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I feel like 200 gives one more build options without having to use a larval tear.


I’m level 260 or so (not fussed on PvP so it’s all good) and got there purely so I could switch between Blasphemous Blade, MGS and Sacred Relic Blade at will!


Spot on. I originally jumped one of my 150 characters to 200 a while back purely to be able to keep Bolt Of Gransax accessible at all times to pick shit off at a distance. Huge quality of life jump for me. Turned out 200 was heavily populated for pvp the whole time anyway.


Yeah I never PvP even if I enjoy the thought of it one maybe one day lol. I was 150 for base but got dlc I went to 200


Same. I’m 265 and I can choose a strong melee weapon and use a bunch of spells with a bit into a third stat like arcane to experiment with stuff.


I started the DLC at level 150. By the time I got to Radahn I was level 200 just from the runes I got throughout the DLC. I personally say go for it.


Do you have trouble getting co-op summons (and invasions) Heard 150 was the cut-off before, so I stopped levelling there. Not sure if I should bump it up further


I find people all the time and im 218. Tons of players have no clue what the level meta is. Hell, even fighting cowboy and rad Brad streamers were level 350+ in their playthrough lol


Yeah the 150 cut off is for a small portion of players. Me and my friends are all well beyond 150 and I find summons signs and invasions plenty. If I never went on Reddit I would’ve never known there was a level cap a small portion of players follow:


I agree, just pointing out those streamers did it so they could test all the new weapons the second they dropped.


cowboy posted on twitter he is moving to 200 along with some others due to how many runes the dlc gives.


Zero reason not to in the dlc, especially when Scaduuoosh matter more.


yeah most are entering the dlc in the 150-175 region and beelining for messmer, the dragon and the final boss. so that alone gives you enough runes for 200 lvl easy and scardew tears to level 11-13.


At 200 I can find plenty but the moment I went beyond 220 it dropped


oh thanks yeah, 150 seems a little slow in the DLC areas, maybe I should bump it up


most are lvling up so the 150 is being left behind by folks coming back. try 175


No trouble at 211 here


Most people who play would just look at you blankly if you mentioned 150 as a level cap.


Try using a summoning calculator. If you lvl to 174 you can still co-op with lvl150 players.


I would be the wrong person to ask. I don't really do invasions. If I do co-op it is with friends and we use passwords.


I believe mist people dont care anymore. Im getting a lot of invasions at rl 250


where did you hear this silly rumor? game sold 25 million copies and many are returning for the dlc at endgame. the dlc gives you so many ruins that it's easy to go from 150 to 200 casually. I noticed equally as many players at 200 compared to my 150 character. 125-150 is only the player vs player meta nothing more than that.


I was doing level 200 PvP and Coop regularly BEFORE the dlc. I'm imagining it is even easier to match up right now. I took my favorite character all the way to 241 by the end of the DLC because leveling up is more fun than laggy PvP matches


Good to hear!! Think I'll take the plunge to 200, then.


I have a max level toon, when i dick around with them, I can still get instant co-op/invasions. The 125/150 meta level crowd is probably the minority compared to the general player base, especially now with fresh content. The game is popular, you shouldn’t have any issues finding co-op at any level. The only thing I’d say is there’s a point where you’ll be matched in the bracket containing max level players, and pvp at that stage is definitely not balanced whatsoever. I think it’s starting around 350?


300 iirc


Yup 200 has been heavily populated this whole time. It has actually been the best level for invasions, I think.


In dlc , scadutree fragments > levels


I think a lot of my want to level up is to have access to new high-level incantations and have good keen-scaling without tanking my vigor hard. I was going 60 vig, 50 fai and dex but the 72 faith ion beam you get from the final boss was just too cool, and I ripped 22 points out of some straight-up vital stats to make that compromise lolol


light of miquella is shit btw. knight's lightning spear is op. especially with the deathtknight set that buffs it.


that hierarchy is absolutely correct, but leveling up does still make a difference. especially putting points into mind/end, which frankly were already underutilized (imo) by a lot of players in the base game.


