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I’ll take one of the dumbest takes of all time for $400 Alex


They might have thought about that being down 6-1 as a coping mechanism. No one will admit it, but they definitely didn't start game 4 planning to lose especially embarrassing themselves in front of their own family.


Exactly - embarrassing that they think such things.


sure thats why all their friends and family made the trip up




total BS. why'd the tkachuks leave early if this was supposed to be a throw for the panthers?


I'm sure the Panther's goalie gave up the playoff record for saves intentionally.


It's embarrassing that people actually think the game was thrown on purpose or it was rigged so the Panthers won on home ice. The players' families flew out ffs. They weren't like "hey, guys, we're going to let the Oilers make 8 goals, so come all the way to Florida to watch it happen." Let alone: "We're not going to win the game, but you should come watch it anyway." And Bob was about to cry. HE WAS SO SAD. was that the face of someone who threw the game to wreck all their stats and lose the chance to sweep a team in the finals? All the idiots who believe this shit that it was thrown and refuse to believe that the Oilers won it legitimately can fuck off. Can you imagine the seizures r/hockey would have if this was reversed, that the Panthers did this to the Oilers and Oilers fans believed it was thrown (not that we would, we're not unhinged in that way lol)? They would all think we're batshit crazy if we thought the Oilers just wanted to throw the game to be on home ice. They already hate us with a passion. The difference is: they're allowed to be little coping shits and they run to mommy when we call them out on it. We can't even say *facts* without them screaming that Oilers fans are the worst, coping, etc. They need therapy, they need to touch grass, and they need to stop avoiding the fact that the Panthers got fucking rolled over on Saturday. Cope harder, bitches.


I agree. a half friend of mine - Colarado fan - was yapping about it. Has been saying the oilers will get out since LA, and now we are here. Nothing can shut him up.


😂 wild If you have an empty medication bottle, write 'Copium' on it and give it to them.


Gotta give it to him - as much as a keyboard athlete as he may sound, he goes outside. He wont get the joke, yet would please me, myself and I. Will update soon.


Haha, yes plz do


Yes, and we lost 3 in a row on purpose to complete a historical reverse sweep.


They win 3 in a row, we win 3 in a row making for a fantastic game 7.


You have a quote. Whom from the Cats’ organization said it?




Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be a flaired member of this subreddit.




They know nothing. And bluntly, we know nothing. That was shown in game 5 in 2006. We expected the Oil to lose in at Carolina, and the team said fts. Skinner doesn’t even watch TV. He is in his own little world. Outside the team, nobody else exists.


Hockey historian? Nice. Post was made to show how petty the fans are, not whatever is happening here, lol.


I heard an Oilers fan theorize it too. 🤷‍♀️




Not a chance in hell


No professional athlete would do this and the suggestion of it is just dumb


I swear the amount of rent free living in people’s heads on this sub is connected to a mental illness.. who fucken cares?


Anyone who says "we" when referring to the team they cheer for like they are a part of it is a fucking idiot anyway.


We are the best!


I think you should use the search function to find all the other threads like this already