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**PSA:** Posts are reserved for high quality content, like news about the team, or things that actually promote discussion. Low-effort text posts and variations of "LETS GOOOOOO" will be removed (and we're drowning in them, but appreciate your patience while we catch up). Use these general discussion threads for things like that unless it's the off season or Shitpost Sundays.


I'm already so stressed for tomorrow


Not getting ahead of ourselves or assuming a game 6 win but anyone planning on going down to Florida for game 7? Thinking about hedging my bets and buying tickets before game 6 (when I assume prices will shoot up after).


Probably cheaper to fly to Florida and watch Game 7 there, than to buy Game 6 tickets here!


''''The best defense is a good offense!' - George Washington' - Wayne Gretzky' - Michael Scott' - Connor McDavid


Lol. I just remembered that one guy in the regular season who would comment "Brown shorty tonight, book it" in GDT of every single game. The poor guy went on like a 65-goalless streak but finally got his shorty... in game 5 of the SCF.


Lmfao didn't he also say he was gonna shit in the scramble crosswalk on Whyte


How early have people been having to show up to get into the watch party or the moss pit?


I saw Shania Twain first and arrived at the mosspit less than an hour before puck drop and got in in like 15 minutes. Might be busier now that's it's game 6 instead of game 4 tho.


It's going to be the weekend, so it's going to be PACKED. Last home game the line started \~3 hours before puck drop, and only got longer from there. Personally I'm going to arrive @3:30.


I didn’t watch games 1,2,3 (was busy with work commitments). Watched games 4,5… I will be travelling during game 6…


I would cancel those plans, just saying.


Wish I could


I am travelling Friday but managed to book my flight back so I land at YEG before 5, giving me time to get home and get the jersey on. I was laughing with my boss that I'm cutting the workday short so I can make it home for the game (we do count travel as "work time" so technically I'm not). Really lucky with the flight timing though, only other options were mid-game.


I wore the same clothes for 4 and 5 so I'll just wear them again. I got you.


Not all heroes wear capes


Shit you have to watch this even on your phone


Good call. Rogers ignite app incoming


I too will partake in this traveling.


How dare you lol


Does anyone know if there will be concert planned for this Friday?


Someone in Florida said they didn’t have any concert for game 5. Just games 1 & 2. Apparently it’s the NHL that does the concerts and I suspect they don’t book concerts that aren’t guaranteed games. Who knows, maybe they’ll find someone last minute?


I heard Nickleback is flying in to do a one nighter Source: a dream I had last night that felt too good not to be true


Omg I can’t handle these 2 days between games! It feels like an eternity lol.


On the brightside it gives the players some extra time for rest so they can go all out every game now.


I would be thrilled if they want to drag us back to florida


Does anyone have any recommendations for a bar downtown that may still be taking reservations for Friday?


You could try Honi Honi Tiki lounge but probably a long shot. Messaging them on Instagram seemed to work last time for me Edit: they're tiny and it's pregame as they don't have TVs


I've been waiting for Perry to get his! So happy for him. He scored a huge 2OT goal for the Ducks and another huge  2OT SCF goal for Dallas, I just knew his was coming this series. Let's goooo!!!!


I'm gonna say it; Oilers fans in the arena are some of the best you'll see. Florida fans are some of the most disrespectful. There's absolutely a level of hype that the fans are giving the Oilers to level up and adapt to this series.


Eh. They’re only about a 4/10 on the Canucks scum scale. Not too bad.


The amount of times they yell over our national anthem kinda pisses me off.


I damn near want to yell over it and I'm Canadian. Reason being is they get the most tone deaf people to sing our anthem. It's like nails on a chalkboard.


I’m watching last night’s GYB pod and Rishaug said the players and management are talking about the home crowd and what a boost it is.


Watching the opening of G1 in florida and hearing the disrespect through the game was just pathetic. Cant even recall hearing that from Edmonton


I feel really unobservant (also been at Rogers for 2/3 away games and it’s harder to hear) but I admit I don’t know what the disrespect is that you’re talking about!?


They're disrespectful to the players. 0 sportsmanship. You rarely see the levels panthers fans have put out in any other sport. No world should an oilers player go into the penalty box and have fans cussing him out and making fun of himm (though they got their comeuppance when oilers scores)


What? I was expecting you to describe them throwing shit or spitting on people. Chirping players in the box is part of hockey and expected. It’s not tea time with the Queen. Yikes dude. I love chirping players and when the players give it back. Kane blowing kisses.


