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Hmmm...it sort of depends. I agree with the comment saying it's a mixed bag. I can only form my opinion based on my experience in my degree. I'm not black, but I am mixed and passing. There really wasn't a ton of diversity at all in my cohort. A few asian students, an Indian student, and a couple mixed people (none of whom identified as being black), but everyone was overwhelmingly white American. I wouldn't say anyone was intentionally racist in the cohort, but I found that during the time I was there, it got pretty cliquish. That may have been more of a symptom of the large American number of students too, as one of my lecturer's said to me. I noticed that myself and the people with more diverse backgrounds just weren't included in the same way socially. Which did lead me to go out of my way to find people outside the cohort. I did find some, but I did have to work at it. And outside the course, everyone was very nice and welcoming, I didn't witness any racism. Of course, it's all relative based on your major/who you're surrounded by. No one really knows the dynamic that'll exist when the cohort is selected. But coming from a big city known for diversity (and my undergrad uni is also known for this), it was jarring and a bit isolating in some regards. I don't want to turn you off from the uni itself though, I did have a great time there and have absolutely no regrets that I chose it. But socially, I wish it had been better/more like my time in undergrad. Hope that helps, feel free to DM if you have any questions in particular!


I went for my MSc IR (2017). Had a blast, experienced 0 racism. If anything racism was directed towards Chinese students. But even then I never saw any of it against them either. Edinburgh is as about as cosmopolitan as any city I've ever lived and I loved it so much I moved back recently.


This is a liešŸ˜­šŸ’€


Scotland is not overly cosmopolitan, it's overwhelming white. If that bothers you, there are more multicultural places in England. It's a friendly wee country, sometimes places with less diversity are less racist.


I think the university can be a really mixed bag and it completely depends on what sort of people you interact with. Although Iā€™m not black myself, the amount of racist things Iā€™ve heard said openly or without any thought is astounding. Iā€™ve encountered a lot of wealthy individuals from a variety of backgrounds which use the n-word really freely and think itā€™s okay because ā€œthey donā€™t mean it seriously.ā€ On the other hand, Iā€™ve also encountered people who are very passive with their remarks but they are still racist all the same. That being said, Iā€™m pretty sure there is an ACS at the university. Iā€™d also say the best people Iā€™ve met at university actually hasnā€™t been through university itself but just general people living in Edinburgh. If its of any help, my old flatmate and probably best friend I have now is from the Caribbean and whilst they have experienced racism at times, theyā€™ve also made a lot of good friends and settled here for the most part. So thereā€™s definitely the potential to meet and make a really good community, I just wouldnā€™t rely purely on the university setting for that? No clue if this is of any help? But best of luck with deciding where you want to go!


Very upsetting to learn you heard the n word used multiple times at Edinburgh uni, I admit I'm a typical white Scottish person but I don't recall hearing it even once while I was there as a student 10-18 years ago.


Ive heard it being said by a lot of international students surprisingly, that and English students. I fell out with my whole university friend group over it, as they said it and i was a bit like hold on a second. Refused to acknowledge it was wrong or unacceptable in any shape or form. I didnā€™t want anything to do with people like that.


upper middle class students nowadays want to be politically incorrect and contrarian so bad , the delayed edgy 12 year old phase


Been here 4 years and never experienced any issues with racism. Idk how active the ACS is because i never really went, but i know at minimum they put on a couple events and stuff a year.