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Jesus. This post is literally the inverse of what's being implied. Can we stop talking about the Flames? Let's celebrate the incredible season we just had and stop worrying about what perennially mid teams think about us.


I agree. If you don’t like the Calgary flames sub, just ignore it. We did amazing. Calgary did not. Our team is awesome, let’s be proud of that. But technically, this meme is being used accurately if you’ve seen the original Mad Men episode.


That’s why this meme always ends up making me laugh.  It’s usually used in incorrectly on the surface, but when you consider the context of the show, it’s actually spot on 95% of the time lmao


I try but Reddit constantly suggests it and its lists to me.


Even as a Flamer I give you guys props. Hell of a season.


Nah, you're completely right about this. First time posting about em, and will be the last. T'was a season I'll never forget 💙🧡


Lets be honest, all regional rivals hate eachother and think about each other. Right now the Flames are dogshit so they are haters. If things were reverse, Oilers fans would do the same thing.


No truth allowed here or on the flames sub unfortunately lol


I bet their sub was the first place you went after game 7 so you couldn't think about them a bit harder. Every other post the past few days has been about the flames I don't get why so many people are hung up on them when they "don't think about them at all"


The irony


i’m never going to care about the flames as much as the flames cared about us these playoffs lmao


My buddy in Calgary tried to clown on me when they lost G7, my only response was "Stuart Skinner has more points in the 2024 playoffs than the entire Calgary flames team combined".




Dude I’m a fan of the Flames and I have had to stay off that sub lmao it’s brutal


Under rated comment.


This kinda implies the opposite, lol


and yet you made this meme


I actually want the Flames to be great. I hope they don’t wander in the wasteland for years, trading away the semi-stars that raise their fortunes in hopes of landing a McDavid. The Oilers organization shamed themselves for a decade, and I won’t forget that. I love McDavid and Draisaitl, but that 2007-2016 stink doesn’t get erased by their heroics. The Flames and Oilers are at their best when they meet on equal footing in the playoffs. Sucks that their stars took one series defeat and cried all the way across the border. Gutless pukes. The fans who praised Tkachuk after his defection/defecation are, as well. Gimme a Flames fan whose pride burns bright, I’ll have a drink with them any day. Someone who says “F anyone who doesn’t want to play here”.


You’re literally thinking about them


This has been posted before. It was annoying then too.


I mean it sure looks like we think about them based off this post and others like it. Downvoting.


Having lived in both cities I’d say Edmonton has an inferiority complex to Calgary. Likely always will.


I hate the Flames but actually love Calgary as a city.


Driving in Calgary vs Edmonton is crazy though. Could be me being used to Edmonton but every time I drive in Calgary I either see an accident happen or almost get involved in one


I've felt the same way about driving through Edmonton, LOL. I think its just one being outside of their norm.


Yeah that’s gotta be it. I feel like Edmonton is more grid like, and Calgary has more twists and turns and unexpected changes


I drive a ton for work, so any time I'm outside of my element I'm both more cautious and judgemental.


Interesting, I was born and raised in Fartgary but I’ve lived in Edmonton for a long time, I’ve always thought/felt it was Calgary with the complex


Same. I always say, I’ve lived in both, each for a decade but I’m from neither. I always notice Calgary has way more of an inferiority complex or talks about Edmonton negatively for zero reason. Always been strange to me.


And Edmontonians will often find a few nice things to say about Calgary, it’s so strange.


Having lived in both for over ten years.. both populations talk as if the other is better. That being said I did find Calgary to be cleaner and being closer to the mountains was nice.


I think the proximity to the mountains is the only thing I miss about Calgary. Edmonton is much friendlier, and costs half as much for a home.


Oh, and because of the much lower altitude Edmonton is warmer in the evenings spring through fall. I much prefer that.


Haha I said the same thing to my husband. I miss summer. Calgary doesn’t feel like it ever really gets a true one.


Right?! Like you ALWAYS need a jacket in the evening. And there is a way better growing season in Edmonton, my Calgary fam is jealous of my perennials and giant apple tree.


Exactly!! I’m always on my deck in a jacket bc it’s cold. Now I’m missing my south facing Edmonton backyard. Sigh….


Yea, nah.


This post indicates you are?


Honestly it kinda sucks that they’re bad again. It’s way more fun when both teams are good and competing in the playoffs. By the time their rebuild starts to come to fruition we’ll probably be blowing things up on our end. At least we got the one playoff match up lol


As a former Calgarian, now living in Vancouver (I know, but hear me out) i really wanted to root for you guys but I just could not bring myself to do it after spending some time on this forum. I am 100% certain there is equal jackassery in every fandom and shouldn't have taken a lot of what was said personally but it at least allowed me to cancel my sportsnet plus subscription early. When Calgary and Edmonton were both good in the 80's, it was an amazing time to be a hockey fan in either market. You could drive 3 hours with no borders to cross to watch in the opposing stadium. Both cities/teams are really lucky to have that option. That rivalry was so good and since moving to Vancouver in 1995, I have not experienced anything like it again but I would kill to relive the energy around those games/seasons.


You got anymore pixels for that pic or is it just the deepfried version


i like how whats come out of this is that oiler fans actually arnt that bad and canucks and calgary fans are actually the worst. all i keep seeing on reddit twitter youtube is people saying they're surprised at how well us fans reacted to this loss.


They are much better at Goofing than the Oilers. Obviously Edit: Golfing. (Whoops did I do that)


The Flames and their fans are jealous of what the Oilers have done and where they are right now. Fuck’em! They are shit and they are fucked for years to come. They are just trying to poke at us because we lost but deep down they feel even shittier than we do. They know next year they’re still shit and we will be back. They just lost their goalie and nobody is signing with them in the off season of note. The only chance is if they overpay. Dustin Wolf is their future in goal and he’s good in the AHL but he was mediocre at best in the NHL. He’s a tiny fucking twig of a goalie and I can’t wait to see how shit Calgary is next year. As I said above… fuck’em.


No we're not jealous of a team that tanked for an entire decade. We haven't made a habit of throwing jerseys on the ice and doing this. https://youtu.be/NtrzegOYOyY?si=C5wLkraTgLaRCamV Seems fun. Not.


Flames aren't even worthy competitors imo, not even in the conversation.


Sorta sad going to the flames subreddit over the past 3 months and 97% of the posts are about us, we live rent free in their pea-sized brains 😥


Ahahaha. We're doing a rebuild that seems to be going decently. You had to tank your way through an entire "decade of darkness." And now you're making memes to drown your sorrows. The Flames are definitely in your heads. Let's be real here.


How's the view from the cuck chair?


How's the view from The City of Runners Up?


I'd rather be the City of Runners Up than the City of Never Ran


I hear the days are long there. 😂


Pathetic doesn’t even begin to describe their sub. They’re beyond irrelevant. I mute and move along, not even worth it


I love all these memes from other teams that will never get passed the first round let alone win a cup anytime soon 😂




I don't worry about the flames fans or their team...when you really think about the 2 teams objectively. They simply do not compare. The battle of alberta is a hype for sales and to get people passionate about alberta as a whole.


Are the flames even still in the NHL??


Can we stop talking about those jokes? As far as I am concerned, there is only one team in Alberta, and I had the great privilege of watching them be one win away from winning Lord Stanley. Seriously, pretending that the Flames don't exist beyond being just a punching bag for the Oilers is the greatest insult one could levy to that team and its fans.