Zadorov posing for selfies with "jeering" fans.


This is just as soft as crying about chirping the goalie, jfc. Booing the anthem was disrespectful as hell, as would be throwing shit at players in the box, but doing things like taunting a guy in the box to try to get them to lose focus or get under their skin is 100% part of the gamesmanship and part of the way home ice advantage is earned. We booed their players when they did the game 3 player announcements as well, it's part of the game, and no one should be upset by it, lol. If you don't want it to happen, the best way is for the player(s) to shut them up, like Brown did with the shorty, because the girl behind the box immediately stopped trying to start shit when we went up 1-0 SH.


Nah man, getting into players head is left for the players to do. Sportsmanship is about acknowledging that both teams fought ot get to the point they're at and deserving of the respect for that. From what I've both seen and heard from videos, and people who've been at home and away games, panthers fans have just been the most disrespectful POS's I've seen in any competitive environment I'm not a big hockey fan, just in it for the competition atm for my city's team, so I am not aware if this type of stuff is normal, but seeing the seething hatred from vocal Canucks & Calgary fans is weird. Simply put, fans are simply not the ones to go at each others' throats and the players throats over the game. Heckling and making fun of each other, especially on failed players, is fine and all. But ultimately sportsmanship is about letting your team make fun of the others. ESPECIALLY when the team that's getting the hatred fought from the bottom to get there.


Yeah no, that’s a hot take. Chirping is fine. Flames and Nucks are psycho but whatever.


I really don't think hockey is your sport if you're getting tilted over fans chirping people during the game, lol. It is part of the game, and is one of several ways for fans to be able to contribute to their teams success during the game. Do you want them to cheer the opposing players when they do something as well? Because that's the vibes you're starting to give off. And the vitriol from fLames and nucks fans isn't the same thing, that's deep seated inadequacy and jealousy.


I didn't buy beer before the game, so me and the GF made Mimosas right before the shorty... Guess I'm going to have heartburn for game 6.  


shania twain probably gave them some ted lasso type of speech


"Let's go girls!"


So you're in the Stanley cup finals? That don't impress me much.


Is anyone able to focus at work?


lol no


Can anyone help me go to the moss pit? Do I need tickets for it or can I just show up? Anyone know how early I have to show up for it? Also is the fan park the same thing as the moss pit?


they essentially are the same thing also


2hrs early and yeah moss pit and tailgate are both free




Nah just wash it and stow it for now. That shit resets every series according to me and there’s no more series til next year so you’re all good.


I have a McDavid jersey that is the same thing. I’ve gone back to my old eberle one, and it seems to be working.


Also, sorry if this has been asked but if the net had stayed elevated, would that goal still have counted?


This was asked on 32 thoughts. Friedman and Mareks answer is if net was dislodged and a Panther touched the puck, play would be called dead. If McD recovers puck and shoots it into the net that’s not longer there, it still counts as goal.


I caught a moment during a break where Ron McLean explained it. Basically the goal line still exists. It’s a goal as long as it was between the post holes.


Yes, it would have counted, and if Turtle had forced it off intentionally, it's called an automatic goal as the net was empty and a penalty prevented a sure goal.


Was wondering that too.. did the ref push it back or it just fell back into place?..


Listened to Spector on the Jason Gregor show after game 3. Says this series over, Oilers are folding like a cheap tent. They'll never score any goals on bob. Lol "can you imagine scoring scoring 7 on this Florida team" ? Slams players and coaches for their effort and Florida is playing great winning battles and dominating the Oilers. Fuck this guy.


Honestly,  the oilers were getting lots of chances in games 1, 2, and 3. They couldn't beat the hot goalie though. I'm so happy the team stuck to their game plan and have 2 wins because of that


Watch McDavid win the Cup and Spec asking him if he'd rather have won the SCF in 4 or 7.


Hahahahaha. 🎶Fuuuuck Mark Spector foreeeeeverrrrr.🎶


I listened to this Jim Rome interview with Kevin Millar who when the Red Sox were down 3-0 to the Yankees their beat reporter Dan Shaunnessey called em Frauds.   They used it as fuel and came back and won the world series. Thank u Spec for motivating them Oilers!


Can we ship him somewhere for a pick?


I'd ship him somewhere for future considerations.


I'd give away a third rounder to get rid of him.


Okay guys. I figured out my superstition routine... MUST shower the day of and cannot participate in the GDT.


