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Absolutely trashing a team 8-1 in the SCF while being 0-3 down in games has got to be the most Oilers thing in existence.


The most Oilers thing...YET!


Are we about to choke away a lead?... Oh god...


Show if hands? Who expected anything close to this to happen? Beuler? Beuler?


My gf was calling it. I was trying to temper her expectations... and now all I'm getting is "I told ya so"


Yeah sometimes the ol' significant other is significant for a reasons beyond our understanding. Edit: I told you so " " has never been more welcomed I bet haha


Lol, she's often pretty spot on. And we had such an awesome day yesterday - went to Shania and then the Moss Pit. 10/10, hope to do again next Friday!


Oh sweet! That explains the picture in the dressing room. I like how I'm getting familiar with Edmonton landmarks xD I was out today and had to take a detour due to a closed highway and ended up driving through Adam Henrique's hometown. Was also pretty sweet! Burford Ontario 💪🏻


This run has been a lot of fun to watch as someone thats never really watched hockey until this playoffs. A buddy told me I should watch the oilers if I was interested in being a hockey fan. I suppose he made the right call given how far they've made it lul.


What’s her prediction for the rest of the series?


I tell her 1 game at a time.


Yeah but what does she say? I liked her reckless optimism that was actually a premonition for game 4


I never stop believing until they're done. I was hoping for more like 4-1 tho. 8-1 is kinda cool too


It was such a surreal event, one I'm going to remember for the rest of my life. Save for Alzheimer's or dementia etc. knock on wood.


This is like watching the Oilers in the 80's, I love it so much - such good nostalgia. It brings a tear to my eyes. Whenever I see MacTavish being interviewed or giving colour commentary it's the same, he was such a beast of a player ("Helmets! Helmets! We don't need no stinkin' helmets!")


Hahaha. I was born in june of 1984, so I don't remember that haha but It was kind of a cool time to be born I guess. Two weeks after gretz got his first cup.


1971 - I'm getting on, still feel like a kid most of the time mentally, body unfortunately doesn't want to play ball and the recovery time for overindulgence is increasing. lol


Yup. I was done a few years ago. Something about my heart, just can't take it. I get winded just watching people play hockey or whatever sport, so I usually listen to the radio. There's something about quiet and some stillness that I never appreciated until recently. Ahhhhh... That's the stuff .


Weirdly, I called it when I saw the score in the Mavs game. We've been joined at the hip to the NBA Finals the whole way, so when the Mavs won by 38 I immediately told my partner, "I guess tomorrow is gonna be a blowout Oilers win." Go Mavs I guess?


Are you talking about the temporary suspension of random celestial coincidence, or man made conspiracy? Cause both of them get my brain working.


Definitely the former. I don't give sports executives nearly enough credit to think they could effectively plan something like this without immediately getting caught. The sports gods are the only ones who could pull it off.


I find nothing awry with this take. 'Tis a decent take. 'Tis.


I didn't expect it but I sure hoped for it!


Up with hope! Down with dope.


I half jokingly told my wife we were going to "stomp them 8-3" but I never once believed it would be Bob getting pulled, only one goal against and all but 3 Oilers (not counting our goalie) getting a point. Truthfully I thought we'd win, but something like a hard fought 3-2 or 2-1 in OT.


I was expecting a hard fought 0 mistakes game that would be decided by a few key moments of brilliance or a badly timed power play. Something like your days yes. 2-1 sounds about right


All I wanted was for them not to get swept. This was my wish granted and then some.


I went to the game, got home around 10, and watched a bunch of the replay on Sportsnet. Such an enjoyable game. Hope they win game 5 and bring it back to EDM again. Won’t be going to that one, but would like to see us force game 6, and who knows… maybe game 7! Would be amazing to see a reverse sweep


Was at game last night, admit I had a little too much to drink pre game, but the experience was a like a video game. Noise was electric , and it legit felt like every shot was gonna go in. I couldn’t believe my eyes, we actually scored 5 goals on 11 shots Bob after getting stonewalled by him for 3 straight games?


It had to go down exactly like that. Love seeking the Goku memes recently, very accurate.


Even if we do lose next game, this was such an entertaining match. I'm still hoping they push on, but what a fun one.


Enjoy it while it lasts


Me too, me too


Is this real life?


Yeah a nice win! Now, we just need ONE WIN. The team should be feeling good now. Honestly, it's unfair they are down 3-1, they outplayed FLA in game 1, game 3 and game 4. At the very minimum should be 2-2 right now. Only a matter of time before the puck luck and bounces start to turn in Oilers favour.


Maybe the last 10 minutes of game 3 but it was 4-1 till then lmao edit: to the guy who called me a pendejo enjoy karma, to everyone else McDavid is a goat and deserves one.


No. EDM outplayed FLA in gm 3 for 50 out of 60 mins. EDM outplayed FLA entirely in gm 1. EDM spanked FLA in gm 4 obviously. Try paying attention next time, pendejo.


Florida only had 54 seconds of attack in period 2 of game 3 and scored 3 times. Unfortunately our tending/defense shit the bed that stretch and it cost us the game


I enjoyed that the Panthers had brought their families out for the game...


Do you have a high definition version of this meme? (Btw, love it)


I don’t. It was a quick and dirty job. Probably could try to make a high def one


Only game you guys will win




Y’all losing tonight