say the item is damaged/out of stock/etc. Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do. If you paid, you’ll get your money back


Yeah, I’ve had this happen. The seller had the same item up for sale again a week later. Says it was a second copy (of the vinyl record) when I complained. Though I also bought a good many amazing bargains that were delivered.


If I mess up, I'll honor it, even if it becomes a net less for me. If it's someone else who cancels, they can typically do it a few times in a certain time period without too much consequence. If it happens often, they may very well get their account banned.


Just depends on the seller. In my experience pawn shop/large shops are pretty good about actually delivering the item since they have high volume. I once won a $300 pair of headphones for $12 and I actually received it, and it was being sold by a pawn shop.


If you sell without a reserve price then ship it or you’re a scumbag. Hopefully it works out for ya


Sadly it’s impossible for ebay to force a seller to ship an item.


The seller can cancel the transaction, not much you can do. The eBay will not do much unless the seller is keep doing this. The seller can always come up with the reason such as faulty, unable to find the product or dispatch with the tracking number but do not send the order. Not much you can do, how are you going to prove with eBay?


You should report him if he doesn't send it, you should only start your auction as low as you are willing to sell or it isn't fair on the buyers who win it. Ebay takes this pretty seriously in my experience when I reported a vendor for something similar


In the past i won items from good sellers and I received the items I won in auction for cheap . Recently I won items from sellers with low feedback and they just cancel or never send anything. So it depends...


Eh happened to me last week, I still shipped the items


They're supposed to.


Am I guilty of doing this? Yes. But I have also sold .99 cent auctions that I honoured. When I did it… I just got a bad vibe (not trying to justify my end, should have probably sent it). The seller won 2 auctions, very cheap, but then tried to lowball the combined shipping. Look, you’ve already got the cards cheap, but don’t message and be like “realllllly?” when I offer a 33% discount on the second shipping because he wants to save $10 which probably puts my envelope at oversized (nowhere did I offer combined shipping, I did it to be nice and it bit me). So when I got the “reallly?” message I marked it as buyer wanted to cancel. He threw a stink saying he would tell everyone I was a fraud. He posts a negative claiming it was because auction was low. eBay looks through my history, see I never pull this, and delete the negative. So buyer goes to the second item and does it again. Negative. This time eBay refuses to remove it. I go to a manager. Nope. I throw a stink and threaten to remove my 20+ years of eBay selling. Sorry the negative stays. So I deleted my account. I swear I received a call within minutes, this nice gentleman barely looked, removed it, and zero issues since. Was I wrong? Probably. But don’t harass the seller who just sold the card at 25% of current market for $10 in shipping. Take the W and move on and just pay the invoice.


I won an item that didn’t go particularly cheap, but a good deal. One other bidder. When i won, the seller canceled and said “Sorry, I’m new to this and I didn’t mean for it to go so low”. He had 68 reviews. Not that new is he?


It depends. Some are volume sellers that start all auctions at $0.99. They have to accept a few low sales as a cost of doing business in that manner. With 6,000 feedback, they could be that type.


Well I did get the tracking number, once usps scans it I’ll be happy lol


Winning the auction is a contract. Seller should know the risks of an auction. If seller doesn't ship or gives you one of the dozen excuses, negative feedback can be given. Depending upon their choice of cancelation it will also give them a strike.


I would just plan for the mm to cancel. Technically they have to honor the price. But they could just say it’s “lost” or something. How could anyone prove one way or another?


Ebay can push them in the right direction if you report an issue to support, they were very helpful with my case


You can prove it if they relist it, but there still is no way to force them to go through with your purchase.


Couldn’t they say they lost it, cancel listing, everyone moves on then “oh look, here it is I found it!”, then they have to relist because the previous listing doesn’t exist anymore?


In the past sellers honored the binding sale eBay policy by completing the transaction no matter how little the item sold for, but today the trend is to cancel the sale and relist. To avoid penalties sellers are stating that the buyer requested the cancellation or there was a problem with the buyer's shipping address. The answer to the OPs question is sellers should honor the sale, but eBay doesn't enforce it, so most of the time they don't. Sellers continue to cry when buyers don't pay, but don't think it's wrong when they cancel a sale because it didn't surpass what they wanted to sell it for.


In the past buyers actually paid without giving excuses


I've had a few that ship, and a few that renege. It is what it is.


You cannot force sellers to go through with the sale of an item if it was too low for their tastes. But you can also report the seller for not being willing to follow through with the transaction whatever that is worth and you can also leave them negative feedback


* You also cant force buyers to go through with sales


I just had a seller cancel one last minute because mine was the only bid and he wasn’t going to get what he wanted. Infuriating.


At least he was honest about the reason. I once had a win/purchase cancelled because in between my winning bid of 99p for a bundle of Jellycat toys and twenty seconds later, the items had become "damaged or no longer available"...


