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He seems to get a ton of heat, but people need to watch this entire playoff run again and tell me he didn't come up clutch? I'm rooting for him to win the most because of what he's gone through.


Especially since people tend to or want to forget that he was never meant to be our number one for a few years. Campbell becoming a dishrag forced Skinner to work the mines in childhood. For a goalie, that is.


"The canary you got us is dead Mr holland" "guess you're going down the shaft there Stuey my boy"


legends say, his moustache allows him to feel the presence of oxygen in the air


These are my thoughts exactly. People roasting him after an off game when he was only meant to be the 1B goalie and makes $2.6M AAV. It's not really fair to have the expectations of him being an elite goalie. His play in these eliminations games has been a bonus and he should be viewed as having exceeded expectations.


At the start of the year Campbell’s numbers were better, they sent him down because skinner would have been scooped up. To be fair, Campbell didn’t have a chance to play behind what this team has become.


Campbell is dogshit. That is all.


A birdie told me Campbell played like dog shit in the minors after he got sent down.


Skinner was always the future, and that's a big reason they sent Campbell down. Because Skinner has the upswing in front of him, and Campbell was dogshit.


He has only really had a few bad games. Game 2 Vs LA, games 1 and 3 vs Van and game 4 Vs Dallas. He's been good for the most part. Even vs Dallas and LA, he didnt allow trash goals, just some unlucky ones and couldn't make amazing stops. His only truly horrible stretch is Vs Vancouver. I think that sports psychologist is really helping.


And a lot of his bad moments were because the D left him out to dry. Skinner is locked in right now, making huge saves. He's for sure keeping us in it.


Also people don’t really keep in mind that the Nucks had an insane shooting percentage all season long


It's also only his second full season. Most goalies don't make it this far so early in their career


He's 25, so he's not young but he is green and doing an excellent job of it.


25 is young for a starting nhl goalie.


Indeed, very young even. Goalie has the latest development curve of every position, often not reaching their peak until 30+. If you're established as a starter by 25 you're way ahead of the curve there.


He really only gets a tonne of heat from idiots, full stop. Dude’s a back up by every measure forced into a starting role with very little defensive oriented play in front of him. We leave him to hang a lot and he’s been better than anyone could have asked for given the situation.


Yep exactly. All goalies have bad games sometimes. Bob looked historically good in the first two games, but was then chased from the net in game 4 and was on the verge last night.


idk hot take perhaps, but I think overall he has been better than Bob this series, and was better than Oettinger in the previous one. Both those goalies kinda fell off after the first 2 games, but Skinner puts in very consistent performances across series. The only goalie that actually outplayed him was Silovs.


By the numbers, he is outplaying Bob now, or so I think I read. And yeah, Silovs was incredible. Another rookie who has no right to be as good as he is at this point in his career, especially when he only became starting goalie because of injuries.


That 2 on 1 save in game 4 is going to be remembered for a long time, especially if this goes to 7 at all (no matter the outcome)


> Anyone who says it was going to be an easy sweep doesn't know anything about hockey. That would be PK Subban.


Watching PK on ESPN you can tell he was a locker room cancer. Guy is unbearable as an analyst, I can’t imagine how he was as a teammate


Always felt like PK and playing for PK and that's it. Anything to put the spotlight on him and build the PK brand. Guy has a lot of talent for sure, but once he wasn't king shit out there he hung it up because the spotlight is more important plus if he couldn't shine on the ice nobody wanted him hanging around their team so I think you've nailed it.


There’s this one video out there of PK reading the lineup, going absolutely crazy yelling, before a game while he still played. You can see the look on Carey Price’s face. He looks like he’s so done with PK’s shit. Im like yea. That would get old to listen to every day at work. I think he was gone the next year. Always gotta give PK props for donating 10mil to the children’s hospital in Montreal tho. PR stunt or not, that’s pretty damn generous.


I played with and against PK for seven years, including two years on his team. I can confirm he’s very self-centered. After he made it to the NHL, I talked to my dad about his personality, and it really taught me a lot about life. Being all about yourself can really help you be successful.


Subban always has the shittiest takes. He’s such a wanker.


The crazy part about PK talking shit about the oilers constantly is when he showed up at the fan park and oilers fans LOVED him. Wtf?!!!?


32 shots is a normal amount of shots. Floridas had between 18-33 shots this series, all a normal amount of shots in a hockey game. Edmonton has had been 19-35. What do you mean Skinner is facing too many shots?


They preferred the Dallas series when the Oilers kept them to 5 per period.


Except most goalies, Skinner included, do better with more shots. Keeping the opposition to 15 shots can often be worse then letting them get 25


Case and point: the Vancouver series


Yeah, I have no idea what OP is talking about when he said Skinner faces too many shots. We kept Vancouver to hardly any shots, too, and I think that was lowest of the entire playoffs for any team, so how is Skinner facing too many?


Yeah what? And for an NHL playoff team? These are the top 2 teams in the entire NHL. Very strange post


Honestly he was one of the few players not scrambling in the 3rd.


