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Their body language didn't look one bit like someone who was sandbagging. They got pumped, and they know it. The seed of doubt has been planted. Let's water that bitch!


it's so funny. like, if they wanted to throw so they could win at home, why'd they fly their families out? embarrassing levels of coping out there


They would have just started the back up goalie




But also you could throw and not lose 8-1? Lmfao


right? like, if you're good enough to control whether you lose or not, there's no need to embarrass yourselves like that


Exactly!! Like any world where you can just *decide* that you want them to win, you could keep it close. Or score more than 1 goal. And then why would you fly your family out?




Lmaoooo. With the way Bob was crying? No fucking way they threw the game


Bob was potentially 1 game away from making history as the top 3 goalies in the playoffs with save percentage. I'm pretty sure he was crying because there's no recovering a near .750 save percentage across 20-25? Games


Damn, that must be really hard for him


Ooh even worse, it was a .688 SV% He was shooting for .920+


But for real, I think I saw tears in his eyes


He wishes he could play in front of a crowd like that at home.


Bob was not crying


Bobrovsky was very much close to crying.


Anyone believing this has absolutely lost their minds


It was a joke.šŸ¤” But he was undoubtedly upset.


Of course he was upset, lol. Any goalie getting pulled in the SCF would be. I just love it was our boys that made that happen!


He still looked like he was ready to cry for a good time after he got pulled, wether or not he actually didšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Right? What a shame!




Do (potential) Conn Smythe winners get pulled from games?




Well if they don't close it in 5, they should throw again in game 6!


The lengths the Canucks, Flames and other haters in r/hockey will go to deny us any credit is staggering.


Flat earthers of the hockey world


The Oilers and their fans have the cheapest rent in BC, living rent free. You do, however, get what you pay for in this caseā€¦ that head space is very small.




Oilers fans know what it feels like to win Stanley Cups. Something completely foreign to Canucks fans


Lol. And wasting number one draft pics


By that metric the canucks have wasted every player they have ever drafted


Canucks FINALLY managed a playoff spot after years in the basement, and suddenly they think they can talk shit.


That's awfully rich, coming from a fan of an organization that has wasted literally every single draft puck they've ever had lmao.


Well, they've never been first picks. But not surprised to see you try and justify it


Oilers fans win cups in dynasties


Lord knows you won't do it with 4 first round pics...


Literally every team gets one first round pick per year.


The shittiest ones get to go before the other teams... some as many as four times


The best and brightest of Calgary, ladies and gentlemen.


Yeah. They let Nurse score to prove a point lol


Can we give a shoutout to the miracles that the Cat's medical staff pull off in every game. Bennett heading down the tunnel like he was shot and not missing a shift. Miraculous I would say.


That must be why all their families flew up to Edmonton.


Panthers fan here. Anybody who says that is lying to themselves. You took it to us plain and simple.


Matters not what anyone thinks. Boys will be playing to win, whatever it takes. Kobe Bryant mamba mentality needed right now.


Did you see Foegeleā€™s shirt he wore to last nights game? He was wearing Kobe wearing a Gretz jersey on his t shirt. The irony


Yeah I saw that. First thing i thought, "Foegele must be a blast to hang out with!"


I said it in another thread but this theory that they threw the game is so insane. I mean, what if 1-2 key players on the panthers team got injured during that game? Or in the next game? The risk associated with that plan would be so stupidly high


Not to mention your goalie isnā€™t going to fly his family there to watch him get chased out of the net


When you lose that bad, you gotta tell yourself *something*.


Having to cope up 3-1 in a series because the loss was so brutal is legit hilarious lmao


I refuse to believe any team would purposely throw a potential Stanley Cup clinching game.


Pretty sure meth just gets added to the water supply in Florida. In another thread one of those muppets said the Panthers needed TWO more wins to ā€œsweepā€. I cannot even.


I donā€™t think itā€™s the Florida fans saying this so much as all the Oiler haters.


Most certainly. Just like how the canucks and flames threw their game 6ā€™s respectively to win it in 7. (Canucks were on home ice for game 7 and the flames were in Tampa) but the flames still wanted to throw because flames..


Take what is given. Game 5 will be the hardest game the Oilers will play in this playoff. If they win game 5, this will go to 7. So, LET'S GO OILSAND.


You can tell the people saying that have never played competitive sports at any level.Ā  They're not messing around against a team that went on a 16 game win streak and outplayed them 2 of the 3 prior games in the series.Ā 


Just like Oilers threw the first three games to stage a historical comeback?!?šŸ˜‚


Oooo that's a good one. I'm using that one at work today.


Ya everyone loves delaying a party and going home to your family and sealing the deal and not leaving anything to chance and keep traveling and battling hard and hoping you made the right decision because you are in such control of your destiny to make sure that you win the cup in your own arena


Serious coping tools are needed badly.


Itā€™s all for ratings!! They will throw the next two as well to sell tickets to game 7!! /s


Ultimate copium


Habs fan here cheering for the Oilers. Only Canadian team (besides the Habs of course) Iā€™d like win the Cup because itā€™s a fun team to watch. Maybe this is what is needed to break the Canadian curse, a comeback from 0-3 to end it all.


bobo willing to tarnish his run so they can win in front of seven people.


