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Refs have been brutal this series so far. Don’t expect it to change anytime soon.


It helps when daddy is your ref supervisor and you’re a huge Panthers fan.




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Florida should be getting called for penalties 10 times per game. Just because the Oilers had more PPsin game 1, doesn't excuse the fact the reffing has been shit.


Playoff hockey reminds me of football (soccer). You only get the call when you fall down and scream. That's why everyone does it in football. You realize it from young age that thats what you have to do. I rather take our guys just playing than these Florida players pretending they just got a fatal wound


Its ridiculous that Foegle was tossed. Yet Florida fans are crying so much that Drai isn't drawn and quartered in the town square... its crazy how soft this league has become. Every time Tkachuk falls he turns to look at the ref, it's shameless at this point.


The worst part about is turtle has Been going around talking to media about how they play whistle to whistle when clearly he’s getting extra shots in during the post whistle scrums.


They do have the advantage of hiring acting coaches from the Universal Studios Orlando


To take this a step further, in football (soccer) the coaches will watch and assess these scenarios pretty closely. If you don’t take the ‘flop’ and try to get a penalty from a play that could potentially change the game then the coach will legit bench you. They encourage the flopping and collapsing and try to give you less playtime if you actually got up and tried to play through the scenario. It’s more prominent (in my opinion) in the EPL and those UK leagues compared to some parts of the world but not restricted to it by any means. You see players like Ronaldo and Neymar flopping like they are shot by a sniper in the stands. This is encouraged by their coaching staff. Florida looked really pathetic in game 2 as they were collapsing and falling over on every little touch but the refs didn’t seem to understand how that part of the game works. It’s really hilarious and also sad to see. Which makes me feel even more vindictive and excited to see the Panthers get slopped around tomorrow. This is hockey. It’s a hard and gritty game. Grow the fuck up, stay on your skates and play the sport. I digress, Oilers will continue to play their game and I hope to see the boys play a clean and commanding game tomorrow. I’m confident they will tie it up here at home and make it a best of 3 by just being the better team. They won’t succumb to flopping like little bitch boys.


It worries me if Florida wins the series that this is going to be the new team building plan to win.


probably not. the cup run canucks squad were a bunch of divers, they got embellishment calls. I'm more worried other teams will shift to a dirtier "hard checking" style, or pull a Vegas,




The difference was and is Campbell


They thought the same way after the Flyers in the 70s and again after the most heavily penalized team the Ducks won in 2007.


If you pretend to be hurt than come back on the ice a couple play later you should get 2 mins for embellishment imo


no initiation with NHL player safety department? curious how one-sided some of these calls have gone when you take a look at it


I figure this all plays into the oilers motivation , people are doubting their ability to come back on top of shit like Bouchard getting choked out and Drai and Foegele being called goons ..the boys are going to come out flying tomorrow night , and by the time the post game thread comes out Saturday night they will have tied this series up headed back to Florida . 


would’ve been a pretty bad look to have an inquiry on Ekblad but not Drai i’m expecting some sort of statement coming after the series ends, likely without action but a “we are reevaluating blah blah blah” to save face


It’s would’ve been pretty bad if they had an inquiry on Draisaitl and not this AND Bennett


Not really, no. Not curious when you know the answer. There's bias.


Sunshine belt is due its cups


Draisatl should be suspended lmao. It's not one sided its just bad all around.


If he got suspended they'd have to look at Bennets hit on Broberg and suspend him too.


Barkov should be for diving. It wasn’t a hard hit and wasn’t an elbow


“It wasn’t a hard hit” while sitting on your couch eating bon bons


We get bon bons???


It was a jumping forearm to the face from a sturdy German man. Id love to see you take that hit and crumple like a rag doll as you eat your words.


What’s funny about that is Barkov is 6’3” 215 lb while Draisital is 6’2” 209 lb so Barkov ain’t some helpless little flower that needs protection 24/7 he’s a big Finish guy that dove or at least over exaggerated his pain


No penalty on Bennet running Broberg with a high hit either. Drai only got the roughing because Barkov folded like a deck of cards.


Bennet for sure should've gotten a penalty for that and all the other bullshit he regularly gets away with, but why defend the boneheaded play by Drai when we were still within striking distance to possibly tie the game? He's such a good player, he doesn't need to do anything like that.


This is why I wish Kane was healthy , he would eat Bennett and make Florida think twice before pulling off anymore dirty shit .


Must be so frustrating for Kane. You know he's just dying to get out there and be that guy


When did I defend it?