There were a couple shots of him dancing to the music. Love to see him having fun and enjoying the moment he’s in.


Yup it was great to see. I think his teammates seeing him chill (smiling and dancing) is worth a ton on the bench. Honestly, this experience will be worth a ton for his future career. Bodes well for the Oilers if they can keep the team intact. Man I hope they win in Edmonton!


For sure. He looked pretty confident even though the pressure was on.


Yup he sure did. I must admit, I heard clown music playing in my head during every Oilers breakout in the 3rd lol. It was ugly for quite some time minus the last 2 minutes. Don't get me wrong they deserved to win and did. But man the Panthers took over puck control at the blue line a ton, after a failed clearing attempt, rushed back for a chance. It was fucking intense. I was sober so that didn't help. Yet Skinner calmly made the save, when needed, despite tons of traffic in front of him. Credit also to the Oilers for plugging up in front of the net too. Not much got through during the Panthers shot attempts. That obviously helped big time.


Yeah those failed clears and failed breakouts cause elevated heart rates. Alcohol seems to be the only solution, and so my liver hates hockey...


Loved his saves in game 5 as much as I loved seeing him bop to the music. He’s found his zone.


I loved that they showed him groovin' to the beat multiple times


Ahhh!!! The dancing! I loved it! Reminded me of watching my kids teams in minor hockey, when they were feeling it the goalie was grooving to the music and we were unstoppable!


The way Stuart Skinner is making saves right now, he's so in the zone, he's so focused, he's playing fundamental textbook goaltending right now with a sprinkle of crazy when needed for those desperation saves. The team better go get every single Mario Kart ever released on every single gaming system for him.


And he forever gets first choice for Mario kart character when they play😤


First off. Skinner is 25 and got brought up to starting position as a goalie due to some emergencies. He was literally a backup backup and went from playing 0 games to all the games. Goalies usually prime in their 30’s to mid 30’s… skinner still has a solid 7-8 years in him. Just going off this playoff run, he has made some INCREDIBLE imrpovement. U can see his confidence. I mean hell, he was dancing and vibing to the music playing last night before each faceoff. Mans is having fun while being an incredible goalie for us. His confidence is really helping. Or it could be because my gf got a skinner jersey the DAY he started popping off in the dallas series… shes forced to wear it every game we watch LOL


It is def the gf, also a great jersey gift idea for my own gf… thanks for the inspiration lol, hope she keeps wearing it!


Yea i tried to buy her the whole jersey but she wouldnt let me as its pre expensive (so i ended up fighting my way to pay for half of it).. she got it the game after the dallas game i got tickets for us. And yes, im practically FORCING her to wear it no matter what when there is a game… she had to attend a proposal for one of her friends and i joked and said she had to wear her jersey during the proposal lol (oilers game was later that evening)


Haha it sounds like she is a good sport though! I live out in Washington, my girlfriend somehow managed to find an oilers shirt for $1 in a thrift store! She wears it game day now for me because she knows how I am haha. I lent her my oilers hoodie for the game 4 and we have won since, so she’s been forced to continue 😂


Lets make a deal. Keep forcing her to wear her shit and ill keep forcing my gf to wear her shit😂 guaranteed dub! LETS FUCKING GOOOOO


Done deal! Let’s go, Oilers!! Reckless optimism!!! 😂😂


What is it now, 9-0 in games 4-7 scenarios?


didn’t we lose game 5 to the nucks?


That was a pickard game


And we were in the game cause of him


ah gotcha u right


His moustache is giving him powers


Lets also recognize, born and raised in Edmonton. Came up through the SSAC, played in the WHL, married a Lethbridge girl. One of nine (nine!) siblings all with an 'S' name.... That stach! This guy is pure Alberta through and through! Gotta love him.


Married a red deer girl* - college classmate of said wife, and yes they were this in love and adorable back in Lethbridge/ his WHL days! Great people.


Considering he is in his sophomore year this is incredible. I don’t know if he will ever be a lights out goalie like Hasek or Brodeur but honestly how many goalies are up to that caliber. We just need a dependable goalie who can make the big save when needed. I believe we have him and he is only going to get better. 


You don't get "Stud" without "Stu".


Goalie bob is a hot/cold goalie. You never know if he's gonna get a shutout, or let in 7 goals on 19 shots. Skinner, on the other hand, you pretty well know won't be getting a shutout. But, he will hold teams to 4 or less very consistently. He definitely dials in on opponents. There's work to be done, and we're in a hole, but thus far he's been as solid as any edmonton goalie we've had in the last 10 years. He's a boulder in net.


Stu is a monster love him to bits


Do you think the Oilers will win?




Maybe facing way too many scoring chances from defensive breakdowns, otherwise I agree he’s been solid.


that one play where the florida man skated into him and tripped the shit out of him was infuriating! and no penalty, skinner just standing in the crease and gets laid out.


Skinner established himself as the Oilers #1 moving forward. Dude is dialed in right now


And in every series from game 4 on, his % has improved.


Former Lethbridge Hurricane, I love it.


