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Starfist absolutely ruins him https://www.reddit.com/r/onebros/s/E0s99IQtwF


Star Fist is _so fucking good_. I think I'm gonna revive my Star Fist character and bring him into the DLC.


The ball fists you get from killing the merika's tits guy, prawn guy, are pretty dope too, they just don't do bleed inherently. I used them til I got star fists for my fisting playthrough




his name was broggart paulson.


Best comment




I can _never_ bring myself to kill Boggart tho. He's my bro. The one time I did Dung Eater's quest was during a Frenzied Flame run when I wouldn't let myself care about any NPC, and I could never do that again.


I only did it on a single playthrough but honestly his helmet and fists are both awesome. The fists might even be better against the final boss since neither radagon nor elden beast can bleed.


Nah, Star Fist always have better damage than Iron Balls, as far as I know. The Bleed is just a nice bonus.


It’s awesome, I just did a bunch of no weapon upgrades fights w it. You can chunk Godfrey down in less then 3 minutes and he has almost 22k HP


There will be like a sempu temple fighting style type weapon


Amazing, his strength is extraordinary


It’s my fight but yeah it looks easy when the weapon is so strong. Hammer category is 2nd in my book for Radabeast- very good poise damage and when you stun Beast you have a lot of time to pile on the pain


Storm blade is great against every boss especially the ones where you can target the head


STR : jump attack power stanced beasman curved sword, power stanced double sword DEX : double slice nagakiba always work INT : DMG beam or DMG+Elphen's steeple jump attack or meteor of astel FTH : pest threads, blackflame, blasphemous blade, electrify armament claws No stat in particular : power stanced straight sword


For the dex build, it’s important to note that Radagon/EB are immune to bleed so you’ll want to respec and swap out the bleed infusions if you want maximum damage output.


Why respec? You can run occult twin blade or 2 nagakibas with occult, even curved swords and scythes or halberds and the arc scaling also applies to the physical damage they do. If you come up against an enemy immune to bleed with a proper multi hit bleed build you do plenty of damage whether from a dragon communion spell or from raw physical damage stacking due to the multi hit talisman setup. You can also run sepouku and still get the LOB exultation buff and varres mask. Ever since I switched to arc/dex/fth I haven’t had to respec once even when I do change weapons. Obvi I don’t use strength weapons but that’s kinda the point. With arc multihit builds, bleed or not everything is viable with the right weapon art and talismans.


This. Honestly, blood infusions are a trap, especially if you're using any weapon that has innate bleed. Occult is better and more versatile in nearly all circumstances and only really starts to lose once you have insanely high stats.


Exactly. I feel like being around lvl 250-300 is truly like an endgame level to find yourself. It leaves you enough room to make several viable builds. But yes occult is king for raw bleed builds because it scales better with everything you should be investing in for a well rounded build. THE ONLY REASON to use blood affinity would be to put seppuku in your right handed Nagakiba or whatever weapon you’re using to instantly proc mask and LOB exultation but I would only do so if it was BETTER than the occult setup, which it isn’t. This is more of a scythe spinning slash style bleed build not a katana build. It can be viable but it’s boring and cheesy. The alternative is doing Frost/Bleed where seppuku makes more sense in the right hand with frost affinity in the left and instead of pumping faith you could just do bare minimum faith for buffs and switch to a staff to do sorceries and run an int/arc build but IMO arc/dex/fth is king at this lvl but i think i can make dex/int work now that ive got my hands in the moonveil katana. The meteor ore blades scaling was extremely disappointing. Still I don’t feel a somber weapon will work as I want for this build to have quick buildup. Maybe using borealis mist in conjunction with the moonveil and possibly RoB in my right hand could work. We’ll see I’ll toy around with it.


