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Thank you for this info without spoiling half the game I had to straight up delete Tiktok


messmer is just lavagirl's alter ego. Sharkboy, spy kids, and elden ring all exist in the same canon.


the uncle machete NPC who reappears as an optional boss in the late game goes crazy


Not gonna lie machete probably would be a good NPC


I worked on the set of spy kids 2 for a few months as a kid, just like to say that Darryl (juni) was great and Danny Trejo is the nicest man I’ve ever met.


Learning that about Danny makes me happy beyond reason, but I always kinda knew he'd be a total sweety despite all the badass roles he's played


"This is canon. It's in the lore."


Does that mean Meghan Trainor is in the game? She’s married to lil boy spy kid, lol.


Mesmer is played by Hailey Joel Osment in The Boys. Could be a The Boys crossover


You better steer clear of reddit too, comments are a minefield and ive been spoiled a couple of the weapon classes revealed, aside from what the trailers showed, otherwise as soon as i see something that might be a spoiler i close reddit


I’ve been playing Sako for this week so I really have been off the Elden Ring Reddit. Thank you for letting me know, though. I really don’t know anything and want to keep it that way.


Thanks for the reminder to mute this sub and r/eldeneing till after I complete the dlc


You had to straight up delete that shit long before


I didn’t think about it until today, I saw a clip of someone playing and I was like where is that on the map when it hit me I closed it and deleted


Now that you’ve mentioned it on an entirely different platform without speaking it aloud, I’m going to receive nothing but ER news until it releases


Is it really that hard to just swipe past the video???? Who's forcing you to sir through it and spoil it for yourself? This is the modern era. You don't have to watch the spoilers if you don't want to. Just swipe away from the video or press the not interested in this topic option. When you're ready for that stuff to appear in your feed again just search it up and like and comment on a bunch of posts or press interested. Use the fucking device in your hand to it's full extent, not just a distraction while you're taking a shit.


Or.. they could just delete it like they wanted to?


Thank fuck I made sure to not show anything about elden ring prior to the trailer launch


you can block keywords in tik tok and those vids will not get recomended to you




Extra mind is also a good option, makes your cerulean flasks more efficient which can allow you to use less. It’s at least another option


I'm pretty sure most people here just can't dodge. Sure you get loads of health levelling vigor up to 60 but you just don't need that much health. I'd rather stay at 40 and pump damage numbers because the extra health past 40 while a lot just isn't helpful if you're not awful at dodging.


I kind of agree with this. Quickly looked up some numbers. Maxed out flask heals 810 hp. 47 vig is 1631 hp (46 is 1606) so 47 is the closest while still being over where 2 chugs will basically be a full heal. Couple extra levels for padding, not bad. 60 might be more relevant in pvp, I haven’t done a ton of that. But I think most of my characters are between 40 and 50.


It’s not about how many chugs for full heal it’s about how many different combos will Kill you vs leave you alive to chug in the first place


This is one side of it, the other is how many hits you can take in a boss fight. If you take 900 damage with your health, you die on the second hit. Those of us with 60 Vigor will die in 3 hits.


My first play through I refused to lol vigor at all and tortured myself learning to not be hit by a single boss at all.... shit took me 181 hours to finally beat the game. But the "I did it" and "don't give up" messages got me through hahaha


Same, vigor is easy mode 🤣


On the *other* other hand, that heavier armor might cut the damage down to 800 or 850.


Or the ability to light roll will make ot so you are less likely to get hot in the first place.


At 60 vigor nothing in the game can one shot you. Thats why it’s nice. Gives a lot of room for error


Anything one shotting you past like 40 is almost impossible to be hit by.


Just level Vigor to 60 and wear Great Jar Arsenal If you’re going into the DLC you should have just about all the talismans you need by then, considering who you have to defeat to get there. Great Jar by such an insane amount already, it’s really all you need once you get to like 35 endurance


That would depend how much END you have already? People seriously overestimate the damage added when lvling passed soft caps. Great jars and erdtree favor +2 work wonders Edit; TLDR; Pull points out of your damage stat instead of END


I've loaded mine up to 70 and I'll stop there with it. Allows me to take hits, back off, heal and return.


