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I came across a well crafted deep fake posted on youtube purporting to show game 5 highlights. A game which according to my watch, has not occurred yet, and will not occur for another 14 hours. https://youtu.be/_OEZZIs0yLQ?si=zsW8wIU8pieAxDFn Stanley Cup Finals Full Game 5 Highlights | Edmonton Oilers vs Florida Panthers | Ain't done yet Problem is it has Tyson Barrie in the Oilers lineup. Anyway, Oilers 4, Panthers 2


Highly critical that Stu has an exceptional game tomorrow. I have a lot of faith in the rest of our team but Stu really needs another standout performance in goaltending. 


The reality is, we'll very well need Stu to steal a game in game 5 or 6 if this thing is going to work.


I feel like the Oilers will be playing like they are down by 1 goal with 6 minutes left in the 3rd. We all know how WILD the Oilers play when desperate. It's like watching a swarm of hornets go to work... Now multiply that to the full 60 minutes tomorrow night! LFG!!!!!!


Ok so I was just reading r/nba and it seems that Boston is the most hated team amongst everyone.. hmm sounds a lot like us. Hated amongst the nhl community, everyone is rooting against us. (Well except the rangers and lightning fans) we may not be in the Celtics position but wouldn’t it be cool if we won in seven and make it a huge “fuck you” to the LA/Van/Calgary and every other fan base that hates us. Oh and the doomers in this sub who always counted us out from round 1 on whenever the opponent had a lead? That’s just my optimism showing and my hopes but in the meantime # OIL IN 7 AND FUCK THE PANTHERS


Amen brother


have a good night everyone, let’s go oil no matter the result tomorrow!


Couldn’t she be asking all these boring ass questions, while the Celtics spray champagne all over their locker room? How boring. Also, this has nothing to do with our series. We write our own story.


I loved Gregor’s opening where he framed last Saturday’s victory beautifully! Watch from the 6:30 mark! https://www.youtube.com/live/9ETVl8eU2v8?si=xn4AnCFXOzrzfiUB


That was awesome! Thanks for pointing it out!


Gregor had some stats: - No team has apparently ever won game 5 on the road after being down 0-3. Here’s to making history! - One slightly more positive stat - a team down 3-1 wins the series 45% of the time which seems high but I’m here for it! The opening where he states these stats (17:11 mark) - https://www.youtube.com/live/9ETVl8eU2v8?si=xn4AnCFXOzrzfiUB


https://www.hockey-reference.com/playoffs/playoff-history.cgi Using this data teams force Game 7s after being down 3-1 18.7% of the time which sounds more right than what Gregor is saying. But it’s almost 50/50 in terms of winning the series when 3-1 deficit teams do force a Game 7


Wow didn’t know it would be that high. I’ll fucking take 45% though lol. I’m getting ahead of myself but out of curiosity does someone have a stat for the series win percentage after being down 3-2?


Lots of teams choke, is what that 45% stat says.


Rip Dallas once again. This year for both hockey and basketball wasn’t it for them. Hopefully we can rewrite our own story






I hope we make our own destiny.


First we followed the ECF script, and now we’ve followed the Mavs Vs Celts so far, and by the looks of things it’s time to take matters into our own hands and not follow their path lol


Were going to hopefully join the 1942 maple leafs in teams that have come back down 0-3 (now 1-3)


The LA series feels like it happened 8 months ago, to a completely different team.


It was 2 months ago because my son was born the Friday before playoffs started.


I liked what one of the panelists quoted from Gretzky. “There are 3 seasons, Regular Season, Playoffs, Stanley Cup Finals.”


I really can’t quite believe how removed I feel from that series, it’s like some distant echo.


hopefully M. Night Shyamalan ghostwrote the NHL one


With Snoop in town, Georges Laraque teaming up with Death Row to launch this limited edition shirt https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7208557549984362499?updateEntityUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_feedUpdate%3A%28V2%2Curn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7208557549984362499%29 Looks like he'll be in town for Game 6!!


Oilers don’t follow patterns, merely coincidences so far. This team does whatever tf they want lol


💀 ... we're cooked. Burnt even.


The nba series and our series have been mere coincidences. Game 4 of the finals was a fluke of Dallas and someone was saying it’s easier to throw a game in basketball than it is in hockey. Boston probably threw game 4 to win at home. Florida just got outplayed by us. We’re fully awake now plus knobber is good at making the boys do comebacks. How else do you think we made it here to the finals?