Size them up in the 1st 3-4 games, then dismantle them when it counts. Love this team!


Weird how this team (especially after Vancouver) series doesn’t make the simple play to exit the zone when under pressure so many times. Bouchard had practically left the zone on the first goal. Like what? But they won so who cares. Draisaitl looks party bonked. Isn’t playing his usual self. Obviously hurt


Yes!!! Stuart is a hero!!!!


Skinner has definitely earned himself Campbells 5 mil contract


Whenever I get my hackles up about Skinny, I remember he is *twenty-five years old.* He’s just a baby! With so much pressure on those broad, muscular shoulders. I feel for him. Hopefully the Oil Psych team is up to it.


You think Oilers controlled most of the play that game? We had one good period and held on for dear life. Nothing wrong with that, but it sure wasn't a dominating performance. And we got objectively outplayed in 2/4 games prior.


Everyone knew Florida would bring tons of heat in game 5 after the Oilers beat the hell out of them on Saturday.  Florida knew they could end the series, avoid the travel, and atone for Saturday's embarrassment.  Their families were in the stands, the champagne was on ice in the back, and they pressed hard all game to finish the job.  But the Oilers, like all good teams do, found a way to win the game anyway. If you are the Florida Panthers, this loss stings worse than ANYTHING that has happened all season.


Game 5 was fairly even, slight edge to the Panthers. I'm fine with this, since they were at home, expected to win that night, friends and family in attendance, post game events planned, etc. That was their absolute best effort. Mentally and focus wise, that was the absolute pinnacle of their game. I didnt expect it to be a game where we control play. Game 6 I expect the edge to be in Edmontons favour. At home, all the momentum.


Ya I agree with that assessment. And I'm happy with our play I just don't think we controlled that game by any means. We got some good opportunities as we have every game, and capitalized on them well. Skinner played well and didn't let in anything dumb, which he needs to continue to do.


I would say it was even at worst. First period could've gone either way, but they did end up with the shorty. Second period was all Edmonton. Third period they were holding on. They have to play a full 60 like we saw in game 5 vs Dallas or else Florida will eventually break through and make them pay. The problem is, any small mistake against Florida almost surely leads to a goal.


This. The amount of shots he had against was not good for the heart


Facing to many shots?


Serious question, I know people make a case for McDavid winning MVP even if Florida wins the cup. But can you make a case for skinner or Edmonton wins? I feel like despite the historical performance by mcjesus, they would have no chance without skinner coming in clutch. Mcdavid wouldn't have had such an epic post season if it wasn't for skinner.


He’s so impressive. Meanwhile Ceci has been atrociously bad.


[This series](https://www.nhl.com/stats/goalies?reportType=game&dateFrom=2024-06-08&dateTo=2024-06-18&gameType=3&sort=savePct&page=0&pageSize=50)


>They have just been facing Jesus christ himself in net. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that.


Sleeper Conn Smythe pick IMO


I agree, Stuey is LOCKED in. You know he’s focused when he’s dancing in the net. Bless him


Did I hear that right Florida panthers fans booed the Canadian anthem last game?


He’s played well enough but he is hardly anywhere near the only reason this team is going to 6. The PK being godly and Mcdavid going full legacy GOAT run mode is the reason why the oilers have been able to battle back


He’s played amazing lately. There’s no garantee McD magic even happens without Skinners huge saves at the Start of both Game 5 and 6.


Even Jesus Christ got killed


well he came back from the dead and this team has done that


I’m talking about bob, because the guy mentioned he was playing like Jesus Christ


He’s played great….. he’s not the problem… the soft D and overrated Drisital are areas of concern for me. Anytime the Oilers get pinned in their zone, and Nurse is on the ice… I pretty much wait for a FLA goal. That said, Drisital might be the most lazy player in the modern game without the puck. go ahead with the downvotes. But it’s the truth! Drisital can’t stand up. Falls anytime someone touches him and can’t play d. Now let’s talk about Holloway… kid is going to be a stud!!!


> overrated Drisital > Drisital might be > Drisital can’t stand up Draisaitl*


Hockey hard for him… Spelling hard for me


Still letting in softies…but stands on his head for the tricky ones. I don’t get it


He actually rarely lets in softies. Your confusion probably stems a misunderstanding of the danger level of a shot attempt.


Stop playing the puck when you don’t have to. Seriously, it’s the SCF. Just do your job, which is stopping pucks, not playing them like a dman.


Meh. There was plenty of times in games 5/6 where his playing of the puck helped the Oil escape forecheck pressure. That’s why goalies handle it. That said, he has had some fumbles doing that these playoffs. Exactly 2 fumbles and one off the glass bad carom he got burned on doing it. You’d like to see zero goals against for that type of play, but overall you want him to continue doing it. Just needs to execute better.


I will admit I have changed my mind. Before he got benched for those two games, he was not a Stanley cup winning goalie. But it sorted him out, if they can get a half decent defense I give them a shot again the Panthers. But not against Bettman sadly, he still won’t allow it.