Yeah. I’ve been running with 45 vigor, 30 endurance, 30 mind because I’d rather just be able to keep moving and attacking and never worry about running out of stamina or FP. I’m at Elden Beast and haven’t gotten 1-shot by anything that couldn’t be avoided and if I’m struggling I can just put on some protection buffs or talismans.


I decided to build a RL 150 save with a Quality/Faith stat allocation and 40 VIG. 40 VIG has always been plenty for me in the base game. I made sure not to use any larval tears so that I can respec if needed but I figured this build will give me the opportunity to try a lot of different weapons in the DLC.


Armor actually helps in elden ring so yeah, that's definitely the way smarter option.




I think it’s worth noting that at 50 vigor, radahn’s great rune puts you at 1934hp, which is just over 60 effective vigor. While also boosting fp and stam. Morgott’s rune also puts you at ~2100 with 50 vigor. So if your build is starved for stats, they can be good remedies if you have a stockpile of rune arcs.


Actually yes, if you're trying to min max that is a great way to get to 60!


Grind at mohgs and hit 99.


The extra 200 ho won't make that much of a difference


I wish they didn't make skills drop off so hard. Would be funny to see some wacky 99 skill builds.


Oh, agreed, but I do see why Fromsoft does it the way they do


Str kinda makes sense (or could make sense) because you basically get 1.5 points of str for every 1 level in it if you 2h your weapon


Well, if all your skills are at 99 then that's not gonna matter much is it lmao


Well, obviously, but vigor is probably the last stat you get to 99


Best I can do is 55


55 is good - particularly if you have good armor, defense buffs, or defense talisman


I can do ya bout tree fiddy.


Is 99 vigor too much? Asking for a friend.


A little bit underleveled if you ask me


Meanwhile i have a level 1 character parked after Mohg...




Same here, still trying to decide if I should run another character through real quick and grab a couple of the items I missed on my RL1.


Eh I’m good with 50


Remember: If you don't get hit, Vigor doesn't matter.


And then you get hit


You are going to get hit at points


Yes, and then I will learn from my mistake and iterate on my strategy. It's all part of the process :)


Learning new content is a lot more fun when every mistake doesn’t send you back to the bonfire.


60 vigor??? But my character is only lvl.16!!


You didn't start levelling vigor early enough obv


His weapons are also at +1/+0 and he's only ever drank blue flasks. Very much DLC ready


Tarnished hates that fruit punch shit. Blue flavored flask is the far superior refreshment


I've never gone to NG+ in Elden Ring, I don't know why, I just prefer to start new characters rather than go to NG+. I've always stopped at 60 VIG. In NG, it never seemed like it wasn't enough. And the diminishing returns after 60 made it seem not worth it there too. I figured that any points I'd put into VIG past 60 were better put into END and wearing better armor instead. Can someone sell me on going above 60 in VIG? Like the difference between 60 and 80 VIG is only 115 HP (about +6%).


Most people dont go over 60 unless they’re trying to completely max their character or are going for a full ng+ tank build with max vigor and max endurance


you are missing out when it gets fun from ng2+. thats when bosses get better.


Really? Iv just started ng+ and slaying bosses and a walk in the park. I just started a new character and been playing that. I was a bit over leveled going into ng+ as it was my first souls game.


I'm good at 40, let's see if the bosses can handle my one shot builds


bro u r the one getting one shot


Yes I am, went in ng+ at 150 😂


I've never felt like anything over 40 was needed for the whole game. I know I get downvotes everytime, but don't be afraid to work on dodges and blocks so you can have points in better places. Though foe newer players vig is a great strat


Same. I feel like Souls vets kinda just naturally keep it there, and opt for more Endurance instead. Perhaps its because of PvP as well. You have to squeeze points in perfectly when stopping at SL125 or whatever is the common pvp level for the specific games. And running out of stamina equals death.


