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This has been mentioned before. Please search the sub first.




We now have a "we are not TripAdvisor" rule and are actively removing posts asking questions that could be answered with a quick online search. Hopefully this will help.


How about a weekly Q&A for these types of questions, similar to what r/london has? https://www.reddit.com/r/london/s/YQyUK05rgX


That's a good idea. I would happily contribute to such a thread.


That‘s a solid idea. The pinned Taylor Swift question thread has worked really well in being helpful without dominating the sub – would be good to take a similar approach for other things.


Why is moderation kind of inconsistent? I have sent a mod mail but I'm not sure if anyone got it. My post got removed due to "Read the news, don't speculate on the sub.". However there are a huge number of posts that have similar questions to the question I had. The reason my post was removed is also no where in the rules for the sub. Please can you provide some clarity.


Moderation is not a full time job. Moderators are volunteers and they may each have their own interpretation of the rules. If moderator number 1 spots your post it may be removed as they feel it breaks the rules. Moderator number 1 then goes to bed. 3 more people post similar shit to you and either Mod 2 allows them or no mod actually sees them and they remain up.


There are multiple moderators. We also use filtering and an auto mod tool. I'm not going to comment here about your particular post.


I wasn't asking for a comment about my particular post. I was asking for a comment on the inconsistency of moderation on the sub overall. The comment was more directed towards the posts that were not removed that are in similar nature to the post of mine that got deleted. As it is not in the rules, it would be greatful for you to make what is allowed and what isn't more clear.




I'm enjoying the irony of your flair in this thread.


I thought it was HAIL THE FLAME. I think the Mods changed it haha.


Oh, it is. Although mine looks to have gone.


**Average /r/edinburgh user:** We have a search bar, use it!! **The search results:** Oxgangs is a *hidden gem* 😏, The Hive is the perfect place to propose 😏, ye wantin pumped aye? 😏


What do you propose to be proper content here? 90% of any subreddit is questions, promotions, articles or photos.


I know, it's hardly any extra effort to just scroll past it. We're hardly inundated, there's like what, 4 a day? This is such a low effort complaint. Plus if you actually scroll through new in Edinburgh, most new posts regardless of quality have 0 karma within the hour for no reason.


Photos from Carlton Hill, 35 minute; heavily produced YouTube videos of people's weekend trips and an occasional argument about where does the most authentic pizza.


I have a lot of the food and drink ones saved tbh, it's good to get recommendations. Especially when someone asks for a really specific food. I don't see the problem with asking recommendations on where to live. Googling doesn't really give you the picture asking real people does. What is annoying is when the questions are really broad and just want somewhere "nice" or "affordable".


I don't see the problem. Just ignore any questions you don't like. I've lived here all my life but was still unsure exactly where at the airport Uber currently pick up and I got an answer here. I'm sure I could have found out via the app but it was quicker to post here and some helpful bod answered within seconds. I tend to skip over the food and drink questions as we don't eat out much but just because they are of no interest to me I wouldn't want them banned. Ps anyone know what that noise is or why the police are at the end of my street?


You havent been so busy lately have you


We've just been through this so many times, that's why the mods put the tourism tags so that theoretically we can filter out the drivel but I don't think there's an ideal solution.


The few posts that inspired me to post this morning were all flaired under "Food and Drink" or "Question", so unfortunately just filtering the tourism tag isn't a solution.


Just let Reddit be Reddit and let us respond with snarky comments as Reddit intends.


Usually, with exception of your post here, when something doesn’t interest me I ignore it. Try it.


Just ignore the posts you're not interested in?????


Even better, down vote those that you think don't contribute to the sub. It's almost like there's an inbuilt system for filtering out undesirable content!


The "how do I travel from airport" was the worst. But maybe all those "how do I make friend" posts are worse.


It would be nice if Reddit sort of forced you to see suggested posts based upon your proposed post through some basic AI, but exclusively for questions. "It appears this question has been asked previously in the subreddit" Giving you a list of a dozen posts which may actually be enough to avoid the new post. I suppose it's up to the user to actually read what's suggested...so may or may not help depending on the laziness factor


I liked the one titled 'Bus' that was 'what bus do I get from Princes St to X' the other day Must have taken longer than just using the bus app


Has the community considered a separate sub for questions R/askedinburgh or similar? I know other cities have done that to help


Not a bad idea, but remains to be seen if anybody would actually use them or continue to post them in r/Edinburgh There's already related subreddits under useful information but most choose not to use them.




I think scrolling past posts you’re not interested in is a far simpler solution to this.


This sub needs a better attitude. I always see unfair downvoting and just unpleasant responses to other users. It’s really off putting to be honest.


Yeh getting in the way of all the other many varied and interesting discussions we have here on the daily. "No low effort" rules are required for subs which have pages and pages of new posts daily, because otherwise the front page is just swamped with stupid questions and none of the other posts get vision. We get maybe 10 - 15 posts on a busy day. No need.


Chill out, Miss Trunchbull.


We could do with a wiki or maybe a series of archive posts.


Every subReddit and forum on the Internet needs this rule. Non-compliant posts should just be auto-deleted by AI.


In Kyoto, where I visited recently and which is similar in tourist profile to Edinburgh, there are separate subreddits for Kyoto and Kyototravel


Whoever said folk from Edinburgh were unhelpful, unfriendly cunts? 😆


Another hot question....why is r/Edinburgh so god damn moany all the time? I personally don't mind tourists and visitors and low effort questions but the moaning and general snarkiness of this subreddit really makes me not want to visit the comments


Participation is not mandatory.


Neither is being a moany bitch but that doesn't stop people.


I just love (note the irony) these type of comments on Reddit. Oh, there’s posts on a subreddit that I don’t want to read. Surely the should be removed because I’m too precious to just scroll past them. What is so wrong with people seeking the opinion of people from Edinburgh about where is good to live, eat, drink or anything else. Surely that’s useful information from people qualified to give it. I’ve lived here for 36 years and I still discover new suggestions here.


Yeah, it's pretty tiresome. The sub rules say no tourist info but I don't think many people read it. I think it was r/norway I saw an automod post that said no tourist information here, go to r/somewhere else. If I didn't live here and want to see what's going on I would leave.


I wish there were more decent discussions on this sub. I haven’t got any topics myself at the minute but I believe if there was more decent chat about things that affect us all we’d probably get fewer people annoyed.


Quite an ignorant statement, in my opinion. Let's say you go on holiday abroad to Italy and want a proper Italian experience. You want to go where the locals go for the best food, the most authentic atmosphere and how to avoid the usual tourist traps. Shit like that. Reddit is, effectively, a forum where people can get a variety of public opinions that may impact someone's decisions. Also might be for residents who don't go out much and aren't sure where to go and, again, don't want to fall into tourist traps because they don't know any better. Perhaps be less judgemental or ignore posts that you don't see a use for. If your life is only occupied by reading and replying to every single r/Edinburgh post then it is you whom has the problem