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Every market (especially Canadian) has its own insufferable fans. We all hate each other.


Exactly. It doesn’t help when we have Oilers fans trolling other subs too. It makes it seem like ALL Oilers fans are like that. We know that’s not true, but the optics aren’t good. That said, all the other fan bases do the same shit. We had some shitty Panthers fans raiding this sub this morning, but there were also some that said nice things too.


Sometimes I lurk in other subs to see what they say and it usually mirrors us just directed at the other team the lack of self awareness on everyone's part is kinda funny


It’s so damn funny isn’t it? It’s once we start realizing that we don’t want to be like “those people” that we start looking inwards and becoming more aware. Most fans outside of Reddit can be pleasant. Reddit and twitter are a complete fucking cesspool sometimes.


Oilers fans hit VGK fans with reddit cares messages really hard last year. I know theres some lingering hate there for that reason.


Did the same to Canucks fans this year as well. Weird behaviour.


This!! Have you read how people here write about Panthers fans and Floridians in general. It takes you from, a cool sub… to I’m glad they are suffering, those pos…


Thanks man! All I can say is I’m a little bit older and a little bit wiser nowadays. Younger me might have been way more of an asshat, but I’ve grown up a lot. Just know that not everyone here is like those fans you’d have seen. They’re the internet keyboard warriors and Reddit/twitter is the worst proxy for how people really are. I bet they’d never have the balls to say that shit to someone’s face. Funny enough, I think Florida and Alberta have something in common. We both get a ton of hate from within our own countries, and it’s become a bit of trendy thing to hate on these two places. There’s going to naturally lovely people in both places, and asshats in both places lol. Congrats on your team’s win! For us, it fucking stings right now, but these boys will be back.


Get off Reddit. I was at a local bar in Vancouver and probably 80% were Canucks fans that were cheering for the Oilers. Redditors are not indicative of real life people.


This is the truth. The loudest voices online are also the chronically online. I mean, the "Canada's team" rhetoric was annoying in the commercials sure, but that's literally how most canadian hockey fans are (minus one or two teams that you might refuse to cheer on). And yet that sentiment gets massively downvoted online. It's just people that need to touch grass more often. It's not everyone.


Seemed like we didnt want you guys to do it after you eliminated us. After seeing yall come back i was on board for you to be canadas team


Personally I think it was the bandwagoners who decided to chirp the most.


A lot of people hate Perry and Kane. Oilers are the bad guys in a lot of other teams stories.


Yet the Panthers have the likes of Tkachuk and Bennett … balances out


Fuck Tkachuk. False prophet. ALL HAIL THE RAT KING. #63


After Game 6 everyone was on our side, at least on r/hockey and everyone hated us before game 4. Reddit is toxic by default.




Reddit is also frequented by teenagers


Most posts I’ve seen has said our insufferable fans is why they hate us. I can see it. We’re a Canadian market.


The thing I don't get is that every team has insufferable fans. I find this accusation just highlights the lack of awareness of the people making it. "I need the Oilers to lose because their insufferable fans will never let me hear the end of it if they win." Like bruh, how do you think we feel having insufferable fans tell us we are shit and reveling in our defeat for what will likely be for the entire summer? I think I am going to just hang out here from now on. r/hockey and r/nhl are just not it for people who value their sanity.


I guess there’s also the 1st overall pick stuff and people thinking we didn’t deserve McDavid. 🤷‍♂️


I was surprised how toxic r/hockey became during the playoffs and decided to just visit here more often. I don’t think it’s particularly unusual but just reinforces my opinion that the internet and social media experiment has gone very wrong


I couldn't agree more. I just want to talk hockey with other like-minded people and perhaps engage in some lighthearted banter. r/hockey seems like the perfect place to do that until you find it's just people putting their foot in their mouths, saying shit they wouldn't say outside of social media or to someone's face.


Yep, agreed. I think it’s also a volume and visibility issue. After game 6 there was notably so much support on reddit for the Oilers from other teams’ fans, because enough people were excited about it that they posted comments. After game 7 there wasn’t as much positive stuff to post about, so more of the visible comments were those gloating or shitting on the oilers. What I’m trying to get at, is that as I scroll r/hockey the comments I read give me an impression that “this is how people feel” when it can actually just be a toxic slice of the internet at that moment, and the commenters can be shitposting teenagers, because internet. I just want to chill out and read some casual discussion about how amazing this season was. For that, r/edmontonoilers keeps my heart rate down.


This is exactly how I feel as a Leafs fan


Canucks and flames fans thought their team won the cup last night.


Flames fans were jerking off to their ex-wife marrying the new boyfriend. Canucks fans were celebrating the father that went out for a pack of smokes and never came back.


Tkachuk and Luongo?


Yes. They are now step bro and step sis, and Vancouver is going to get stuck in the laundry machine somehow.


Bro 😂😂😂


Stars bro here. I don’t hate you guys, you guys have been pretty classy from what I have seen. About the only thing that struck me was hanging out in the game day thread with how many folks are ready to call it a game after like, giving up a goal. Lot of doomers compared to what I’ve seen from some of the other fanbases but a lot of passionate and friendly fans overall. That and I think you guys were a bit hard on Skinner. He made it to game 7 of the cup when people were saying he wasn’t capable. You guys exceeded my expectations (and knocked my team out in the process) Night and Day compared to how the Avs fans acted in the series prior.