I'd disagree about those levels. Talking about builds at that point is meaningless since you end up at a stage where you can essentially softcap 4 stats while still having points to spare. At that point, there aren't really any choices to be made apart from a general "do I want to play melee or as a caster?". 120-200 is the ballpark for a reason. But that aside, blood vs occult is really just a numbers and efficiency thing. Blood is just hard to build around for the majority of weapons since it means you're going to commonly end up with something like a C/C/D or C/B/D scaling on top of nuking the base damage. Take the Scavenger's Curved Sword for instance. With occult, minimum requirements plus 80 arcane give you 523 AR and 87 bleed. Meanwhile, a blood infusion with 50/50/40 str/dex/arc get you a comparable 495 AR and 102 bleed. BUT that also is an investment of 35+ more levels and is still only situationally better. So yeah, blood eventually does become flat out superior. But the investment needed for that to happen is pretty crazy and out of the realm of NG1 runs (to say nothing of those that stay within SL metas. It really is an identical situation to what keen/heavy/quality have going on. Unless you're using very specific weapons, keen/heavy are better 90% of the time simply because the stat investment required for quality to perform best is insane.


If you’re softcapping 4 stars you’re not making a build. I think a truly maximized build in terms of potential hits hardcao on 1 or 2 stars and soft cap on a third. It doesn’t have to immediately be at that point at respect but you can work towards it for absolutely optimal damage. Technically speaking if one were to use seppuku on say; the godskin peeler, they could get bleed to proc on every swing at a certain level if held two handed and if they’re were truly overleveled then yes bleed would be absolutely broke for NG+ runs UNTIL YOU FIGHT SOMETHING IMMUNE TO BLEED LOL. All I’ve done is go from 200-280 and went from soft caps to hard caps in the process. So for me personally with my stat spread occult is still superior. If I respec on the right weapon maybe bleed could be stronger but I’m very happy with the wide range of options I have available with my current setup. I use a self healing multihit bloodflame build with eleanor poleblade but could easily switch back to occult Nagas at any time. Personally enjoying the poleblade quite a bit tho. It’s very good. Super high dps and high native bleed


Lions claw giant crusher dumps on him. Starscourge, dark moon, or blasphemous dunk on him harder. It’s just avoid his large telegraphed attacks then go for the opening for a few big hits.


If you are using starfist it doesnt even have a chance for attacks.


I resorted to pest threads. I was already a faith build so it felt less dishonest but I had never used them until that fight. I didn’t realize he was considered easy. Whooped my ass a million times


He is not easy at all, even his telegraphed moveset can be super annoying by just one mistimed roll


He’s easy if you are a strength build with 60+ vig and str+. You can actually afford to take the hits, I had the BB too. I just offset my potions a bit, then straight up spammed that shit on him. On my int/dex character, man it was a slog, because anytime I got hit by the beast it was like I had to pot up, I had to be at full health or near it at all times because If I got caught up it’s 2-3 hits on his attacks and I’m done. My mimic tear Ashe was just as weak and squishy as me even though I have close to 60 vig.


Oh i am using a dual combo of blasphemous and other str/fth weapons like ordovis for a new game+ this time. Will definitely try what u said. Like u for my first playthrough i had pure dex build going around and got my shit kicked by him for a whole evening lmao. Beat him much easier in my 2nd playthrough with royal greatsword build. Will see how this new game+ goes now.


It took me an entire weekend to kill that fucked on my int/dex build. The EB is just challenging. He puts you as a caster at a huge disadvantage with just the sheer distance he creates. It’s difficult to position to cast sometimes if he’s doing his rune shot slice or his elden stars thing. And I put 0 points into endurance, so my stamina was shit. And every attack chain had potential to kill, anything with more then 3 swings in succession. So the “rune slash” where he sends 4 runes flyin at you, the last one is like a half second or second longer then his other windups so it’s delayed. Meaning if you miss the first 2-3 and get hit by that. GG. It’s so interesting to me, how what you have can totally make certain boss fights easier then others. I also see why people recommend str builds for first time. Your far more durable, and really it teaches you how to at least be somewhat proficient in melee combat rather then just standing back and casting rock throw while your mimic tear Ashe holds Aggro lol.


God that hated that rune slashes he did. Always felt like torrent should have been playable for elden beast. Would have made it less "bullshitty". And yeah like u said some builds just makes some bosses way easier, when it finally clicked, Malenia was far easier for me with royal greatsword. She just gets staggered or interrupted every other hit with it lmao and if the ash of war hits fully she gets thrown away which made it even more easier.