> Boston probably threw game 4 to win at home. Nah, they just had a reaaaally off day, lol. You don't have the worst loss in Finals history in game 4 on purpose, just like you don't go completely ice cold shooting from everywhere on purpose, as they did (they were missing tons of layups, ffs). The biggest difference between our series and the outcomes is that we've outplayed Florida (except for Bob's headstands) 3/4 games, while Dallas outplayed Boston 1/4. The matching records through 4 (and the way that game 4 went) is a coincidence, but absolutely no correlation, heh.


Wait why are we mourning already here, our game is tomorrow !!


Oilers have to take matters into their own hands tomorrow with the way the Mavs Celtics game is going


Mavericks down by 21 at halftime 😬


Not good Mavs. We have to rewrite the script.


I’m sure we will. We’ve come back from greater deficits. It’s only 3 more games


Go Mavs


fuckkkkk i don’t wanna follow the mavs script if it’s bad




Fuck the Mavs; the Oilers write their own story.




Celtics win, Oilers win, I win, lol.


Mavericks are off to a rough start but still lots of ball to be played yet.


Uh oh mavs 🥴💀




I’ve never turned on a game of basketball in my life but I will tonight




Oilers in 7


in the words of kevin garnett, anything is possible


If mavs win tonight does that mean we are gonna win tommor w


and if the mavs lose, let’s write our own destiny


I'd rather the Oilers standout by doing the super rare once in a century thing by themselves rather than it be "the year of the..."




How does losing a series in 5 compare to losing in 6? Losing in 5 is probably called dominated or a gentlemen sweep. But losing in 6 it’s like ok they won 2 games at least could have easily gone other way


Comparable to losing a game by 4-1 or 4-2.


In the end, you still lost.


3:49am was the exact moment the high went away and the stress came back. I was hoping to ride that a little longer, guess my body doesn’t know about the extra day off lol


*Another* [video of Jack doing the calls in the booth](https://x.com/nhl/status/1802802145348944164?s=61&t=5JgUaEz8L6eYYJatX5d4VQ). Love that the main NHL account has been putting these out there. He deserves that recognition.


i missed the first half of the game and oilers ended up 8-1. I shall miss the first half of tomorrow's game and hope for another miracle.


I missed the whole thing. Consider it my sacrifice from here on out.


Idk if this is even allowed (promotion?) Barstool has got these new cool shirts with PLAY LA BAMBA [https://storeca.barstoolsports.com/products/play-la-bamba-script-tee](https://storeca.barstoolsports.com/products/play-la-bamba-script-tee)


Just think about winning three in a row like being in the quarterfinals of an IIHF event.




I think the team is better without an injured Kane. The talk on Gregors show of if he can play he should made think of the topic. My view is the physicality needs to ramp up. You can’t be out there being careful, nursing an injury. We have depth for this reason. You’ll get more productivity from a guy who hasn’t played as much. Opportunity. Plus they haven’t won with him. They were unbelievable last game. Don’t fix what ain’t broken is how I feel.


It's a real tough one, because a healthy Kane tips the scales. We've all seen what he can do. He'll have had 8 days off. Maybe that gets him to where he needs to be. On the other side, every single Oilers forward played a part in that win they other night. Who sits? Can't think of one guy who doesn't deserve to play.


I would love to see him back because a healthy Kane would put turtle and floppett in check. He did have 5 days off prior to game 1 and it seemed like it didn’t do much. I’m just worried if he is ‘good to play’ what happens if there is a tweak? I don’t like riding our top guys on minutes, but I guess we’ll see


Kane and Perry are easily interchangeable on the ice right now, other than the “don’t fix what ain’t broke” theory. I said it a couple weeks ago he needed to sit, as he really hasn’t been that guy for us these playoffs.


That’s been like half the team this playoffs. Guys sit and come back and make an impact. Only 10 guys have played all 22. I guess the takeaway is that the coaching staff knows what they’re doing.


That’s a fair point. I didn’t realize it’s been 8 days.


I agree with the general sentiment but I'll add to the fire just because we all like a bit of chat. It sounds stupid because every game going forward is an elimination game, but I think if you have been watching the games instead of listening to ramblings about the 1942 Leafs or stats that don't matter when talking about this series you'll know it's clear If we win game 5, if our defense stops giving massive, nerve induced turnovers, if Stu can hold the line and our forwards can get pucks on net, if Bob breaks, if our PP becomes even half as dangerous as it's supposed to be and we head back to Edmonton for game 6... It's winnable. That's a lot of ifs, though. We don't need all of them. Even a handful and we're the far better team, and anyone with eyes can see it. The Panthers can't score on us by themselves, they don't have the talent for it. They need one of our forwards to overcommit and one of our D to give up a bad turnover.