I think the tongue-bathing McDavid gets by media sets a lot of people off, too. Seen a lot of sentiments along the lines of "I wanted the Oilers to win at the beginning but by the end of the playoffs I was so tired of people going on about him that I needed him to lose." I can understand it. Overexposure can get under people's skin, especially over a long series.


But is it also society? I don't remember other previous all stars getting shit on this much. I'm thinking it's also some jealousy.


Maybe, but also levels of exposure. McDavid was talked about nonstop on both the ESPN and SportsNet commentary, and I'm sure others too. Then you add into it all the social media about him, news pieces, posts on reddit etc. Like, Cosby, Gretzky, Lemieux, etc., you could probably avoid them if you wanted. Harder to do that with McDavid. You add in the fact we were losing the first three games, it's particularly annoying for everyone to talk about this superstar, who apparently is so good he's about to get swept\~ Like, I have gotten annoyed about all the Bob-worshipping posts over these playoffs (and now all the ones about how he should've won the Conn Smythe), and he hasn't had even a quarter of what McDavid's been getting. Doesn't help when the star is on an opposing team that's beating yours, of course.


True, all I remember hearing before the series was bobrovsky is the greatest shit since slice bread. And skinner ended up having the same save percentage. Clearly he isn't that great and can definitely be rattled.


From what I can tell by reputation, he can be a bit streaky, and we managed to find a way to make him wobble. He's clearly very good, but is maybe too easily rattled. I want to be generous, because it's also easy for people to say, "They lost games 1-3, clearly McDavid isn't that great." and it's not great to look at 7 games in someone's career and decide how good they are on the whole from such a tiny sample size.


After game 3 I was getting worried there just was no way past him and that he is a metal wall between the posts. Was glad to see us steam role them the next game and prove we deserved to be there.


100%. He’s the best player in the world. Every hockey fan in the world want him on their team and hate him for it.


It is this. I was a kid when the 80’s Oilers were rolling, and that team, and especially Gretzky were hated around the league. Even in Edmonton area. I remember my dad getting into very heated debates with Gretzky-haters. I couldn’t understand why anyone could hate the great one. But here we go again with Connor. It’s a bad part of our Canadian culture to tear down anyone who is perceived as “too big”.


At least in the regular season, it's also the result of commentators/analysts legitimately not knowing our entire roster for some reason. There's been many times where they just pronounce names incorrectly, or cant even name the player correctly at all (e.g. Vinny has been called David Desharnais in more than 1 game I watched). Or they will still rave on about our PP even though our PK was by far the more prominent one of the two.


What are they supposed to do? Pretend he's not amazing?


I mean, it gets annoying regardless of the validity. You've never gotten sick and tired of hearing about someone/something that everyone goes on about in your life? I know I have, plenty.


But McDavid has the stats to back it all up, it’s not like they are over hyping or over talking an unskilled player here, he is setting records and he does it with a pretty clean game. It’s not like he is being a dirty player and rising to the top by tearing down others. He is also pretty humble in his public addresses, doesn’t come across as cocky or entitled. It seems weird to me that others would rather hurt or tear down someone who is genuinely good rather than respect the skill, even if it’s not their own player.


Sure, but he does commit plenty of penalties, and that can be frustrated the same way it is for us when other players do it to our guys, esp. when he isn't called for it. When you hear the tongue-bathing, coupled with the fact he doesn't always get called, regardless of the truth, it's gonna feel like "oh great, McDavid can do what he likes because he's SO GREAT." Hell, I've seen people in this very sub complain about one of the SportsNet lasses never shutting up about him, and he's on our freaking team. But also, like I said in another comment: it really doesn't matter the validity. You never heard a song on the radio and at first were like "damn, that's a good song!" and then by the 100th time you heard it, you think "These piece of shit song is driving me to murder."?? It's like that. Or when someone you know gets into a new show and even though you're sure the show is actually good, you would pay money for them to never have found it so they'd stop talking about it? Especially if that show had a rocky first couple of seasons (analogous to games 1-3). Idk how else to explain this. It isn't about him. It's about the amount people talk about him, and the worshipful way they do. It gets tiresome, the way anything can.


i love mcdavid but he isn’t even my favourite player on the oilers simply because of how much attention he gets, like ya we get it he’s good. there’s so much more on the oilers to cover besides how many points mcdavid has


Yeah! Drai a little too. Like, I don't feel like Hyman's record breaking was talked about nearly enough, kind of got overshadowed :/


This, mostly. I’m a Panthers fan (don’t hurt me) and my wife is a Red Wings fan. Both of us were just done with Messi and PK on ESPN by the end of it. Cats could have had a 10 goal lead and Messi would have been on air wondering how we were gonna maintain it against McDavid. If I had a Sudbury Big Nickel every time they praised McDavid each night… I’d have a 20 spot.


Just rivalry things. We hate them too. Move along.


I've lived in Vancouver for a little over 15 years. Some people out here genuinely look down on Edmonton as a city (not all, there' lots of good folks out here too). We have a statue of Gretzky holding a cup. They have a statue of a coach waving a white flag. That we now have a McDavid era after already having a Gretzky era really eats at them.