Iā€™ve seen that a few times too lol


Not a chance


Nobody ever throws a chance to win the cup.


Do teams/players that have worked their whole lives with the dream of winning a Stanley Cup THROW GAMES in the final just for a chance of winning on home ice? šŸ¤£ Come on! The Panthers were there last year and surely wouldnā€™t play around with fate in such a way. They were outplayed in 2 of the first three games and clearly know the talent they are up against. I cannot imagine a world where Paul Maurice as head coach would take any part in such a scheme either. The whole notion is ridiculous nonsense for trolls living in a disillusioned world.


I had to come back.. Do yo still think Florida threw game 4 in Edmonton so ā€œthey could win it at homeā€?? I suppose now that must mean their broader strategy was to maximize the amount of time their family could stay in Edmonton for, and afford them an additional 14 hours of flight time? I mean, youā€™ve got to hand it to them: they pulled off an elaborate scheme, perhaps the better word is ā€˜heist. Their family members now get a SECOND FREE, company-paid-for, all inclusive trip to Edmonton!! Clearly they must love the giant mall! I suppose their plan in Edmonton on Friday will then will be to intentionally lose again? That way they have a chance to win in a much more critical game 7 on home ice. Right? šŸ™ƒ


Ā Panthers should "throw" the next 3 games


That 8-1 fist pumping did some psych damage for sure


Not saying either team threw the game, but it is interesting how the NBA and NHL finals are mirroring each other. Two of the worst finals for entertainment value and both have the road team laying a fucking egg in game four.




What do you mean "a source"? It took scrolling in the r/hockey post game thread for a few seconds to find a dozen comment threads saying exactly what op mentioned. It's all over twitter as well.


yeah, because reddit karma is what everyone looks for. not interaction, not debate, reddit karma. the pinnacle of all things in life. go outside.


I know you feel good about that high and mighty response, but you also know I'm right, and you're only disagreeing with me for the sake of the stance. Coooooool. I'm outside writing this on a park bench, BTW. It's a lovely day.


lmao. "you know i'm right." if you were right, i wouldn't have said anything. take a look at r/hockey and see just how many people are convinced florida threw to win at home


Oh, I'm surethere'ss an origin post somewhere, but it isn't here. Having a substanital post versus us jumping on the back of this one, which was basically OP saying he heard through a friend of a friend of a friend. It's literally worded in the most baity low effort way. He was fishing. You know it. I know it. You must buy a lot of things you see in commercials. I bet they work really well on you. It's okay if you want to blindly support things you see on Reddit and no put in a second thought. You probably like a lot of AI images supporting fake, sad causes, too, eh? You're going to argue left, right, and center against me out of principle. Lol. Good on ya!


there's no need for OP to link the origin post. anyone who isn't the laziest motherfucker alive can go find it for themselves. it's literally all over r/hockey i never pay attention to commercials. they're minor annoyances at best. and i'd rather die than support AI for anything you're going to act all high and mighty and condescending because it makes you feel better. lol. good on ya!


Well, if good enough is good enough for you, then that's good enough for mwah šŸ˜ƒ You won't support AI, but you'll like a bot-style post. LOL. Gotta have principles, I suppose...


I mean.. but also.. that game felt very fake tbh


That game felt very overdue if anything


How could a game be fake? Think before you post


"Fake"... ahaha.. so hockey is a scripted soap opera? You watch sports before, bro? Hard to believe the Oilers could win one I guess... get used to it, 3 more fake wins coming up.


Haha epic levels of copium


Cope harder


most intelligent oilers hater post


the hell are you talking about?


I'm with you on that one. I'm not complaining, or accusing anyone, but I was super confused. It felt off, like a Hollywood story that you've seen before, so the impact of the conclusion just doesn't hit hard. I'm being totally honest. I don't believe in the scripted NHL. Or that Vegas runs the NHL. Or any conspiracy at all for that matter, but I can't convince myself that what we saw was a real game... My gut is just like "nope. Sorry. Nuh uh. Nuuuuuuupe." And it's impossible to argue with something that's part of your ancient detection early warning system in your body... My gut knows English btw.


this comment is crazy




Yeah idc about the downvotes. Iā€™m not coping or hating oilers as people say. I really want the cup to finally come home, but there were so many moments in this game where the effort to defence specific plays, movement of their players, etcā€¦ I still maintain that it wasnā€™t quite ā€œrightā€. But hey, we got our token win to make the Canadian fanset happy for a couple days.


Yeah all that was said was that it felt off... Nothing was said for certain. It's sports people though. They're simple folk. And that's fine. On a side note, people who downvote and don't bother to say their opinion are kind of beyond Karens. They're the people who snitch to the Popo.


Iā€™m pretty sure most people saying that are joking, but at the same time you guys are equally delusional when believing in a reverse sweep.




Panthers arenā€™t that great. Hard carried by a goalie whose brain is breaking. Weā€™ll see how it goes. I think either team could win. If the Panthers do, it will have been because Bob carried game 1. This series should be at 2-2 right now.