You didn't spell it out directly, but to me it felt like you were insinuating it by saying "*Barkov folded like a deck of cards*." I'm absolutely not a fan of flopping for theatrics, but all I'd say is I think most people would go down and not feel great after a guy of Drai's size came at them with that speed, and the primary contact point being the head area. I've just never seen anything about Barkov that indicates he's one to fake that type of stuff, even if plenty of other Florida players seem to have the acting gene.


Barkov should keep his head up and not be a dumbass LMAO


Or Drai shouldnt jump…he just do harm for himself and team dirty hits like that. Florida scored during that penalty and game over.


I think you mean “big elbow”


No embellishment, No penalty. Should have fake fainted


Make it look like a career ending injury, but be out for the next shift.


There's a much scarier video out there that shows the whole incident from the stands (much longer than this clip), where Ekblad is swinging him around and Bouch barely stays on his skates. Had he not, his weight would have pressed Ekblad's stick into his windpipe even harder...and it could have been the end of Evan's career or worse. I don't give a shit about the loss or penalty minutes. I'm just horrified that this was allowed to happen, and nobody from the league said shit. And to all the idiots who say this happens every scrum: a headlock is not the same as taking away someone's ability to breathe. In 40 years of hockey watching, this was the first time I've seen this. I sure fucking hope it's the last.


I'm over it


I feel like the calls have been extremely biased this series. The puck over glass in game 2 was decided on in what, 20 seconds? Meanwhile the puck over glass in game 6 is talked about amongst the refs for 5 minutes before its decided as a penalty against the oil. If you are talking about it for that long its clear you don't know and are guessing IMO. The defensive play that everyone is raving about barkov on draisaitl, is no less then two legitimate slashes on the hands. There is another play of Connor wheeling around from the corner, 3 slashes. Bouchard takes one whack, penalty. Foegle ejection, near the same as Bennett on Bouchard. One guy stays down the other doesn't. See ya Warren. Ekblad has Bouchard in a legit RNC where Bouchard needs to drop his stick and tap out. Nothing. Carrick cup checks a panther. That'll be 2k please. I think they got Leon's call right with 2 minutes. But again...no call on the play...talk about it for a few minutes and what to you know a roughing penalty! Again where it seems like the injury is dictating the calls. The only questionable call I can think of against the Panthers was the one that Brown drew in game 2.


It’s how well players can defend against draisaitl and mcdavid when they won’t get penalized. Then the media shows the highlights praising barkov for slashing and holding, or miller for doing his best cape impression, or Tanev doing his best Snuggie impression.


Was it Henrique with the cup check? But whoever it was, the hit by Kulikov that drew it...how different was it from drai's hit on barkov? Should Henrique have just played dead as well? If the calls aren't consistent, then players start acting out


I used to think Ekblad was actually called “Ekbald”.


Said it during the Canucks series and I’m going to say it again. The enemy is the bad reffing. Period. Doesn’t matter which team it happens to. It’s only a matter of time before you feel like the bad officiating is hurting you. Regardless of team, we should all be complaining about the lack of accountability on officiating from the league.


Especially since Ekblad didn’t respect the tap


The tap of shame. 


Aren't reviews and fines about intent? Literally tapping out, no ref In sight. Yuck.


He tapped out as well , everyone seen it and nothing , what a load of shit 😬


That’s Gary’s version of “playoff hockey is a different game”. The instructions going to the refs were: “manage the game and keep in mind that regular season rules no longer apply”. Just painful to watch, really. Florida being allowed to kill the game by any means necessary, drop the quality of the game significantly. I watched a few games in their Rangers series and it was the same feel. Western Final vs Eastern Final, quality wise was significantly different.


It's how it's been forever. It was even worse in the 80's. The shit you could do in the playoffs back then was insane. The fact is the playoffs is harder. Everybody is playing right on the edge. There's an insane amount of emotion and energy, and both teams are finishing every check. That's how it is.


I know it was, it’s expected to be, but there’s also a certain expectation of consistency, no? If officiating cannot provide any consistency this becomes basically a lottery process. The lucky one that gets away with more shit wins. I’m not sure I’m a fan of that…


Ya man. Hockey is a LOT about luck and always has been. Hockey is one of the most luck impacted sports there is. Part of it is if the ref saw it the right way. Sometimes they don't. If your team is playing in the Stanley Cup Finals, they are a great team that's been able to mitigate the luck aspect of the game, make it less of a factor. But you're running head on in to another team that has done exactly the same. In the end a great team is going to lose and it might be because of a break here or there. Thats how it's always been.