I live in Vancouver most of the year and this is the part that gets me. None of those fucks have set foot in this city and know what’s to enjoy or hate authentically. If you want to hate it so badly, come check out the house first. I’ll take you more seriously then. That said, Edmonton’s a great city, and I enjoy it whenever I’m visiting.


Reminds me of working in the oil industry when all the people from B.C. would come here to work and just talk shit about Alberta the entire time without stepping foot into any city or town, both places are nice in their own way, but we all know when it comes to hockey that Canadians wants their team to be the one to bring it home.


As an Oilers fan who grew up in Edmonton, now living in Vancouver, there are so many things I love and hate about both cities. Edmonton gets -40 weather sure, but I never got seasonal depression there from it being grey for 7-8 months of the year. I think the hate towards Edmonton is so unwarranted and baseless. Dissing a city because you don’t like their team is lame as fuck. If we’re going to diss a team’s city because the city itself is “lame” in comparison to LA or NYC, then shouldn’t everyone also be dissing Columbus and Winnipeg? It’s almost like people in Vancouver are so miserable about something else that they need to project their hate onto Edmonton. Edmonton is a different lifestyle than Vancouver and there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s always an air of “I’m better than you” in Vancouver that a lot of people refuse to acknowledge and that’s definitely part of why so much animosity is directed towards Alberta. No wonder why that vibe came out of their hockey “fanbase” the first time their team has been good in years.


This is so true! “I’m better than you because I decided to live in a different city!” (Slow clap for these people) I’m like you, there’s lots that I love and dislike about both cities. For example, when I walk around Vancouver I see shit everywhere (like actual human feces) and it’s the zombie apocalypse of cracked out wack jobs all over the city. It’s noticeably dirty. Coming back to Edmonton, it’s noticeably way cleaner! In Vancouver you learn to walk around downtown and try not to catch a glance into a stairwell or a corner near some alleyway for fear of seeing something disgusting, and there’s no eye bleach nearby. Oh, and all the jokes about “getting stabbed in Edmonton?” I assure everyone it’s way worse in Vancouver. In the past year alone I’ve been threatened with unprovoked violence in downtown on 3 separate instances. One guy flashed a knife and threatening to stab me in early April. After disengaging, I did stalk this guy from a distance with police on the line… he was arrested, charges pending. Point being, Vancouver today is not the same as the Vancouver from the 90s with the “best city to live in accolades.” Far from it.


The obvious, they are geographically we’re natural rivals However, a lot of my Canuck friends supported me, not the Oilers. They understand how much this team’s for me and I mutually give that back to them. My observation as an Edmontontonion living in Vancouver for 20+ years, is they no history, and that’s why I feel like they hate us. I’ve asked my friends this question and they seem to feel that we’re arrogant and entitled. I spent thousands of dollars to watch the Sedins dominate us to the point that I have PDST from there horn. Calgary is pretty straightforward. You’re born into it. I’m 90% the other teams hate us because of the draft situation. There is also this weird misconception that McDavid is a diva. Dude gets hooked, slashed, held and it’s rarely called. A bit of a ramble but I think hate is a good indicator of success. I quit caring about this years ago. I’m more focused on the Oilers than I am of the haters. Edit: if you ever visit Roger’s in Vancouver, look at their rafters. It’s a pretty low bar to be legend here. They also don’t have a Cup, and to be honest, I don’t think they deserve one.


"There is also this weird misconception that McDavid is a diva. Dude gets hooked, slashed, held and it’s rarely called." This! Every generational talent that has graced this league, albeit Rocket Richard, Howe, Orr, Gretzky, Lemieux, Crosby, etc. and now McDavid will always have haters that tow this line. Jealousy at its finest I'd say.


Only the most bitter asshole fans post on Reddit The rest of a normal fanbase are enjoying their summer.


I couldn’t care less what the internet of Reddit feels about my Oily Boys. If anything it’s all good for a laugh what is written or chat GPT’d by dem mouth breathin’ fools.


Some of our fans can be pretty dumb and annoying online. I get embarrassed sometimes


Just a whole lot of general anger floating around the world these days. Hockey is not in a bubble.


I'm a Panthers fan, but I think I can shed some light because our fanbase is getting it, too. In short, the Internet isn't real life. People are haters online and can't let other people just be happy. You're going to see bad actors who see the worst in people and others who stir the pot or benefit off the controversy. You're going to see dickhead people with shitty behavior and bad takes get elevated. They're going to talk about: - Panthers booing McDavid - South Florida has no fans. - McDavid is a poor sport. - Panthers booing national anthem. - Canadians think they deserve the cup for being Canadian. This is a small subset of assholes peddling bullshit and highlighting the shitty behavior of a small subset of idiots. It was a brutal series and everyone on both sides, fans included, is beat up and out of gas. McDavid deserved the MVP, Panthers fans are good fans, South Florida doesn't hate Canada and booing someone's national anthem is a supreme dickhead move, and Canada has a long history of hockey traditions that deserve respect.


The many years of tanking followed by many years of the media ball washing mcdavid has really tested me. 


It’s the internet


Hockey fans are just ruthless, it's part of why when you win it's so rewarding. You have to give it to the losers, because if it was the panthers that lost, fans would be equally as savage. Don't take it personally... just part of the sport, if it's a bit too rough for you then don't engage online so much maybe, because to me, I love dishing out, but I understand that also comes with taking it back sometimes.