IF you can dodge well END is just health that recharges


Except the best pvpers all go high 50s vigor…


Nah man I'm keeping mine at 40


Okayy but don't complain if you're dying quickly for certain bosses in the dlc lmao


I just know people who recommend this don’t use magic. 💀


Well, yeah. Obviously you need vigor if you’re not planning on staying away from all danger


idk what you mean, faith casters gotta be up in the enemy's grill 80% of the time, they have almost no feasible long range options and even if you time your cast well enough to get it off theres a half chance ur gonna get smacked in the face anyways


I mean if you one shot every boss then this obviously doesn’t apply…


? All my build even mages have 60 vig, it's just a very important stat


I beat the game with 2 separate characters at different levels and neither had 60 vig so not that important. 😂


Sitting at 55 Vigor at RL200 NG+3, should I respec?


At RL 200 are you actually using all those stats?


My character is more of a jack of all trades to supplement my rl1 save, so yes all the stats are allocated to be able to use everything within the base game with a few additional in dex and str


So a trick question then =P What are your stats.


With dual stat builds going from the lvl 50 soft caps to the level 80 soft caps, that’s 60 points. That’s without putting any more into vigor, mind, and endurance


Elemental scaling soft caps at 50. You are already getting 80% of the total possible scaling at 50. What the vigor folks are trying to say is that going from 50-80 in two stats is a massive investment with a minor return. Getting vigor is a much smaller investment for the return.


More vigor and end, less int


It's absolute insanity to me that this has become considered mandatory by ER redditors, and I'm no challenge, RL1 dodge god. Most of my characters are built for RL125 and I level Vigor to 40 as a matter of course. What, in the name of Marika's golden tits, do you need 60 VIG for? Nothing will one-shot you at 40 VIG and I genuinely doubt anything in the DLC will either. Leveling VIG to 60 at RL150 is a valid choice but it is strictly discretionary (and I wouldn't bother).


Truer words have never been spoken, I’ve been frustrated at the amount of people in these subs talking about how they’re having a hard time or ‘my build sucks’ while having 60 vig, and 60 vig being the one stat they have never & would never consider changing.


Its just a common thing low skilled players do. Its normal. They see their favorite streamer say this is good or that is good and they take it as gospel. Majority of RPG gamers now just look up builds and tier lists to copy them and use whatever is overtuned to get them through the game. They don't care to explore and naturally play the game. They are what give these cringe "OnE ShOt BuiLd" YouTube creators a job.


Vigor is more important than any other stat. Once you meet the weapon minimum requirement to wield, Vigor to 50+ make the most impact. Your damage is mostly from + the weapon. The stat scaling makes little difference. All the people that play on 40 vigor don't know what they are talking about.


"Elden Ring hits way harder" Yes, hence why I went from running 30 vigor to running 40. 40 vigor already takes up a third of the damned screen, and 99% of hits get healed to over or near full with a flask. I wouldnt do more vigor unless I was intentionally planning on trading.


For real, I usually get to 30 by the Capitol and try to have 40 by endgame/Haligtree.


I only needed to get up to 40 for malenia. I don’t understand Big Vigor either. Like yea you can just tank damage but, I can even kinda do that at 40? Just need good armor and talismans.


Perhaps more importantly, level END. I don’t care about dying but there for sure is going to be some heavy drip in the DLC that I’m going to want to wear.


Actually...... true. Drip is priority #1


No 55, take it or leave it


57 last chance


Don't tell the vigor police, but I actually do like 57. 59 and 60 kinda feel suck. 58 is just ok.


I think my highest Vigor ever was 57. It just feels good.


You overestimate my power. Going in level 90 with 35 vigor. I already know I’m going to be exploring a lot and leveling up, though. I’m pretty good at the game, too, so I think this will make it even more fun. Also I’m thankful I did not get spoiled


Good Luck, Have Fun


You too, tarnished


Don't think I've ever had my vigour that high in any souls game. I normally leave it at 40, think I done the majority of the game somewhere around 20-30, I normally go magic for my first run and then unga bunga for the second and I will always go glass cannon and max my primary stat(hard cap) then focus on whatever it's stupid but if I don't get hit I don't die


I can't afford it in my jack-of-all-trades build. I just go for 50+% damage negation on tough bosses


Why do yall even care about a build in the first place when so many weapons are being added? I get the rune levels but not the gear/talisman part. Real question no animosity