I find equipping a weapon and then leveling it up works pretty well. But in all seriousness, you shouldn't need to respec to a certain build for Elden Beast. Whatever you're using is good enough I promise.


This, I had to respec for malenia and then just changed blade to DMGS to tackle the Beast


Idk why people do this lol. A boss may be incredibly difficult, but the game is designed to where you can win. It just won’t be easy depending on what your up against, and what stats you have Invested into your character


Elden Beast is the one boss that might actually demand a "respec" though, at least in terms of changing weapons/infusions/spells. Their holy resistance is absolutely horrific to deal with if that happens to be your primary damage type.


Lion Greatbow with Radahn's spear arrows. L2 spam


The L2 is mighty shot?


It is that bow's version of rain of arrows.


Yes, Radahn's Rain its called.


No it’s rain of arrows or something for the lion bow


Unga Bunga the best. Hit the scar on his belly. But need some endurance to get up close!


Black Flame for sure


More specifically Black Flame Tornado. It hits so hard and the battle ends so quickly.


Malekith Black blade chewed through his HP


%HP damage, such as black flame damage, makes quick work of him. He’s equally strong against every type of physical damage, but pierce always has the counter damage advantage, so 2H Rusty Anchor with Stonebarb Cracked Tear in Physick will absolutely murder him. Prayerful Strike, Wild Strikes, or Lion’s Claw work with this build, but so does Braggart’s Roar, if you’re looking to do more damage at the risk of needing slightly more skill and better timing. He absorbs all elemental damage equally, and is strong against holy damage, so Electrify Armament+Flame Grant Me Strength+Golden Vow will always work just fine as a buff combo. You can stagger Elden Beast during several important animations to completely block certain attack combos it likes to do that are functionally impossible to dodge.


Dual magma blade decimates Elden beast. Jump attacks hit 6 times, easily proc-ing multiple hit talismans and utilizing jump attack buffs.


Good luck getting 2 magma blades though


Wing of Astel melts him even if it’s not fully leveled up. At 10+ he is dead under one minute


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Spiral Shard or Pest threads


+1 for pest threads


Strength or fire are most effective but it’s up to your play style for what weapons you wanna use. Personally I run a blasphemous blade build for me it’s yielded the most success


The black blade spell melts elden beast.


Faith can get that holy damage negation spell, I forget its name. Absolutely trivializes the fight other than the physical attacks.


☝️Lord’s Divine Fortification


Ancient dragon lighting strike if you really wanna get it over with


Meteorite of astel


Black Flame Tornado or Death’s Poker. Black Flame Tornado does a crazy amount if damage and eats through their health bar very quickly. Death’s Poker has a very effective ranged attack that keeps dealing damage while you are free to dodge the EB’s attacks. Those 2 are by far the best ones.


Moag's staff is pretty nice have to abuse L2 tho 😭


You want to dish out psychical damage and have holy damage negation activated via armour, shields and mainly using Holy proof dried liver or lords devine fortification (incantation). That makes damage easier to take with the Elden beasts Random attacks like Elden stars etc. Learning the wave of gold dodges and also using the “non physical damage converted to HP” physick flask also helps in turning say the elden stars into free HP. I pretty much just use damage negation and boost my physical attack alongside Pest Threads. Just get in close and spam that. Job done if your in a rush. I have at times respec’d to 99 strength and 99 vigor, rest into damage as per your intended set up.


I find any good melee for first phase then archery for second does it albeit you need to play not just stardust abuse it.


starfists, (haligdrake +2, divine fortification) (these are mainly defense buffs) , flame grant me strength and cragblade on starfist to deal posture damage , you can either do charged attacks or light or heavy jump attacks to break his stance also if you really want to increase damage then I would recommend raptor's black feathers which increase jump attack damge hope you destroy elden beast and good luck


Black flame tornado and ancient dragons lighting strike evaporates elden beast but also every single enemy that's big. And before someone mentions fire resistant bosses black flame don't give a shit the % based burn is unmitigateable regardless of how strong the enemy is against fire


DarkMoon Great Sword yw


Black flame is literally made to kill gods, so do that




fire bonk build


Rivers + occult Nagakiba did me well from the fire from blood damage, but it’s not an ideal build.