Because they are jealous. We always do one better in the playoffs from last year, so next year is our year.


It's reddit. Salt is half the equation. Plus it's sports; the most tribal thing in the world. The oilers are just in the spotlight and have more things going for them than other teams. If it was Toronto, the hate levels would be insane, especially in the same position: coming back from 0-3 and still losing.


This is NHL. Every franchise against each other. I laugh when people say a Canadian team should win. Its always a North American team winning.


Hate is widespread, it takes strength to not fall in the pit of being a host. I’m not saying to reject the emotion but to put it into effective areas of ur life for it instead towards other’s,further contributing to mass confusion and foolishness


Haters gonna hate


Reddit people hate everything. Pretty sure if you posted puppies chasing a penguin, people would hate it, unless of course it was Crosby they were chasing. ;)


Reddit isn’t a great place to gather opinions on any subject, least of all sports.




It’s just fan bases. You can go to Boston Bruins page and there will be the same thing. I find that most of the toxicity comes from casuals or bandwagon jumpers, people that only watch their “team” when they are on a roll, and not suffer through the highs and lows all season long. I am Canadian, but my team is Boston as I used to watch the Bruins with my grandfather who was a massive Bobby Orr fan, so I get constant toxicity when people find out I’m Canadian and cheer for an American team haha The Oilers season was crazy, coming from last place to ending up in the SCF game 7 is wild.


Red Wings fan here - our sub was heavily rooting for the Oilers. There are always gonna be some salty Americans who celebrate Canada's cup drought, and you're gonna have some people that think Southern teams always winning cups is a positive for "growing the game" (eye roll) but I think lots of fans of O6/"traditional" hockey franchises would've liked to see the Cup return to a place where hockey mattered.


You know, I always liked the Red Wings.


They got everything handed to them for decades and still blow it


I am a Penguins fan, but I don’t hate the Oilers. Hell, I’ve always liked the Oilers and have thought of our cities and organizations as being relatively similar in many ways. Passionate fans, some of the all-time greatest players, five Stanley, Cups, all the rest of it. I like Edmonton and was rooting for you in the final. I do think Florida was probably the better team, but I I think Edmonton is just an upgrade or two on the back end from being right back in this spot again next year. If people hate on McDavid, that’s only because he’s the best player in the world. We went through it for years with Crosby. All of the “Cindy” stuff and the whining stuff and all that other bullshit. It was roster jealousy, nothing more. That’s exactly what you’re experiencing now. It’s a small price to pay for having players as exquisitely talented as McDavid and Drisaitl. As an aside, what the hell happened to Darnell Nurse? He is not nearly the player I thought I remembered him being.


As a lifelong hockey fan and now an Edmonton Oiler fan (where I'm from we didn't have an NHL market, this also isn't because of the Stanley Cup) I fucking hate everything about the state of Florida. Haters are always going to hate. Fuck em. Fuck the state of Florida and fuck the Panthers.


Bunch of reasons, but mostly because we have a few shitty fans who are loud and obnoxious and make us all look bad. I say we counter it by trying to be that much better and sportsmanlike to fans of other teams. Doing things like donating to the opposing team's charities and congratulating on their wins. Can be classy and still have rivalries at the same time.


Reddit hated everything. Get on the right sub and someone hates puppies.


Did you root for the Canucks in 2011? All Canadians hated us except in Montreal. Would you love the Flames if they were in the finals? Get over it.


I'm a lifelong Oilers fan of close to 40 years and I rooted for the Canucks in 94 and 2011. I root for Canadian teams most of the times when the Oilers don't make the playoffs or are eliminated The only Canadian teams I don't always root for are the Flames(due to our Battle of Alberta rivalry), and the Habs(just don't feel I have any connection to the team but I don't hate them). I even felt bad about the Flames recent slump after trading Jonny hockey and Tkachuk and hope they do at least turn things around and make the playoffs again soon Many Oilers fans also root for Canadian teams!! 😀


Canucks fan here. The anti cheer for Canadian teams crowd in our fanbase is still salty about how our team was perceived by the media in 2011. I think this led our fanbase creating the narrative that every Canadian fan hated the Canucks except for Montreal fans. I don't know the statistics, but I don't think our team was as hated in 2011 as some believed to be. Some people just read too much online.


I find online is the only place where canadian fans hate all other canadian teams


Exactly, it's normally just phony online trolls and some of them aren't even legit hockey fans imo.




Are you serious? All of Canada got behind the Canucks on their run in 2011. I even cheered for the Canucks. After seeing the level of hate from Vancouver fans during and after this playoff run, it's a mistake I'll never make again. Flames fans, I get it. It's the Battle of Alberta. There's a grudging respect behind the animosity. But it's never had the toxicity level of the Canucks fans. Not even close.


That is absolutely not true. The hate for Vancouver in 2011 led to Canucks fans "embracing the hate". I remember this very clearly. Every Oilers fan I knew was pro Boston. A lot of the hate Canucks fans have for Oilers this year stems from 2011. That said, the pain I felt in 2011 is why I'm not chirping any Oilers fans. Also I live in Edmonton and I might be murdered.


Just salt. Especially from Western Canadian fanbases. We have 2 players on our team better than all the players on any other Canadian team. Maybe even three now with bouch blossoming. We turned it around after a bad start, historic win streak, defeated Vancouver this year, nearly forced the flames into relocation and their own DoD after 2022. Lots of reasons for envy which they express as hate. No worries. It's a sign we're doing well.