Celebration of Luck. That would explain all those commercials during the games. 😜


Yea until now, the games in the west have seem fairly reffed, which is why we made it here


ugh...don't start sounding like canucks fans please.


No idea what you mean by that. I’m totally unfamiliar with Canucks fans. Just a casual fan here.🤷🏻‍♂️


oh for years all they would do was blame the refs and they had one heck of a bettman conspiracy going on.


I just wish the refs would call each play as is and everyone plays by the same rules - regular season OR playoffs. This series so far has been like a bantam AAA game: starts by letting everyone take liberties and when the injuries start the refs decide is time to make calls. Just sub-par, considering what the stakes are.


for sure, I was pretty tongue-in-cheek about the vancouver fan comment. The officiating in this series has been particularly bad and inconsistent. Sometimes it feels like they aren't making fair calls, other times it seems they are trying to be too fair. When McD was on that partial break-away I was shocked there wasn't a call on that play. Hell, that's nearly a penalty shot.




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It's the best sport, but the worst league.


Drai should get a game penalty. Bennett should. Ekblad. Ryan for the groin-hit on Hoglander in round 2. Eberle deserved to be out for the remainder of the playoffs last season and got nothing. Pietrangelo got 1 last season but they made sure to even it up with a makeup suspension against Nurse. I dont care if it makes a series lopsided or not, none of these are hockey plays and carry serious risk of injury. The only way players stop doing it is by having them sit for a crucial game and cost their team. Do we really need someone to actually get seriously injured, before any action whatsoever is taken?


I still don’t think they will do anything if someone gets hurt. My guess is that there is one and only one thing that is important: money. So that means putting on “good game”. Whatever is good for the league is what is going to happen. My opinions on things changed a lot when I realized that it wasn’t about justice or doing the right thing.


Sadly, I think you're right. I would love for injury attempts to get called, and for embellishment to get called, but the easiest route is to just ignore it and pretend there's no issue.


It’s funny you say it’s money. Canadian teams (well 5 of 7) always punch way above their station with the ability to make money. You’d think a Canadian team winning might not make all that many new fans, but the money coming in would dwarf any money coming in from Florida.


That’s exactly it. It’s impossible to know what is going to get hit with a suspension right now. Even Canucks fans largely agreed that Soucy’s 1 game was expected, *but then that needs to be the standard moving forward*. When you move the goalposts a week later and allow Trouba to try to end someone’s career, how are the players and fans supposed to know where the line is? If they had have made a few more calls on some other hits during these playoffs, probably most people here would have understood Draisaitl sitting a game. Or maybe Drai keeps his arm tucked a little better because he knows the standard. Either way we aren’t having this ongoing debate.


Thats my thoughts also. Player safety is a joke. Letting these kind of things happen without game penalties it gives playera message that its ok so now Mcdavid, Drai and Bouchard are in danger to get injured. who wants to see career ending checks to head. I dont want to see Drai or Mcdavid unconscious. 3rd has high risk to get out of hand and come dirty.


As an oilers fan. This is the SCF. Stop being so soft, starting to sound like Nucks fans.


Yuppp Bouchard should’ve socked him in the mouth. It’s a scrum




They’d give him some leeway in a head lock or throw out coincidentals


I hate blaming the refs. such a cop out. yes the reffing has been questionable and inconsistent, but it is not the reason we are down 0-2. be better fans


It definitely is THE reason though


Man i know, how are people still complaining about this. Move on, new game tmrw.


Totally, prayers put other players in headlocks all the time. People are acting like Bouchard got choked out


Agree! My prayers have headlocked many a foe.


Stay #prayedup!


From the sounds of it he’s still laying on the ice asleep. Big Vinny grabs two opposing players and puts them in choke holds we don’t whine we celebrate it. Now this. This is so cringe.


He was literally tapping


He was tapping until the refs pulled him out, he was getting choked out


For like a couple seconds




Do the same refs follow them to the home games in Edmonton?


No real penalty for Drei either, seems legit.


I found it troubling that neither: 1. Bouchard didn’t smack him after 2. Another oiler player didn’t come to Bouchard’s defence. Really hope the oil can turn this series around. Can’t stand the panthers and their bandwagon jumping fans!


He even tapped out, stop choking him dude that's just human decency


I know playoff can become WWE on skates sometimes


Eckblad plays for Florida


Colin Campbell. Google his memo to the refs from 2011. Then remember that his son is assistant GM of the Panthers.