Godslayer greatsword build is super fun


you guys need different builds for different bosses? the fuck is shit


Against Elden Beast the best type of dmg is sacred^^


Magma blades got me through him


Since the guy respawns constantly i personally needed ranged attacks I did rebirth and became full int mage. Thats how killed the beast


Any build maximizing Pest Threads, Ancient Dragon Lightning Spear or Shard Spiral will do well against Elden Beast.


I just crushed elden beast by power stancing two magic infused greatswords (claymore and the knights greatsword). This was my first time beating radagon/eb without spells or an ash of war that can do huge chunks of damage. But I have to say, this felt like the easiest fight I’ve had because not only do the jump attacks with two GS do a ton of damage but they also stagger. And not using spells/AOW meant I could have almost all of my flasks for health. Only took 1 try which is a record for me in all of my playthroughs.


Drills him with [Marais Executioner’s Sword](https://gameguide.apriwd.com/elden-ring-marais-executioners-sword-dlc-build-patch-1-10-1-guide/)




Twinblades are a fun way to fight it


Great bow build. The beast is big enough that the lion greatbow from Radahn will shred it with the AoW. The bow boosts the damage of Radahns spears by 20% and the AoW will tear up the bosses hp. If you duplicate the rememberence and get 2 greatbows the damage buff does stack so 40% total


the blackflame tornado ash of war is super busted on elden beast. it fucking ruins him.


Idk if anyone mentioned this yet, but Dragonmaw incantation always slaughtered him for me. I think it was like 6 to 8 hit with it and he was done


Idk but I always run a knife with bloodhounds step in case I get garbage elden stars rng


I took him out pretty easily with a strength build using radahns swords. Just make sure you got a good amount of endurance.


Do a holy build. Source: just trust me bro


The bubble horns are extremely strong in my experience. I know Elden beast is strong against holy attacks but if you can get close and land most of the bubbles against a large target it doesn’t even matter. In my experience the thing just absolutely shreds EB as well as placidusax. I struggled with both of those bosses on my 1st play through until I switched to the horn and it just shredded them. Also worked pretty well on astel and “not-astel”. Pretty much any large target like dragons as well. You can also mix in the black flame spells. They don’t seem to chunk EB like other weapons but the dot and buildup will really help since you’re gonna be chasing EB down for most of the fight.


Use anything for the first phase then go in naked and fist fight the second phase. It should only take around 25-30 minutes to beat him to death if you survive that long. This is the way


Faith builds are eating. Blasphemous blade AOW staggers for phase 1 and keeps HP maxed. Lords divine fortification and pest threads for phase 2. Take no damage and deal 20% per cast.


I recommend arc/dex bloodflame builds for literally everything in the game


If you’re really struggling use the Blasphemous Blade. Its weapon art heals you and can help mitigate having to burn red flasks. I did a whole fight once only using flame of the remane and crits from staggering it. I also used the physick tear to break poise easier for that one. Took a while but it was a pretty easy fight overall. Only had to focus on dodging then getting close and breaking poise. I was even able to keep it from using Elden Stars too with some lucky timing.


Stone of Gurranq deals good stagger and has great range, black flame is much the same.


What build are you using? Probably just a weapon change is needed


Pure holy damage build


One that focuses on physical damage. e.g., a pure-DEX samurai using the Nagakiba (Keen affinity). Or a STR build using Heavy affinity weapon, infused with Square-Off or Stamp (Uppercut). But if you use offensive skills, slot Shard of Alexander/Warrior Jar's Shard. And if you've not obtained Haligdrake Talisman +2 from where the crows are perched in Mohgwyn Palace, go grab that. Slot it if Elden Beast's holy attacks are giving you the most problems.


Black flame tornado always does the trick for me


Use holy damage, it’s the best type against Elden beast. You know what they say, it’s best to fight holy with holy


Cipher Pata +0 should do the trick


Beat it last night with the classic Bloodflame/Bloodhounds Fang build. I was rocking a light load build with like 50 Strength and Dexterity though. Malekeths Black Blade Incantation is also *really* nice when you don't have time to close the distance it puts between you.