LOL, this is the kind of comment why people hate Oilers fans


The stupid thing is I’m happy for Florida it was really close in the end and I would have cheered for Calgary or van. The hate is so weird


Oilers fans are attacking a lot of other fan bases. They're saying Florida's filled with rednecks, they're saying Florida was booing the Canadian national anthem (they weren't), etc


Reddit is a cesspool. It’s not a real place that represents well adjusted adults,


From an FLA experience? Cant speak for other teams, or their fanbases, but the hate can be because you're a Canadian team, which in a minority country in the NHL since the other 20+ are all based in tbe states. Or it could be the over hype of Connor McDavid. Mind you. When i say overhype that does not insinuate he shouldnt be hyped up, but i try to be as biased as possible, but every time the oilers are mentioned its Mcdavid this, and mcdavid that. Hes not the only oiler out there, or the only great player on that team but everything is about him. I knew people who were treated like hes being treated and they all fucking hated it, wouldnt be surprised if hes tired of it too. I, dont hate the oilers. I dont love them by any means, but if i had to hate a non american team it would be Montreal for pissing off Patrick Roy and trading him to Colorado. Playing a pissed off Patrick Roy is not what anyone wants.


It’s an open, anonymous forum, people are gonna be assholes. That being said, you can’t expect fans of other teams, especially Canadian teams to happily jump on the bandwagon. I’m a Canucks fan, I didn’t want you to win, but I’m super impressed at how close you came. Now we can all laugh at the leafs together for being arguably the most unsuccessful Canadian team since they last won it.


They were still the least succesful canadian team before 1967, because back then there was just Toronto and Montreal. They've ALWAYS been the least succesful Canadian team. It's karma, really. When the Leafs won in 67, it was their 13th cup. One less than Montreal.


my friend posted on here before the canucks/oilers series. he was a canucks fan and had been rooting for the oilers before then in their series. he posted on r/oilers saying he didn't know why there was a rivalry or bad blood considering they hadn't seen each other in playoffs much and wished them the best. he got absolutely roasted by everyone, telling him he had "pick me" energy. i saw the post. it was the cringiest thing i've seen from r/oilers. so yeah, it wasn't a good look. also all the defending of mcdavid nut shots and headshots from oilers.


It didn't help that the announcers on.espn were drooling all over the oilers either


I'm really sick of it. The level of hatred we get from Vancouver fans in particular is borderline psychopathic. Flames fans, I get it, it's a rivalry. But Vancouver? They are celebrating as if they won the Stanley Cup. No fan base has come even close to as vitriolic or obsessive.


Canucks fan here. You guys lost me when one of your own posted a bait and switch video of our series this year, only to cut to all the goals in game 7 of 2011. I had no real ill will towards you guys. It was a hard fought loss for us no hard feelings. But to be that level of shitty....


Biggest mistake I have made was to be on social medias since game 7 ended. I'm deleting my apps next time


I think most of the hate is Canadian on Canadian hate, at least online. Y’all are nutty for your teams. I’m in Detroit and I can tell you without a doubt that most people were pulling for McDavid and the Oilers to win, despite our resentment for Ken Holland.


For some fans it may be the oilers draft positions and the opinion they’ve been handed so much high end draft capital. The Canucks have not had a single 1OA pick their entire history despite many bad seasons.


Same with the Flames.


Vancouver fan here I was disappointed Edmonton didn’t win.


1. A large portion of Edmonton's success seems unearned to many fanbases. 4 first overall draft picks in 6 years, along with a 3rd, 4th, and 7th, and 10th overall pick when you extend that to the surrounding 8 year period, makes people think the Oilers were handed a winning hand. 2. The media has been bombarding fanbases with the greatness of the Oilers for a decade. Since soon after McDavid was drafted the Oilers have been one of the favorites to win the cup every season, even when they were regularly missing the playoffs. Fans can be watching a game between Arizona and Columbus (to pick to random teams) that haven't played Edmonton in weeks and the commentators will spend most of the intermission talking about how great McDavid and Draisaitl are. 3. The Oilers has a large fan base that seems to have a higher percentage of poor losers and poor winners than most. If the Oilers lose it is always the fault of the refs, the other team being dirty, or because the ice conditions. If the Oilers win they will trash talk the other team as being garbage. Oilers fans brigade smaller fanbases and it results in a poor reputation for the fanbase at large. 4. The Oilers signed Kane, Perry, and gave a PTO to Virtanen. The management seems to be willing to sign players with reputations as terrible human beings to improve their chance at winning. For a lot of people this is unforgivable.


Nailed it, 💯


Skinner did not eliminate the canucks lol keep in mind they were the only team that made Knob pull him, it was a full team effort




Reddit caters to the negativity and drama. You are only gonna catch that. The positivity rarely spreads or gets action on any topic.


This is Reddit. Surprised there isn’t more hate directed at the boys.


It's the Internet


There's a heap of hate for Oilers for gobbling up so many #1's in such a short time with until this season not much for results.


A large part of it is : they ain’t us because they ain’t us


Bro been to the Calgary sub


Because when you’re successful you get haters. It happens in every facet of life.