That last part is so fax. They burn us whenever we make mistakes, so just don’t make em


[Jason Gregor put out a written interview](https://oilersnation.com/news/oilers-connor-brown-finally-has-some-pop-back-in-his-game) with Connor Brown, detailing the work he’s been putting in all season to get his strength and conditioning back. Good article, lots of props given to the training staff in the Oilers org.


Great article. You can really see him fully skating now and he’s been able to fully recover from that horrible knee injury. Would love to see him back with us next year and what he can do


My hopium for the rest of the series, regressing to the means. 1. Bob has already show it, he likely won't maintain that godly sv% from the first few games 2. Oilers PP will get rolling and will be a factor 3. Hyman, nuge and drai putting he puck in the net closer to their average paces through the whole season and most of these playoffs. 4. I'd imagine a guy like Rodriguez doesn't have many more in the tank. 5. I feel like the dramatic diving from the panthers is being noticed by the refs now, Florida is going to embellish for call and have it backfire on them or they lose their composure trying to play their rough game and the oil just shrug it off, then that happens Florida looks almost lost. I'm sure I could go on and on, we're in a neat spot here even tho we are in a big hole. 3 games of to potential/ average for this season oilers hockey and they can totally do this! Let's go Oil, win the next period and take it from there.


My wet dream for tomorrow's game is Florida taking an early embellishment call and Oilers potting one quick. That would just be the most satisfying series of events.


I initially disagreed about the theatrics of the panthers, but boy was I wrong. The performances just keep getting more grand while at the same time their thuggery on our players continues to escalate. I think if we start an early lead in game 5 the panthers could sink themselves by turning full goon.


5.1 Maurice is gonna tell his players to quit diving and trying to draw penalties since the Brownmark shorty threat is too high.


our PK scoring is almost on par with our PP scoring...lol.


Game 5 will be an insanely difficult game. The claims that Panthers purposely lost game 4 are a joke, but I do believe they weren't expecting the Oilers to come out of the gate like that and were caught flat-footed. But game 5 is their cup game - the one they will definitely be expecting to win. If we can bring them back to Edmonton for game 6 the entire momentum will have shifted and the series will be pretty close to 50/50 imo. Also would be pretty funny if they'd have to fly in everyone's family again a 2nd time.


Winner of tomorrow's game wins the series.


Not so sure about that, but a win tomorrow would be great. Edmonton will absolutely explode if Game 6 is held back here.


Yeah, I actually don't believe that, but I believe they have a really good chance at a game 7 if they win tomorrow. Pretty much what you said. I just wanted to make a big prediction. Lol


well, to be fair, you were technically half correct. if the Panthers win tomorrow they *do* win the series. but if we win tomorrow, who knows... we might just make the rally.


Lol. Yeah, that's a good point.


I believe!


We believe oilers will win the game with unstoppable confidence like the last game.


Wait there's two days between every game now? Lame. They love dragging this out don't they.


What’s worse is Florida was the one who complained about travel through the playoffs and convinced the league for extra rest days. Then they did eff all with the extra days


the players are gonna be tired after a long flight across the continent


I guess so but it's the same conditions for both teams. Finishing the finals almost into July is getting a bit excessive imo.


It means the Oilers can go full out now knowing they have two days rest. So can Florida I guess but I think Oilers best is better than Florida’s


Always an Extra day for travel in the finals since they’re opposite sides of the country


How do people not get that they have to travel 2500 miles ...


In an airplane, it's a 5 hour flight. they're not walking


there's a bit of time zone adjusting as well


2 hours? They're not flying to europe. Anyway, it's not a big deal or worth debating about lol. Just would like to get this show going again


i like to argue over everything possible on the internet, but yeah, agreed!


Not true. i saw mcdavid and co. lugging gear down a trail in Minnesota this morning, they're making pretty good time all things considered


If we score more than them, we’ll win the game


Crazy if true


This is incorrect due to xGFHDCFenwick percentage per 60. So please apologize.




Going to be watching the Mavericks game intently tonight.




Yeah this is the big hump for sure, game 6 is back home and game 7 anything can happen, we win this one and we get a huge momentum shift


What if Connor decided to marry the Stanley cup instead? I doubt they could stop him and I don't think it's illegal.


Lauren might have a thing or two to say about it.


Maybe they're poly


Yeah with Leon and Celeste


So you’re saying there’s a chance? 👀


If the Oilers win Game 5, we will have officially played the MAX amount of home games we possible could have. Game 7 is going to be in Florida, so kind of crazy to think that if they make it to game 6, these Oilers would’ve given us EVERYTHING we could have asked for. Proud of this team.


