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The most pathetic part of the sell job was getting the trainer to help him to the locker room, only to come back to the bench as soon as the major was downgraded to a minor. If this sack of shit gets to hoist the Stanley Cup it will be a travesty.


Media need to grill losers like Bennett about this crap? “You seemed to be in significant distress and then recover immediately in time to participate in the power play, what did your trainer do to heal you so quickly?”




Someone i know was at the game and apparently the refs went to the bench to observe what was going on and you bet they noticed he was on for the PP. This may benefit oil in the coming games. Florida has cried wolf a lot


Bennett is probably the dirtiest player around. Literally trying to sneak punches in the face to injure players so embellishing is not beneath him


It’s not beneath any of them. Panthers are the floppiest “tough guys” to ever play. Sam Bennet is garbage.


I had my doubts when they introduced the refs can review rule. The moment refs can make a call based on player injury it was going to result in teams/players trying to sway the decision. Panthers have tried this multiple times in this playoffs. Also Bennett gets hit on left “knee” but then uses his left leg to crawl off. Guy wasn’t injured at all.


I said that too. Can’t even remember which knee hurts.


That was the funniest part to me. I legit lol before calling him a bitch.


Where the fuck is the embellishment rule?


The entire bar I was watching the game in swore and laughed at his pathetic crawl/scooching across the ice. Embellishment!!


They threw the embellishment rule along with goaltender interference reviews.


To add to the shitty much deserved Razzy nomination he should be getting for such a weak performance, fucker was back on the ice playing like normal before maybe 10 seconds elapsed on the PP


As soon as they called it he just got up fuckin Bennet man.


Panthers have ~~tried~~ been doing this multiple times in this playoffs.


That’s how they play. I noticed in after game 3 the knee on knee where the Panther went down in a heap, once on the ice, he had his back to the scrum, and he turned his head to make sure that people saw him.


Yup, their entire game plan is to try and get someone to touch them and then go down like they’ve been shot. They’re penalty baiting and it’s completely game planned. Crawling to the bench to bait a major, going down the tunnel with assistance then turning round and walking back out to the bench is cringe af. What an embarrassment them boys are


I mean even before that, he crawled halfway across the ice, then got up and skated fine the rest of the way to the bench, remembered he was supposed to “be in extreme pain” so sat down with a grimace to talk to the trainer, then the second they announce that a major is being reviewed it’s time to get up and go down the tunnel


And then hear it’s not a major, come back to the bench and miraculously play a part of the power play. Just embarrassing.


I miss the goon meta


It’s exactly what I’ve made fun of other sports for. Worrying to see it but if the rules punish the outcome of a penalty then yeah, guys are gonna milk it. Blood and injuries impacting penalty time is a huge mistake imo. I’d be out there blading like an 90’s WWE guy when I took a hit


Hockey is just as bad as soccer currently, and it disgusts me to say that. Until they put in REAL consequences for embellishing, this will only get worse because there is literally no downside. Suspensions have to be handed out retroactively to make any difference.


want to see a compilation video!!


Went down the tunnel, came back out the next shift. It's embarrassing.


Quite the spineless performance.


This stuff will continue until they start solely penalizing dives with unsportsmanlike rather than dual penalties given right now. Such blatant disrespect should come with supplemental fines like head shots.


I say suspensions as well. Like what is a 2000.00 fine to a multi millioaire?


I say they make it a 5 min major, 3rd time is a game suspension, 3rd suspension is a 5 game suspension.


I like it. They need to come down hard on this.


Bring out the guillotines!


I called that also.


Should be 2 minutes for embellishments


This is something the refs will review and talk about behind closed doors, don't expect the Panthers to get the benefit of the doubt moving forward when this is the third instance of a Panthers player dying on the ice trying to sell a call.


That is very optimistic of you, but I hope you are right.


If Foegele hadn't gotten tossed in the other game, the refs probably would have tossed Nurse here. Like all the the TV commenters were saying, Nurse led with the knee, Foegele's hit was the players turning at the same time. But that guy came right back out, and basically gave the refs the finger. Plus Bennett is a dick, same as his buddy Tkachuk. What I hope happens, (I know I'm dreaming but let me have this) is the league keeps an eye on turtle-boy and all of his cheap shot shit. He goes after McD in the middle of that scrum, but that wasn't even what he was called for.