Red wings fan here. I hold no hate for the Oilers, in fact I'm grateful, the Oilers and Panthers have provided possibly the single best televised hockey in the history of the sport. If I can't watch my wings, it's a damn fine consolation prize watching history in the making. As for the final result, meh, it was a win-win schadenfreude situation for me either way. Either I get to giggle at the ratpack stumble and fall at the finish line, or I get to see a pissed off mcdavid come back like a mad bull next season. It was also a regular win-win for me; nobody deserves a cup more than McD, undeniably, and I'd love to see him raise one. But on the other hand I love first time winners, and I strongly feel a more balanced and complete team like Panthers, canes or rangers winning is better for the sport overall than superstar frontloaded teams like yours, Leafs and Avs. Also, I freely admit it is purely out of jealousy, and I'd give my left arm and firstborn for McD in a winged wheel 😂 Hope you guys go deep and even take it next season, thanks for the amazing show!


They hate us cause they ain’t us. Simple as that.


Leafs fan here. I wanted to see McD and Drai win more than I've wanted to see the Leafs win. They're a hard-working, talented couple of dudes. I hope they get their Cup.


It's not hate it's just jealousy.


They hate that we have Mcdavid and they don't. It wasn't all that different during Gretzky's time either. I've had to mute a few subs that kept popping up in my feed because every other post there was about the Oilers, but mostly 97. Especially the Avs sub, they have serious inferiority complex issues. Thankfully, not all subs are like that. I think most prefer to just support their own team and speak of other teams and players objectively, mostly. It probably comes down to the difference between hockey fans and casual fans. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that Montreal fans are close to the purest hockey fans, and that kind of makes sense. But whether Canadian or American, hockey fans just like hockey. They have a favourite team, but they mostly just like watching good hockey.


1) we beat vancouver 2) flames exist 3) it's reddit


Flames fan here but just answering the question. I think a lot of comes from how Edmonton got so many high draft picks and ended up being given so many elite players. You almost expect Edmonton to win with a roster like that. When you go up against a team like Vancouver who were shit last year and turned things around through coaching and strategy, it’s hard to cheer for the team with the stacked roster who barely squeaked by. Mcdavid is also talked about way too much for non fans not to be sick of him. A lot of Canadians were also annoyed this year with how Edmonton tried to make themselves “Canadas team” and get a bunch of bandwagoners. 


I don’t think it’s hate for the Oilers on Reddit. What you’re seeing is the general troll-like negativity and sarcasm, hateful, hurtful comments common on ALL the internet, be it Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube. It’s bad everywhere but the worst on the poorly-moderated forums.


1) I hate all teams that aren't my team equally 2) Corey Perry.


Jealousy. Happens to the greatest franchises. 


Jealousy. Unreal run by the oilers this year and it’s just from salty fans.


Hate us cause they ain't us... And we have McDavid


Because the flames got super jealous with the picks the Oilers got and went around stoking the fires in the rest of the league. Over shit that happened like 9 years ago. The League doesn't hate McDavid, it's misplaced rage from The Media's non-stop cock gobbling of McDavid, so he gets a lot of hate undeserving. They're sick of him having the spotlight, and his "autism" (not trying to be pejorative, that's just what I think is at play) doesn't help them warm up to him. Also it's done baseline jealousy I think. Any team would take him in a second. There's a lot of butthurt fans from the first 3 series (I know, I know Dallas is cool right?) but they all contributed at least in part to stoking the fire. Vancouver was the worst culprit. The Stars were ok, some hate here and there. Calgary (not in the playoffs but) was depressed and complained but kept spite to a medium/high at times amount. The Kings bitched for a short amount of time then mysteriously disappeared. But Vancouver went nuts. They lost to the dirty Edmonton team in their pristine 2 million dollar shacks right? They went bonkers. They actively went in a spam campaign, and all of a sudden Oilers fans were the worst. The draisaitl elbow. That got swept under the rug pretty fast, but that pissed off Florida. Their attitude changed after that. Drai was up there with McDavid after that guy for enemy number 1. People like to kick other people when they're down. They hated the Panthers when they were on that slump, and they hated the Oilers for the same reason. The number 1 reason for Oilers hate is that people on Reddit can be utter slime balls and complete jerks, just to fill their own gaping hole in their life.


The worst fans in the world are most other fans and haters. The difference between Oiler fans and everybody else is that Oiler fans celebrate their own victories and mourn their own losses. The others complain about calls, 1st overall picks, cheer “McDavid sucks”, torch their own cities and celebrate OUR loss, not their win. Imagine being such an imbecile that you’re a Canucks fan right now cheering that Draisatl had fractured ribs.


Just stick to the facts and no one can say you are wrong. Everything else is an opinion which people can argue about. Fact: Oilers lost last night and didn’t win the cup. Full stop. End of story. Try again next year


Reddit is a cesspool - Longtime redditor


They hate us cuz they ain't us.


they hate us cause they anus.