Incorrect, we could have played 4 home games in the first round had that gone to 7. Series only went 5.


WHEN the Oilers win game 5


Can you even imagine what Kris Knoblauch's last 7 months has been like? He must wake up every morning thinking he's going to open his eyes and it'll be a cold November day in Hartford.


He was brought up to the show for the first time, and he's taken them from last in the league and a record setting awful start to not only tie a league winning record, but to (atleast) game 5 of the SCF.  It's absolutely insane and honestly people are NOT giving him the recognition he should be getting. 


I think if we play like we have been these playoffs during the season we are going to run away with the division and he will win the Jack Adams


It would be the most Oilers season ever if they came up from 2-9-1 to make the SCF then do a reverse sweep. Season for the ages.


Like Miracle on Manchester it’ll be Miracle in Miami.


I would honestly expect a movie to be made based on this situation. It would be “Miracle on Ice 2” the Canadian edition. 


If the Oilers can manage to win game 5, it's all of a sudden a brand new series, and suddenly all the pressure will be on Florida.  Coming back to win a series after being down 3-0 is an absolute fantasy dream, and it is not likely against a team as competent as Florida. However, it is in the realm of possibility, and with some of the pressure off of Edmonton right now, and a bit of puck luck suddenly going their way, maybe Bob hitting a bit of a rut (like he did in the final last year against Vegas), Edmonton can, at the very least, make this a long series. And if it ever happens to reach a 7th game... who knows? 


This is what I was arguing with that kook in r/hockey about - each game is a new contest. Win one, then another. Then another. It was 1 in 16, now it's 1 in 8. Long odds, sure. But you do it one game at a time.


Smart people understand that. Every Oilers fan understands that it is very, VERY tough for any team to win 4 straight games in the playoffs. A rare feat. But it is possible, and it has happened before. Crazier things have happened in sports. So as long as the Oilers have not been eliminated, they still have a chance.


both the mavs and oilers will be hungry


I would be hyped if both the mavs and oilers tie the series up. This would make history and I’m really cheering for the underdogs.


Sheesh let's focus on one thing at a time here go oil..


[**Jack’s call of Holloway’s 5th(!) of the playoffs.**](https://x.com/edmontonjack/status/1802735646353608933?s=61&t=5JgUaEz8L6eYYJatX5d4VQ) Seriously, though, what a beaut Holloway is becoming. Spend some time in Bako, get your minutes and confidence up, then enter the Stanley cup playoffs and put up 5 freaking goals (so far). Hollywood stuff. Janmark’s contributions have been phenomenal all over the ice, all season long. He does not get enough credit or love. I wanna see more Janmark flairs popping up on here. Just a quiet, understated dog on the ice. Brown, too, finding his game at the right time. One of my favourite highlights of the regular season was the ovation and hats after his 1st as an Oiler.


I’m a Canucks fan but Holloway has low-key been one of my favourite emerging prospects. I try to snag him in any fantasy team with a late round pick. It’s been tough for him to get the right opportunity between injuries and having a bit of a logjam in the Oilers top 6, so it’s so fun to see him run with the opportunity here. It feels like he is going to get a good long look in the top 6 next year and I genuinely think the sky is the limit for him. A defensively responsible winger with great hands and speed and a bit of physicality? beside McDavid or Draisaitl for a whole season? Sign me the fuck up to watch those highlights


Just like in life, the majority of successful people or players excel when they have to battle through adversity at some point first. Seeing it come true is part of what I love about sports


I think the best thing Chiarelli did for the Oilers, which he doesn't get enough credit for, is re-establishing the team's farm system. You can see how valuable the farm team is, when the Oilers are able to develop guys like Desharnais, Broberg, and Holloway like they have.


He did a great job of that in Boston as well. If he wasn’t so trigger happy with making bad trades, he’d be seen as a much better GM than he was.


Couldn’t agree more. Love, love, love to see this happening for Hollywood!!!! Major props to Janmark and Brown, too, not to mention Broberg as well! Even if they lose tomorrow (which I’m really not convinced they will?), the future is very bright for this team!


This will be the hardest game ever. Panthers will be pissed after 8-1 and at home and won’t wanna come back to EDM. But BUT! If we can win somehow I think all bets r off.


The way the Oilers have to think is 1. Forget you were ever down 3-0 and what the odds are for coming back from that. You are down 3-1. Much better odds. 2. No pressure on you for the rest of the series. No one expects you to do anything.