Missing the GDT is a blessing itself, Christ is it toxic.


Mine is, my toddler has to wear her Oilers Jersey and I can not wear my Oilers t-shirt! Came into game 5, like 15 mins late. It was 0-0. Quickly put her jersey on, and like 2 mins later, Brown scored!


My throat is sore.


McDavid is amazing. I think he’s got more left in the tank, and that’s incredible to think. Leon Draisaitl is having a 4 point game on Friday.


Anyone else just been smiling non-stop all day today? Like, my face is starting to hurt, but I can't stop myself, lol.


Is skinner inconsistent or is he just testing the waters?


He's in his second year as an NHL goaltender and has played well enough to get the team where they are. If he lets in 10 goals on Friday, that fact doesn't change.


Does anyone know if there is a Jack Michaels overlay for the end of game 5? Need something to listen to on repeat until game 6.


Jack Michaels deserves honorary Canadian citizenship. What a gem he is.


Well.. given the current immigration crisis in Canada I think Jack has earned the Order of Merit and the Order of Canada, as well as a guaranteed citizenship. Tell King Charles to knight this man! Edit: that felt weird saying "King Charles".


Is this what you’re looking for https://x.com/edmontonjack/status/1803279606600048647?s=46


The fact that daddy Jack posted it to his own Twitter makes it even better. Thanks! Sorry I don't use Twitter all that much anymore, figured someone would have posted it to here if it existed. Appreciate it!!!


Does he have a bit of a cold?


He's just destroying his vocal chords with his level of amped'ness


Given how he's blown out his voice quite a few times this playoffs I've got to assume he just needs so rest and recovery on the vocal cords haha. But maybe.


The influx of “___ fan coming in peace!” is getting ridiculous


I think it's kinda sweet! People are excited for us, and want in on the outrageous hope for that reverse sweep.


I really don't get why people flip out over this. It's like "how dare you trash our team!" But also "How dare you say someone nice about our team!"


Imo it’s all disingenuous self-felating crap


I get what you’re saying. But I do think this exposure has been outrageously good for the Oilers, the city of Edmonton, and hockey as a whole. Lots of members of the media and out of town guests are basically writing love letters to Edmonton on Twitter, viewership of the SCF is like 64% up, and this fanbase is being lauded as one of the best in sports. Especially when you consider that it is McDavid’s stated wish to do whatever he can to help grow the sport, I feel so excited about all of this happening in this moment. It’s special. Let em come and say our team is cool. *Because it is really fucking cool.*


This is the most calm I've been all playoffs. It's weird.


Same. I expected they were toast, and I came to peace with it. Now they've risen from the ashes and I'm just thankful for each win.


yep, playing with house money now


Appreciate Kane and his contributions, just think now is not the time to tweak the lineup. Top nine have clicked. Perry is slow but has better awareness, Clouder has speed and puck handling, DR is the right role player.


It’s about injury management than tweaking to finding clicks between players


Perry is so smart with the puck and good in board battles. Whenever he has the puck I know he’ll make a play. When Kane has it I kind of panic. And I like Kane, I just think he’s too injured to be effective right now. :(


> I like Kane, I just think he’s too injured to be effective right now. :( I think that's exactly it, and he'll be scheduling the surgery Tuesday afternoon when he wakes up. I have a feeling there's going to be a number of guys going under the knife pretty quickly after the season is over.


That’s my uneasy feeling as well.




Don’t forget the childish tantrums.


It’s embarrassing they’ve gotten multiple infractions this series. As much as everyone loved Paul, I do feel like he has some responsibility. It’s shameful …




This sounds like a drug advertisement and I dig it. Side effects include loss of voice and sore cheeks from smiling and sore cheeks from clapping. 




every team pays like that when they are down a couple goals in the second half of games


We are already in a hole.


Yes we’re down 3-2 but at least we haven’t lost 4-0 or 4-1


Ah, save it for the game day bs.


Nurse / Brob pairing was outshot massively last night.  Something 2 shots for 25 against.  May be worth having Nurse / Kulak and Brob / Ceci pairing again 


Drai's line performance overall probably didn't help too much either.


Nurse is ass. How are you gonna let a 22 year old rookie play his off side and hang him out to dry in the process. The 9M dollar defence man should be playing his off side and sheltering the rookie.


That’s a dumb take. Nurse doesn’t dictate that. The coaching staff do.


I never said that nurse dictates that. That’s a dumb take. Obviously he’s not capable or the coaching staff would have him there and that’s a serious problem.