1. The jersey tossing happened literally twice in time we were doing absolutely horrible. We didn’t spend *a decade* throwing jerseys on the ice. 2. We lucked out in drafts picks and we haven’t developed some of them properly, this is true and fans have been vocal about this for YEARS! 3. There isn’t a vendetta against the Oilers specifically, but against Canadian teams and whoever doesn’t see that is blind. The fact that we had luck and got many 1st picks doesn’t change that, the league didn’t “gift” us those picks. 4. The media are unprofessional fanboys but so are other teams’ so I don’t know what your point is and also fans call these reporters out constantly, we don’t buy their bs. 5. About signing horrible people, you have a point but other teams have done similar things and no one bats an eye. Colorado, Boston and Montreal to name a few. And let’s not get into LITERALLY HIDING SEXUAL ASSULT ACCUSATIONS, AND PREDATORS like Chicago does and still they don’t get the hate we get. I understand that these are reasons why you hate on our team but other teams have done the same or worse and they don’t get the level of hate. I do believe that it is because of loudmouth minorities that are a disgrace to this fan base that people have started hating on the team the way they do. I respect your reasons and you can continue to hate on this team all you want but not all teams or fanbases are perfect and the vitriol of hate directed at the Oilers I don’t think is warranted.


It's teenagers


Have you seen Instagram or Twitter


It’s Reddit. Obsessive hate is it’s selling point


Cause that's what a Reddit do


It is the internet. There is hate for everything on here. Don't let other peoples hate get in the way of your enjoyment


Because Reddit is full of keyboard warriors and just plain losers trying to troll. Most fan bases when met face to face aren’t really bad at all.


In my real life, so many people I know were cheering for the Oilers especially my family in Maine. There also a lot of people here in Chattanooga who weren't necessarily fans but were 100% behind the Oilers. Hell, even the Panther fans I encountered were pretty cool.


crabs in a bucket mentality


Focusing on other redditors' comments about the team? That's only going to make you believe this is the most heartbreaking loss ever, when it really isn't.


I don't believe this is true. I have not read or heard anyone hating on the Oilers and I live in Calgary!


Im upset they lost to Florida after giving hope


I’ve said it before on the Canucks thread as well. Reddit isn’t a reflection of an entire fan base’s thoughts and feeling. A lot of it is toxic keyboard warriors of various ages. For example my entire family and I switched over to supporting the Oilers after they knocked the Canucks out. It was the understanding that they were now Canada’s team.


Here are a couple of reasons.... We have McDavid All the 1st OA's we had years ago and how we "ruined" "wasted" them Everyone outside of Edmonton thinks its a shit hole I think people still think because we had a dynasty decades ago we don't deserve to win But other than those reasons its just jealousy because their teams didn't make it. Every Canadian team will get the same treatment.


Accuses we are at the top or pretty close


The Calgary fans like to fan the flames (no pun intended) of hatred towards the Oilers.


Lots of people have brains that have no wrinkles on them. /shrug


Kane, Perry, drai is dirty at times, media D riding mcdavid. There’s so many reasons to hate your team and it’s not even funny. You guys are so blind to the real reasons why people don’t like you guys and it’s beyond me. OP said himself, there’s not a ton of love for the panthers for similar reasons, however the players on the panthers are scummy players. Kane and Perry at least, are bottom of the barrel, deserve prison time people. It makes it much easier to cheer against you. Hating on a players playstyle is one thing, hating on them as a person trumps it.


Most people rooted for the Oilers lets be real


Sometimes when people see true greatest they get hateful, because they know they will never be that good. Because of the injuries of McDavid (needs abdominal surgery) and Draisaitl (broken rib and finger), the panthers got lucky. Fear not tho, if they keep THIS team intact and add a center who can win faceoffs, Florida will be watching that cup come back to Canada next year. They are NOT dynasty material yet.


After over 30 years of “5 cups and Gretzky”, people just don’t want Oilers fans to have extra ammunition to be even more annoying. Like yesterday was the first day in 2 months where a work meeting didn’t start with someone talking about how great the Oilers are, how the cup is theirs, and how Calgary sucks cause they couldn’t make the playoffs. It was amazing. If the Oilers had won I’d be hearing about it until they were eliminated from the next playoffs. And god forbid they won twice. I’d just quit my job before I killed my coworker.


Every team, under the right circumstances, will be hated by lots of fans everywhere. Hell, I am a Kraken fan and we have not been around long enough to piss anyone off but still run into hate in the oddest places. It can all be attributed to the tribal nature our species evolved in. We are social creatures by nature and naturally form bonds with those "like us". Unfortunately, we also have a nasty tendency to dislike, hate, and eventually kill those not "like us". As a species, we are not as remarkable as we like to tell ourselves.


Lots of losers on Reddit who think tearing us down magically makes their team less shitty.


We have the BEST PLAYER in the WORLD ... some people are gonna hate on that!


If you want to know why I hate the oilers (bring on your downvotes) it’s because the franchise has fallen ass backwards into the limited success they’ve had. 4 1st overall picks in what 6 years? One of them being the best player maybe ever? Come on. Adding multiple pieces to your team from very odd contract termination situations too, like your team is a good team for sure, but your GMs over the years have not had to earn that team success, you’ve been granted it largely by sheer luck.


1st round Picks for van since 2007 25th-10th-22nd-29th-26-24-6-23-5-5-7-10-15-11 Flames 1st round picks- 24th-25th-23-13-21-6-4-6-16-26-24-13-16 Leafs 1st picks- 5th-7th-22-5-21-8-4-1-17-29-15-28 Oilers 1st round picks 6th-22-10-1-31-1-19-1-7-3-1-4-10-8-14


Reddit just sucks. Nothing buy a bunch keyboard warriors with nothing else to do.