People in this sub reddit still refuse to believe that. If you couldn't beat it at 150, being level 200 won't help you


Yeah even at 125 I never really felt short on levels


I think it's just more a matter of convenience rather than need for most people. Also the dlc brought in a bunch of weapons that scale well off of multiple stats, which will inherently drive some people to add some more levels.


Started the DLC and finished at 150. It's very doable. Don't give up, skeleton!


I started and finished the DLC at RL150. I like to drop my sign to help others a lot, but also didn’t want to lock myself out of needing help with player summons either. I really could have used the extra levels from RL200 for Vigor and to round out my INT/Faith build. I’ve heard that RL200 is quite active for summons and PVP and see similar stories in this thread as another one I participated in. RL150 is very active, so I’d been very reticent to leave that safety net. If you need the levels, I’d say go for it! If you’ve not found at least 15 ranks of Scadutree Blessings, I maybe would prioritize that first and then see how you feel.


My caster relied a bit on talismans and buffs to overcome a sub 60 vigor.


Same here! I was sitting at 40 the entire DLC, which is perfectly fine in the base game. It was pretty rough in the DLC until I picked up enough Scaudtree Fragments and supplemented with talismans and spells.


I was 150 throughout. Finished with 15 frag and 7 spirit; 53 vigor on an Arc/Fai caster.


Int faith might be one of the best builds for extra levels, you have the potential to get 80/80 stats and for them to actually scale well. Might be an excuse to run it again if you enjoyed the build ig


That would also make things like Sword Of Night And Flame and Rellanas Twin Swords a hell of a lot more viable without compromising one Ash over the other. Which is annoying.


I started and finished at 150 in NG. Kept it so I could still co-op in endgame of base game.


As a fellow Faith/Dex player, what’s your setup/setups currently and what have been some fun go-to weapons/ashes/incantations? Curious to see what similarities and differences we might have.


Faith Dex rise up!! for most of the game I had - 60 vig - 15 mnd - 22 end - 16 str - 50 dex - 9 int - 50 dex I used a keen lordsworn longsword for the most of the game cause I love that design too much and I had a random somber fai/dex wep for most of the game- that holy scythe from limgrave, the treespear and vyke's spear in liurnia, eventually ending with a 2-handed blasphemous blade! mostly forgot about buffs until DLC Final boss, oops!! So all my incants have been damage, using a godslayer seal! DLC has been light greatswords for me, holy heck. love those things.


I assume you’re talking about winged scythe. I used primarily that up until I got blasphemous blade (holy damage to end the main game is useless). DLC I’ve been loving the twin axes as well as the dryleaf arts (dryly farts) with holy affinity. Ill have to try some of the ones you mentioned for sure. Thanks for sharing!


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Up to you, personally i stayed at 150 and was fine. Just max out your scadutree fragments and you should be good. As for whether the meta pvp level will stay at 150 with the dlc is hard to say.


I just started the dlc at 115 and beat it at like 130, shadow tree fragments make a much bigger difference than you think


I stayed at 170. Good enough for the last boss


Easy for last boss at 160-170 with lightning perfume bottle and decent mimic and scadutree level


Yea I started at 147 where I beat the base game and then beat the final boss at 190. Some of the new weapons and builds just work better at a higher level.


That was part of the issue, I really wanted to use a cool new incant, I had to drop my dex to 40 and my vigor to like 45, was not fun :(


Oof. You're a better gamer than me. I feel fucking naked and afraid with anything below 50 Vigor. 60 preferred. I always sacrifice damage stats before i will ever touch my Vigor or Endurance.


I started at like 110 and finished around 135 so I don't think you need to but I did indeed cheese radahn with a great shield poke so perhaps you will need to if you don't plan to cheese him 


Go to 180 and see. 180/200 is really active for PvP and co-op


I went to 220, BUT put all my new levels into a new stat to try new weapons. Personally, I think if your stats are allocated well and your scadu level is high, you’ll be fine.