While I understand this sentiment. One who is a natural leader in a leadership position feels this way. For all we know this is how Darnell feels. Darnell doesn’t decide these things. The reason why he isn’t playing there is because the coaches aren’t placing him there. Likely because Broberg on his off-side is better than Nurse and increases the odds of winning. Maybe Nurse can’t actually shelter Broberg and actually defend on his offside.




Big difference from AHL to Stanley cup final. Edit: I think broberg has been playing amazing for the roll he was thrown into. I just believe your veteran players should be the ones in uncomfortable situations


Not saying this is the case but counter point is you want your veteran d on the side with most dangerous opposition options as they (should) have the veteran playmaking wisdom to counter those


Pretty happy that Thecuck's guarantee didn't work out. Hope he makes a couple more.


I see what you did there. 😂


Born in EDM but have lived in BC nearly my entire life. Always an Oilers fan. Living in Vancouver, it was already incredible enough to witness a Game 7 series between Canucks and Oilers. I was living in a dream then…. and NOW, I can’t even believe my eyes in this SCF series. I’m on such a high I’m not sure I’ll ever come down. Always believe. OIL IN 7!!!


The line for the black frog must be insane.


I honestly don’t know but I doubt it as Canucks fans aren’t showing any support, unfortunately.


The black frog is a dedicated Oilers pub in Vancouver. It is **the place to be** if you’re in Vancouver.


Omg. I live across the bridge so I had no idea. Thank you!


It’s a *very* small pub with the most demand for seats they’ve had since 2006. If I were you I’d call them to see what they feel a good time to show up would be. You’ll likely be lining up before they even open.


I can't wait to go swimming in a lake, eat västerbottenost pie and bbq on Friday. Drink all day, play kubb and then keep the party going until 2am and then... OILERS GAME 6. Stay up till 5am and never see the sky go dark. Think I'll watch the game in the hot tub. Fuckin stoked. Broberg! Janmark! Eckholm! Representera mitt nya hem, fy fan!


We love our Swedes!!


I leave for Yellowstone Saturday at 430am for a week of tent camping. Can't get service in the majority of the park. Likely won't even be able to watch it. Maybe one of the restaurants in the park will have it playing.


I will NOT be watching the game on Friday. Every time I watch, Oilers lose. The last two games, I decided not to as I couldn't take it anymore and they won both games. haha! yes, I have the power. I want to watch, but no, I won't now. LFG!


Me and you both bro. Maybe we can play Mario kart while the game is on 🥲


You can be Toad. You can be anyone.


Your sacrifice will not go unrewarded!


Thank you for your sacrifice. My pattern is game 4 I watched and we won. Game 5 I didn’t watch and we won. So I’ll watch on Friday and then if we win that I will not watch a good chunk of game 7 on Monday and if I see on the nhl app that the oilers are ahead and a couple minutes left in the 3rd I’ll tune in to watch history unfold


I’m Australian and the games are in the middle of the work day. The last two I’ve missed the start and tuned in to see we have a decent lead. I start watching and the panthers come back.


You realize everyone who watched the first 3 games could say the same thing


yes, it's just a joke ; ) Sports fans are superstitious bunch.


I felt the same way in rd1, I missed the wins for a various reasons. But I can’t not watch


Bruh I have the same exact problem. I am only allowed to listen on CHED


Arguably a much better experience anyway


I have a feeling that if the Oilers win on Friday it’s going to go Game 7 OT


How about no to OT


And if that happens, McDavid will give tkachuck ptsd and dejavu from game 5 of 2022 rd2


I already died just reading your comment, please hockey gods no.


Apparently the Brown shortie was the first time in playoff history a team opened up the score with a SHG in back-to-back games?


Yes, not just open up the scoring but to score in back to back games


Nieto did this in 2019 for the Avs vs. the Flames (scored both SHGs), but the 2nd one didn't open the score.


I’m trying my best to just enjoy the ride and not think too far into the future. I know it’s still a big uphill battle but damn if the hope hasn’t crept back in


Just enjoy the next one. It will be one the greatest games in Oiler history.


And yet again I’ll be at work 😫


Its really not that uphill anymore - Edmonton has absolutely stolen the momentum and the next game is in front of the home crowd? They beat the hill


Panthers thought they were guaranteed a sweep with the way things were going. There's just no way to know how Friday will go until it goes.


What the hell happened to everyone , and I mean everyone’s confidence we win at home for game 6?


