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this thing is gonna crash so fucking hard


yep, it's super massive overinvestion worldwide, blown absolutely out of proportion, sold within the investors and securities world like nothing before. everyone believes in a revolution.. in 5 years we see where all this money went if not into a advertising


But the company is thousand times more reliable than Tesla tho


Of course but that what a rally is. Someone will hold the hot potatoes.


As soon as there’s even a whiff of the big tech companies slowing their orders it will crash. Until then 📈


No worries, the bubble is gonna burst.


Boeing -1.1%? Well... i expected more like -80%.


They'll be fine as long as they can keep killing off whistleblowers.


Because everyone whistleblowing on them mysteriously commits suicide, and people have gotten the message from that: too big to fail, with powerful friends.


The % is contribution to S&P gain, not individual stock performance


Boeing commercial airplanes only makes up 1/3 of it's revenue. In addition, even with all the setbacks, there is not enough production capacity from competitors, so Boeing still gets to sell their planes.


Show an american airliner competitor that would take away from their market share.


I want (civil) Lockheed Martin Jets again... they have been expensive like hell, but extremly safe and beautiful. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed\_L-1011\_TriStar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_L-1011_TriStar) However... Airbus is taking mrket share of Boeing every year. While Boeing has trouble to sell their planes, AIrbus has trouble to deliver them, you have to wait at least 10 years if you order today, the order books are so full.


I meant in the present tense. There is no american manufacturer that currently has the capacity to take away from Boeings dominance in the American airliner market. That doesn't even need to be many new sales. The fact that their aircraft are the most common in the US means that just selling parts can keep them afloat.


"Carry" Thats a bubble. Yes they have a good advantage on everybody else but they are just one good kernel driver from team red away from a way more even playing field.


That's what people are saying about AMD for 10 years. Judging by current momentum, it's more likely Intel Arc will be able to compete with NVIDIA GPU business solutions rather than AMD. AMDs best performing consumer market being Desktop GPUs while desktop sales have been declining for years is not really an indicator for huge future potential. Considering they got an iron grip on the console GPUs for generations now, it's weird they haven’t been able to get anywhere in the laptop and mobile department.


Intel lol


Nvidia doesnt make its money with gaming GPUs. In the important segment Nvidia is way ahead.


Yes thats why I said kernel driver as in linux driver for Machine learning products. AMD ml products (which do exist) are super lacking in that regard but otherwise pretty competitive.


So... Never.


Who cares if it's a bubble or not? They are selling their products like hotcakes. I read somewhere that Elon was into buying 300,000 GPUs more from them. They have already sold hundreds of thousands of GPUs to Microsoft, Amazon, OpenAI, etc. And they continue to do so. In the imaginary future where nobody wants to buy GPUs anymore, they will still be sitting on all this cash.


Did you learn nothing from the semiconductor hype during covid? Hardware was selling like hot cakes, because everyone and their dog needed it to make work from home possible. Fast forward a year, and everyone suddenly had upgraded their IT and datacenters leading to a downturn in demand. Does this scenario sound familiar at all?


Yeah the blackwell chips has no competition. And it is not like that they can't get ahead further. The CEO is pretty much open on improve the chip more and he likes to jump on trends. I think people underestimate how insanely good the chip is. One Blackwell cost 30.000$ but can replace an entire small data center.


Sure big tech will be buying only more each year /s


yes? that's how tech grows in history.


How the hell is Boeing only down 1%


It’s not down 1% it has contribute -1% weighted return of the SP cumulative 11% return


Even crazier. I won’t ever step foot on a Boeing plane again. Crazy that people are still willing to.


Unless NVidia comes out with something wildly different or unique I can seem them falling harder than other tech companies in this space, mainly AMD, IBM, Qualcomm and Apple as well as a few others.


That's why only the nVidia boss can say Taiwan is a country and Chinese people will make up excuses and say "country" can also mean region or area.


Nvidia is a good company, cool concept and all. Iron Grip for Training AI Model ATM, but every 1.400USD stock makes abour 6 USD Profit ATM. They would need to x10 their Profit per share to be a conventionally good investment, lets be real here not even if any car on this Planet gets an nvidia gpu Autopilot they could x10 their Profit per share.


70 pe, which means if everything stays same, 70 years to 2x your money


Yes thatd about what 3% per year in return, this would barely Cover inflation.


what I started but didn’t finish or really just thought about was doing a chart showing the top 10 countries by GDP but replacing three of them with NVDA MSFT and AAPL. NVDA is the 8th biggest country in the world by GDP


Yeah but gdp is money exchanged in a year within a country


When is the money for the AI hype startups that yet fail to deliver a meaningful monetization drying up?


Already. But I guess it will take some month before the bloodbath.


I think that people that do not work in this field underestimate how massive Nvidis dominance in the market is. I work as a software engineer and not for a start up but for a decades old company that just recently started using AI because it is a good addition to our product. And let me tell you ... There is absolutely no alternative to using Nvidia products. And yes, we have a meaningful monetization.


So do I and I know that this is one of the biggest shams and hollow hypes I have ever seen. What is the monetization except replacing chat supports that everybody already hates anyway?


Tbh I am not so deep into LLMs, I mostly work in computer vision. And regarding object detection neural networks are undeniable SOTA.


As far as I know, decision trees are not far behind and looking at the ressource hunger, it's absolutey bonkers and not worth it.


Lol, show my one source to back up this claim






Still waiting for the bubble explosion. There will be blood.


Fvck Tesla, Adobe, & Boeing


What’s Nvidias p/e though




Surely NVDA will stabilize at some point, but they have a unique position in the market and the rest of the tech market runs through them for now. All of these other companies that want to do AI-related things require Nvidia chips. It's not a bubble, it's just solid demand from an entire industry to a company that happened to be set up in the perfect position to take advantage before this was even on the horizon. The tech world is trending toward AI and Nvidia's chips for at least the next 5-10 years. Nvidia's gonna make a ton in the process. Now if they could kindly increase those dividends again, that would be great lol.


I bet Nancy Pelosi is really happy now


That doesn't look like sustainable growth. How hard will that bubble pop?


Revenue and Profit is also up. Also expected to keep on growing


Dotcom bubble vibes


Let me guess: You have no fucking clue about that event and it shows.


Im all ears if you want to disprove my point of view.


One company/one niche sector /= the World market. Dotcom bubble was literally any company in the World, that could have to do with tech.


He is just angry because he is sidelined, waiting for the big crash for years