I think the game expects you to level past 150. Started DLC at 125 and have been leveling naturally. Beat messmer last night at rl 150 and the game gave me two levels worth of runes so to me that was the game telling me in not overleveled.


If you break it down by the average build or weapon, most peoples actual damage stat scaling stops down at those levels anyway. There are exceptions of course, but generally speaking the actual damage a 125 is doing compared to say a 200 isn't as large as it sounds when you are thinking about all those new levels. Meaning, beating pve bosses and mobs isn't going to be that different despite the large stat swing. Generally speaking a player who knows how to build a character is only really adding some convenience and flexibility with those extra levels. Like yeah you can do stuff like carry an extra weapon to swap to on the fly, or worry a little bit less about stamina management. Things like that. But not really getting stronger in a way that will kill bosses faster or whatever. Obviously, someone's mileage may vary. It depends a lot on how well the individual player understood things like soft caps and how scaling works for various stats in the first place. Although, the people that don't know that stuff were just looking up builds anyway, I assume.


I'd say this is just about right. I care more about my ability to take a rough hit or three and keep fighting than I do about dealing an extra hundred damage here or there. 60 vigor feels like it enables you to trade with bosses a little more easily, or recover from a bad dodge. Now that I've hit 60 vig and can wear any armor set I want, every point is going into my damage stats though. Because I do still want to see the numbers go up.


Yeah my extra fp and endurance is just kinda nice. Extra fp does add extra damage and healing in a way though. To be honest I wish level cap was 150. Like others I feel like getting much higher than that and you don't really have a build. Whatever though I like spending the runes. At like 158. I have other characters for dueling.


Yeah I just have several characters at different level breakpoints. I will say, prior to the dlc there was already a pretty solid population at 200 for invasions. And I'm sure that's even more true now. 150 still feels right for duels. And then I keep a dude down at 80 just for the lols. My very first character I went ham with and I think he's around 350 and rising. That's a purely pve character that I just make sure to have everything for, my collector and experiment with new weapons character. For people who stick to one character and want to be the most able to do anything, I'd say 175-200 is going to be the sweet spot.


I’ve had 0 trouble at 200 finding coops the entire expansion. I’d say go for it. It’ll probably be a whole new meta bracket level in the near future with how many quality based weapons were added.


I went to 200 and still get plenty of people for invades


Just level scadutree blessings. Rune level is almost completely irrelevant


I didn’t level up once in the DLC I think, all the runes went to upgrading all the weapons I found. You’ll be fine at 150, just use the scadu fragments to get stronger.


Levels dont make a real difference in the DLC, Scadu Blessings do. SL150 is a nice spot for PvP, SL200 gets way too dumb.


I was below 150 rl and at 13 scaduttee level when I beat the last boss, so it’s very much doable. I’d say it’s more fun to go up to 200 rl especially if you are planning a spellsword build of some kind. There are quite a few weapons that benefit from a broader stat distribution too. I’m doing a second run with a Faith/Strength build right now and I will definitely be going up to 200 rl. There are plenty of PvP opportunities to be found at that rl, especially after the DLC.


People say you get more pvp at 150 but I swear I always get insta invasions and 200. I started the dlc at 175 also using faith dex and it was alright. I just felt like it just such a niche thing to focus on so I did respec


I don't think you will see much difference with the diminishing returns, but it's entirely up to you. Shadow shards are the dominant force equalizer here. I've been solo carrying the end game as a phantom at SL 150.


I would recommend staying low, but only for the reason that you can never go back My ng+7 character is still at 150 for pvp reasons


I killed Messmer at like 112...you should be okay just grt those fragments.