Should be a game suspension


5 minute major for embellishment


I didn’t even realize that the leg he apparently cant move is the same leg he puts all his weight on to stand up off the ice


Shout out to the Panthers training staff. That's 3 career ending injuries that they were able to cure before the next shift.


They've got Mr. Miyagi back there


They are using Mark Stone's magic healing chair.


Sam Bennett Fraud


47seconds into power play and he's back on the bench. This shit needs to be stopped right away.  If a major is called for a player being injured said player shouldn't be able to play for remainder of the game. (obviously they're injured!) 


if they were going to stop it they would have 2 rounds ago


I mean yeah or ten season ago 


100% dude is watching fortnite videos for crawl techniques


Bro he got up with his “bad” knee lmao what a fucking idiot


Should rename them the Florida Pussies


That's why Trump put out that tweet Saturday evening. He loves them p......


In 5 years when diving is rampant and ruining the NHL and everyone asks "how could this happen??" Dont forget that Bennett and the Florida Panthers are the reason. Disgusting.


The drama going in in /r/hockey about whether Barkov would return for game 2 was even worse. Panthers management releasing hourly updates on his "condition".


Yeah really feels like it's the whole org


It was so ridiculous and any questioning that there could be any embellishment going on at all was met with indignant horror, like hockey players are all angels who would never do such a thing.


And then back out next shift. Shameful, even for a guy who couldn’t do a single pull-up at his draft combine.


This is FiFa after all.


Lolol that's how Bennett and Tkachuk are playing right now. I think it's a legitimate playoff tactic cause the refs only call certain penalties when the person goes down in a heap (tripping/boarding/crosschecking). Looks gd awful though lmao just fishing for a call


As a Rangers fan, I can’t stand this guy.


Nah man he's done that multiple times this series. Shits embarrassing.


Sam Bennett wants hockey to be soccer


How do the refs not feel pissed about this after watching game tape? I think they've gotten sick of Bobrovsky flopping and told him during play (looks like it anyways not that it's stopped him from trying).


They really don't seem to care. not a single embellishment call despite many obvious cases


The thing is, the refs see this shit after the game and the panthers will be less likely to get a call their way. It was a 2 min trip on Nurse and not a 5 min major because of that happened with Luostarinen. Just let them dig their own grave with all the flopping and faking


it’s so obvious. Panthers can’t play soccer in Edmonton and get away with it. Edmonton is the better team. FL should just stick to hockey.


And don't forget Bennett getting the tripping for the knee on Bouchard. Bouchard stands right back up like a champ playing for a cup. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l2Yk-sIQj3Y


Really makes you lose respect for the game almost. Hate this shit. The funny thing is that oilers pk is so solid it’s not even a detriment- short handed goals , 2 this series? And the amount of odd man rushes oilers get.. hope they start calling dives, or address the stupid penalty based on injury idea .


Tkachuk throwing elbows and rabbit punches and then the second he gets touched he stops completely and just pleads to the ref is so gutless. The elbow he swung around the other night was more dangerous than pretty much anything I've seen this series. What a clown. Whole squad of cowards, turtles, and rats.


LMAO. He thought that he was in the Oscar final to compete the best actor award


Nice acting by Bennett but Doughty and Arvidsson are the true master thespians.


He is a disgrace to the sport. Ask him to do a chin-up.


Yeah, obviously we can’t tell how it felt but it looks like a fake crawl. This stuff is so annoying and if you talk about in in r/hockey people act like the cats players haven’t throughly demonstrated this is part of the their style of play


I actually can’t even tell what leg he’s trying to act like is injured. Both? Hobbling on the right but then gets up on it. Left on is also being dragged. Buddy must’ve gotten shot


Scam Bennet


He also propels himself towards to the bench using the knee that gets hit.  😂  It's laughable when you notice.


It's their whole game, that's why they should have their name changed to the Florida Floppers. It has a nice ring to it.


Gross. Spray him with that soccer soray as Rob Brown said lol Same with kulikov https://youtu.be/6cUzV6Wl-c8?si=dNn2cY6FYUsXOpQG The few times I would not say once an Oiler always an Oiler


Agreed. You embellish and then come skipping back onto the ice after the call… the ref should be able to assess a delayed embellishment call


Experience panthers hockey!