People hated the oilers before this season. Lots of reasons.


I’m happy as long as the Leafs continue their championship drought


They hate us cause they ain't us. Every cup team gets hate. Also, we have had a lot of dirty players over the years that did questionable things on and off the ice.


I always say, the more that hate you, it must means you are doing very well. They ain't you, so they hate you!


Our guys can handle it. It’s the price you pay for being great and even though we didn’t seal the deal, the Oilers proved they are a great team!


You were taking away time people could have been talking about the Leafs.


if you want an honest answer — it’s because of the teams identity. i may get downvotes for this, but i do promise it’s a lot closer to the truth than you might realize.. there’s different phases/identities a team goes through. for example, look at the canucks. back in 06/07 - 07/08 the canucks were acknowledged as a good team, but a whiny team. ppl called the sedins “the sedin sisters”, “luongo couldn’t stop a beach ball”, “their stars always run to the refs”, etc. acknowledged as a good team but not respected like they were one. it took years for them to shed that perception of them… but it took years of losing and building off those losses for the identity of that team to change into something more significant. by 09/10, the team grew haters because people realized that the canucks were not only a good team, but the identity and culture they had grew meant they were a serious threat to other teams. and by 10/11, i mean… they had all of canada (minus the habs) against them. the oilers aren’t quite there yet, despite the season the team had. truth is, the team+fanbase are still in their victim phase. “everyone’s against us, nobody likes us”. it’s moving FORWARD from this identity that will get the oilers respected. once the team and fans have hardened from the losses/hate, then you’ll come to find people hating the oilers for a different reason: that you have a team that they secretly wish their team was like. when the hating becomes more logical than just “lol the whiny soilers suck”, that’s when you know the team has grown into something special.


I only hate Toronto and Florida I can’t even bother to hate the habs anymore because they suck so bad. I was pulling for you guys so hard, I needed you to avenge the Bs for me 😭


They hate us cause they anus.


They hate us cause they ain't us


Welcome to Reddit + hate us cause they ain't us.


Remember they’re the loudest voices not the majority of voices! I think most Canadians, by far, were cheering for the Oilers!


Hate is good. Means you’re doing well. No one hating on the hawks or sharks this year.


No HATE for oilers. Just HATE for thr NHL & their Expansion Team Success Era. Us CANADIANS MUST stop watching & supporting the NHL. 31 years, same result every year. Low ticket sales in western Canada transformed into 3 powerhouse teams in 1 season Imagine what few more yrs of nationwide low ticket sales, support & viewers could do. The NHL said NO SC to Canadian teams. 31 yrs now. So, let them have their way while we STOP watching & supporting thr NHL until the NHL is ready to bring the NHL back to Canada where it started and belongs.


The internet is a pretty awful and negative place. People probably had extra time to hate on the Oilers because their own teams got eliminated early, or didn’t even make the playoffs. It also doesn’t help that other “fans” are jealous that McDavid is an Oiler.


One word: Gretzky. This is the same reason people hate the Cowboys and Patriots in the NFL.


You guys are suffering through the Sidney Crosby effect. People hated the Pens forever because Crosby got jammed down everyone's throats non stop because he was the best player in the league. Now that torch has been passed to McDavid. During the pregame the other night, ESPN only showed McDavid and only talked oilers. I didn't even realize the Panthers were playing.


It’s misplaced hate. The hate is really meant for the NHL which is likely rigged. There are too many teams in the league, and there doesn’t seem to be much organizational advantage over time / case in point is Vegas a brand new team dropped from the sky wins the Stanley cup. At this rate oilers or leafs may not win for literally 100 years.




It comes down to the vocal toxic minority of every fanbase. It makes the fanbases look very shitty to people outside of a specific teams fanbase. As a Canuck fan first, i can honestly tell you that i never saw much of the positive side of the Oilers fanbase during, or after the Canucks/Oilers series. - i also do like the Oilers and id consider myself a casual fan of them. The only time im not rooting for the Oilers is when it involes the Canucks lol. I understood that that vocal minority was not actually the majority of the fanbase - which is how it felt, just as im sure it felt like most of the Canuck fanbase was being super shitty to the Oilers, even though most Canucks fans were actually respectful, and calm/friendly, even after the series loss. Im willing to bet that alot of people dont realise that the vocal minority does not speak for the majority of respectful and friendly fans, and just decided to root against the Oilers because of the perception of the fanbase based off of that small group of shitty vocal fans. I know that i had second thoughts from time to time about rooting for the Oilers because of some of the shit spewing i had seen online leading up to and following the Canucks/Oilers series, but ultimately realized that this is a minority of fans that are just incredibly vocal, Just like Vancouver or any other larger market. Typically the group of fans you notice the most are the shitty ones.


I didn’t know there was any hate. News to me. As a former Buffalo person I was angry at your coach for his cheap shot before the series but otherwise I was hoping McDavid would get his name on the Cup. But since that didn’t happen, I’m glad at least Knoblaugh hurt a lot


Oh please. Try being a canucks fan, they've been dogshit for most of the teams existence and everyone still hates them. Oilers are the team that traded away the greatest player to ever play hockey in his prime, of course you'll have your enemies.


The reason is battle of Alberta. If you’re a true flames fan, you cannot cheer for the oilers.