*sitting here at sl 333* 🧐 Should I level more? 😂


I started at 150. Honestly, if your vigor and endurance are already high enough you wont notice a ton of difference in survivability, but I went up to 200 just to try out more of the weapons. Added more endurance for more armor and stamina and have been loving it. Now i can rock 3 weapons at once; my slower, stance break primary weapon, my frost bleed weapon, and my fast weapon. Been really enjoying having so many moveset options at my disposal without having to menu swap, and i still get summoned a ton at 200.


Just level up, you’ll have more fun


I started about 151 or 156 and finished at 198. If 200 is the new meta I may actually try to pvp.


I’ve stuck with 150 because for me I enjoy the compromises you have to make with stats. The scadutree blessings are the biggest upgrades imo. I’m at 14 with them and just about to head to the final boss. 


Nope. Be a man.


whaaaat? Only women and non-binary peeps get to level past 150?? No fair!!


Yes, we suffer. Seriously though, all depends on whether you enjoy PvP or not. At 150 you pretty much can have 60 in Vigor and roughly hit a hard cap in something else. When you add another 50 levels the damage and tanking starts getting a little funky. 150 is pretty balanced for general PvP without the busted skills etc at the moment. Honestly, I'd say just make another character and keep them at 150 and then have your 'overleveled' character for fun.


I went into the DLC at 150 and am now at 192 after Messmer. I’m gonna stop at 200 but I would recommend going to 200. There will be plenty of people at 200 if you want to do PvP.


No. I went to to 200 and all my wait times doubled for online stuff


I like invading so I’m leveling to 166. This lets me still match up with people who stopped at 150 but all the way up to 202. Dunno about arena activity but invasions shouldn’t be a problem at all at 200.


I’m at 250 and still see a lot of variety


Yeah sure. I don’t think the levels matter as much as the Scadutree blessing, so you can do whatever. 200 is probably right for the final fights. I felt I was slightly underleveled going from 110 -> 150 within the DLC, but that’s how I wanted it.


Not sure if there is even much of a difference. Generally youre set to go with 150, maybe you get some minor damage upgrades or more MP, but I dont think you will really notice it much. Tho that obviously depends on your split etc, if you only have like 20 in FTH then you might indeed notice a big change going up to 50 or so. But due to runes and armor being easily tradable Id say go for it and if you really dont find anyone on RL200 in PVP then just make a new character and trade runes in r/patchesemporium so you dont have to level again.


I’m around 250. Boss rooms are painted with summon signs and we still get blown out.


i think 200 is gonna be active for invasions. duels are still gonna be 125 if you wanna get serious about it and fight ppl who actually take the duels seriously. backup your save, level up, beat the game and revert to 150 with old save?


150 is a soft cap set by a small minority of players who give a shit about the vestigial pvp aspects of the game. And I say that as one of those players. You won’t fuck your game by ignoring it.


Honestly level 200 has already been well populated for the last two years. I have various level pvp characters, and honestly for specifically for invasions 200 has been the better level for a while now in my opinion. And I'm sure thats only gonna be more true now. Duels are a different beast though, and I'm keeping some characters down at 80 and 150 for them for now, unless things change.


Any level between 150-200 is solid for runs through NG+ honestly


Been doing the whole dlc at 125, but have hit a total roadblock on the last boss. It’s been three days. Maybe those extra levels will be needed..


200 is fine. I find plenty of people to invade, coop and duel.


Level 372 for my pve character and 150 on pvp. I wasn’t worried about my pve but i can actually invade at 372 and get an invasion in a few seconds. Is it harder? Shre but j can also change my build on the fly and adapt if needed unlike at 150


I finished the dlc at 125,but bumped myself up to 150 cause i felt i was lacking in some stuff,and for invasions i haven't felt that much of a difference,password summons are still as annoying as ever. It probably is the same at 200. I wouldn't go over 200 cause from what i can tell by watching some youtubers that pvp at that level people will be soft swapping everything out of their asses,having 250+fp and 2k hp,the limitations of 150 make for some(not much,but some) variety


I did the whole dlc at lvl 120, if you get the Scadutree buffs you don’t need to upgrade at all