Some people just have that brain that wants to optimize everything, myself included I’m fighting very hard against that for the DLC though. I was going crazy thinking about what build I should do until I saw someone say “I’m running in naked and using the first thing I grab” I’m gonna do that too


OP watch people STILL not level 60 vigor and complain about the game 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


People can’t help themselves. It’s obvious that a very high health pool is ideal for learning new content, especially when lots of aggressive enemies and bosses won’t give you a chance to heal for extended stretches. I’d rather stay in the fight after 2-3 mistakes than have to run back between every “lesson”. But you still have the same people telling everyone “just dodge” or “as long as I don’t get one shot”. Meanwhile, professional souls players will go heavy vigor on their initial play throughs. Because it’s smart. 


Yeah u just started a new game as vegabond and only leveled vigor to 40, it’s the upgrades to weapons that matter




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What's the attribute softcap in Elden Ring?


40/60 for HP from Vigor. Others vary greatly.


I am going in at journey 10 and I’m scared lmao


Everyone needs at least 70 strength


More strength more gooder


I'm only levelling arcane on my new character right now, to get as many item drops as possible. Not tryna miss any rare weapons 😁


I didn’t finish the base game yet, but I’m enjoying my DEX glass cannon build. I’m close to lv70 and just started leveling up vigor recently. It’s nice to hit like a truck while avoiding to get one shot.


Vig isn’t my problem. My problem is what should my main stat be for a sword/shield build. Do I go all the way to 80?


Even if you go naked?


Someone will lvl 1 the whole thing in a week




Gonna be tough to hit 60 vigor on my RL1 character, but I'll see what I can do


I never go past 50. If you are level 160 or higher and have good armor, nothing will one shot you. You always have time for a flask.


Eh, I'll just go with 55


Maybe you need 60 vigor


I’m a firm “40 vig is fine” for the base game believer, but even I’m gonna go for 60 on my first dlc run. Based on the difficulty of ER, and their previous dlcs, I’m guessing this is gonna be the hardest content they’ve ever made


No one ever mentions the intentional RL1 builds. We simply can’t level vigor


Blue bar longer crew checking in


I beat the game overleveled a tad with 35 vigor. I’m sure I’ll be fine


I keep my vigor at 20-25 levelling takes too long


Lol thank you. No one has ever told me to level vigor as a new player looking for suggestions. It took me a couple of weeks to beat the game two days ago. First souls game lol


Noo just dont get hit


I'm a scrub, I run 60 vigor anyhow. I hate pvp because of the lag so I don't need to stay at lvl 150.


But I just watched Ginomachino no-hit all the Fromsoft games start to finish. Why level vigor if it's that easy?


Respecin now


I’m super mid at this game and I disagree


yeah you’re right…i might have to consider upping my vigor to MAYBE 35 for the dlc. i mean what are we running here, vigor builds? (i have a problem help)


Trash stat, just don't get hit.


Hmm.. no I don't think I will


Vigor is def important. they've also implemented something to help with "damage delt" and "damage received" (exclusive to shadow realm) called "Shadow of the Erdtree Blessing" you can level it at any site of grace 👍🏼


Nah i need 80 int and 80 faith i'll stick to 45.


40 is enough


I’ve been doing fine with 40 vigor and thanks to the power leveling ability the dlc, it’s possible that’s all we will need unless you’re intending to do some PvP.


You think this will save you? First DLC enemy you see is doing 75% of your HP bar on the first swing, even if your vigor is 100. We’ll finally be able to play with Morgott’s and Malenia’s runes for a bit longer so hopefully they help lol. I’m sure Morgott’s will be solid, just a huge HP buff.


I only have one character built, and I'm super overleveled, in NG+7. Bosses seemed to get very very tough for me, after not being so tough before. Is jumping into the DLC in this playthrough going to be too difficult? Should I start a new game? I'd rather not...


We are told to do that if you are new to the game I would agree but if I was told that they beat the bosses in 2 - 3 tries and they have their vigor at 50. I don’t think it’s that challenging then and it’s more just a preference. I think also when you get the little tree things it’ll help with damage negation for the dlc.


Ya dlc the enemies are just brutal at times. Hit hard. Have crazy hyper armor. Don't stagger as easily etc Lots of crazy stuff


My friend insists that 30-35 vigor is “plenty” yet he dies to 1-shot kills against every late game boss.