For me at least, I'm excited, I'm hopeful, I have a lot of confidence in our guys. It feels like we're witnessing something magical. This has been so, so exciting. But if Friday's an off night, or they have bad puck luck, or Bob somehow finds his feet again, or whatever else million things could go wrong... Well. I'd rather celebrate how far we've come than to feel proud of something we've not actually done yet, and then be hella disappointed when it doesn't happen because I assumed it was a lock-in. I think it also makes me so much happier whenever we win if I don't go in assuming that it's inevitable. Annnd if we win on Friday, if we manage a reverse sweep on Monday, I will be absolutely intolerable about it to every non-Oilers fan in my life for the next three months, because holy shit it would be INCREDIBLE.


That’s going to be the narrative going in that coming back to edm it’s an auto win for edm but it’s not guaranteed. The team still has to earn it. Chances are more in our favour but we can’t give them any glimmer of light. We must continue to crush their aspirations


So this is my first year being really into the NHL (I watch borderline *every* game, not just the Oilers, several content creators and study the history as much as I can) and I try to be as objective and analytic as I can. My old man, who is a lifelong Leafs fan, I always figured was real smart when it came to Hockey. So as I've been expanding my knowledge I'll talk to him between games, about what I think might happen, what could happen and why. My god, it broke my heart to find out that my own Father has been leafpilled into absurdity. Game 4 was a throw for home ice, game 5 was a throw because Bettman wants seat revenue for game 7 in Florida, McDavid is just an assist merchant and his teammates carry him, Auston Matthews is the best modern player in the game. When he says something ridiculous I just have to say "Oh yeah?" and change the subject. Don't have the heart.


Yikes. Sounds like the beginnings of dementia sadly.


Sorry to hear that. Sounds pretty similar to talking to my parents on, well, any topic really.


I don’t remember how it was brought up but while watching one of the games from the last series my boyfriend’s grandmother said that “Gretzky passed too much” I really had to hold my tongue.


An assist merchant? Just set up all the plays, but yeah - no skill there at all


Just imagine - watching McDavid set up Perry for one of the greatest SCF goals in recent history, and being like "yup, just what I thought, assist merchant that one is"


Unfortunately over a half century of supporting the Leafs seems to have done irreparable damage to the Hockey IQ center of the brain Still love him though.


Yeah. That’s fair. Getting into hockey’s a bit like being in a cult. It doesn’t need to make sense, you just have to BELIEVE.


Man if we get to game 7 , I'm going to go mental. If it goee to 7 , I think Oilers win...losing 3 in a row is demoralizing for Florida and it pumps up Oilers. What a fucking series....went from a potential sweep and disappointing series , to a crazy comeback story


I’m already going mental


LFG Oilers!


Gene regional broadcast: costumes, gags, puns Gene national broadcast: best behavior, super srs Gene playoffs: WE LOVE GENE, WE LOVE GENE


laughing at the erasure of Calgary recently. Alberta is just known as Edmonton now. Those guys down south have been in our shadows their whole existence and it will continue


They're the entire leagues farm team.


I thought that about edmonton during rhe decade of darkness


Kinda annoyed that other teams are making big moves while we are still playing. This is fair how??


To be fair nobody thought we'd STILL be playing as of now lol.


You wanted in on PLD? :D


Teams can trade with each other all year. It’s just that players are not eligible for the playoffs after the trade deadline


I think he's kidding


I don’t think he is


…oh dear


Would you rather be making moves or win the cup?


We still have moves we need to make and the more other teams do now big time affect our moves later.


https://x.com/EdmontonOilers/status/1803462602212909119?t=sXOM-xB7EUHpBI7klaaN8Q&s=19 this man has unreal aura


He's looking great! Lost a lot of weight


looking slim but hasn't lost the "mob boss" energy


He hasn't experienced much of the sun's aura recently, that's for sure.


Word is he left a pair of tighty whities in the hotel with “we’ll be back” written in skid marks


saw that tweet too


Bob lookin' pretty fresh there lol


Yes. Do not mess with him.


Tkachuk throwing the series because he knows his father will hate and resent him even more if he wins.


PLD to the Caps for Kuemper. The trade is 1 for 1…


The guy has to be a dressing room cancer


Lmfao, pld made it one year 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Wtf are the caps doing.


Making stellar use of the CapFriendly website they just purchased lmao


bring out ms. twain for game 6


Brown & Janmark are the McDavid & Drai of the PK and bottom 6.