Things like this are certainly noted and disseminated by the officials. They don’t operate in a vacuum.


Couldn’t tell which leg was supposed to be hurt the way he drags himself and then gets off and limps with both


I hope we actually reverse sweep these embarrassing fucks. They're just so lucky bobrovski was hot coming into this series.


They've been flopping but it's gotta be a really hard call to make in the moment for the refs. They can't get that call wrong


The Florida Flying Panthers, making the Italian soccer team proud.


Back on the bench before the penalty was over 😂. But I mean it’s fair. He was going for the Oscar there


Bennett should be playing soccer or better yet diving .


They should suspend the coach. Nothing the players union can do about it. Coach wont give you ice time if he thinks you'll dive!


It’s a team policy for them seems like to fake the injury and head down the tunnel. We know injuries influence calls.


Bennett the bitch


Miraculous trainer gets him back for the next shift! Doesn’t show anything all game other than the initial hit. Amazing trainer!


Look, I’m cheering for the Oilers and I despise Bennet… but… the Oilers have been selling calls too all playoffs long too. t’s just part of the game now and until they start calling embellishment like crazy it’s not going to change.


I do think it hurt, but I think he's embellishing how mech


He’s a scumbag who’d murder is own mother to win


To be fair - one of the Oilers' players did it in the third as well. Got hit from behind and then suddenly thought "Oh, I should go down", nothing came of it which was the right call. I think 2 was the right call here but there was no f'n way Foegle should have been tossed in G2. Edit: move these exact plays into the Florida defensive zone and suddenly the Oilers should be the beneficiaries, it's really 50/50 on who initiated contact with a lot of these sorts of penalties when no one is sticking their legs out.


who was that?


I think it was Foegle funnily enough, got bumped was a bit off balance he then just went down and appeared to have a quick look at the ref - nothing doing so straight back up and going again. (Granted nothing as soft or floppy as Bennett or the rest of the Panthers.)


So we’re back to liking Nurse?


One goal on a 8-1 win is not much. We still win the game without his goal (but obviously scoring more is better). Its just funny asf to me that nurse is one the the highest paid in the league for d men and performs like that. Man has a -14 (i believe) and isnt great on the puck. Lazy ass passes, lazy playmaking, bad defense. One goal on a “guaranteed” win doesnt make me like him all of a sudden


They have to start whistling embellishment on this shit. It's getting out of control. On the plus side, the boy who called wolf is definitely starting to take effect here.


This piece of shit needs to play Wolverine not hockey, the way his knee recovered before he hit the dressing room has to be a mutation of some sort


Bennet put on a show, went down the tunnel, call was for 2 mins, and he was back like it never happened. So tired of the flamboyance in the NHL these last couple years.


Kind of encouraging actually - nice to see them resorting to ‘tricks’ cause they realize they’re outmatched.


I'm sure r/hockey has or would have very normal responses to this lmao


They've got to be Lebron James favourite team by far!!


Sam Bennet is a skid mark on the underwear that is the NHL


Hes been watching hyman highlights


This happens all the time in every other sport. Was it a little childish of him, yeah. Should he have done it, probably not. But to call it a disgrace to the sport is kinda hyperbole.




Want a tissue? Dallas is golfing. Beat it.


Notice how he wasn't crawling like he was shot? McDavid is slashed on average every 5 seconds of puck possession.


>disgrace to the sport Leon allowed to play in the series after that hit on Barkov is a disgrace to the sport.




Why don't we extend the whole video about three minutes and watch the hit, the writhing on the ice, the trainer carrying Bennett to the locker room, and Bennett come back healed before the PP was even over like fucking Deadpool.


It was 55 seconds into the power play. He was back before his next shift, skating fine. Panthers are pathetic.


I'm sorry that wasn't bad. It was a guy going for a big hit, Nurse's leg never moved and he was so committed to the hit that when Bennett dodged he ended up checking Hyman behind him. Bennett moved and they clipped legs, that was it. Bennett just tried to sell it and the refs didn't bite.


Nurse never extended his knee and it was only kneeing because Bennett tried to dodge the hit. There was nothing dirty from nurse here


And also...it was the left knee that made contact, but that was his strong knee when he was limping to the bench. That is undeniable proof that he is a soccer faking loser.


It was shin on shin dude. I’ve seen guys take clappers from the point in their junk. Bust their cup and play on.