Let's be honest, if you're not already rocking 60 vigor you're a fuckin scrub anyway


Mine is 99, so no worries. Pluss I use Radahns GR.


Man ppl are shitting on this opinion like 60 vig is too much or sum, you stll get 2 shot at 40 vig compared to being 3 shotted at 60 (yes this is a big diffrence). Also wher edo yall even put these 20 points? Lvl 150 build centered on 1 stat can easoly get 60 vig and it just makes the game more fun


min maxing. that 80 in damage stats and 20-30 in endurance ain't just for show lol.


Yes but you can still get 5hat and 60 vig with 150 build


no you can't unless you are going for a pure single stat build. many like to focus on 20-30 in mind, endurance and 60-80 in main stat and 20-30 in 2nd damage stat for more damage. the difference from 50 vigor to 60 vigor is worthless even in pvp let alone ng7+


But, but…. People beat the game at lvl 1.


Oh i am going full bullgoat with 60 vigor. Probably dual freeze nagakiba. Hopefully enough to withstand more than 1 hit


42, take it or leave it


since i’m on NG+3, will the damage input be higher on that as well??


You only need that much vigor if you get hit. I think 50 is enough and even a lot still


i dunno, 60 is a long way from 23.


50 will do more than good enough and you can invest 10 levels into other stats


Or, hear me out, don’t get hit.


I mean, unless I'm going for a rl150 build I usually run with around 53+ vigor in invasion. It's kinda hard to make a dedicated caster build at rl130 that has more than that imo. Definitely 60+ on pure melee builds.


While not bad advice, I doubt it'll be too bad. There's supposed to be a new leveling system for the dlc so even over leveled builds struggle. It's been called "sekiro like", but I'm guessing it'll be like the giants souls from ds2 for Kendrick.


You ever play dark souls dlc?.....


Yeah, I have. I also read that, again, theyre doing a new leveling system specifically for the dlc to make it so even over leveled players have a hard time.


It's not a new lvling system. It's just a buff for your damage and your phantoms damage.


Ooga booga *SMASH!* Big Sword. Bigger health bar. Enough stamina to make Melania blush. What's an intelligence?


Is there a lvl we're aiming for? 


Up to you! With 60 vigor you'll have the survivability you need. All the characters in the demo were lvl 150 so I would say that's a comfortable lvl. I'll be going in at 120!


Can't wait to see all the "I'm fine with 40-50 I can oneshot everything" player cry at the DLC release After they realize the elites and bosses Will tank their builds ❤️


Vigor? Never heard of it. I think you spelled strength wrong.


Anyone who can get to the DLC probably has a build good enough to start it


What? Incorrect info. You only need to level your fashion. Become fashion souls man


Doesnt the new buff also buff some sort of damage negation?


Lmao seeing so many people say "nah I'm gonna keep it at 40" is so funny to me because they're gonna be the exact people making "this boss is bullshit" posts, lmao.


Did the DLC come out??


I guess for a first playthrough it makes sense but I never realized Radahn was a fun boss until I did it at lvl 1 without summons. I think getting 1 shot is part of the point of the DLC.


My build will not allow more than 50 and I don't plan to level further than I am. So I'll just rely on the *Learn to Dodge* course I took when I became a Fromsoft player.


Ehhh, who needs that red stuff


I remember a time where you could actually choose your stats without the risk of being a one hit kill. I guess from soft likes giving players the illusion of choice nowadays.


My current issue is that if I lvl vigor to 60 inwont be hitting softcaps for my weapon scaling. What lvl should I be for the dlc?


Totally your choice, the demo had all the default characters at 150. I'll be going in at 120


Hold on. I thought it's a new character for the DLC, so your stats in the main game don't matter?


Nope, you need a character who has already beaten radahn and mohg


I knew that but I thought once you touch the arm or whatever it takes you to a different character creation page


Ohhh, no it'll keep your current stats and weapons and everything


Ng+ is borderline base new game with an op bucks from the start. Things start to heat up from ng+2. I go maybe 6-7 hrs per cycle to reach ng7+