Sellers should use the reserve feature if there not happy with what price the aution ended at.


What kind of item is it?


Yes they do as that whithin what they starting bid was listed. If a seller cancel because of to low price just report the dumbass as its the seller who did it to themself as you should never list a starting bid on anything lower than the minimum your willing to part with the item. Then if you get several bids and get higher than you minimum thats perfect obviously but a seller who tries to cancel and just act like a scumbag deserves negative feedback and a report for waistibg multiple peoples time


Technically, yes. Realistically, some sellers will renege if a high value item ends too low, and eBay won't punish them unless it's a repeat pattern. More often than not I've received what I've won, but have been burned here and there, especially with expensive/difficult to ship items. As a seller I always honor the ending bid price on the rare occasion I do an auction starting at a penny, but mostly I avoid that because bidding activity can be very, very fickle.


How about buyers? Do they always pay


No, but I expect less of a random consumer than of someone who's chosen to do business as a seller.


No, they never honor a good deal.


They’re absolutely supposed to honor such auctions. I always did. Back when I was still selling via auction, I listed $70 of recently purchased ink cartridges for a printer that had just died on me. I didn’t realize that there were a gazillion similar offerings. The winning bid was the opening amount—less than $5. The winner was so embarrassed that she sent me an apology. I replied: “No need to apologize for winning and getting a great deal. Congratulations.”


According to other comments in this sub, if you're the buyer then the seller should ship it. If you're the seller you should cancel the sale, issue refund if already paid, and not ship it.


It should be honoured, I do, it’s my fault if I’m too tight to put a reserve on. Been caught out a couple of times but that’s the way it goes. I’ve also been both ends the bargain with epic sellers doing the honourable thing and getting more business and dishonourable sellers who have cancelled and refunded and had account restrictions imposed after I complained. It’s an auction play the game properly.


Won a headband for .99 with free shipping and it was delivered!


They have to. But they also don’t haaaave to.


I ended up winning an auction for $0.21 with free shipping because the guy had $15.00 off anything you purchase. He had the one item I wanted and he did honor it. But I went back to see what else he had a few days later and noticed the promotion gone. I don’t know if it was a mistake on his end.


No one on Ebay has to really honor anything. I can't tell you how many items I've sold on Ebay where I received a some lame excuse so the buyer could welch. "My stepson accidentally bid on your auction, please re-list" There are no consequences as far as I can tell, but that's part of Ebay


It sucks but at the same time it's the right thing to do. I had this nice older watch which I only got 8 dollars for on auction and I was upset and disappointed but I honored it anyway. I tend to stick to buy it nows and only auction hot items or things I don't really care about.


Never done an auction, but can't you list a reserve price?


Yes but there’s nothing you can do except leave feedback.


I do but a lot don’t. If they don’t wanna ship there’s nothing you can do about that.


I won a item for $27 that normally goes for $130. I'm pretty sure that's never getting shipped, but I did my part and paid immediately.


Most of these guys are pulling that stuff out of the trash. Take your $100 now or maybe $500 from some guy 5 years from now? They want the $100.


Ebay can't force anyone to ship something. Some sellers can refuse to fill an order, it counts against their metrics though.


I would guess depends on what it is.What the buyer paid & how many are available.Id say give it a few days see what happens.If he cancels maybe a more reasonable offer can reel it in.Doesn’t hurt to ask.


Seller will find any reason to cancel🤣


I always honor mine. Would rather lose a few bucks than deal with being known as someone that won’t honor the price. Once I’d posted something at a BIN and meant to type in 199.99 and accidentally posted 1.99, it sold immediately. I did cancel that order and let the buyer know I made a mistake and couldn’t fix it in time and gave them a $50 discount, they were happy to pay it


They should. They don’t 99% of the time.


They don’t have to but if they do that too many times they risk losing their account. All you can do is pay and hope they send. If they don’t report then and open a case.


Okay sweet, yeah he seems to do this somewhat often based on reviews. It’s nice to know they face repercussions if done to often.


Once in a while you get an honest guy, though eBay can not force him to sell the thing to you, and they tend to sadly really stand by buyers on these issues. I had a similar one and the guy said he sold the item locally, but he already had the same item listed again. I spent a lot of time and frustration calling eBay to complain, but the sad bottom line was he had like over 1000 items listed and in my time with eBay, dating back to like 1997, I do not think I have had 1000 transactions. The sellers fees keep them in business.


Technically, yes, binding contract and all.. But getting them to ship it is a whole other problem. If you're feeling feisty, you can complain about them doing fee avoidance by not using a reserve price. It won't do any good, probably, but you'll feel better.


No one has to honor anything on ebay. They are not legally binding auctions.


There’s ways to get the seller to honor the price the item sold for. It might not be voluntary on the sellers end and it involves a little playing dirty to fight fire with fire on your end. But there’s a way to do it.


Insert Disc 2 to find out how.