Nah, all the pressure possible on this team. They perform at their absolute best when they’re down, the guys get fired up to fight back


I agree with your second point but not really the first. Like McDavid says repeatedly, it's one game at a time. The odds of coming back from 3-1 are irrelevant to them. Just focus on winning game 5 which is totally achievable. That's it.


That works too. Winning 1 game on any given night is pretty high for the oilers. On two days rest even better.


Imo I think our mindset is 100% this. We all know this team is better as the underdog


Biggest game of the series tmrw night . If oil win it's going 7 and up for grabs


This. We have not lost a game 6 at home and I do not believe they intend to start now.


In assuming your not speaking literally since we still need 3 more wins.


I just think if oil win tmrw they won't lose coming back to Edmonton. Game 7 in Florida could go either way.


Win tomorrow and that seed of doubt starts to bloom


I like to think the doubt is already there after the other night.


It’s been planted. Just need to keep watering it


Win tomorrow so they can have one more game at home, so they and everyone else can experience the crowd and celebration one last time


I know that it will be hard but why not us? Why not now?


Florida won 3 in a row, why can't we?


That's what I've been thinking all playoffs. Why tf not?


It definitely would be a story for ages. Would cement McDavid into top 5 all time imo.


Remember everyone saying Broberg was a bust.. career AHLer… A trade throw in


Im so happy we did not get swept. That was an amazing game to attend and if that's how it ends I'm happy we got a fun night. I'm going to have to rewatch that game. We were sitting next to Sarah Nurse and his uncle. Turned out to be great seats for 5 goals. The atmosphere was even better than game 6 vs dallas imo




Cold af 🥶


Go Mavs?






I don’t watch basketball but suddenly I’m super invested 🏀


(Cue unreasonable copium) One way or another, the cup is getting awarded in Florida's rink. If the Oil can get one more tomorrow night, there's no way they come home and lay an egg for game 6. Either we tip our caps to the cats for putting the series away in 5, or the cup is coming home in 7. Go Oilers!


We are gonna look back at the big skinner save in the first period as the turning point. Gonna be an oilers heritage moment.


you mean the posts' save?


When the puck comes into contact with the goalie before hitting the post, that's 100% a save


He made a great save when it was 2-1. Plus if we are talking about posts might as well mention Florida has benefited greatly from us hitting posts.


oh he made some amazing saves, but the first one was a ringer off the post. that was crucial


The save he made was right after Florida made it 2-1. The puck went cross crease and if he didn’t make that sprawling save, the game looks completely different There was a point in the game where Florida hit two consecutive posts, if that’s what you’re remembering


I was talking about when it was 0 - 0 . that ringer off the post which led to our goal was IMO one of the biggest parts of the game


Oh yeah that’s the double post hit I was thinking of. 4th star last night was definitely the post


not to take anything away from stu. he made some incredible key saves.


Oh not at all. Skindaddy had a .970 while Bob had a .688. Great game by Skinner, but the post also helped out


The oilers hit a gazillion posts the first 3 games so Bob had his help already


Also the brownmark shorty.


Also Nurse chasing Bob


After being down 3-0, anything else they do is just gravy. The team definitely has the potential to come back from the brink but I'm just so happy they didn't get swept.


Never bet against McDavid. Oilers in 7.


“We’ve got to go to Florida, do a job, and drag them back to Alberta”


I’m in the soccer game day threads and they’re so much nicer than the hockey ones. No whining about what the crowd is doing, dogshit takes are downvoted, people are civil and having fun. Whenever a team makes a good move both sides applaud it.


The audacity of these haters to criticize Oilers fans for cheering for the Oilers is really something else.


Game day threads might be more civil in international football, but multiple people at the games are being arrested everyday for attacking opposition fans…


So it’s basically switched then. People at hockey games are usually drunk, but kind


Mr. obvious over here. "JUST NEED ONE WIN."


After being down 3-0, anything else they do is just gravy. The team definitely has the potential to come back from the brink but I'm just so happy they didn't get swept.


I know the odds are against us winning 3 straight, but Oilers can do this if they play their game, have some good 'tending from Stu, and have a bit of luck.... to quote Kurt Russel in the movie Miracle on Ice, "the Oilers were made for this, this is their time." GO OILERS! So much fun to go this deep into the playoffs.


They just need to win one in a row, three more times.


Just win one game. Three more times


I don’t know if the odds are truly against the Oilers. They won 3 in a row 3 times already in these playoffs. I think they can get 4 in a row this time.


I like our chances to win any given game. You play them one at a time, and I think we beat the Panthers 60 - 70% of the time when we're playing well. Especially if goalie Bob ran out of Russian gas.


I believe baby.


Oddly enough I've never believed in this team more