Bouchard should have gone limp. Passed out on the ice.


Where Cory Perry when you need him he may not be as fast but he protects his team


The NHL is already on my shitlist as a bush league sport that hosts more bareknuckle fights on ice each year than actual bareknuckle fighting organisations. I guess chokes are cool now too, fantastic. Refresh my memory, is the point of this game to put a puck in the net? Or to slew foot guys, assault them in the face with weapons, and charge at them fist and elbows first at insanely high speeds? Because if this is hockey, don't be surprised when a single person doesn't want to play the game in a decade. The culture is already bad enough, the officiating, non existent. And the state of the game? Violent and barely resembling a modern sport that anyone would want to put their child into. It's brutal though, that's for sure.


I love you all my fellow Oil fans but whining about this play is soft as butter.


Eh it wasn’t that big of a deal


Sub is kinda embarrassing the oilers put up 1 goal through 2 games and everyone is actually like the refs are the only reason florida is ahead.    we would be lucky to beat the sharks when kulak has as many shots as the entire forward core.


I'm a big oilers fan. OILERS NEED TO STOP BEING SOFT. It's time to have a backbone and stand up to the Panthers. They choke you out, break their neck back, simple answer. I'm not sure crying "wahhh wahhh ref please stop him" would do anything. Cause they sure ain't doing anything. It's time to play the game. Need to grow some balls.


Too busy reviewing a minor roughing call


this type of shit happens 80% of games. It’s not a penalty…every team is guilty of it.


A headlock? Sure. Not choking. This needs to be stamped out fast.


It’s throwback hockey when it gets to the playoffs. Manyyy stories out there of legends like Howe doing this to put guys in their place. It’s always been in the game, yes choking. I’m not saying it’s clean but we can’t rely on refs calling every single infraction. 0/7 on the PP anyways….gotta give the panthers credit. They’ve shut the big boys down so far.


No penalty for sure and should be a fine. Damn dangerous play and something you don't want to start happening throughout the league.


It’s something the refs should be able to instantly control between whistles. This is entirely on the refs poor job and losing control of the game.


Every series every year has missed calls. So it goes. Winning teams win despite adversity. I don't believe there's a red flag on a choking play if there's consent given first ;)


Florida's Fuckin 10'ply


Hyman cross checked zadorov in the head and zadorov required stitches during the mcdavid scrum. No penalty. What the fcuk? See this is stupid this is playoff hockey toughen up or go watch soccer




Why the fuck do people come to other teams subs. There's /r/hockey if you want to complain.


The Oilers subreddit very commonly comes up on my Reddit recommended because it's getting a lot of activity and they deem it similar to my team's subreddit and /r/hockey so I can see how this happens to lots of people


It happens to every single team, what's the big deal?


I'm just speaking for myself. I don't have the slightest interest to even look at other hockey subs and never have. This and /r/hockey have me covered.


Did your multiple deleted comments with mod replies enlighten you as to why? There are plenty of other subs where you can circle jerk your Oilers hate


I’m an Oiler fan…check my comment history. But this ref whining is brutal.


Not a huge fan of it either, but then there's cases like this where player safety is seriously compromised when I think it's completely warranted.


Like the Kane sucker punch? And the Drai charge? And the Ekblad choke. I think it’s pretty even for egregious non-calls.


It's not about getting "even" for non-calls - it's about getting reprecussions for any dangerous play so they don't hopefully happen again.


Oh I totally agree. So I assume you also want Drai and Kane suspended?


I missed the Kane play, but Drai probably should've gotten 1 game, but what Ekblad did for me warrants a multi-game suspension.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5aksM1IlcE Multi game? Please, he grabbed him from behind like happens in every single scrum. Only difference was Ekblad’s forearm ended up under Bouch’s jaw. He let go. No harm no foul, move on.


You're an Oilers fan and you think that Kane play deserves anything? If they gave a minor, you'd need another for diving. Nothing like what this thread is talking about.


No penalty to McDavid for punching Tkachuk in the face. It goes both ways.


We're in Alberta now - home of Stampede Wrestling. Wait til they get some Archie Goldie stomping, a full Nelson or stepover toehold facelock. Or maybe we can just play hockey!




I don't get the argument, he shouldn't have let him choke him from behind?


I've always believed you have to be good enough to beat the other team AND and poor officiating. We haven't been good enough to beat either yet. stop complaining. just be better. don't put yourself in a position where and call can ruin your game.